Hellobee Boards


October 2012 babies chat

  1. apis

    kiwi / 575 posts

    @JessLC: good luck with the Caribbean trip, so far we've only braved a domestic flight from NYC to Chicago with J, but we have our Italy trip in March, so we'll see how 7+ hours on a plane goes! How long is your flight?

  2. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @hellobeeboston: we are headed to puerto rico. DH has points because he travels so much for work, so we got upgraded to a suite! this sounds terrible, but i'm so glad we don't have to sleep in the same room as baby...we'd be stuck in the dark with the tv on mute starting at 7pm every night if we were.

    @apis: i think the flight is 3.5-4 hours? i remember @beehive said that your flight wasn't too bad to chicago and that J was a little jetsetter italy is going to be wonderful!

  3. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    I just posted a thread in "sleep" I think I figured out what half my issue is, it's me.

    I dream fed C last night at midnight to try to buy me some more sleep, she still woke 4:30 and so I nursed her then too, I was then awake for the day, but napped with C when she went down 9:30 or so. The dream feed saved me having to put paci in around 2am and I did get probably 4 hours straight of sleep, unheard of for me in the last few weeks, so I was pretty happy about that. It's crazy, and I never expected sleep to get so much worse as weeks went on.

    Had a fam get together today, I only let C go to one Aunt, so many people wanted her and I usually love handing her off, but I didn't want to deal with her hysterics of playing shy, it's seriously pathetic how instant it is when I hand her off, even my parents, my grandparents, who she see's more often! I think it's funny, and know it will pass. Had my cousin's 2 year old on my lap today, funny to see "what's coming" and DH and I laugh at each other that will hopefully be the insanity of our lives when C is 2 and we hopefully have another LO by then!!

    Doc appt Wednesday, 4 month shots and definitely going to ask about cereals, and whatever else we can do, not in a rushing way, but to get away from bf'ing way, lol. My birthday is this week too, going out with friends Wed night, really looking forward to it! Interested to know how much C weighs on Wednesday, she is so long and lean!! In the toes of her 6 month Carter's already, but she's a string bean with chubby cheeks!

    Sold sign went up on our house yesterday, finally....super exciting.

    Pic of C coming out of her snowsuit yesterday after stroller walk #2.

  4. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    @JessLC: I hope you have fun on your trip! I would love to be headed somewhere warm right now!!! I am much more suited for warm weather.

    @Beebug: C looks so adoreable in her little snowsuit!! I really hope the her doctor appointment goes well. Cereal hasn't really made a difference in terms of N's sleep.

    N is feeling a lot better! It was a hard couple of days though. We think he had a reaction to the Rotovirus vaccine. It was awful for about a week. I need to have a talk with his doctor about our next course of action when it comes to getting his shots next round. I don't want to put him through that all over again if we didn't need to.

    I am finally on the mend as well. It was rough having N and I both feeling awful. Poor DH had two people to care for after work. I have a CT Scan on tuesday of my head, my doctor thinks that my sinuses are not formed properly. We shall see what the doctor has to say about it after I suppose. I am hoping that I don't require surgery to fix the issue. If it does, I will be getting it taken care of after LO is 6 months. 6 months is my goal when it comes to BFing LO. I have been pumping since Day one pretty much, and I have been making mini goals for me to reach. 6 months is my major goal. I am pretty proud that I can fully reach this goal.

  5. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    It's good to be C today....lol the smiles.

  6. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    She has started making new noises in the last little while, so cool to hear new sounds from her, and her pursing her lips differently!

  7. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: agh so cute!! Re: solids, unfortunately Ive heard that solids shouldn't really take the place of breastmilk so I don't know how much it would help you get away from nursing...have you considered transitioning to formula? @MrsRcCar: Glad you're both feeling better!
    @JessLC: Have a great time!
    We are on our first trip with baby this weekend...we went skiing in vt with another couple. Based on the fact that I'm in the room with LO sleeping next to me and not at dinner with dh and our friends...that should give an idea of how it's going but honestly he's been pretty good, but going out to dinner around his bedtime just does not work for him! Well be glad to get home to our routine tomorrow!

  8. apis

    kiwi / 575 posts

    @beebug: our LO has recently started laughing, but also doing a sort of heh-heh-heh noise that's almost a snigger. It makes me laugh out loud every time he does it, which then makes him laugh more too. DW can hear us both from other side of the apartment!

