Hellobee Boards


October 2013 Mamas

  1. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    DD can sit for up to ten minutes at a time but still has little interest in rolling over. Anyone else have this?

  2. Sadieloo

    kiwi / 726 posts

    @Zbug: A is the same! He is much more interested in standing and sitting (with help) than being on his back or belly to roll over.

  3. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @daniellemybelle: we started with oatmeal cereal and I was worried with constipation, but she has done really well.

    So we had an interesting past two nights. We tried avocado for the first time Wednesday night. I was watching for signs of allergy. She was doing well, but just seemed off. Well, around midnight she woke up sounding like she was choking and it seemed like she had trouble breathing. She wasn't blue or anything but I was worried about her throat slowly closing or something. Well, my mom is visiting. I got her up and had her listen to LO. At one point she sounded really bad and I said do we call 911. She said yes. They came and listened to her. Rotten thing started flirting with them! Then I felt stupid for overreacting and they assured me at this age, I did the right thing. They left and she started running a fever. I called our peds nurses line which is connected to our local children's hospital. We went over her probs and symptoms and the nurse said it sounds like croup and can come on like that--just so suddenly. She said if we hadn't had the paramedics just out there, she would, have told us to go into the hospital to make sure she was okay.
    We did have to see our dr yesterday, which we did. We met with a nurse practitioner and it is croup, which is viral. Her lungs are clear and she was just a little congested during the day. The night was another story, but she did an amazing job. She sounds horrible and it's awful to hear her so congested and sick, but we made it through and she slept. She is nursing well and I think her fever has broken.

    So a rough couple of nights, but hopefully we are one the road to good health again.

  4. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @Zbug: Our baby is similar! Loves sitting up, almost zero interest in rolling. She rolls from tummy to back by accident. She has never gone the other way (although when I put her on her back at night, she often ends up sleeping on her side).

    @singingbee: I hope your LO feels better soon! That's a scary situation. I would have done the same thing.

    We started sleep training (Ferber) last night after weeks of never ending motn wakeups. It went better than expected (I actually only had to go in twice). I am optimistic about her sleep for the first time in ages.

  5. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Zbug: My girl loves standing and sitting, but really doesn't care for rolling over much. She's gone from back to belly once, and is almost doing it on her own without it being a surprise.

    @singingbee: I hope MM gets to feeling better soon! Croup is super scary.

    @catlady: We're probably going to have to sleep train soon. Hyla has been waking up at 10:30 every night and won't settle down until she nurses, but she never eats very long, maybe a couple of minutes. She's also been waking up at 5:30 (KILL ME NOW) and won't go back to sleep unless I am holding her.

  6. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    Sleep hell over here too. We finally got her in the crib for all naps/sleep. For a few days she was taking longer naps (1 hour+!) but recently back to tiny naps. Also recently back to 2 wakeups- and SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER style. I literally don't know what to do. We are slated to start sleep training tomorrow night and I don't know if I can do it. I spent yesterday watching her rub her eyes, clearly tired, and REFUSE to nap. And then wake up 30 minutes after she went down, SCREAMING. I was sobbing and just saying to her "I don't know what to do for you!!!!" Miserable. It seems like no matter how long we leave her crying she doesn't stop, and when we do go in to comfort her, unless we take her out of the crib/room/situation and give up, nothing will help her. I honestly don't see how any of us could survive sleep training (we plan to try Ferber.) Feeling very stressed.

    Also our rent just got raised so we're considering moving. And I'm worried about work. I can't take all the stress in my life right now.

  7. MrsMed

    apricot / 377 posts

    Hey. How's everyone doing? I'm at work today, so I'm checking in. Funny how work means I have time to Hellobee. Days at home mean I barely check email. Georgi is TEETHING. Big time. I ordered one of those amber necklaces to see if it would do the trick. Georgi woke up every 1.5 hours last night. Poor thing. Poor Mama too. Also, we've given her a frozen washcloth to chew on. I was told to stay away from tablets and gels -- did you guys learn the same?

    I noticed the month board has slowed down. Have you guys moved on? Or to another board.

  8. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @MrsMed: I'm here! I think we are all just busy probably! we just got back from a loooong trip. Traveling is so different now with LO but she did great. Otherwise it's been same old same old for us - LO is delightful & growing & changing, but her sleep is still horrendous & I'm losing my mind.

