Hellobee Boards


Nov '12 Babies: Sleep

  1. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    My LO did better last night. Woke at 1:30 and 4:45 to eat but went back down easily. Now that I've mastered side lying nursing I don't mind at all waking to feed her. It's when it takes 30 minutes to get her back down or when she wakes up for no reason and screams that I get overwhelmed!!

    @highwire: I'm so happy to hear your hubs is having some good daddy duty!! The more he does it the more confident he'll feel!

    @mrsjyw: M naps in her pack n play or her swing. At day care it's usually the swing or bouncy seat or stroller. They try her crib but only get about 15 minute naps there since they can't swaddle.

  2. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    So apparently my kid just likes her privacy. We moved her into her own room at the pediatrician suggestion and her only wake up all night was 15 minutes at 3:30am to eat. Please God let this not be a fluke!!

  3. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @MamaMoose: woo hoo! We're at my folks for a week and all in the same room and it SUCKS! I bet you're sleeping better too!!

  4. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @MamaMoose: side lying nursing is the best!

  5. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    C slept 12 hrs last night, with her arms free of the swaddle! That is a mega first for us. Maybe the regression and swaddle weaning are over?! Let's hope LOL

  6. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @MamaMoose: hooooray! A started STTN when we moved him to his crib too!

    @highwire: yayy swaddle weaning!

    A's been pretty consistent since the 4 month regression a few wks ago. he sleeps 730-530/6... but boy was he fighting his naps yesterday. i think he maaaaybe slept 2.5 hours total all day spread out in 20 min catnaps.

    He slept well last night tho 7-6... so we'll see how his naps go today.

  7. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @mrsjyw: Hope he gets in some good naps today!

    We had another STTN last night. She was still out when I went to get her at 745...so who knows how long she would have stayed down.

    She took a big nap yesterday (2.5 hours) after her shots. Poor baby.

  8. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Baby is so back and forth on her sleeping!

    She was up 2x last night. 5 minutes each time for a pacifier and then went right back to sleep. Why you wake up baby? Mommy doesn't understand LOL

  9. twoofeverything

    kiwi / 643 posts

    We are in sleep regression hell...
    N was up every 20 minutes all night. As in, we put her down at 7:30pm, she finally fell asleep at 8:30pm, then was awake, more or less, from 9:30pm until she was "up" for the day at 6am.
    C woke up at 11:52pm for a paci and was out cold after that. Here's hoping his little "regression" last week, (which was bad, but not THIS bad), was it for him.
    This is worse than the newborn phase!

  10. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @twoofeverything: omg I'm so sorry, that is awful. L had a terrible regression she still isn't over, from STTN to at her worst up 4x per night. Last night she was up 2x. I don't know what to do about it! Just giving it time I guess...

  11. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @twoofeverything: omggg I'm so sorry that sounds awful!!

    DH has been doing the dream feed at 11 instead of 10 while we're at my parents and LO has been sleeping almost nine hour stretches! However with my noisy nieces his naps are even worse than thirty minutes.. Which is hard to imagine!

  12. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @twoofeverything: I'm SO SORRY I hope you get some sleep soon!

    A has been sleeping 7-5 or 7-6 after a few nights of wakeups during our regression.

    My biggest challenge is naps. He naps mostly in the swing still (sleeps all night in crib)... and two days ago was fighting/crying through all of them. It's been better the past two days, but it's been in the swing/bouncer.

    I need to nap train asap, but am thinking of doing it in the pnp downstairs so my mom doesn't have to walk up and down (she's our primary caretaker) when she watches him.

  13. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @twoofeverything: Oh no, that sounds brutal! Hoping it doesn't last much longer.

    Em went through a rough couple weeks, but it's starting to get better (geez, hope I don't jinx myself for saying that). We've gotten back to one wake up a night and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it continues this way. This week, she has gotten back to a 6-7 hour stretch waking around 2-3am. It's managable, but I have such a hard time sleeping myself because either i cant get back to sleep after I'm up or I'm constantly waking because I think she's about to wake up. I would so looooove just one good night of sleep.

  14. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    M's night sleep has been slowy improving over the last 2 weeks or so FINALLY! i thought we were going to be stuck with 3-4 wakeups forever! she goes down around 6:30, i dreamfeed her between 9-9:30 bc thats when i go to bed, and then she has been waking up around 4:30 to nurse, and right back down until 6:30am. not perfect, but i can totally deal with this for awhile! i def dont think she is ready to go the whole night (12 hours) without eating yet, but i am cool with 1 wakeup.

