Hellobee Boards


November 2014 Mama's!!

  1. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @Sprite: I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how you must be feeling. We are all thinking of you.

  2. MrsScottish

    clementine / 838 posts

    @Sprite: so sorry, thinking of you. Sending sticky dust for your future.

  3. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Sprite I'm so very sorry and I hope you are doing as well as you can be and have lots of support from everyone in your life.

  4. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @Sprite: Much love to you xoxo

  5. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    We had our 12 week screening come back today - everything looks great! I am so relieved. I have got to break myself of expecting things to go wrong. Anyway, we are pretty excited. On the ultrasound today, both babies were dancing like crazy!

  6. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    @sprite I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I am wishing you all the best for the future and you are in my thoughts. x

  7. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    Hello Ladies. I have been a little absent recently so apologies that I have missed so much. I am really just on to update you all on my progress and to keep in the loop.
    I am 13 weeks today. We had our NT scan last week, we were scheduled for Tuesday but baby was facing the wrong way and would not budge so I went back again on Thursday and the results were good. We have had a terrible experience hospital wise, to the extent that we were told on Tuesday that they could not find the baby or heartbeat. After two transvaginal scans, an further detailed scan and almost 4 hours the doctor admitted that she did not know how to use the machine. We eventually got a clear picture and heard a heartbeat, baby is fine and is in fact measuring 2 days ahead of our due date. I was extermely upset as you can imagine. This is part of a long list of things that have gone wrong with (several) different health practices here in the Middle East.
    After long consideration and debate my husband and I have decided to move home to the UK prior to our due date. This de decision has not been taken lightly and has caused much upset and stress as my husband due to many factors.
    Sorry to come on here and have a rant after being quiet for weeks but I felt like I should share the reasons why.

    Hoping that you are all progressing well and enjoying your pregnancy. Despite the less than perfect situation here I am very much grateful to be pregnant and enjoying every precious minute of it.

    L x

  8. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Lolo That sounds terrible! I'm sorry things have been so difficult and now you have to undertake such a stressful move and are going through such a rough patch. I hope things go smoothly with moving back and that you are able to get good care as soon as you get back to the UK.

    Things are going okay for us. We made a big to-do list of all of the things we need to get done before the baby comes and tried to sort them into what months, etc. we should focus on them. This month, we had to pick a childbirth class option and decided to just go with the one the hospital offers, plus I'm getting the book/CDs from a friend for hypnobirthing. I wanted to do a more holistic class, but am having a hard time sorting through the options and justifying the $300 expense to my husband when our insurance will most likely cover the one at the hosptial, plus it includes their policies/procedures and a tour, etc. Is anyone else doing a class?

    Also, if anyone is feeling overwhelmed by to-dos and not sure when to tackle certain things, I just logged into the Bump for the first time and their checklist is actually pretty good.

  9. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @ShayNanigans: Thrilled to hear your twins are doing well! Congrats on the good NT scan:-).
    @Lolo: What an ordeal-I'm SO sorry you went through that:-(. However, it sounds like it might be for the best to be home in the UK. I can't begin to imagine the stress it's going to cause with your husband's job, but it seems like you two have decided that for your health and baby's health, it's a must? Good luck with the transition.
    @Ms.Mermaid: Thanks for the reminder...I need to do that. I spent so much of the first tri nervous about miscarriage that I haven't really looked far ahead, and there is a LOT to do!

    AFM, here's an update: We had great results on our MaterniT21 test and follow-up NT scan. Baby looks great, and is measuring ahead a bit (I'll stay on November 11 for now, but yesterday they said EDD based on Baby's size was Nov. 7th). It's a baby boy, which is not what I was expecting, but I'm beginning to get excited about it! Hubby and I agree on exactly 0 boy names, so that will be a challenge in the coming months! I do hope down the line to use one of my many girls names that I love . I had a big brother growing up, and our relationship was so special, that I'd *love* to have boy first, girl second (like you get to pick-HA). Anyway, I'm beginning to plan the nursery, and want to go with characters from a book rather than blue everywhere.

    **Anyone dealt with or heard about Placenta Previa? The perinatologist said I currently have it, and I'm calling my doc in a little bit to follow up on it. For now, I need to discontinue running, and hope that it resolves. I'd love to hear from anyone who has had experience with this.

    We saw the baby yawn during the NT scan which was, for some reason, the moment that really made everything "real." There is a real person in there that can YAWN. Crazy. Hope all of you are feeling well and post about where you're at soon!