  9. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @Beebug: what a cutie! she's so pretty. does she like that jumper? i was thinking about getting one.

    @hilsy85: thanks! yeah, i'm pretty sure we'll be having the senior citizen early bird special for dinner every night at 5 and be in the room by 6:30 so we can do her bedtime!

    @MrsRcCar: thanks! i used to love winter, but after having a baby i think i'm much more suited to warm weather as well! i'm sorry that you and N were sick! but glad you are both feeling better. 6 months is my goal too and i think it is a feat to make it that long! i really don't know how pumping is going to go at work and if my supply will keep up.

    bought two bathing suits today. yikes. i thought i was going to have a meltdown in the dressing room, a few of them looked so bad on me! my midsection is so flabby! wah. upside is that i finally have boobs to fill out the top. i finally found two that i liked, so i bought both and will let DH tell me which looks better.

    i just finished putting L down for bed and its nursing sessions like those that i absolutely love. she falls asleep while nursing, pops herself off very sleepily and blinks at me calmly and then goes down without a peep. nursing sessions like the ones during the day, i could do without...she pops on and off, distracted, then cries when i try to get her back on, and fights/resists, then finally starts feeding hungrily. WHY DOES SHE FIGHT ME!? anyway, now having a couple glasses of red wine. yum. hope everyone had a great weekend!

  10. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @apis: haha, L has what i call her dorky laugh. its a heh-heh-heh sounds too, very deep and not at all giggly. its so funny!

  11. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @JessLC: L-O-V-E-S the Jolly Jumper, spends a good amount of time in it each day, but definitely tells us when she's done in it! She launches herself pretty good now too, squeals and has a lot of fun! We usually have her in there near the end of the day, good exercise to get nice and tired before bed!

    @hilsy85: You're right about the solids stuff, at Wednesday at doctor I am going to see what formula he recco's and work on transitioning her over. I'm done. What are you doing with LO while skiing?

    @apis: lol about the laugh, C's giggles kill me, her ribs are so ticklish, and I guarantee giggles with ribcage tickles!

  12. apis

    kiwi / 575 posts

    @beebug: @JessLC: we need to find a way to do a supercut of all the October 2012 Hellobee babies' laughs. Give each baby about 5 seconds, cut from baby to baby, until we're all done, then post it up on YouTube. Viral sensation, I'm telling you. Or, at least, fun for us.

  13. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @apis: hahaha I'm in.

  14. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Beehive: Yay for rolling! I think he's the first to roll from back to front on here. My LO will get on his side but can't go all the way over.

  15. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: How is the swaddle weaning going? We now stick just one arm out of his swaddle and hopefully soon we can get away from the swaddle. My little guy still sometimes flails his arms and wakes himself up.

  16. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @JessLC: I'm not sure what we're going to start with as far as solids go. My ped said we can start anywhere between 4-6 months, but I don't think he's ready for it yet. We'll probably start closer to 6 months. I think we'll start with purees and then move to baby led weaning. Have fun on your trip!

    @MrsRcCar: Glad you two are feeling better. I hope you don't require surgery for your sinus issue!

    @Beebug: She is too cute! Love her smile!

    @apis: I just got my LO laughing on camera last night so I'm in! lol

    @hilsy85: Hope your ski trip went well!

  17. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: DH went skiing the first two days with our friends, and I stayed behind with LO, and the last day I went skiing and he stayed behind with LO. it worked out!

    @JessLC: bathing suit shopping is never fun even on a good day, so I hear ya on not enjoying it! We're thinking about taking a tropical vaca with LO this spring and the thought of that has scared me into getting more serious about toning up. AND I need to get a spray tan..everything looks better when you're tan, right?

    I also totally agree on those dreamy before bed nursing sessions. Love them!! The distracted, yanking my nipple around ones...not so much!

  18. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @JessLC: I have started rice cereal, veggies, and now fruits. We are really working on gaining weight and this was the doctor's suggestion. She LOVES eating solids, she lights up when we put her in her highchair, it's fun to see! It hasn't affected the amount of formula she has taken either (we have aslos started mixing rice in with her formula too.)

