GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@lindseykaye: exactly this, for us too! it's quick so i try to forget about it-- and ditto, i couldn't stop bfing for this reason!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@ChelseaRose: Gotcha! My LO isn't even five months yet so I forget how much older some of our babies are!
pear / 1616 posts
so LO officially rolled over from back to belly in the crib. I've kind of been dreading this because I wasn't sure if she'd keep crying until we turned her over. So far she's okay and I think she fell asleep again. Do you guys turn your LO's over if they start crying on their belly?
persimmon / 1161 posts
My baby boy is six months old today! How did this happen?! He had two teeth, can sit up unassisted for several minutes at a time, loves to stand, and has the best belly laughs ever. Love him so much!
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@kodybear: we turn her over if she starts crying on her belly. she doesnt know how to roll from belly to back yet, so i think it would be a bit unfair to let her cry on her belly and not know how to roll back. ive tried just letting her "fuss" a bit on her belly and rub her back, but she aint havin it lol. some nights she is totally fine on her belly and sleeps great, other times, she is not a happy camper. so bizarre!
are any of your LO's babbling, like mamamam or dadadada? mine isnt and i am getting a little worried. she yells, shrieks, squeals, and makes vowels sounds, and a PFFF sound, but so far, no babbling.....
persimmon / 1161 posts
@NovBaby1112: my little guys has been babbling for about two months. One day it just started and he was talkative. He doesn't babble all day long, but had periods where he does.
honeydew / 7687 posts
@NovBaby1112: we have babbling everyday most often in his crib by himself or when he's frustrated. Lots of Mamama but only one d sound ever.. DH thinks I'm brain washing him during the day haha!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
how are all of the six month babes doing in milestones?
i feel like SO much is happening that it's SO hard to keep track!
Austin is a master eater, sitter now... he also still loves standing and loves trying to "walk" when someone is holding his arms as he's standing.
I've not been the best about tummy time, but he's been rolling all around, back and forth in his crib at night he hates being on his tummy tho, which i guess is good that he doesn't end up on his belly and cry in the MOTN. He's scooting a bit, but hasn't gotten up or sat up on his own... I don't think crawling is in our future, if at all--!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@mrsjyw: C has so much going on right now! Teeth, first foods, biting, getting up on all fours regularly and loves being on her belly and practicing getting up onto all fours. If you put her down on her back (on the changing table, in the crib, on the floor) her first order of business is rolling over onto her tummy.
She LOVES being thrown in the air. I can always get her to quit crying and start laughing by doing that. Thinking about taking her to the community pool this weekend! They have a little splash pad and it is shaded.
She has been pretty moody and needing more sleep than I'm assuming she's in some kind of transitional phase as well!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
M is doing great!! She is a champion sitter! All her teachers comment on her incredible posture. And when she's sitting she can fold herself in half to chew on her little toes and then pop right back up. It's pretty adorable. She has ZERO interest in crawling. If I try to bend her legs up under here so she's on her knees she gets PISSED at me. Honestly, I'm fine with that. I would prefer her to be stationary a little bit longer.
I think there is a chance we are teething? The past couple night she has been up screaming for TWO HOURS in the middle of the night. I don't see teeth but she seems a little swollen on her lower gums so we'll see.
We started rice cereal this week and girlfriend loves it. She flaps her arms and legs in excitement and lunges for the spoon. At this point we are giving her about 75% breastmilk/25% cereal so I'm sure that's part of why she enjoys it so much. She's a milk monster.
A milestone I'm super excited about it that we are heading down to FL for a 5 night trip this weekend and I'm so so so looking forward to putting her toes in the ocean for the first time.
pear / 1992 posts
@MamaMoose: Yay vacation! I'm a Florida girl myself and we're going home to the coast for the holiday weekend (and DH's 10-year HS reunion!). What part of the state are you visiting?
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@lindseykaye: We'll be in Destin! Will you be anywhere near there?
pear / 1992 posts
Aww man! I was totally hoping we would be in the same place! We're headed down to Sarasota, but I've been to Destin before and it is BEAUTIFUL. You pretty much can't go wrong on the gulf coast. Pure white sand and warm water is just magical.
cherry / 211 posts
@mrsjyw: My LO is a champion at the purees and cereal. We've given him some bananas, steamed broccoli, oranges and lemon, but he just sucks on those. He loves grabbing toys, hair, lips, noses, necklaces and his own feet! He doesn't sit well by himself yet, but he was five weeks early and has been a little behind on some of the motor milestones. He rolls both ways, but still sometimes cries for us to help him when he gets stuck on his stomach at night-not sure why since he's been rolling from his stomach to back for a couple months now. Our nanny thinks he will also skip crawling and go straight to standing since he loves when we help him stand.