  10. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: oh my gosh yes - we have done NOTHING. Time to get cracking! I hope everything goes ok with the Placenta Previa - I had a friend with it, and she did have to make adjustments, but everything turned out ok!

  11. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: I'm thrilled everything is working out perfectly for you and glad to know all your test results came back well! Congrats on the baby boy!! How did you find out so soon? Just from the ultrasound? Or was it the MaterniT21 test?

    That is so funny that you're measuring @ Nov. 7. To begin with, we both had the same due date - but my Dr moved mine up to November 7th a few weeks ago.

    We go for our next appt on Thursday. I think I'll get the results of our counsyl screening. I'm assuming they are fine because I took the test 4 weeks ago and haven't heard back. I do know the Dr. faxed my results to the genetic specialists who did my NT scan and he never said a word about it. We shall see on Thursday!

  12. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: Yay a boy!!

    I got a call from my doctor this morning, I have to go in antibiotics because there is bacteria in my urine? She didn't say I had a bladder infection, so I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm sure it's nothing serious.

  13. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Lolo: I'm so glad to hear that everything's ok with you and baby, healthwise. I was getting worried about you since you were absent here so long. Deciding to move must have been really tough and quite a sacrifice. I hope things go more smoothly for you from now on!

    @ChiCalGoBee: Congrats on a healthy boy! I'm worried that I'll be a bit disappointed if we're having a boy, but I'm trying to focus on how blessed we are to be having a baby in the first place. We also have 0 ideas for names, girl or boy. Not even sure where to start!

    @DeannaY1230: Good luck Thursday!

    @Sophs Mama: I've been wondering what they always check my pee for! Hopefully the antibiotics will clear anything up before you notice any symptoms!

    My newest symptom is a constantly bitter aftertaste in my mouth. The only thing that gets rid of it is biting a lemon wedge!

  14. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    Sooooooo, anybody working on a nursery yet? What are your ideas? Let's get this thread moving! I'd love to hear what you guys are all thinking!

    We bought an older home a year and a half ago. The room that will be the nursery needs to be totally gutted and re-done! Right now, it's covered in fake laminate wood paneling.... We'll be ripping out the paneling, painting and installing trim, and then of course, we've got to furnish it! I'm exhausted by just thinking about it!!!!

    A friend of mine used this fabric for baby quilts and a crib skirt, so I might copy her - SO CUTE: http://www.fabricworm.com/alhetetizoop.html

  15. tororojo

    grapefruit / 4669 posts

    I'm pretty sure I felt quickening yesterday. Not sure if that's really possible since I'm 14 weeks and change, but it's my 2nd pregnancy and I'm pretty thin, so according to the interwebs I am more likely to feel it early so I'm gonna go with it. Yaaay for movement! (even if it is imagined)

    @ShayNanigans: Very cute fabric! I think I'll wait to find out gender before deciding on a color scheme and go from there. But I think our nursery will be pretty simple w/bold colors and light gray walls. Light gray that we originally bought for our bedroom and then decided it didn't work in there.

    @Sophs Mama: Sounds like my UTI a couple of months ago! I took antibiotics for a week and it cleared up, but ugh on the extra pills!

  16. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @ShayNanigans: As of right now the room we're going to make the nursery is an office and more recently has become the 'junk room' we know we have to clean it out soon, so when we need to put something away - it goes in that room. I'm so excited to make it into a nursery though! The walls are currently light grey. We will likely keep it that color? We shall see...

    So at my 10 week appt (which I had my annual pap at), my Dr. called and told me yeast was found so she wrote me a script but I couldn't take it until I was 12 weeks. So at 12 weeks I picked it up - but i was SO hesitant to take it, as I don't want to take anything while pregnant. Finally last Friday when i was 13 weeks i decided just to do it - thinking my Dr. obviously wouldn't prescribe anything that could harm myself, or the baby. Well Monday i starting spotting. VERY little! I only knew it happen when I wiped - then again last night and today. I'm a little nervous for some reason? My Dr. did tell me that I had a polyp, and that if I bled, not to worry. I have an appt today - I'm anxious to go and talk to her. Fortunately, I have a doppler and I've checked the baby's heartbeat every day.

    Sorry for venting

  17. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @DeannaY1230: Our "nursery" is totally the junk room right now too! As to spotting - try not to worry! I pretty much spotted through my entire first trimester, and everything was completely ok!!! From what I understand, it's pretty common!