  19. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    L had his 4 month checkup today. He's 71st percentile for height but only 15th percentile for weight... Dropped from the 30th. I'm not quite sure why, but one thing that has changed over the last week has been that he's only been nursing on one side rather than both. I was doing this because I thought doing both sides might have been making him gassy. He's also been more distracted during the day and has been somewhat refusing the breast at times. Anyway, the pedi wasn't concerned but said that I should start doing both sides again, and I'll go back in a month for a weight check. Everything else was great, and she was totally unworried about him not rolling over. She said lots of babies don't roll at all before they start crawling, and it's not really a major milestone anymore. He has great head control, which is more important (in her words). So all in all a good appt....he took his shots like a champ and cried for like 10 seconds.

    She also talked to us about sleep training....she said that we need to really work on nap training, and putting him down for naps awake. So we're going to try that tomorrow. Apparently we should put him down awake, and wait up to half an hour. If he's crying/fussing at that point, we can get him up and start over in an hour. At night, she also said that he should really only be eating once, and the others times we should use a paci or pat him without picking him up. We'll see how that goes....tonight I might just nurse him because of his shots; he could probably use the snuggles!

  20. TheFixIts

    cherry / 168 posts

    Hi October mamas! I've missed you - I need to get back in the loop! Here's a late Valentine from my little guy.

  21. TheFixIts

    cherry / 168 posts

  22. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: I'm sorry about the weight percentile drop. My LO has been distracted while nursing too. He'll nurse for a bit then pop off and look around and then nurse a little more. It's annoying! Good luck with the sleep training! I'm not ready for anything like that yet. Our ped is a bit laid back. I asked about him only napping 30 minutes at a time, but since he sleeps so much at night, he wasn't worried about it.

    @TheFixIts: Seriously a cutie!

    A had his 4 month check up on Friday. 15 lbs 15 ozs and 25 inches long. He's dropping on the percentiles for height but staying about the same for weight. My ped never even mentions percentiles though. We've been dealing with not so great sleep. We're trying to transition him out of his bouncy chair at night. The first few nights in the pack and play were pretty rough. But he is gradually sleeping longer and longer in it. We're not ready to move him to his crib yet!

    Work has been ok. I pretty much spend the whole time counting down the minutes until I get to go home. Luckily pumping is going good. I'm able to pump more than enough and I've actually been able to freeze some extra milk each week.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  23. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @hilsy85: aw. i totally hear you on the distracted nursing though. L's been going thru something and she gets really distracted and then refusing and crying. so sometimes i wait 30 mins and try again. i feel like she rarely gets a full feed in one shot unless she's sleeping. it is really frustrating. i hope sleep stuff goes well for you today!

    @TheFixIts: cute!!

    @mrskc: when we transitioned L to the crib, it took a little while for her to get back to her longer sleep stretches. maybe a week, and then back to normal.

    L is super fussy this morning, i don't know why. she's never been like this! and of course today we are flying to Puerto Rico...i'm afraid she might be a terror on the flight =/

  24. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: @SleepyMonkey: thanks guys! We're going to a breastfeeding support group today where I'll be able to do a weighed feeding, which I'm excited about.

    Last night was pretty good! He only woke up twice--2am and 545. I fed him at 2 and gave him the paci at 545 and he slept til 7. However, I just rocked him to sleep for his nap...naughty mommmy!

    @SleepyMonkey: have an amazing trip!!!

    @TheFixIts: aw super cute!

  25. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @Hilsy85: I'm sorry about the weight percentiles - J had the same thing happen last month, and we haven't been back yet so not sure if it's resolved or not. I hope your breastfeeding support group goes well. It will be nice to know exactly how much he's eating! I think I'll need to do nap training too - since I stopped using a swaddle, I haven't been successful rocking J to sleep, so he needs to learn how to fall asleep on his own, and especially how to stay asleep.

    @SleepyMonkey: Have a wonderful trip, and a good flight!

    We have officially stopped swaddling J after he rolled in his swaddle! Eek. The first night wasn't great - he woke quite a few times and needed a pacifier to go back to sleep - but last night was actually good, with only one waking when his arm ended up all the way through the crib slats! Hopefully he'll keep this up. Naps have become worse though, as he has been waking up during the 30 or 45 minute transition into deeper sleep, and with his arms out, I haven't figured out how to soothe him to sleep again (I can't rock him in his crib like I used to when he was swaddled, as his arms are everywhere).

    I think I need to do some sort of nap training, and maybe a bit of sleep training too? J doesn't wake up overnight for feeding (and generally doesn't wake up overnight at all - knock on wood!), but I have been putting him down very drowsy after nursing (still awake, but nearly asleep), and I'm not sure if he's able to fall asleep properly on his own yet, or whether he passes out because he's nearly asleep when I put him down.

