persimmon / 1461 posts
MATITIS! ARRRGH!! Hit me hard yesterday afternoon after feeding baby, I started to get the shivery shakes and within an hour had a raging temp went to the doctor quick smart and got some antibiotics, and feeling much better today (just tired, like recovering from a flu). I think it happened because baby didn't feed very well during the night and milk pooled up. I still feel quite sore on the one spot, but it might be just residual pain and from too much massaging.
good news though is I had my first maternal health nurse home visit, and it went really well - baby is now weighing 3.9kg, up 500grams since her last weigh in last week. yay for me as she's drinking about 95% breast milk with 30ml formula top ups once a day. next check up is next week!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@FannyMae: Yikes, hope you are feeling better!
I have my 6 week post-partum check up this week. I cannot believe it has been 6 weeks already. I still have some pain from the C-section and some minor complaints but otherwise everything is going well. Baby is sleeping on me right now.
Anyone having issues with older siblings adjusting? DD1 has been having pee accidents (only at home fortunately) and trouble falling asleep and staying asleep.
nectarine / 2047 posts
@FannyMae: ugh! That sounds terrible! Hope you are all recovered by now!
@Finfan: I have my 6 week appt this week as well. I seriously cannot believe it either. I'm already dreading going back to work on feb 1st.
How's sleeping going for everyone? Our guy is a champ at night (4-5 hours, followed by a couple 2-3 hour stretches) but is NOT a fan of daytime naps. I nurse him to sleep in his darkened nursery with the sound machine on and then lay him down. He will usually sleep for 10-20 minutes and then right back up and crying. Occasionally he will sleep for an hour. I've tried a swaddleme, Aden and anais swaddle blanket, no swaddle and it doesn't seem to make a difference. Im also nursing on demand and he likes to eat at least once at hour, if not more. My friends say that their babies go 2-3 hours during the day between feelings. I'm not sure if it's too early for a routine, but I'm getting anxious about him starting daycare in 6 weeks. Any advice?
persimmon / 1461 posts
@Finfan: @peaches1038: feeling much better now, still have 2 more days of antibiotics. they worked fairly quickly, along with a lot of cluster feeding.
daytime sleeps are so horrible for us - she either wants to feed, or sits there awake with huge open brown eyes. she then gets so tired by about 4 that she will pass out into a long sleep. night time is ok, but the 3am feed drags out as she doesnt fall back asleep.
gas is becoming a huge problem she can't seem to burp it up, and then when she does fall asleep her tummy hurts and she is grunting and pulling her legs up. I've given her infacol drops today so hoping it helps, because she ends up having a little chuckup from the straining.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@Finfan: Cute!
Claire was a month old on's been a rough week. Little peanut was diagnosed with reflux and we've had lots of crying. She tries so hard to be happy too... But the pain eventually takes over. And within the last fews days, baby acne has reared its ugly head.
I'm nervous for the holidays to be honest, because of all the crying. It's pretty stressful for me, but it'll be done soon. I so much just wish she was feeling better!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Miss Sarah: Poor thing! Is reflux aggressive spitting up? I know my friend tried one of those inclines under the crib mattress and it helped her baby. I also meant to ask you if you've weaned Claire from the nipple shield? How? Working on that .... but he mostly turns his head and cries if I don't use it.
pomelo / 5084 posts
How is everyone doing? Cooper will be four weeks tomorrow (!!!!) and I can hardly believe it. Things are going well, with nursing being the biggest challenge still. His latch is better but he wants WAY more food than I can make. He takes 4-5 ounces every 2.5 hours or so!! Supplementing with similac. Also, we got our newborn photos! But HelloBee is not letting me upload right now.
nectarine / 2047 posts
@Finfan: so sweet!
@Miss Sarah: we had some baby acne right around 4 weeks as well. It was all over his face, chest and shoulders. Luckily, it had almost all gone away now at 6 weeks. Poor little girl with the reflux! Hank is definitely fussy in the evenings, but can be soothed by either eating or bouncing and I'm still nervous for the holidays. I feel this pressure for my baby to "perform", which is ridiculous. I'm sure everyone will just be happy to see your little one and will understand that babies cry!
@wrkbrk: four weeks! Time is going by so fast! Cooper seems to be a champ eater like Hank! Have you started pumping yet? I started at around four weeks just once a day, right after his first morning feed. I want him to practice taking a bottle and have a little stash for when i go back to work. It's nice bc DH can feed him too. So far, he's been pretty good at taking the bottle and then nursing for the next session. Let's see those pics!!
We are doing pretty well overall. Still sleeping really well at night. Daytime naps are getting better now that I have a ring sling. He really likes to be worn and I know that I'll have to transition him to the crib for naps, but right now, it's with it for him to get some sleep during the day or else he is a terror in the evenings. So..... i slipped and fell while I was holding hm on Friday. I tripped over the laundry basket and fell backwards hitting my head on the floor. I was holding him in the crook of my arm and he hit his head too. It was so so awful. I still feel so terrible about it. We are both fine but it was so scary.
persimmon / 1461 posts
@Finfan: naww super cute!