  18. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @ShayNanigans: Our second bedroom upstairs will become the nursery, but it's currently my craft room/junk room. That will be my summer project. The walls are yellow now, and I'm not sure if they'll stay that way. The only thing I know for sure is that my mom has a dresser for us that we'll use as a changing table. Clearly, I haven't gotten very far with this!
    How are you doing with the twins? Are you still eating 3500 calories a day?! I hope this isn't too weird, but I often think of you when I know I need to eat something, but nothing sounds good!

  19. katieleigh_82

    cherry / 173 posts

    Hi ladies, just wanted to check in real fast it's been a busy last few weeks. I spent a day in the hospital, I had a horrible stomach bug and couldn't keep anything down, not even water so they kept me over to hydrate me and make sure I was able to tolerate fluids before they let me leave. Other than that I've just been super busy with work. I have my 12 week appointment tomorrow and will try to play catch up when I get home.

  20. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @DeannaY1230: They got both Counsyl and Mat21 back to us a week later...I am SO sorry it's taken you so long! It came up that my husband was a carrier for CF but since I'm not, our odds are still 1/3600. Phew! Keep us posted on the spotting...I know it's always scary:-/.
    @ShayNanigans: Cute fabric! I think I want to have someone paint a mural from Winnie-the-Pooh (the A.A. Milne book, not Disney) on the wall, and have that be the "theme." I'm not into blues and grays just because it's a boy, but I do love the idea of a book/literary nursery.
    @tororojo: SO cool that you felt movement! We saw our baby wiggling SO much on Monday, and I cannot believe I can't feel it. I know it will probably be a while since I'm a first-time mom, but I hope it's soon!

  21. ShayNanigans

    cherry / 245 posts

    @thisisme: I could NOT keep that up!!! It was too much. I am trying to strike a happy medium by eating three meals and three snacks, which is very doable. Focusing on getting protein and dairy in there. Much better now!!

  22. DeannaY1230

    olive / 64 posts

    @katieleigh_82: So glad that you're feeling better!
    @ChiCalGoBee: So I went yesterday to my appt, my counsyl test got lost in transition. So they had to draw my blood again yesterday. They said it'll be a rush order, so I should know soon. I love your idea about Winnie the Pooh! So cute

    The Dr. eased my mind about the spotting. I have a small polyp that is what's causing it. She said it is no cause for concern but that DH and I shouldn't have sex frequently - he wasn't so please to hear that, but he's okay with it Sex can irritate the polyp and cause spotting - so in order to prevent it all together we're following Dr. orders! She did another quick physical exam just to be safe. And we got the hear the baby's heartbeat again. That never gets old!

    **We have an appt to find out the gender on June 4th! We can't wait!

  23. rattles

    grapefruit / 4903 posts

    @ShayNanigans: We're planning for our LOs to share a nursery! We're debating whether to bump LO from her crib to a big girl bed (though I think it's too early) or whether to spring for another crib. I think I'm going to update the bedding for them both and I've recently decided to add blackout curtains, but the basis of her room is fairly neutral. She has this rug from Land of Nod with lots of colorful accents around the room (primarily aqua, navy and raspberry). http://www.landofnod.com/candy-dot-rug/f10125 I'm thinking of bringing in some yellow, but I don't know for sure yet.

    @katieleigh_82: I hope you're feeling better!

    @ChiCalGoBee: That sounds so sweet! Lucky little one!

  24. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    Hi everyone! We had our NT scan today and everything looked perfect as far as I could see. Baby was jumping around like a crazy person and I was so happy to see him or her. The tech adjusted my due date to November 23rd, which sucks.. I was hoping I'd measure ahead of where I was. Bah.

    Anyways. Here is Baby! There is an arm in the way of his or her head, (I'm leaning towards boy, I saw something questionable..), but it's cute anyways even if it still looks sort of like a seahorse. I swear in real time the baby looked way more human, I wish he would have let me pick which picture to take home.

  25. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @ShayNanigans: We are kind of working on it? We bought the crib and since we just confirmed the sex I am thinking of doing hot pink, light pink and teal as the colors. Maybe have a slight elephant theme? Not sure on that one but I am pretty sold on the colors as we can't paint and the walls are beige with brown carpet. I figure those colors would look good against neutrals like that.

    Your nursery sounds like quite the undertaking! I don't know of I would have the energy lol

  26. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @ChiCalGoBee: lurking on you and saw you have a boy coming. Congrats. I love having a son.

    @Sophs Mama: my guess on your nub is girl! It looks very girlish to me.

  27. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @Sophs Mama: I agree with @MrsMccarthy: the nub looks girly to me but I wish we had a better angle. Congrats either way!

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies and mommies to be!!!!