    What time have you guys been putting your babies to bed? We have 8:30 as his bedtime now (though sometimes it takes until 8:45 or 9 for him to be drowsy enough to put down), but since he wakes up at 7am, I feel like we need to move his bedtime earlier maybe to make sure he gets enough sleep?

  26. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Beehive: Bedtime is 7 or 7:30 here, depends what time she woke from her last nap. She has been skipping the 3rd nap lately, so that dictates 7pm bedtime, whereas if she goes down later in the aft, we just work with 7:30 for bedtime! She is waking 0-4 times in the night for the paci (so not awake long) and then once to nurse, and sleeping until 7:30-8:40am....varies depending on the day.

    We had 4 month appt today, good lord those shots suck, poor little thing. Chels has it rough today, I clipped her nails this morning (usually do them once a week) and the longest nail she had, don't I miss it and cut her, it didn't really cut her, but you can see the line of the clippers has bruised/is red, she wailed, I cried, and of course couldn't get the second hand done as I was shaking nervous from there on in! So then we went to the doc's and got needles, oh her cry, you could just feel her reaction (as I was looking away)....my heart....

    She was not as heavy as I expected, 14.08lbs, and just under 27" long.....stringbean!! My doc doesn't do percentiles, just a graph on computer, her length jumped (again, lol) but her weight seemed a little slower.

    Talked about Mirena issues, quitting bf'ing and life in general. I am feeling really good walking away from the appt today, and have a plan for the next little bit, we'll see how things go.

    She is napping now, I am going to veg, have some lunch, and try to google kitchen pictures.....so clueless on what we're going to go with in the new house.

  27. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beehive: I remember he had a similar issue...did putting him on a stricter schedule help? We put LO to bed between 645 and 715 and honestly he could probably go down at 630 but I push it so DH gets to see him at night.

    @Beebug: ugh the shots are terrible, aren't they? And my goodness she is tall!! Glad you guys had a good appt

  28. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @hilsy85: I kept looking away and the nurse was like "I need you to hold her leg".....ugh....I hated it, and oh her cry....bah DH is convinced she's going to be 6ft (his dream of her someday being the best female hockey player ever, LOL) and the doctor just said she is tall and lean, like her Momma I liked that!

    OH! And I weighed myself at the docs! 157lbs!!!! I said I'd like to be 140lbs again, but that realistically won't happen, I will drop some more (I hope a little, anyways) and then started going up with muscle building. Finally some downward progress though, I sorta got stuck 162/163lb mark, so that was a nice little drop, and while I'd still like to kick 10lbs or so, I know I won't get it gone without increasing my cardio.....which should happen naturally in the next little while upping my running routine big time.

  29. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    @mrskc - We started using the Woombie this weekend and have been using it zipped up, no arms out. She has been sleeping great like this so far. I will try one arm out Friday night (I'm not messing with sleep stuff during my work week!!). I think she will transition well since she has never napped during the day swaddled.

    As for food, I think we are going to wait until we see some more signs that she's ready. She sits up well in her bumbo, but not unassisted.
    I've been reading Baby Led Weaning and have read through all of the Bee Blogger posts on it. I'm leaning towards going that way and skipping rice cereals/purees. We will see though, I may change my mind. I just like the idea of not having to feed her, but letting her feed herself and dictate the process. It's also making me feel better after reading "food before one, just for fun" motto. I know she'll still be getting most of her nutrients from me still.

    I really need to figure out how to work some exercise in my schedule. It's so hard with work + winter for me to do anything. I need to schedule it, but I'm slacking. And my food habits are not so hot right now b/c we never have time to go to the grocery store. Ugh! I need more hours in the day!!!

  30. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: I've just read the Baby Led Weaning book and the approach really appeals to me. We're nowhere near being ready for "food" and I'd like to do some more research but I'm certainly leaning in the BLW direction.

    @Beebug: Are you thinking about weaning LO? I feel like we've only just got a real good handle on the bf'ing so I'm really hoping to keep feeding as long as possible now I'm actually enjoying it! Love the pic too!

    @Beehive: We start Miss A's bedtime routine (naked time, bath, feed, swaddle, bed) at around 1845 which usually has her asleep or almost asleep by 1930. Today I pushed it back 45 minutes as we'd been out all day and A didn't start her last nap until 1700. I find that she's ok till her 1930 sleep time providing she's still napping at 1600.

