Hellobee Boards


October 2013 Mamas

  1. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    Hyla ate sweet potatoes last night! And she LIKED them!!!! My baby is getting to be a big girl.

  2. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @avivoca: mm loves her sweet potatoes! We've moved onto carrots. I think we are going to try fruits soon.

  3. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    @avivoca: sorry I'm too tired to read back thru old posts, so you might have already talked about this. How did you prepare the sweet potatoes? Did you purée or do blw? I'm thinking about trying sweet potatoes as one of DD's first food but haven't decided how I'm going to serve them yet.

  4. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Zbug: I bought them at the store. They are puréed. I want to start BLW on her six-month birthday.

  5. Lozza

    pear / 1837 posts

    @Zbug: We've tried sweet potato too, but I just roasted it for a while, mushed it up with a fork, and stirred in some breastmilk. It definitely ended up being a little more lumpy than a puree but LO was fine with it.

  6. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Lozza: I so wish I had enough extra breastmilk to make my own, but my freezer stash is super small now and I don't even have enough to last a day.

  7. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    @avivoca: @Lozza: thanks

  8. Lozza

    pear / 1837 posts

    @avivoca: I typically just lean over and give a few squirts out of each boob
    (LO isn't a huge fan of solid food, so he ends up eating about a teaspoon of food anyhow, so luckily I don't need to add much milk, which is good, because my supply can't keep up with him as is!)

  9. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @avivoca: I just add nursery water. His ped said he could have up to 4 ounces per day at his last appt and I'm not adding anywhere near that much.

  10. Mrs. Yoyo

    blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts

    You guys are all giving me the fever to start solids. LO won't be 6 months for a few more weeks, but I'm thinking he'll like them (if the way he sucks down his Vitamin D drops and tries to wrestle the dropper from my hand is any indication ...) Also, this might let me get out for more than like two hours, since he hates the bottle.

    He can now roll both ways, and sleep has gotten better. So maybe he was just working on that.

  11. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @Zbug: we did sweet potato too! I baked it, food processer-Ed it, and then added some breastmilk. I froze them in the beaba holders and just popped the cubes out.

  12. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    Here is mm with her empty bowl today at the sitter's. she had a happy bowl!

  13. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    @singingbee: so cute! Do you spoon feed her or just let her have at it?

  14. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    We did sweet potato for our first food today! I wasn't sure what she thought. She made a yuck face with each bite but she didn't spit it out & kept opening her mouth for more, even though she was grimacing while she did it, haha!

    We used sweet potatoes that we had roasted for dinner that didn't get eaten. Puréed them with an immersion blender & froze in ice cube trays, leaving a bit out for the next few days. I microwaved it for 15 seconds & mixed in probably an ounce of formula.

  15. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @Zbug: spoon feed and then at the end I let her play/practice with the spoon.

  16. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @singingbee: @Zbug: That's what we did too. She was much more interested in playing with the spoon than being spoon fed

  17. Lozza

    pear / 1837 posts

    @Mrs. Yoyo: We let LO have his first bites of solids when he was a little over 5 months. The pediatrician suggested it since he was already drinking a ton of milk at daycare and still not sleeping at night, that maybe it would help fill him up. I'm not sure if that's what did it, since we changed a bunch of things all around the same time, but he's sure been sleeping better the last week or so!

  18. Lozza

    pear / 1837 posts

    @singingbee: SO. CUTE.

  19. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    Hey mamas! Long time no talk!

    Question to pose: where is everyone's LO at with crawling? No desire? Already crawling? Effie is pretty anxious to move move move... and tries, but isn't really getting anywhere by traditional-crawling. A lot of rotating herself around and pushing herself- she can push herself back pretty well.

    I'm interested to hear what you're all seeing and what maybe your LO has liked as far as activities if they are trying to crawl!

  20. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @kjpugs: she is trying so hard to crawl. Like up on all fours and then that head just falls forward. It's so heavy! She then pushes her bottom up in the air like downward facing dog---so funny! We go to the dr in April 22 and I feel pretty certain that she will be crawling then.

