Hellobee Boards


Nov '12 Babies: Feeding

  1. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @MamaChin: Awesome eating! LO is still only getting a 2 oz puree pluscereal at breakfast and another 4oz puree at dinner time. That's it!

  2. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @kodybear: It really varies for me. She takes three 5oz bottles at daycare and I usually pump at least that. I often end the week with a surplus of 5oz or so. After thinking about it a little more...I think I'll probably keep going 3x/day until her sleeping better at night becomes the norm and I can see if that has any impact on my supply. If it doesn't, then maybe I'll try to go to 2x/day.

    @MamaChin: What a good little appetite your LO has!

    E still isn't all that into solids. She usually does 1.5-2oz in the mornings at daycare and then another 1.5-2oz in the evenings. And when I need to occupy her while I'm doing something, she'll get puffs or mum mums as a snack. She loves the sippy cup though!

  3. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    My LO sounds like such a pig compared to some of the other babies. He really loves food and enjoys everything but broccoli. We're doing mostly BLW style food and I really think that's made a difference. He's only getting BM and I hope to continue with that until one year. On work days I usually EP because I'm gone so long, but I've accepted that.

    Here was today's schedule

    630 bottle (he woke up a little earlier)
    730 oatmeal with BM, some blueberries, 1/2 nectarine, a few Cheerios
    10:30 bottle
    12 roasted carrots, peas, plain pasta, watermelon
    130 bottle
    430 bottle
    515 cereal and plum (he hadn't pooped yet)
    730 bottle

    He normally wouldn't have cereal two times in one day, but my mom said hat for the first time ever he didn't finish his bottle (from 130) so she saved the milk and used it in cereal.

    He's drinking about 25-26 oz of milk a day, which has remained the same since he was 4.5 months old and I went back to work.

  4. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @ChelseaRose: I wish LO ate more solids LOL.

    I've added in a meal each month since she turned 6 months old. She does breakfast and dinner now...I guess now I should do a lunch?

    Today is my last day of pumping 3x a day at work!!! Starting with 2x a day next week.

  5. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @MamaChin: yay for no more pumping! We've been plowing through the solids around here lately too, it was like a switch went off and he was whining/hungry for 3 solids meals + regular nursing.

  6. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @ChelseaRose: ds is a lil piggie too

    he still nurses/btl 5-6x a day. he eats breakfast (yogurt, banana/some other fruit), has a mum mum or annie's bunny stanck mid morning, has some fruit or veggie puree for lunch, another snack mid afternoon, and then 5-6 oz of puree/blw food for dinner!

  7. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Tried a lunch out this weekend. It went well! She's backing off a bit on her breast milk/formula intake (used to be ~30oz and is down to about 24-26 each day).

    Any of you ladies feeding your LOs pouches? They are SO convenient!! And C just loves them.

  8. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @highwire: we have pouches on hand for outings, etc. he's not a HUGE fan of them, i think some are too tart for his tastes, he's a lil food monster that eats anything though

    we've been giving him our lunches/dinners. diff meats, veggies, etc. he's also loving his mummum's and annie's graham bunnies and cheese crackers. his pincer grasp is spot on and he even takes bites out of the lil crackers. so cute.

    he takes in around 25 oz a day and eats 3x with a snack. i think he'd eat all day if we let him!

  9. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @mrsjyw: C used to be such a little open-mouthed bird about anything (food or milk) coming her way, but she recently learned that she has the ability to deny things so she just doing it all the time! First with the breastfeeding (sob) but now she'll even do it to a bottle or to food. She used to never refuse anything!

  10. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @highwire: I bought some pouches when they were mega cheap (I am one of those coupon ladies) and figured we would keep them on hand for emergencies but I took a few out recently and she really loves them.
    I think it helps too that she went from bottle to straw cup so she 'gets' how to suck the food from the opening. Though if I let her hold it all by herself she would squeeze it everywhere I recently got some new applesauce/fruit blend pouches and she is liking the new flavors even if they might be a bit tart at first... she comes back for more!

    Ellie has started to resist/refuse her mid-day bottle she is supposed to eat before her 'lunch'. I think she knows the good stuff is coming so she is being stubborn. We switched a while back to faster flow bottle nipples but she eats the other bottles just fine. She was getting water in her straw cup with 'lunch' after her bottle so since I would rather her drink her milk whatever way she can, I said we could just do her mid-day bottle in the straw cup. She is drinking it better now, but I hope I haven't started a bad trend in her having more milk faster and easier...

  11. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    I've been thawing some of my stash and replacing with fresher stuff...and my milk is so soapy smelling I think it has something to do with excess lipase. But she's still drinking it fine and I am not about to toss it unless it is definitely spoiled. But that is good to know in case I ever wanted to wean early and give her the stash after the fact. I only want to mix it with fresh stuff going forward. She won't drink it straight.