My favorite thing right now is when I nurse him, one of his hands will rub my side or my arm the whole time. So sweet! He's also is super social and smiles at everyone, but definitely does the selective social smiling and saves the biggest for the people he recognizes.
pear / 1616 posts
@bamblm: aww thats super cute about him rubbing your arm!
do you guys feel like there's like a new milestone almost every day now??! its crazy. i think it was last week that LO started connecting her rolls, so now if i put her down somewhere she ends up across the room! then she started reaching out for her bottle or toy if we show it to her. then yesterday she was diggin through my diaper bag until she got the toy that she wanted. i also think she knows her name now. we just started saying random words and she responds most to her name. she also knows how to drink through a straw cup now so i've been offering a zoli cup during solids. this is all within like the last week or two. baby needs to stop growing up so fast!
one not so fun milestone is i think she's starting to get stranger anxiety. mostly when she's tired tho. she definitely knows when its not mom or dad holding her. she's usually okay after a couple min of being around new people. but if its a bunch of people trying to talk to her at once she freaks out and cries! so sad.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@kodybear: My LO has started with the stranger anxiety as well. Crowds of people are NOT ok with her. And blonde women are apparently the devil! Thank Goodness both her day care teachers are brunettes. They were telling me that whenever the blonde floaters come in her room M just stares at them and cries until they leave!! And God forbid one of them tries to pick her up!!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@lindseykaye: Man, I never saw your response until now! I was hoping we would be close too!! I hope you guys had a great time. My LO loooooved the ocean and especially the pool! We had a wonderful trip except for both of us ending up sick.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
We hit a not so fun milestone yesterday. LO has her first ear infection. The poor thing wasn't fussy at all and never ran a fever so we figured her runny nose was due to the fact that she's cutting her first tooth. But while we were down in FL she started coughing so we came home a day early to get her checked out and she has a nasty double ear infection. We started her on amoxicillin which is hurting her tummy so we had a diarrhea episode at two am which was no fun for anyone. Starting her on probiotics tonight to see if it helps. Hoping she is back to her normal self soon!!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@MamaMoose: Is she feeling any better/rash cleared up??
It's official... LO is on the move! He has mastered army crawling and is thisclose to real crawling and sitting himself up. I'm glad we put up a gate around our brick hearth last about 5 seconds he got over to it and was banging his hands on the metal today!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@scg00387: yes thank you! We saw the ped yesterday and he said the ears are improving! He didn't think the rash was from yeast so he said to go ahead with the Triple Paste. That plus baking soda baths seems to be really helping! Thank you for asking : ) So exciting that your LO is crawling already!! I'll be honest that I'm perfectly happy with my stationary baby... Baby proofing overwhelms me!!
honeydew / 7687 posts
@MamaMoose: Yay! So glad. And yeah.. on one hand it is fun to watch him scoot around but on the other... it is probably only days until he starts opening cabinets at his level, and pulling out puzzle pieces... oy!!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
i know @scg00387:'s handsome man has been on the move for a while now... are any of your LOs crawling/pulling up?
A is GREAT at standing (against the couch, holding onto his music table) and "walking" when someone holds his hands, but he HATES tummy time (he has great head control, sits on his own, gets tummy time on us, rolls both ways)... i'm concerned that his arm strength/ability to push himself up/sitting himself up might be affected. I'm not too concerned about crawling since I know many babies skip that altogether... but was jw on where your babes are as far as being ON THE MOVE
honeydew / 7687 posts
@mrsjyw: Just going to add that my LO has ZERO interest in standing while holding fingers, holding on to the couch, or "walking" so maybe it's one or the other!!
LO can now sit himself up from laying on his back... he is quite impressed with himself when I turn back around and he is smirking at me!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
LO can pull herself to standing in the crib! But only if I sit her in there first. She can't go from laying > sitting > standing
She loves to grind her teeth on the crib railing! I need one of those teething covers for it.
And one of her top teeth broke through! So now she has three with a fourth on the way. Ack! Big girl.