@Miss Sarah: poor bubba, is she on any medication now to help with the reflux?
@wrkbrk: we are at 4 weeks today as well
@peaches1038: oh my gosh you poor thing, I can only imagine the fright that you had, hope you have both recovered from your fall
on our end, I went to my local maternal health nurse this morning, they run an open session for breastfeeding help and support. I thought that I may have thrush, and the midwife agreed - sore boob, like electric throbbing pains deep inside, and sore pink nipple. luckily got onto it really quickly and will pick up some meds this afternoon. otherwise, she is putting weight on well as she keeps wanting to feed every 2-3 hours. I need to try space her feeds out as she is getting a tummy ache from too much volume and is grunting away through her sleep. daytime naps are being a big pain as well, she just wants to suck instead of sleep
apricot / 448 posts
@FannyMae: my little man is eating every 2-3 hours during the day too. Our problem is he falls asleep after eating on one side. Then, if I wake him up, sometimes he'll eat more but often spit it all up. If he doesn't eat more, he often gets hungry before the 2 hour mark. Are you using a pacifier? Might help with all that sucking. I've been using a soothie and little guy seems to like it.
@miss Sarah: so sorry to hear about your LO's reflux. Hopefully they'll use some meds to get her more comfortable and she'll grow out of it!
@peaches1038: that is so scary. When LO1, I accidentally hit his head into a door frame when I was walking through the nursery too quickly (my dog had gotten out the gate and I was trying to set LO down in his crib so I could chase the darn dog). I felt so awful. Obviously I haven't forgotten it, but LO was fine!
@wrkbrk: wow, Cooper is hungry! Does he keep it all down?!? Mine will keep eating and likely take that much, but then he spits it up. I've only pumped a few times but seem to get around 2 ounces on each side in the mornings - probably less as the day moves on.
As far as our little guy, we are doing good. He's still sleeping in RNP at night and either sleeps in a flat bassinet, his crib, car seat or our arms during the day. I've managed to get both boys down for nap at the same time twice which made me feel like a rockstar mom. On breastfeeding, I probably should call a lactation consultant... I think I have overactive letdown (he spills milk while he's drinking, pulls off sputtering and will go on and off a billion times). Seems like his latch is suffering as a result too.. Sometimes he gets so frustrated he just gives up. He spits up constantly as well... Though luckily he is a happy spitter and was gaining weight at his 2 week check so the doctor wasn't concerned enough to discuss reflux or medication.
nectarine / 2047 posts
@AggieDaze: my guy does the exact same thing. Eats and then spits a ton of it up. He's a happy spitter too and is gaining weight as well. I try to keep him upright after eating but he still spits up. And then he's hungry again so soon. I asked about it at my breastfeeding group and the LC didn't offer much, just saying that as long as he's not upset and is gaining, then not to worry about it. That answer really was unsatisfying.
apricot / 448 posts
@peaches1038: yes! It's so frustrating. I can pretty much count on him spitting up if one of the following things occurs: he tries to poop, I change his diaper, I put him in his car seat, I put him in his swing, I put on a clean shirt (for either him or myself).
Does yours sleep in the RNP or does he seem fine flat on his back?
nectarine / 2047 posts
@AggieDaze: he sleeps in the RNP. I try to lay him in a flat cradle for naps, but he always wakes up after 10-20 minutes. I was saying to DH today that I'm getting tired of constantly being wet! Between me leaking, spit up and cloth diaper leaks, at least one part of my body is wet!!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@peaches1038: I have tried pumping but I just do not seem to make enough to save any. That is, I pump if he sleeps through a feeding and give it to him that day normally. Luckily he LOVES a bottle because it's easier to suck, I am sure Hank does too! They are not dumb.
persimmon / 1259 posts
First of all, I typed out a nice long response to everyone last night and then hit some stupid button on my phone and lost it! Argggh. So needless to say, I didn't redo it all last night. But now I'm on my laptop instead of phone!
@wrkbrk: We have not weaned off the shield. I have gotten mixed responses on whether or not I really need to. First off, the LC at the hospital said definitely wean ASAP, so I felt all this pressure. But then at three weeks, we had a home visit nurse who said there was really no need reason that I HAD to stop using it outside of just for comfort/convenience. My friend told me that a coworker of hers used it for 9 months! I have gotten her to nurse without it for short bursts of time, but she eventually gets frustrated and I end up putting it back on to make sure she eats enough. probably feels a lot closer to a bottle nipple than my (FLAT) nipple does, so I'm tempted to just keep using it. She takes a bottle (breastmilk) like champ!
@peaches1038: How scary!!! I bet you were an absolute wreck! Glad you are both OK. And yes, I do feel "pressure to perform," which is ridiculous...she's a baby, she's gonna act like a baby. I felt the same way when I took her to church last week! Luckily, she did great during the service, just decided to cry while I stuck around for choir rehearsal and I felt SO GUILTY.