  12. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    I read back a little ways in the thread, and didn't see anything, but were you guys hit hard by constipation when you started solids? C had the worst time when we moved to regular meals 2x per day. It's still a problem we're sorting out. Anyone else dealing with a backed-up baby?

  13. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: C had her first completely solid one this weekend. I'm not sure if it was hard to get out or anything.

    Anyone notice you LO is sensitive to any foods? Sweet potatoes and avocado both give mine bad times (cranky/gassy/poopsplosions)

  14. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @highwire: We have some pouches for outings/emergencies when I didn't get to the store yet. I actually bought several boxes of them on amazon with subscribe and save/amazon mom to get 20% off.

    @Mrs. Tricycle: We had a few roughs days/weeks as we transitioned. I make sure that he has water with ever solid meal and it seems to help. I will also feed him a plum or puréed prunes (in his oatmeal) if he doesn't poop for a day or two.

  15. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: She has had some harder poops in the last month but only once where it was obviously bothering her (aka she was still going while on the changing table and had to work to finish it up :/). So I picked up some prunes and she gets a bite or two every few days now. They work like a charm, but in limited amounts don't work 'too well' in the opposite direction.

    @highwire: Thanks for the reminder about cycling my freezer stash. We never have had to use it much but I need to start being more intentional about it.

  16. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    @lindseykaye: hummmm....we've been on prune purée overload because of the constipation, but have had major issues with spitting up - never thought about the prunes causing it.... Thanks for that thought!

  17. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: Ahh - I meant too well as in too loose poops. Reading that back I totally see how what I wrote was confusing! However any solids could be part of the spit up issue so it's probably not a bad idea to consider his solids diet and see if there are any patterns (which you are probably doing already).

  18. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    @lindseykaye: oh drat - thought that was the magic answer! we've got a journal going, so hopefully we can figure it out!

  19. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: We were hit hard by constipation out of nowhere when I introduced the 3rd meal. I FREAKED OUT because my niece has dealt with chronic constipation her whole life and I know what a scary cycle it can be once they equate pooping with pain. I immediately cut all constipating solids, fed prunes & pears at each meal, and offered water more often. I also gave probiotics. It took 3 days but we're officially on the other side with very loose poops and slowly adding banana, etc. back in and scaled back to prunes at breakfast.

  20. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @scg00387: @scg00387: She was getting a lot of banana for a little bit so we scaled those (and the carrot) back in addition to giving the prunes, too. She gets water with her meals/snacks at daycare but it probably couldn't hurt to have some with dinner at home.

  21. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    @lindseykaye: @scg00387: when you guys give water at meals, how much do you give? Straw cup or sippie cup? I wanted to give water but worried that it would take the place of more nutritious foods...

  22. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: my LO will usually only drink 1-2 ounces of water with her solids. We have to give it to her in a bottle because she is still utterly confused by the straw and sippy cup.

  23. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: we had a day or two of no poop when he first began solids. Sometimes he'll go a day wo or rabbit poops and the. Makes up for it the next! We give water at every meal in a straw cup. Sippys were harder for him! He takes in a cpl sips w dnacks and a cpl oz w meals. I read up on mrbees poop post on the blog and kept track of his stool changes. Good luck w adorable trikester!

  24. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: I offer it with every meal and throughout the day when I'm drinking. LO can operate a straw cup (never tried the sippy) but ignores it if it's just sitting out. For a while I would take the lid off and let him drink it like an open cup but got tired of unscrewing/rescrewing so I bought this: http://www.amazon.com/Philips-AVENT-Natural-Drinking-1-Pack/dp/B006GYLL8Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1375152548&sr=8-1&keywords=avent+training+cup

    It works well for him, he usually takes a sip in the middle of the meal and maybe one or two at the end.

  25. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    @MamaMoose: okay, great!

    @mrsjyw: we have 4-5 days with no poop...ahh! And he was eating prunes and drinking pear like no tomorrow. We'll try water at every meal. It's over to Mr. Bee's post I go!

    @scg00387: thanks for the link! He likes to drink water put of "adult" glasses, so that might work for him.

    I really appreciate your help, ladies!!!

  26. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @scg00387: Oooh cool cup! I have to add that to my wishlist so I can find it again when she is more ready for a 'real' cup.
    @Mrs. Tricycle: We skipped the sippies and have used a straw cup from the start. I was also worried it would fill her tummy and keep her from nursing well enough at night which is why I have skipped the water with dinner so far. She will drink and drink if I let her so I have to be limiting in how much is in her cup and how much we offer it with meals.

  27. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @lindseykaye: okay, maybe I will have to try a straw cup. I admit I'm nervous about weaning and taking the bottle away...