    To all who are pregnant with our first, next Mother's Day will be in our new status

  28. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Shaynannigans We live in a teeny tiny rowhouse so the baby's room is 7x9 and is currently our guest room. When we moved in, we knew were were going to have kids within a year or so, so we opted to just move our old bed into the baby's room as a placeholder, so I didn't fill it with my craft stuff and get too comfortable there. I'm really glad we did this and I don't have to suddenly move all of my sewing stuff. The walls are already yellow, and while I might prefer a different color if we were painting from scratch, I'm perfectly happy to work with the yellow walls. I am going to take my old dresser from my parent's house which is white and brown, and the room has brown velvet curtains which are pretty blackout-causing, so I think we'll keep those. I like this crib in white/brown http://www.babyletto.com/mercer-3-in-1-convertible-crib/ because we have no storage in the house (there are two closets in the entire house) so a crib that has storage for crib linens, etc. is a must. Has anyone seen any other storage cribs?

    I think I want to do a fish/sea life theme but it's hard to find ideas online that have yellow walls. And every yellow-walled nursery on Pinterest is yellow and gray and I'm kind of over the yellow-and-gray color scheme.

    @Mrs.Panda maybe something like this? https://www.fabric.com/buy/0309078/michael-miller-happy-town-elephant-romp-pink?cm_vc=756b1813-cbc1-43b3-84bd-29889bf8fb7b or https://www.fabric.com/buy/0302072/urban-zoologie-flannel-elephants-sweet

  29. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: Cute cute CUTE! Thanks for sharing that with me! I just have to figure out how to sew now haha. I have a sewing machine but I haven't bothered learning... Ugh. And if I were you I would paint and get the true sea life feel you want, that is a theme we were considering if we could have painted.

  30. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Mrs.Panda Oooh what about these sheets? Already created! http://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/elyse-nursery-bedding-pink/?pkey=bgirls-nursery-bedding& You only really need the sheet, which makes the $19 price not outrageous if you don't compare them to other sheets.... (I love elephants, is it showing?)

  31. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: I am in love with you . I have a gift card to PB too. I just haven't been satisfied with a lot of bedding sets I've seen in baby stores but it never occurred to me to check out PBK! GAAAHHHHH!!!

  32. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    Here is a fun tool that was posted on another thread about the popularity of our baby names and what the future might hold for them. http://time.com/93911/baby-name-predictor/

  33. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: I saw that! I've been name hunting lots recently. We have some family names (Harry, Florence, Grace) that might become middle names, but no real contenders for either gender for first names. Not even sure where to start! We have a super common last name, so I'd like to find a fairly uncommon first name, but still a "real" name.

    Is anyone else completely lost when it comes to names? Or are any of you already set?

  34. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @thisisme: we are all set on a name! Quinn Reese Shoshanna (lastname). And yes our last name begins with T

  35. thisisme

    apricot / 305 posts

    @Mrs.Panda: LOVE IT!!! Do any of the names carry meaning for you, or did you just like them? I'd love to do two middle names, but I'm worried about logistics on forms and such for life...

  36. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @thisisme If we have a girl and don't name her after my grandmother, we're at a total loss. Otherwise, we need an El name that isn't super common or super close to my name. I like Eliza but my cousin's kid is named Eliza and while I don't think it would be that bad to have two, everyone else assures me it would be just the worst thing. We have three very long last names between us, so I think I'd prefer a short name, especially if we end up hyphenating.

    @Mrs.Panda I think Quinn is a great name. Plus, you can call her Q for short, like in James Bond.

  37. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    Also, is anyone else still having really bad nausea? I went swimming this morning and threw up at the pool! Unfair. Also, it was after taking my prenatals so I don't know whether I should take another dose (I might take one tonight before bed). I've also been getting back pain and now when I bend over, it hurts because I can clearly feel something there, although no movement yet.

  38. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    We've got both of our names picked out already! For a girl, Nora Christina Beth, and for a boy, Elliot Richard Bradley. All of the middle names are names of our parents and one amazing family friend. It was the same with our daughter. We like choosing our own first name and then honouring family with the middle names!

    We found that coming up with a boy name was waaaaay harder.

  39. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    @ms.mermaid: I haven't had much nausea this time around, but I find that for 90% of my day I just feel... Off. Not sick, not dizzy, but just weird.

  40. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    @thisisme: nope we just like them DH had two middle names that are hyphened but it's not a big deal. Either he uses the first one, an initial or just does the whole thing but that's rare.

    @Ms.Mermaid: I fell nauseous when I take my prenatal without eating something. I'm so thankful I haven't had any considerable nausea.

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