  15. twoofeverything

    kiwi / 643 posts

    @NovBaby1112: SO glad it's getting better for you!

    We're in much better shape over here today. C only had one wake up, and it was a little later at 1am. N slept from 7-3:30. We tried the paci at that point, but it was clear she was hungry, so we fed both of them at 4. Then they both slept until 6:30. I. Will. TAKE IT!

  16. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    So after a few 11 pm dream feeds with 5 or 6 am wakeups, I don't do a dream feed last night bc LO was running a low fever and I wanted to check it when he woke up. And he still slept almost 9 hours without the dream feed then ate at 4 and went backdown until 7?! Not sure if its a fluke but hoping its the new normal!! Of course to balance it out naps are worse than usual, which is bad enough already. I'm sure by the time he's 18 well have figured him out?? Maybe??

  17. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @scg00387: Haha right?

    C has been so back and forth with her sleep lately. We had two STTN Sunday night and Monday night. Tuesday she woke up at 4 and DH accidentally had her up for an hour. Wednesday she was up twice with paci's and went right back down. Last night she was down until 4, I gave a paci. Then she was up for the day at 6.

    Hopefully we are inching back towards STTN again. At least her wakeups are short when they do happen! Glad she's used to not eating overnight because she has STTN so many times. I can usually give a pacifier without worryting that she's actually hungry.

  18. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    it sounds like everyone's LO are sleeping better! yay!! as for my LO oh man, i def didn't appreciate her STTN til now. This past week she's been battling that diaper rash so she's been waking up at like 3-4 am i think because shes in pain. once i change her and cream her back up she falls back asleep right away. but man its hard for me to fall back asleep. so i've been cranky this week for sure. i just can't wait till this rash is gone, i never want to go through this again! bleh.

  19. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @kodybear: What kind of cream are you using? Our ped recommended a thick layer of Baby Aquafor, and then your cream of preference on top (we use Burt's Bees). And it clears it up almost instantly.

  20. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    DH has taken over baby duty Tuesday evenings after work and Tuesday nights. Last week it was kind of a disaster and he was up with her for over an hour.

    Last night she woke up at about 4, he went in, gave her a paci, and she went right back to sleep.

    Success!!!! So proud of him LOL

  21. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @highwire: i think her rash is a yeast rash (according to dr google). btw, googling diaper rash is like the grossest thing ever, but i had to figure out what it was! so i've been using anti-fungal cream, then triple paste, then aquaphor on top. haha major overload. it seems to be getting better but slowly. so thats interesting about using aquafor on the bottom. maybe i'll reverse the order then. is there a reason why that goes first? but yay, your DH sounds like he's doing great! i'm glad things sound like they're doing better!

  22. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @kodybear: Ha alright glad you aren't afraid to cake it on! I like that. Pedi said that the Aquafor makes a good initial protective barrier to keep the rash from getting worse.

  23. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @highwire: glad he ishelping!

    L's sleep is really bad. Part if me just wants to sleep train but part of me wants to give her more time since we just dropped the swaddle. DH is really really frustrated and it's affecting our relationship!

  24. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    M is still inconsistent with her sleep but improving. Sunday night she slept 9:30pm to 6:30am so that was glorious. Then of course Monday night she was up 5 times! She is learning to use her voice more so when she wakes up she lays there and "talks" to herself. Most of the time she'll put herself back to sleep but Sunday night she would eventually start fussing so twice we gave her a paci, twice I fed her, and then finally at 5:30 I just let her come lay in bed with me until I had to get up at 6:15. Last night she had one quick wake up to eat at 3 and then talked to herself in the crib for about 15 minutes before going back to sleep until 7.

  25. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @MamaMoose: Ouch, that sounds rough! C has taken to chatting to herself in the crib as well.

  26. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @kml636: We went through a period where M's sleep was affecting our relationship too. We were both exhausted which made us snippy. And whoever got more sleep felt guilty and whoever got less sleep felt resentful. It sucked. But talking about it really helped. Just getting it out there that we know it's not her fault her sleep is bad, and we know it's a phase, and we'll work through it together. Facing it as a team made a big improvement for us.

  27. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @MamaMoose: Thanks. I'm more laid back and DH is more type A so he just gets really upset and stubborn even though I tell him to go sleep in the guest room or on the couch or even at my parents house. Hopefully, her sleep improves soon!