    Re: teeth - S is drooling & chewing a lot (and biting when she nurses!) but I'm not sure she's truly teething. No visible nubbins. I've heard the amber necklaces are great though!

    Are we the only ones (1) not rolling & (2) not doing solids yet?

  9. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @MrsMed: Hi there! I always forget about this thread. Good luck with the teething! My LO always seems to be drooling and gnawing on hands, but no teeth yet. I was also told to stay away from those gels. I don't think they are that safe for young babies. We bought some of those rings you can freeze but haven't had to use them yet.

    @daniellemybelle: You're not alone! Ours is not really rolling much (she can do it, just not much interest). We're also waiting a few more weeks until she is 6 months old for solids. She seems fine with just milk right now anyway.

    Since the last time I checked in, we finished sleep training (it really only took 2 or 3 days) and she has been doing great at night. She still wakes 1-2 times to eat, but that's ok with me because it is sooo much better than before. I think we may have also hit the 6 month growth spurt early, because she apparently gained 1.5 lbs in the last 10 days! Almost ready for a new size.

  10. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @MrsMed: I'm here! I'm here! We have been dealing with tons of drool and hand chewing with nothing to show for it yet. Hyla is getting over another upper respiratory infection and I am getting over bronchitis.

    I miss you guys.

  11. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @daniellemybelle: Hyla just started rolling last week, and we have stopped with the solids because she just wasn't ready. I tried to tell them, but did anyone listen to Mom? Nope. We'll try again soon. I need to read my BLW book.

  12. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    We are still here!!! Lo had croup 2 weeks ago and still has the bad cough, just not as scary.

    We are rolling and into solids, but still struggling with sitting up. We did some pictures yesterday and poor thing fell over twice. I was the bad mom who wasn't there to catch her.

    We finally have two teeth poking through and she repeats hello. It's not totally clear, but you can tell what it is.

    She is horrible at sleeping now and tonight she was all excited to go to dh and then screamed when he held her. Broke my heart for him and her.

    Here are her teeth.

  13. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    @daniellemybelle: No solids here. I'm waiting until 6 months. No reason to jump the gun and complicate my life further right now. LO is rolling back to front like crazy. He can't go back the others way quite as readily, though.

    Today was ROUGH. He needed a catnap around 430 or 5 and simply would not take it. So he was an OT mess at bedtime and it took me four tries to get him down for good. I haaaate the 3-2 nap transition. At least with my older son I could always take hi for a drive if I was desperate.

  14. MrsMed

    apricot / 377 posts

    Well Hello Ladies! Hi @daniellemybelle, @catlady, @avivoca, @singingbee and @Mrs. Yoyo!
    Now I don't feel so bad for being missing in action for so long -- everyone's busy chasing after their little ones.

    I hope your LOs are on the mend.

    Okay so we weren't sleeping even before this teething stage. I'm seriously considering co-sleeping (even though I was against it) because she seemed to settle down and go to sleep for extended periods when she was in our bed! I will say, the nights I tell DH to go sleep in the guest room so he can have a sound night of Zzzs for work the next day are kinda nice. I stretch out. Then I miss him. I'm conflicted.
    But I digress. Rolls are few and far between, but that's in part because Georgi's NEVER on her back because we're candidates for the helmet. ( don't judge me. ) We're going to physical therapy to correct it before resorting to the helmet. Summer in a helmet won't be fun.
    She is standing up a lot (with help)and shrieking which makes me laugh. Generally, she's a ton of fun. Except at 3:45am.
    If anyone is coming to Chicago anytime soon, look me up.

  15. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    Hey ladies. Still in sleep hell over here but my dear friend google just informed me that it might be due to terrible wonder week 26! Plus, apparently, wonder weeks 19 and 26 can almost run back to back and totally wreck havok on sleep. Really hoping this is our problem and that we just need to push through a bit longer. Wanted to let you all know in case you are dealing with the same thing!

  16. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @Zbug: I hate wonder weeks! I am starting to think that babies just have wonder lives & that the whole idea of wonder weeks is a crock, because it seems like they are always in one!