  21. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @kjpugs: I can tell that she wants to crawl, but she hasn't quite figured it out yet. She gets around pretty well by scooting on her back, it's hilarious!

  22. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    @kjpugs: LO wants to crawl but is definitely far from it. She doesn't push up on her knees at all. She is not really advanced in terms of milestones though - we are just getting the hang of rolling. She is more willing to do tummy time lately though because she can scoot & wiggle so that's nice! We entice her to scoot towards us with toys, or the dog!

  23. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    Hey ladies! How's sleep going? I think we are mainly out of sleep hell - for now. I'm super relieved, bc I had no desire to sleep train. We went from numerous night wakeups to two five minute nursing sessions. This works for me! I think there is just so much going on developmentally from 4-6 months that was causing crazy sleep.

    I think she is transitioning from three to two naps, which is making our afternoons and evenings a bit unpredictable. She takes a good nap in the morning, but her afternoon one is too short to make it until bedtime. She gets tired again and needs a catnap btw 4-5. Unfortunately, this means she's not tired enough to actually go to bed until close to 8! Oh well. It will work itself out eventually. (I hope.)

  24. MrsMed

    apricot / 377 posts

    @Zbug: Ah Sleep! What's that? Georgi is taking catnaps during the day -- it's a special day when she gets in a good two hour morning nap. Most of the time they are 20 to 45 minute cat naps. In the morning and in the afternoon. Maybe another early evening cuz she doesn't go down for the night until 9:30-10pm.
    Sleeping through the night is also rare, but at least it's gotten better. On occasion she'll go down at 10ish and wake up at around 4-5pm. That's good for us! I've been told that she doesn't need to eat twice in a night and that I should consider sleep training for at least one of the wakeups. Holy Moly. I'm AFRAID. But Mama's gotta be strong, right? I also bought that "No Cry Sleep Solution" book but have yet to read it. Too tired.

  25. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    @MrsMed: I feel like I spend way too much time thinking about naps, bedtime, etc. It's hard! We are still doing two wakeups a night, but I've actually read that it's pretty common for breastfed babies to nurse a couple times during the nights at this age. The wakeups only last 5-10 minutes, so I'm just letting it ride for now! My current challenge is trying to figure out afternoon naps. It's always something

  26. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Zbug: I've decided that it's best for me if I just bring the baby to bed at her last feeding (between 5 and 5:30 in the morning). She refuses to sleep in her crib after that. Right now, sleep is unpredictable because she's cutting teeth. I can see the bulges in her gums, and it looks like four teeth are trying to move up. I can see white in the top in one spot too. Poor baby.

  27. MrsMed

    apricot / 377 posts

    @avivoca: Poor baby. Do you give her anything for it? Georgi just knaws on her her gums, I can see her mashing down on them and she feels so bad. She's a trooper tho, she's still pretty pleasant. I was a BEAR when I had dental work.

    Also I have a TMI question for you folks. I feel feel like in the past few weeks my boobs are starting to point down. Like, National Geographic down. Like, they are aiming for my knees down. The actual nipples look droopy because Georgi pulls at them. Does this happen to some and not others? My SIL still has porn star boobs after 3 kids. Meanwhile, I plan on never being seen without a bra again.
    I also believe this may have happened as I've been laying in the bed with Georgi to nurse. I take my Long boob and reach it over to her mouth. She's happy and I am not.

  28. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @MrsMed: We've been giving Tylenol (she had shots plus her teething, which meant a higher fever), and I plan on getting some Hyland's Teething Tablets. Basically, she chews on anything and everything. Carrots are a favorite.

    As for my boobs, they aren't pointing down, but one nipple is kind of droopy. It's a little sad looking. Hyla has been trying to take it with her when she turns her head. I never had porn star boobs (they've always been a bit droopy), but it's nothing a good supportive bra/swimsuit top can't mask.