@FannyMae: She is on generic baby zantac. I think it's helping? She has silent no spitting up here, but she seems to be having less choking/gagging. Still hiccups ALL THE TIME and definitely grunts and wiggles in her sleep a lot. Still a good amount of fussing as well, but she'll be five weeks tomorrow and is probably starting to peak with regular newborn fussiness.
@AggieDaze: Claire is sleeping in a RNP at night as well...especially with reflux. But again, I am getting mixed advice on whether we should let her sleep in there for long periods of time. The doctor's office's nurse practitioner told us NO rock and play for sleeping...she could get a flat spot or something! The home visit nurse, plus several of my mommy friends, 100% endorsed the use of it, especially with reflux. I would eventually love to get her in something else before she simply outgrows the darn thing, but it is SO convenient right next to the bed and also gives me peace of mind since she was making all those choking sounds before.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Miss Sarah: Oh yeah there is totally no reason to wean from it other than convenience! I just got sick of washing it ten thousand times a day!! I think he definitely prefers it also for the same reason - it's just like a bottle which he loves! Haha.
apricot / 448 posts
@Miss Sarah: when we asked our doctor about the RNP, he said it's fine... But it could create bad habits that we'd have to break later. Well we decided that with a 2.5 y/o and this guy, we need as much sleep at night as we can get so we have been using it for a month. To help prevent flat spots which I've heard about as well, I just don't use it at all during the day. I think anything can cause a flat spot (even a crib) if the baby is sleeping in the same position every time. I'd like to break the RNP habit when possible (preferably before 3/4 months because I think it'll get harder after that point) but we'll see... Rhett spits up a ton and the only place it's less of an issue is the RNP.
nectarine / 2047 posts
@Miss Sarah: we use the RNP at night and not at all during the day. I'm a physical therapist and have a coworker who sees babies with flat heads and torticollis. Like @AggieDaze: said, any surface can cause issues if it's used too much-car seats, swings, cribs, playmats, etc. The key is to make sure your LO is not in the same position for too long. Another thing you can do is switch the direction your baby is laying so their Head isn't always turned the same way. Babies tend to turn toward their mamas, so I just turn the RNP around each night. So one night, his head is by my head and the next night, his feet are by my head. I can see him easily in either direction. Im more worried about the bad habits I'm creating than the risk of flat spots haha
apricot / 448 posts
@peaches1038: I'm going to try that turning trick at nighttime. Good one! I'm nervous about the bad habits but also kinda like "screw it." We did everything by the book with LO1 and still had to sleep train him at 7 months so I've kinda just resigned myself to doing what works this time around and if we have to fix it later, then we do. Hopefully I don't regret that later!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@AggieDaze: Yeah any issues we have transitioning are future me's problem! Im doing whatever works for now. Mama needs sleep!!
nectarine / 2047 posts
Here's the Christmas card/birth announcement we sent out. I designed it myself and am really proud of it haha
apricot / 448 posts
@peaches1038: absolutely gorgeous!!! Love the card, and LO is precious!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@AggieDaze: thank you!!
@wrkbrk: thanks!! Cooper is so so sweet! Love the little bonnet!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@wrkbrk: haha yup! He only woke up at 4:30 and now at 7:30. Can't complain!
apricot / 448 posts
@wrkbrk: so cute! Love his newborn photo.
What time do y'all put the little ones to bed at night? I can't remember when bed time is supposed to move earlier.
Also, does anyone's grunt all morning like mine? I swear we get no sleep after his 5:45/6 am nursing session (his first is around 2/3 am) because he grunts all morning. I'm so tempted to move him into his nursery.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@AggieDaze: haha he does make more noises after 5:30 am now that you mention it!!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@peaches1038: wow!!!'l I hope that schedule is coming at me in two more weeks!
apricot / 448 posts
We've only seen a sneak peek of newborn photos thus far. Cutest feet ever
persimmon / 1259 posts
@AggieDaze: Claire makes all the grunts!
I know nothing about bedtime and sleep training. We haven't ever left her in another room alone to sleep. So if she falls asleep with us in the living room and it's earlier than we want to go to bed, she just stays with us. We move her to the RNP in the bedroom when one of us is ready for bed. Also, she just doesn't have a structured nursing or sleeping schedule. I feed her when she's hungry (every 3 hours or so, longer over night) and she sleeps when she sleeps. I'm probably failing parenting! I'm just doing what naturally is happening for us.
Whenever she does fall asleep at night, usually after a big fussing period, she will sleep a solid 4 hours before needing to eat and then she'll fall right asleep again for another 3-4 hours! And sometimes, she'll even fall asleep right away again for another 3 hours! Like this morning... We were able to sleep in.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@peaches1038: @AggieDaze: @wrkbrk: These pictures are so great! We made some cute babies in November!!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Miss Sarah: Love your card!! You all are so talented ... I have never sent holiday cards. Maybe I should start!!
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