    @MrsMed: I was really against co-sleeping mainly for safety reasons in the beginning but now that LO is big & strong I don't worry about it. I don't know if the safety concerns are why you are against it, but I wouldn't worry about that as much at this age. I always put pillows on the floor next to the bed just in case she takes a tumble but the way she likes to sleep she would have to take my boob with her

    @Mrs. Yoyo: Are y'all transitioning to 2 naps already, you think? I thought that wasn't until more like 8 months? Time is flying! LO still needs 3 solid naps for sure & she definitely needs them to be longer than they have been. Her wake time between the last 2 naps is stretching quite a bit though. She can stay awake for as long as 3 hours & be happy.

    @singingbee: Wow, what a big girl, saying hello! I need to start practicing "mama" with S! She will mimic noises so I might be able to get her to do it

    @avivoca: Why does no one listen to Mama!? I think S is going to love solids - she is SO into food right now. But we are going to wait just a bit longer.

  17. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    @daniellemybelle: not really. -- this particular transition can and will last at least a couple of months, which is another reason why I hate it.

  18. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @Mrs. Yoyo: Ugh. If it's not one thing, it's another, right!?

  19. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @daniellemybelle: Hyla hasn't been napping well at all. I am so frustrated. Today, she has napped for two hours total and is being a pill because of it. I feel bad for her. She had a random fever in the middle of the night but is fine now.

  20. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @avivoca: We are in the exact same boat today! Actually only had 1.5 hours of naps total - three 30 min naps - and SO cranky. We had visitors today & I felt so bad because she was no fun for them

    Hyla's random fever makes me wonder if maybe she is teething?

  21. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @daniellemybelle: we think that's what it is. It certainly can be contributing to her crap sleep. It was so sweet last night, she wouldn't settle down until she was in bed with us. Poor thing wanted some Mommy snuggles when she felt bad.

    So, in the last week, she has mastered rolling back to front, rolled the other way a few times, and today she started blowing raspberries. We think teeth may be on the move, but her gums aren't swollen. She's chewing the mess out of her hands though.

    It's been a big week.

  22. Sadieloo

    kiwi / 726 posts

    Hey mamas! So glad to see everyone back. Things have been super hectic here between work, baby and letting go of our nanny. Great to hear of everyone's LO's development. I especially appreciate that all the babes are developing in different ways which just reminds me that there is no one size fits all.

    Like many of your babes, Alex is not so interested in rolling, but he is trying to sit up himself and hold himself up. He also loves to stand and can hang onto the couch or coffee table for a bit. He's still waking 1-2 times a night and we usually bring him in bed around 4/4:30 until he is up between 7-7:30. We will start solids in the next week or so when he is six months. Other then that, what I love most of all though it that he is genuinely just a happy baby. Oh and no teeth yet but lots of drool, hand chewing and biting.

  23. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @avivoca: Aren't raspberries so cute? S did it for like 3 days (nonstop) and then quit! I wish we had taken a video

    I can't really tell what swollen gums look like to know either way with LO! I'm a bad mom - I would kind of like it if she were teething because it would mean some Tylenol could help her sleep problems...

    @Sadieloo: Glad Alex is doing so great! Isn't it funny to watch them try to sit up? Is he pulling up on furniture or just staying standing when you position him?

  24. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    Hyla woke up screaming last night, full-on terrified screaming, and didn't calm down for hour. It reminded me of the newborn days. Ugh.

  25. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    Lo was approved to take Motrin since she is a week shy of 6 months. I thought it helped the first night. Last night, not so much. I think we are going to have to sleep train and move her to her crib. Sigh.

  26. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @avivoca: Oh, poor thing!

    @singingbee: Is Motrin supposed to be better for teething than Tylenol?

    Sleep training is on hold right now. I am basically working up the gumption to do it again 100%. I would really love for her to get caught up on rest too so she's not overtired when we do it... but obviously if she were sleeping well we wouldn't have to sleep train, would we? She is averaging 25-30 minute naps now, when she needs more like 1.5 hours each time. Oh, I remember the good nap days in the swing...!

    I gave her some Tylenol tonight to see if maybe she is teething & it helps. I can't tell what swollen gums look/feel like? But every time I touch her mouth she bites down hard & gets fussy. The drool has been like a fountain lately too.

  27. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @daniellemybelle: I can't see any swelling either, but that doesn't mean they aren't starting to move up. I saw a teeny tiny red spot on her gum at the front, but maybe I am grasping at straws.