  29. MrsMed

    apricot / 377 posts

    @avivoca: Thanks for the advice/support. Don't get me wrong. I never had porn star boobs either, but my new look is a lil bit shocking.
    I'd heard mixed things about teething tablets -- so let me know how they go for you. And good luck to Miss Hyla! Hopefully that sucker pops soon and she gets some relief.

  30. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @avivoca: my ped's office said they felt mixed about the tablets and to only give them in a bottle, not directly in her mouth, which is what we did before I talked to them. We've just not used them anymore.

  31. MrsMed

    apricot / 377 posts

    @zbug: good luck with the daytime sleeping. I hear you, naps and sleeping scheds are just much more important than the story I'm supposed to be writing at work right now. In fact, it was all I could do to drag my arse out of the house today to actually go to work. My how things have changed.

  32. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    We are halfway to having one year olds! Therefore, it's survey time (if you are so inclined).

    Name (if you wish to share): Hyla
    LO age - 6 months
    Weight - 15 lbs, 11.5 oz.
    Height - 25.5" (I'm pretty sure they measured her wrong, she's busting out of her six month sleepers)
    Favorite food - Sweet Potatoes, peaches, and she likes to gnaw on carrots
    Teeth - We've got a few on the way.
    Sleep - We are sleeping, but we are up between 2-4 times per night with the teeth, the shots, and the seasonal allergies.
    Naps - 2-3.
    Newest milestone - Screeching, rolling, and she wants to crawl so badly
    "Words" - tons of cooing, crowing, screeching, and a lot of 'gah' sounds
    Sociability - she's a social butterfly!

  33. MrsMed

    apricot / 377 posts

    Name (if you wish to share): Georgianne "Georgi"
    LO age - 6 months and 1 week
    Weight - 16 pounds, 1 oz.
    Height - 27 inches. (long and luxurious, like her Papa)
    Favorite food - Uh, breast milk and Tylenol. She smacks on that Tylenol. We tried sweet potatoes last night and she was less than impressed. I'm reading Baby Led Weaning now and we're going to give that a go.
    Teeth - I think they are coming.
    Sleep - Catnaps during the day, 3 hour stretches at night. Goes right back to sleep if she nurses for a few minutes in the middle of the night.
    Newest milestone - pterodactyl like screams, trying to scootch across the floor, bridges while on her back.
    "Words" - I truly believe that on occasion she says "Hi" back to me.
    Sociability - She hates my 16 year old sister (cries when she holds her) and I don't blame her. No real "stranger danger" yet.

  34. MrsMed

    apricot / 377 posts

    Miss George today.

  35. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @MrsMed: She is gorgeous!

  36. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    @avivoca: :(. Hope they come thru fairly quickly so you guys can hopefully get back to normal!

  37. MrsMed

    apricot / 377 posts

    @avivoca: Thanks! She's super sweet.

  38. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    Here's the latest picture I have on my iPad. Hyla has turned into a little roly poly!

  39. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    Name (if you wish to share): Nickname mm
    LO age - 6 months
    Weight - 15 lbs, 9.5 oz (that was March 13-- pretty sure she is over 16 lbs now)
    Height - 26" (again from March 13)
    Favorite food - Sweet Potatoes, pears, peas, carrots, and oatmeal cereal---basically anything in her mouth that we've tried
    Teeth - two!!!!!! Her bottom ones
    Sleep - getting better! We moved her to her own room and so far she has slept through the night or has 1-2 wake-ups.
    Naps - 2-3.
    Newest milestone - Rolling, screaming, scooting, almost sitting up the whole way, ALMOST crawling. She got up on all fours and rocked back and forth. Then, fell head down because it's so heavy.
    "Words" - hello, which comes out heywoah, and can say hi.
    Sociability - pretty social. She can be a little shy when around new people, but quickly warms up.

  40. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    Brushing our two teeth!

    Edit: removed. Got paranoid.

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