    @MrsRcCar: Sorry to hear that you and LO haven't been feeling too good, hope you're both on the mend!

    @mrskc: @hilsy85: From what I've read it's not uncommon for babies to plateau a bit in weight this age due to the distracted nursing which Miss A knows all about...

    In our news, Baby Girl as two teeth! We had a really miserable day on the 6th and low and behold her first tooth popped through on the 16th! Tooth number two arrived on the 18th and apart from the one bad day and a partial nursing strike, we've done pretty well

    We've just got the Jolly Jumper out which A thinks as awesome and we just bought an Exersaucer today which also seems to be a hit! A has also worked out that we've got a dog and she just LOVES looking at him and gives him the biggest smiles and giggles!

  31. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Kemma: Teeth! That is so exciting! I think you and @Mrs.B are the only two with teeth so far! You'd think C had a mouthful already, the drool and chomping is insane....but nothing yet!

    Yes about weaning! Yesterday at her appt I discussed with my doc finally weaning her. For my mental health, I should have in January, but I stuck it out until my 2nd goal date of my birthday (lol, today) my first goal date was Jan 1st. She's such a goof, took bottle like a pro yesterday afternoon, I bf'ed her before bed and through the night, then this morning, the bottle was the devil again. Doc said based on that we might have go to cold turkey, but I am hoping to transition her, but we'll see at this point, I'm just really looking forward to being done with bf'ing, sick of talking about it (I'm sure you ladies are sick of listening to me whine) and just want to make the switch and carry on!

    Glad A thinks the Jolly Jumper is awesome, C is right there with her and the JJ love!

  32. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    Here is a pic I got of her yesterday...... I had fun pretending to be a photographer, lol.

    Also being brave and posting a pic of meee, got into my goal jeans last night! DH and I went to dinner with another couple. They were definitely still too tight, but I got in, and wore them just because I could, lol. So I am feeling better about myself already!

  33. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    Hi Ladies! Flight to PR went well. L actually had a fever yesterday morning before we flew, so I took her to the doc and she gave us antibiotics in case her ear gets infected. It looked a little red. We are giving her tylenol every 4 hours to make her comfy. The flight actually wemt well she only cried when i tried to make her eat. Poor thing. I feel so bad that I gave my cold to her and she can't kick it. Anyway weather down here is nice and warm. She is napping now and then we are going to go sit by the pool for a bit later. I had a meltdown last night because she wasnt eatinh at all and wouldnt go to sleep amd was crying hystetically. But today is going better. Hope everyone is doing well.

    @Kemma: wow teeth already! Glad to hear that you got thru it OK. I think we are going to get the jolly jumper soon too.

    @CarrieLouWho: I was one of those girls who said I'd always exercise after I had kids. Now I can't even fathom fitting it into my day! So I've been really terrible at that and eating right. Sigh.

    @Beebug: yay for progress on weight loss!

    @Beehive: we have a 730-800 bedtime. I think if j is generally happy during the day and not overtired then his bedtime is OK? I could probably move L's bedtime up to 7 but then I'd never have any time with her after work. Maybe its selfish of me? But she seems OK with that bedtime and getting up at 7am.

  34. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @SleepyMonkey: Glad you made it! Hopefully the nice weather will have her feeling better in no time!

    It's -21 with windchill here today, so I am slightly (ok really!!) envious of your warm weather!

  35. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: you look great! And it sounds like transitioning to FF is the right thing for you guys I would just caution against stopping breastfeeding cold turkey because you can get plugged ducts, mastitis, engorgement, etc. Plus there are a ton of hormonal changes that happen when you wean, so it might be a rough time if it's done too quickly. I've heard that a slow tapering off is best, and you can use stuff like cabbage leaves and peppermint tea to help the milk dry up. I would check out kellymom, I'm sure she has lots of tips!

    @SleepyMonkey: glad the flight went well! Sorry you had a rough first night, I think the transition/being in an unfamiliar environment with baby is tough on everyone! I hope you're getting to relax a bit now.

    @Kemma: wow two teeth!! Where are they?

  36. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @Beebug: also happy birthday!!