  28. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @daniellemybelle: some say yes because it helps with inflammation. I honestly think she was better on the Tylenol but I'm not sure just yet.

    Y'all. I'm in sleep hell. It's going to be a long night. Lo is used to nursing to sleep and it just got worse when she had croup, we were on vacation, and teeth cutting. It's killing me. Dh is working out of town, but we are going to move her to her own room and start getting her to fall asleep on her own.

  29. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @singingbee: Tylenol didn't make any difference last night so I don't think S is really teething.

    I feel you on the sleep. Even though we are CIO drop-outs, I am still a believer in sleep training. I really hope it's relatively easy for you!

  30. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    @daniellemybelle: @singingbee: @avivoca: @Zbug: Sleep Hell is still in full swing here. LO was up every couple hours starting at midnight. He still hasn't gotten the memo that he's supposed to be sleeping 12 hours instead of 10. And the naps, oh the naps. ALL OVER THE PLACE. I was so, so hoping he would take a long one this morning to make up for the crap sleep overnight, but NOPE.

    I don't know how much longer I'll give it ... but I'm starting to consider sleep training. I'm a zombie.

  31. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @singingbee: My nips are killing me because she wants to nurse to sleep at every wake-up... Plus she has been trying to take them with her when she turns her head. AHHHHHH.

    I gave up and brought her to bed with me this morning when she woke up screaming. It was sometime after 4:30. I'm extremely tired today. She was not a happy camper this morning, screaming when she couldn't see us while she was in her carseat, not talking on the way to school, and when we left, she was giving us the death stare. I miss my smiley, happy baby. She probably heard me say that she's being a pill.

    @Mrs. Yoyo: Hyla has been refusing naps. She takes mayyyybe two 30 minute naps a day, and then refuses to sleep on her own at night. We have to turn her on her side and pat her back to get her to sleep initially.

  32. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Mrs. Yoyo: @daniellemybelle: @singingbee: @avivoca: @Zbug: I'm with you guys. Sleep at night has somewhat improved (less waking up fussing) but her naps are KIIILLLLLLINGGGGG me. Oh and I'm sleeping in her room. On the most uncomfortable bed ever. But yeah, the naps are 30 minutes norm (sometimes 40-50 if I'm lucky.) She's going to bed at 5:30pm because she's exhausted! I'm lucky that she's typically not grumpy, but she will WAKE UP, and 10 minutes later, be rubbing her eyes and tired. I'm like DUDE... YOU ARE TIRED. SLEEP. She also too has been sometimes waking up SCREAMING. At least now I too don't think it's teething. We kept giving tylenol and then I said ya know what, it's not helping.

    I also *think* her front teeth area feels a little swollen but ya know what? I've been expecting a tooth daily since 3 months so I give up.

    The good stuff? She just moved to size 3 diapers (omgggggg where is my baby) and is working on sitting up. Rolling is a breeze for her now and she's holding herself up more now while on her belly. LOVES supported standing, walking in her walker, and supported walking. She loves to "chase" the pugs and squeals with delight. So much laughing and smiles!! I'm excited for her to hopefully crawl.

    Also I was told that babies that don't crawl have issues with their language development (ugh, it was all explained in a way that made sense but typing it I'm like DuRRR.) And so now, since LO seems more into standing/walking, I'm terrified. I hate mommy scare tactics.

  33. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @kjpugs: We need to move up to size 3 STAT. So. Much. Poop. last week. We bought a big box too, so I'm hoping to finish using them this week (we use disposables at night and when my husband is watching her), but I don't think we can wait. I just bought 9-month sleepers for her because her 6 month ones are getting too short. Wahhh! My little baby is now 27" tall.

    Is anyone elses baby pooping a ton now? I swear, she pooped four times yesterday, once overnight (that was fun), and when I got her out of her crib this morning, she had pooped AGAIN. It's been like this for days. They are normal, seedy poops, but I hope its related to a tooth just like I hope that's what's causing the fussiness/bad attitude.

  34. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @avivoca: YES. I literally JUST NOW packed up the probably 6 days worth of size 2's. I was trying to make them work but it just cut into her too much. Dangit! I'll give them to a pregnant friend though to share the wealth. Effie has seemed to grow OUT instead of UP this past month so no issue on the sleepers yet! But yeah... THE POOP. She poops every morning and that's what seems to wake her up. 6:15 this AM (for someone who doesn't *have* to get out of bed until 7:30, that's not my favorite!!!) SO MUCH POOP. She's also getting a little prune juice because the oatmeal to help her spit up is constipating her a little.