Our 6 month appt got moved way when she will be about 7 months. So her 18 lb 10 oz weight at her sick visit near her 6 month birthday will stand as her official stats for 6 months.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@mrsjyw: LO is starting to think about crawling but she doesn't quite have the coordination yet. If she is sitting up and sees something that she wants she has figured out how to tuck a foot under her to go forward onto her arms. Then she'll sort of rock back and forth. But once she tries to actually reach forward she face plants! She does looooove to stand though. She thinks she's such a big girl when she stand and holds our hands.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@scg00387: same here..M has no interest in standing or "walking" but loves being on her tummy, trying to crawl, rocking back and forth, and just wiggling all over the ground to get places. she loves sitting too. she's babbling up a storm- her faves are dadada and yayaya, cant wait for mamama
pear / 1616 posts
@mrsjyw: i think my LO is pretty close to crawling. she loves being on her tummy now and can lift her stomach for a little bit. but she has zero interest in standing. she doesn't put her weight down when i hold her in a standing position. so i think she may be a late walker?
clementine / 824 posts
Em loooves to stand and I think she is pretty close to crawling too. When I put a toy in front of her while she's sitting, she starts rocking and will lunge forward onto her hands. Her legs are still somewhat crossed, but she pushes up so her butt is off the ground and rocks back and forth while reaching for the toy in front of her. Ultimately she ends up on her tummy, but I think it's a start? It's so exciting and nerve wracking at the same time; I'm not ready for baby proofing!
It still worries me just a teeny bit that she has yet to roll from belly to back, but the doctor isn't the least bit concerned. She sat pretty early and seems plenty strong, but just hasn't quite figured out how to turn herself over. I guess I wouldn't care as much if it weren't such an issue at night. She is CONSTANTLY turning on her stomach and then crying because she can't turn back over. (3x already in the past hour...Ugh, sleep is a whole other issue for us, but I'll save that for the other thread.)
pear / 1992 posts
@highwire: More teeth! My goodness. I was thinking we would have more any minute but they are taking their time (and a toll on sleep and eating!). LE has started to stand in her crib, too. She can pull up on just about anything now and can transition back-belly-sit-stand now. Taking her 7 month photo on Monday was SO HARD and the one I did get was pretty terrible.
@mrsjyw: It's hard not to do this but really, don't worry about crawiling. Only because it is really crazy at our house now that little miss is 90% mobile. She doesn't properly crawl quite yet but she can get wherever she wants and fast. Then she tries to pull up on whatever she's gotten to. It is ridiculous and she takes lots of tumbles but thankfully nothing too bad yet.
It's so interesting to hear about what everyone's babies are doing first/well/late. Only because I know they're all different and they will all end up in the same spot. Like, some of the early teethers don't have any more than the two bottom still and others are getting more. And LE was really quick to roll and scoot but just last week finally is sitting independently.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
C can only move quickly...backwards! Silly little thing. If you leave her on the floor, she will just scoot backwards until she hits something.
Anytime she takes a tumble I try to giggle and make it fun, otherwise she cries!
She used to love the dog, but lately has started to get a little scared if he gets too rambunctious near her.
pear / 1992 posts
@bamblm: Can I just say how sweet and adorable it sounds that your little dude rubs your arm while he nurses? My girl has been pinching me (really hard, on my back-of-the-arm fat) and it hurts so bad! I have started wearing a sweater or robe every time I nurse her so my skin isn't exposed but it is Florida and it is getting HOT out!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
thanks for the different stories mamas!
I think the "worry" is actually more of the guilt that I haven't been enforcing tummy time! A is actually good at lunging forward from a sitting position and reaching out and grabbing toys, etc. I guess it's all just confusing when everything is happening so fast in these babies' development!
Last night, I made a trail of his rice snacks during tummy time and he LOOOOVED it. was up on his arms pretty much the duration of 10-15 minutes! For a tummy time hater, I think we're getting somewhere!!
pomegranate / 3858 posts
@lindseykaye: my LO is doing the pinching thing too! My mom says I did it to her, so I guess what goes around comes around
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@lindseykaye: @bamblm: Mine is also in a very cuddly, affectionate stage! Still having issues with nursing, but whether nursing or getting a bottle or just being held she is always stroking my hand or touching my face, or nuzzling her head in my neck. Oh man. I love it.
pear / 1992 posts
@mrsjyw: Smart mama!
When I get tired of chasing her around trying to keep her on the blanket (we have super hard terrazzo floors so I try my best for her not to crawl on them quite yet) I like to play 'fetch'. I sit in the middle and roll a ball to one corner and she scoots to it and gets it. When I see that she is getting bored with it I take it and roll it to the next corner. She follows, and then it's more of the same. She loves it but I feel slightly guilty that I am playing with her like a puppy!
grapefruit / 4066 posts
do i have the only toothless LO?? wondering when she is going to sprout her first tooth!
cherry / 211 posts
@NovBaby1112: mine' s toothless!
@highwire: @lindseykaye: unfortunately the sweet, sweet affection of my LO lasted maybe a week. Now he's into popping off at any sound (real or imagined) and looking around, dribbling milk everywhere.
honeydew / 7687 posts
@lindseykaye: LOL we do the same with moving toys! we have a few balls and a maraca egg that are perfect - he accidentally pushes them himself and has to keep chasing them
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