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GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Enjoying the giggles right now! Have gotten them out of her twice in the last week. Love it!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
Us too! Baby laughter is the purest sweetest sound in the world!!
He's also started grabbing his foot...he's already pretty good at the hand to mouth thing, wouldn't be surprised if feet are his next dessert item
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@mrsjyw: Haha I scrub C's hands so good in the shower because they wind up in her mouth so often and I want them to be relatively clean!
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
Starting to commando crawl over here! But still can't roll over - I guess that will be quite delayed. LOVE baby giggles too, they are the best!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
Hooooooray a rolled over twice belly to back! I was starting to worry about out lack of tummy time on the floor early on...yayyyyy
apricot / 371 posts
Lots of good milestones lately!
She's just over 16 an has done 1 tummy to back roll and been doing lots of back to tummy rolls (3 today!).
Started to get almost daily giggles now, best sound ever!
She found her feet around 14 weeks and always has them in her mouth, gets kind of mad in her car seat when she can't reach them.
And a few days ago I noticed to bottom teeth buds on her bottom gums. Not sure how long they take to pop out after those appear.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
M is just over 19 weeks and has been going through a lot of development lately! she is obsessed with rolling from back to belly, does it all the time, anytime we put her on her back. she also loves grabbing her feet and trying to put them in her mouth, I think she is very close on that one! she is also working on rolling from belly to back, but cant quite get there yet. laughing like crazy and practicing yelling and babbling. they are so right when they say at 4 months babies go through so many changes! it is crazy to see something new she does every day it seems
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Little Miss found her feet this weekend! A little too chunky/not flexible enough to get them into her mouth yet, but it will be a fine day indeed for her when she figures that one out.
pear / 1992 posts
We've started the squealing over here. Random bursts of high-pitched joy
Last week she started scooting around on her tummy and can get herself to a toy if it's placed a few feet in front of her reach. It's so fun to watch her but then I think - slow down lady! I'm SO not ready for her to be mobile.
We're not yet starting solids but baby food was free at my grocery store with coupons so I stocked up on a bit. So yep, now I officially have 'baby food' in my house (a milestone for me I guess)!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@lindseykaye: I was perusing baby food this weekend too! Got some coupons in the mail for Gerber.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@highwire: hahah yay! M tried for WEEKS to get those suckers in her mouth, and she finally got her whole foot in her mouth this week, she was very excited about that lol
@lindseykaye: we have a squealer over here too! its soo funny to hear her sqawk!
M is sitting up on her own for a few minutes at a time, but still very slouchy.
she has been rolling from back to belly for weeks now, but cant quite seem to roll yet from belly to back, anyone else??
pear / 1992 posts
@NovBaby1112: She only really rolls belly to back if she's stretched WAY up on her arms and is looking above her, so it's kind of an accident still sometimes? It's also easier for her to roll that way in her crib where she can get a little spring action from her mattress. Most of the time when she's done being on her belly though she kind of just face-plants and flails her arms around in protest. Someday though, she will *know* to roll back when she wants.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@novbaby1112: A has rolled over belly to back a handful of times weekly, but nothing consistent. he only half rolls back to side and they plays around for a while like that
he's a regular old chatterbox, LOVE the baby laughter, and my mom taught him to hold his hand up when she says "High5!" or "give me five" LOL
pear / 1992 posts
And we have our first tooth popping through
LO has been fussy with a runny nose (but I thought she was getting a cold). Turns out it might just be that little bottom tooth. Right now it's just barely through the surface. I don't have any teething tablets or anything and I'm a little clueless as to how to help her feel better through this. We haven't given her any medicine for anything yet so I'm not sure where to start.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@lindseykaye: Aw congrats! That is exciting. We have some little teether toys that are liquid filled that we keep in the fridge for her to gum on (although we have no teeth yet).
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Are your babies tripod sitting yet? C is still a little wobbly, but is able to hold the position for longer and longer every day.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@highwire: yep, tripod sitting for a few minutes, still wobbly sometimes...he loves standing up though, propped up against the couch... he'll do it for longer and longer stretches. CRAZY. STOP GROWING BABIES.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@mrsjyw: Haha oh yeah C likes to stand on my lap constantly.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
We found M rolled on her belly in the crib a couple nights ago (totally unswaddled). That was the first time she rolled back to belly and I'm sad I missed it!! She's been rolling belly to back for a really long time but so far everytime I see her try to roll back to belly she gets her arm stuck under her and can't figure out what to do about that. She sits up really well when shes in my lap because it creates a little bit of a divot for her. When she's on a flat hard surface she's not quite there yet. But girlfriend LOVES the bumbo. Still no teeth that I can see... but I was almost a year before I had a tooth so I'm hoping (for the sake of my nipples) that she'll be a later teether too.
@mrsjyw: M thinks standing is pretty much the best thing EVER. She puts her arms way out to the side and just need to hold one of my fingers with each hand and she's very steady like that. And she likes to STOMP STOMP STOMP.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@lindseykaye: M always squeals when I change her diaper... my husband thinks it's hysterical that you can hear it all the way across the house!
pear / 1992 posts
@MamaMoose: So cute! We get the biggest squeals and giggles when we play "peek-a-boo" by draping blankies (or any cloth - Jammie's, burp rag, whatever) across her face. It is the best!
We have a stander, too. So many times I try to sit her down to hang out and practice and she tightens up and just wants to stand instead!
honeydew / 7687 posts
ahh tummy sleeper in the house!! Like a lightbulb he figured out back to belly and now we can't keep him on his back for more than a few seconds (oof for diaper changes!). For one nap this afternoon he flopped over and passed out.. put him in his crib wide awake after nursing and not five minutes later he had flipped and passed out again!