    Forgot to add, that we started slowly with purees and she is OBSESSEEDDDD. We waited until she showed interest in our food. She is off the charts obsessed with eating and sort of awesome at it, too!

  35. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @kjpugs: She's even pooping out of her cloth. I managed to get a prefold folded just right last week so that no poop got on the cover, but it hasn't happened since then. I think I need some bigger covers for her inserts. She hasn't been a fan of solids so far, so we backed off. Dad is not on board with BLW because he thinks she'll choke and die. He also won't read any books about it, so it's up to me to read up and convince him.


  36. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @avivoca: I didn't have the stomach to start with BLW but I want to add with purees some stuff that can be "mashed" up and put in the feeding pouches to get her to feed herself, and then move on to chunkier and chunkier purees. I am so high anxiety and by myself with her SO often that BLW just isn't for me. If my situation was different though I would 100% want to!

  37. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @kjpugs: She's very independent and doesn't like us to spoon things in her mouth, so I'm hoping this works. If not, I'm going to wait until she tells me she's ready and just lie to the ped about her eating solids. I know she'll come around, and this was a big week, development wise.

  38. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @avivoca: it does seem like this is a huge time for development. Maybe that's why we're all going a little nuts right now. I think that going off of your baby's cues can NEVER be the "wrong" choice!

  39. Lozza

    pear / 1837 posts

    @kjpugs: I've heard all kinds of reasons why not crawling is bad, but I never found any of them that convincing. It's just anecdotal, but my oldest LO didn't really crawl till he was 11 months old, crawled half-heartedly for about two weeks, and then started walking. His language development is fine- at his 2 year checkup, the pediatrician told us not to freak out when our next kid wasn't developing at the same pace since our oldest is unusually verbal (despite not talking at all till 15-18 months). He's easily the most verbal in his daycare class of 12.
    (He's also advanced in gross motor skills, but can't string a cheerio on a piece of spaghetti or count to save his life, but I've never heard fine motor skills or problem solving associated w/ crawling or not!)

  40. Lozza

    pear / 1837 posts

    We are (probably temporarily but I'm still thankful) out of sleep hell, as of four nights ago!
    I'm sure we'll be back soon enough, but after a week of sleeping in 45 minute increments (punctuated by unhappy 30 minute wakings) and me appreciating having my own office so I can nap on the floor during lunch, LO has been waking 2x/night for the past four nights! It's awesome! I'm still kind of a zombie, but I feel vaguely like a person again!
    We did a few things that I think helped:
    1. We started doing a bottle at bedtime, while I pump. I think this encourages DS to eat more during that feeding. I'm able to pump as much as he eats, so I don't think there was a supply issue, but DH makes an effort to stuff as much milk into LO's stomach as possible, whereas when we were nursing it was harder to tell how much he was getting, and it felt like he was just grazing before bedtime and then waking to graze so many times throughout the night.
    2. We bundle him up good. The swaddle has always been great for LO, but he'd been escaping it really easily and waking himself up that way. I bought a magic merlin sleepsuit thing (or whatever it's called) and that didn't really seem to independently make a difference, BUT then I figured out that if I put him in the big puffy sleepsuit and THEN swaddled him, there was no way he was escaping that thing. And it worked! He's still securely swaddled when he wakes up.

    No idea if either of these things might help for others, but I think they're both contributing to our LO sleeping better. We also moved him into his own room for half the night (we put him to bed in his crib, and then around 12 or 1 AM when he wakes up, I put him into the co-sleeper). I'm not sure if it makes a difference to him, but I think *I* sleep better when he's not right there next to me.

    He's not rolling over at all, but for a couple weeks he's been able to sit up completely unassisted really well, so I'm not too worried. We did try some rice cereal and some sweet potato with him, and he's kind of meh on both. He was pooping like four times a day for a while so I don't mind if the rice cereal has a slightly constipating effect on him

    Hope everyone else is doing well- I love hearing the updates! (And I love updated photos of everyone's LOs, so here's one of mine- swear I washed him on delicate and let him air dry!)

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