  28. twoofeverything

    kiwi / 643 posts

    @MamaMoose: DH and I have been dealing with this EXACT problem since pretty much Day One. We've talked and talked about it, and I think we've arrived at a solution that works. In the end, we both wind up with about 7 1/2 hours of sleep. No one can really argue that the other is getting more or less at this point, but that hasn't always been the case!
    What REALLY helped was when some other people at DH's work who had babies the same time as us started telling him about what crappy sleep their babies had. I think, at that point, he started to realize that we actually have it REALLY good, and he quit his you-know-what"ing".

  29. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    Alright ladies....attempting to go the full night with both arms out of the swaddle. Wish me luck.

  30. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @SLR: good luck!!

  31. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @SLR: how did it go?

    I swear, just when I think things are going good and a consistent sleep schedule develops, she throws me for a loop! this girl is always keeping me on my toes but i guess 2 night wakings is still better than what we used to have.

  32. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @SLR: good luck! hope it went well!

    a's night sleep is still amazing, at least 10 hours straight.

    his naps are also better, but we're transitioning right now from swing naps to pnp naps (so my mom doesn't have to move up/down from nursery) so we're back to 30 min naps...

  33. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    C is back to STTN again the last two nights (830ish PM - 630ish AM). She is so back and forth.

  34. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    It did not go well. Put her down at 7:30 and she slept until 8:15 with both arms out. Gave her a paci and put her back down. She woke back up around 9:00 and was really worked up. She has been stuffy and coughing, and her getting upset was making her sound so wheezy. I caved and put one arm in (how she's been sleeping the past couple months) and she slept for 7 hours.

    Her cough was worse today, so I didn't even bother trying tonight.


  35. ksnow

    apricot / 371 posts

    LO has never STTN after the 4 month regression started...it's been about a month. She sleeps 7-730, up at 11, 230, 5. DR has suggested sleep training. I'm just still not sure I can do that. She really does seem hungry each time and goes right back down after eating. Still hoping she'll get back to it herself!

  36. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @SLR: sorry it didn't go so well. maybe she'll be able to do it when she is ready? i think i read somewhere that people were trying the magic sleepsuit as a transition. my friend said it worked for them. my LO has a bad cough too. i'm afraid its going to turn into croup because its sounding more bark-y lately.

    @ksnow: yeah. my LO hasn't STTN since she turned 4 months either...and she is genuinely hungry when she wakes up. maybe ones they start solids? how naive i was to think that her 11 hour nights that she started doing when she was 2 months old would be permanent!

  37. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @SLR: aw sorry to hear! i've also heard good things about the magic sleepsuit! do you swaddle her body when its 2 arms out? if not maybe she'll like the tightness around her body? hope it gets better!

    LO finally STTN again after the week long fiasco of diarrhea and diaper rash. i *think* the diarrhea is subsiding which means the rash is getting better. but now it seems like she has a cold and she had a low fever last night. bleh. daycare germs!

  38. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @ksnow: @SleepyMonkey: Mine also has been not STTN for about 6 weeks now. I didn't want to do CIO but I started Monday on getting rid of the paci (because she was screaming whenever she spit it out).

    I used the Sleep Sense method of staying in the room until she fell asleep. First night she fussed around 15 mins and last night she started laughing and giggling whenever I put her in there! Now, night wakings are another thing. I just started two days ago but so far she's still waking 2x a night and it's just easier for me to feed her at one of these sessions so I'm still doing that. We'll see, I would be happy if I could get her to one night waking with no paci! And then try to get back to STTN from there... sigh.

  39. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @kodybear: How's you LO feeling? Hopefully all better?!

    We've made *some* progress on dropping the swaddle! She's nowhere near now she was doing with the one arm, but at least we're getting somewhere. She is sleeping 3-4 hours at a time with both arms out (belly still wrapped) and seems to have a tendency for sleeping on her side. She used to be really good about being put down awake, but is having trouble with that now. So although not ideal, she has been nursing to sleep the past several nights. Oh well.

    One the not-so-good front, naps at daycare have been horrendous. 15-25 minute naps today. We usually put her down for a nap around 5pm when she gets home, but all this week, she'd take a 30-40 min nap and then wake up SCREAMING and bawling. After ten minutes or so she'll calm down and be content for another 45 minutes or so before she starts getting fussy for bedtime. I think she's just soooo overtired when she gets home.

  40. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @SLR: shes doing better but still has diarrhea we went to the dr yesterday and she lost a lb since friday. so the dr has her on some probiotic powder and formula with rice cereal to hopefully constipate her. haha. so sad tho. her rash is a lot better tho. just reddness but no open sores anymore. thanks for asking! i hope she'll be 100% by next week! that sucks about the napping at daycare. do they say anything about it at daycare of why her naps are so short? could you use a white noise machine at daycare?

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