  28. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @kml636: She's had a straw cup for a while and I am still nervous about it sometimes, but she is doing well! Still nurses like a champ (as long as it's quiet) so I'm just seeing how it goes and trying hard to go with the flow. I want her to lead me, but I also don't want to encourage habits that might backfire or that she might not really be ready for yet. Hard balance for sure.

  29. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Decided to try out a change in the feeding plan. Before, it has been this:

    7 AM: Nurse or Pump
    9 AM: Puree
    10 AM: 3oz breast milk, 3 oz formula (separate bottles)
    1 PM: 3 oz breast milk, 3 oz formula (separate bottles)
    4 PM: 3 oz breast milk, 3 oz formula (separate bottles)
    6 PM: Puree, 4 oz formula
    8 PM: 4 oz formula before bed

    It means we dirty up at least 7 bottles a day, and the daycare has to worry about giving LO at least 6 different bottles while she is in daycare.

    We're trying this today:

    At home 7 AM: I pump before she wakes up, then give her a 3 oz bottle of breast milk
    Daycare 9 AM: Puree/cereal
    Daycare 10 AM: 6 oz formula
    Daycare 1 PM: 6 oz formula (adding in a puree next week)
    Daycare 4 PM: 6 oz formula
    At home 6 PM: Puree, 3 oz breast milk, maybe a Mum Mum
    At home 8 PM: 4 oz breast milk

    The daycare provides formula, so instead of bringing what we used to bring (3 bottles with breast milk and 1 empty bottle for her formula throughout the day) we are just bringing the one empty bottle for her formula. Much easier for everyone!

    Since we aren't nursing anymore, I like that now anytime I sit down to give her a bottle, I'm feeding her breastmilk.

    I'm hoping she doesn't mind the change!

  30. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Went well yesterday! We are going to continue on with this plan. I'm pumping 4x a day and still getting my usual 10-12oz a day (same as when I was doing 6x a day and 5x)

  31. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @highwire: That's great!

  32. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    Anyone tried the 'oatmeal fingers' recipe from HB? Equal parts quick oats & fruit puree, microwave 2 minutes, cool & cut. I did this morning with apricot puree (LO was not grooving on the apricots whole so I had to figure something out) and he LOVED it. Probably the most "solid"/chewy food he's had but he figured it out.

  33. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @scg00387: OOh might have to try that!

    Ladies, I've been SO emotional about this breastfeeding journey lately. Moving to EPing is depressing LOL. And anytime it comes up in conversation people are like "Well, 8 months is great! You made it a long time." But I'm not done yet. It is like EPing doesn't count, but the commitment/emotions/lactating parts are all still there.

    I'm trying to make a habit of feeding her bottles in a very snuggly manner so we still can do at least some of the physical bonding event though we aren't nursing anymore.

    And she does seem to still LOVE breast milk, even if it comes out of a bottle. She definitely is happier drinking a bottle of that over formula, so at least we have that going for us.

    Boy, what a journey this has been.

  34. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @highwire: you are doing SUCH a great job mama!! I can't even imagine how tough it is to EP!!! You are so dedicated and so so doing a GREAT JOB!!!! seriously, EPING COUNTS!!!!!!!!!!

    A is a little eating machine, I feel like he eats all day. LOL

    we nurse at 630, which i konw is his biggest feed because my boobs are bozongas in the am! then eats yogurt or banana for breakfast at 8/830. he nurses/btl again at 10, 1, 4... around noono he'll have a mumum and recently has been eating a lunch 'meal.' of whatever we're having, meat sometimes egg, etc. he has annie's bunnies in the afternoon (a few) and recently has been on a watermelon eating craze and then eats dinner around 5, at least 4-5 oz and then nurse before bed at 7pm!

  35. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @mrsjyw: Ugh it is so hard!! I still offer the breast regularly but she has absolutely no interest. She doesn't even remember breastfeeding at all it seems like. Wahhh.

  36. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @highwire: I applaud you lady! EP'ing is such a commitment and the fact that you are so dedicated to giving her breast milk (no matter how she's getting it) is even more of an accomplishment, in my opinion. I can sympathize with the emotional aspect though - hang in there!

  37. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @highwire: you have been through so much and have overcome so much, and are still going strong! you should be SO proud of yourself for your commitment to breastfeeding and pumping and providing for your LO! pumping is not an easy thing to do!

  38. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @SLR: @NovBaby1112: Thank you thank you!

    How many ounces of milk are your LOs eating these days? Is the amount starting to decrease? We are down to about 27-28 oz down from 30.

  39. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @highwire: Ok, EPing counts like times ten it is so much more work I'm guessing!! Sorry you're feeling that way You have put so much into breastfeeding/providing BM! Hope she gives you lots of snuggles while you feed her... DH gave a bottle this past weekend hoping for snuggles and said LO just took the bottle and crawled off haha.

  40. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @scg00387: Ha sneaky!

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