  37. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    @BeeBug - Happy Birthday! And you look great!!!
    @Kemma - Yay teeth!
    @SleepyMonkey - Glad the flight went well! I cannot imagine flying with DD. I didn't fly til I was 14, and while I don't mind it at all, trying to fly with a little one sounds overwhelming right now!

  38. Beehive

    nectarine / 2054 posts

    @Beebug: Happy Birthday!! You look fantastic - it's wonderful that you are already able to fit into your goal jeans! Even though I've started working out 1-2 times a week and eating a little better than before, my weight isn't shifting - I'm still 10 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight (and that weight is 10 pounds more than I'd like to be!), and I have a feeling I won't be able to really lose it until I stop breastfeeding. It's really nice that you're going to have your body back soon.

    @SleepyMonkey: Awww, I hope L feels better soon! Hopefully the nice warm weather will be exactly what she needs to recover. I'm glad your flight went well!

    @Kemma: @Hilsy85: @Beebug: @SleepyMonkey: Thanks for letting me know your LOs' bedtimes. I guess we're not that far off with an 8:30 bedtime, though I do wonder if I move it up to 8, will he still wake up at 7 and just get more sleep? I am loathe to move it any earlier, because then he won't be able to see @Apis: when he gets home from evening classes, and once I'm back to work, most nights I probably won't get home until 7 or 7:30 if I'm lucky!

    So swaddle weaning has been going very well - the sleepsacks I ordered came in the mail yesterday, so we put him in the Halo sleepsack last night, and I think he really likes it. Last night he slept very very well (didn't wake up at all until 7ish, and was happily playing in his crib when he woke up, which says to me that he got enough sleep overnight). Hopefully this will continue! His naps are awful now though without the swaddle - he'll nap for 40 minutes tops, usually 30 - he basically can't put himself back to sleep when he wakes up from the sleep transition. Hopefully this will improve on its own, because letting him cry for a while after he wakes up during his nap hasn't worked at all!

    Hope everyone is well!

  39. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Beehive: We start his bath around 6:30 and he's usually out by 7:30. And we're dealing with crappy naps too, but he's always only taken 30 minutes naps.

    @CarrieLouWho: I really want to do BLW too. I think I need to buy a book and read about it tho. Hope the one arm out goes ok this weekend!

    @Kemma: Wow! Teeth! How exciting. Glad teething hasn't been too rough.

    @Beebug: Hope the weaning goes ok. Happy mom = happy baby and happy life. Did your doc say anything about quitting cold turkey? That might be rough on you because you're going to get super engorged and it can cause mastitis. And you look great! I can fit into 2 pairs of prepregnancy jeans. Although I have a bit of muffin top to lose, but getting there!

    @SleepyMonkey: Hope your LO feels better! Hope you have a great time on your trip

  40. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @hilsy85: By cold turkey, I meant C gets cut cold turkey, I will have to pump my way down, and can use the breast milk for cereals, etc, freeze in the meantime! I doubt she will be the back and forth (based on how it's going so far, lol) but I am going to try, and then may just have to let her figure out the bottle thing and I will pump my way down and eventually ease off! I am already struggling hormone wise as things currently are, so ok if things get a little worse....but then they hopefully will get better!

    @Beehive: @CarrieLouWho: @hilsy85: Thanks for bday wishes!!

    @Beehive: Agreed about body back soon! I was talking with me neighbour yesterday too and she said....people think "body back soon" we're hard on ourselves when we only had baby X months ago, but she's like....I thought about it and we had the months of pregnancy, plus since baby was born, so really it's been over a year, and I really hadn't thought about it that way, made me feel better about feeling selfish wanting it back! She had her boys 18 months apart, and we hope to try again this summer, so she said on top of that, I wanted some loving my body time again before I blew it back up....which was another good point, made me feel better.....and less awful! Glad swaddle weaning is going well for you, I didn't think I would like sleepsack's, but I really, really love them now, glad your little man likes it too!!

    @mrskc: Doc said what I typed above, she might need to quit cold turkey, but I will have to pump to ease myself down, and he said I could carefully dehydrate myself too, to help with engorgement! I definitely had a muffin top in the pic above, but shirt kinda covered it up....lots to work on still, but just a plus to get in to the jeans, woo pre-preg jeans, lol.

    Had a meatball making marathon with my Nanny today, so yummy, and good to have some ready for freezer meals! Have sweet n sour chicken in crockpot, dumb me trying a new recipe for bday, should have done something I know I'll like.

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