It makes me nervous on one hand.. and on the other I'm happy because he looks sooo comfortable.
pear / 1992 posts
@scg00387: Ellie has been tummy sleeping for over a month now and all is well. I was really nervous too but there was no stopping it so I couldn't worry forever.
How does he sleep? She sleeps with her arms tucked under her tummy and her little butt in the air a bit. I love it!
What about the rest of your LO's? What is their favorite sleeping position?
pear / 1616 posts
Are your LO's sitting up when they do the tripod sitting? My LO can sit by herself but she has to lean forward, like she's stretching, to be able to balance. she likes standing too but i still need to support her alot for her to stand.
@lindseykaye: LO has learned how to roll from back to side so now she's a side sleeper! i'm kind of dreading the day she learns to flip from back to front because i know if she does it in her sleep she'll cry until we flip her back over. she doesn't like being on her tummy for very long.
persimmon / 1161 posts
My little guy loves standing too! He can do it just holding on to a finger or two of mine in each of his hands. One day my husband was folding the baby's laundry and I helped LO stand holding on to the basket for balance (and me right behind him of course). He can sit for very long yet, but he's improving everyday.
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
C got her foot in her mouth this weekend! Haha she was so happy.
We hung out with the family this weekend for my dad's birthday and she rolled over from belly to back and back to belly for everyone. That was exciting! She is managing to do it more and more frequently as time goes on.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
@mrsjyw: How are those little teethies doing?
C is officially rolling over both directions...CONSTANTLY! She might just roll away if I'm not careful.
pomegranate / 3225 posts
@mrsjyw: wow! I keep feeling for teeth, but not yet. @highwire: My LO was rolling but now it seems she's forgotten how! Trying not to sweat it, but isn't that a little weird!
persimmon / 1161 posts
@mrsjyw: Wow!
No teeth here! Luckily! I think they are coming soon though due to red cheeks and even more drool.
pear / 1992 posts
@kml636: Ellie rolled really early but it was more of an occasional thing. Now, she likes to flip right over. I thought it was strange that she kind of stopped there for a bit but I think she was concentrating on other things (like getting her feet in her mouth)!
@mrsjyw (and the soon-to-have-teeth mamas) this thing is seriously her new favorite teether since they popped through.
And yes, I said THEY. As in, her second bottom tooth has followed a week later and now there are two. It has already changed her little smile so much! She just looks... bigger with those teeny teeth. Can our babies just pause for a minute?
Anyone else have a scooter/rocker? LO is learning from the other baby at daycare who is about 6 weeks older than her and has started to get up on her knees and rock back and forth. I am so not ready for her to crawl. Guess we should get on that baby proofing and, um, keeping the floors a bit cleaner?
grapefruit / 4006 posts
no teeth here either! i keep checking because she is a little drool monster and is always chewing on things, but i don't feel anything yet. we started solids, she makes a face at first, but then gets so excited about it! we haven't been consistent about it yet though. we've tried carrots and pumpkin, she liked both. and i gave her a lick of ice cream today, which she LOVED and kept reaching for my spoon and bowl...DH was not too pleased with that.
anyone's LOs getting strange anxiety? i noticed L starts crying when people she doesn't know talk to her a lot. it started happening last month. i wonder if she is going to be shy.
honeydew / 7687 posts
@lindseykaye: yep LO is desperate to crawl. He can get his knees under him with his butt in the air.. and he can push all the way up and lock his elbows and get his tummy elevated.. and he can scoot side to side... but he can't do all 3 at once haha! So he ends up really irritated and wiggling. The second I lay him down he flips to his tummy to try and crawl and there's only so long I can stand to listen to him whine about not being able to crawl before I distract him!
persimmon / 1161 posts
I think the tooth or teeth will be poking through within the next day or two. Yesterday he was super uncomfortable and doing the cry that he does after getting shots (like later in the day, not the initial scream). I ended up giving him some tylenol midday and then advil before bed. He woke up in the middle of the night around 3am and was uncomfortable. This morning I was feeling his gums and there is definitely something about to break through. I hope it does soon so that he feels better and isn't so uncomfortable.
He's not close to crawling at all and hasn't even been scooting either. However, he loves to try to walk by holding on to a finger or two in each hand and even knows to bend his legs to pick them up.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@kml636: My LO started rolling tummy to back REALLY early. She just recently learned to roll back to tummy and somehow that made her forget that she knows how to roll tummy to back. I thought it was weird too but I think it's all pretty normal.
@ChelseaRose: Just FYI I would stick with Tylenol unless your ped said otherwise. Everything I've read says and my doctor told me no Advil/Motrin until six months. And then at that point it's best to alternate them.
persimmon / 1161 posts
@MamaMoose: My family doctor said it is ok and gave me a printout on the practice's letterhead of the dosage based on weight. We also discussed alternate dose amounts because he was on the cusp of the weight categories. He's also one week away from six months (born late October).
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@lindseykaye: we use that too! the blue one, he's MEH about most teethers. has she bit you at all? he bit me! :*( he nurses fine in the beginning but right at the 10 min mark, when the milk is drying up, he bites! AHHHHh
pear / 1992 posts
@mrsjyw: She bit me a few days ago but it was really light so I thought it was an accident. Then she just bit me for real this morning for the first time. It's definitely when she's getting lazy/sleepy and her latch slips. I was also lazy/sleepy so normally I could have seen it coming but it took everything in me not to yelp because I didn't want to scare her or wake her up too much.
DH's grandma keeps talking about how that's when she stopped breastfeeding - when she was getting bitten but I'm really against stopping for that reason alone.
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