hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@2littlepumpkins: I've been quiet about this because I have a bit of guilt but I stopped BFing and pumping about 2 weeks ago. I was engorged one day after power pumping that the engorgement hurt and then I had family in town that I sorta got too busy and didn't continue pumping. I think the engorgement cut my supply. I heard using cabbage leaves will reduce your supply. My sister is BFing and has an oversupply so she had my older sister bring frozen BM when they came to visit. (Partly why I didn't continue pumping because I knew BM was coming.) Here I am trying to pump again to jump start my supply because I'm about to run out of my sister's BM. I don't have anything against FF feeding. I would do it because I don't particularly have a big attachment to BFing. I actual prefer pumping. But I think the thought of the chance of me preventing my babies from developing severe asthma (like my DH has) is what makes me want to pump for them or at least a tad better than FF. I totally get people who FF though. I definitely am torn about it.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@Rainbow Sprinkles: about your LO sleeping... How is it going? We had a twin PnP with bassinet attachment next to our bed and used that for a good week. Then we tried to see how they liked the mamaroo. They like it. Woohoo! I know you aren't supposed to put them in for extended amounts of time but we feed them every 3-4 hours. We were using them during the day but when we would move them to the bassinet, they would not sleep at all. Or at least one of them would need to be held. I think the mamaroo is cradled so it holds their pacifier. The bassinet is flat and even when swaddled, their pacifier comes loose. The mamaroo helps somewhat keep the pacifier in their mouth and also the movement helps put them to sleep. So probably in the last week, we just keep them in the mamaroo pretty much all day. They like being held or being in the mamaroo. I know the dr says we don't have to worry about spoiling them because at this point they don't remember things yet.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: I went in to my regular doctor today (just because they are closer.) He said it seems more like a swollen lymph node because of the location (and it hasn't changed size whether I pump a lot and massage or do nothing..) I've had other lumps before so I'm kind of hoping it was just there and I didn't notice it.. I'll still try to call my ob's office again today. Couldn't get through yesterday.
@bluestriped bee: Thanks for the advice! I tried pumping with my first but developed bad PPD/PPA which may have had to do with that (hormonal stuff.) After a year and a half of GI stuff and pregnancy and all of that, I just feel so worn down and feel like I really need to take care of myself if I'm going to be any good to anyone. I would be more hesitant (like I was) with my first but because she is healthy and smart it is a constant reminder that FFing will likely be just fine. Plus, I was FF'd.
In other news, both ds and I have oral thrush, and I think the medicine is making him a little unhappy. BUT after months of antibiotics I am finally off of them.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
How is everyone doing??
I'm 2 weeks out and still bleeding, I don't remember bleeding this long with my first, but I also wasn't as active after labor either...kinda hard to not do much with a toddler!!
We went to the pedi today for a weight check and C is up to 7lbs 13oz, pretty good considering he was down to 6lbs 6oz 2 days after he was born!
cherry / 197 posts
Things are finally settling down for us so I'm happy to join everyone. LO is 1 week old today and I feel like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. LO wouldnt really latch in the hospital and bc of all the attempts my nipple got bruised and bloody. The LC there suggested a nipple shield and that seemed to do the trick. But, bc I'm using a shield they said I need to pump after every feeding and then fed him the pumped milk through a little syringe. So that's been absolutely exhausting essentially triple feeding him. They told me I had to feed every 2 hours so by the time I'm done feeding, pumping, and feeding again I barely get 30 mins of peace.
Lo also had high bilirubin levels at 3 days old and they kept increasing so we had to put him under lights. He had to be in the lights (it was like a mini tanning bed) 24/7 unless he was eating. But as of yesterday he got to come out of the lights and now we're trying to find a routine again.
Last night he pretty much nursed the entire night, so I got no sleep. We're also dealing with him only sleeping in our arms and crying within 5 mins if I put him in a crib. So I usually just pick him up so we both can sleep. I hope I'm not giving him bad habits but it's just so hard to know what to do.
So there's my little summary of whats been going on. I'm hoping things start to get a little better from here on.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@NovBaby1112: Wow that's great weight gain! All your pumping effort is paying off. I'm not quite 2 weeks out but still bleeding a bit.. I bled for 8+ weeks the first time, it was crazy. My OB said it just happens to some people. I'm hoping it's going to be less this time.
@renee0106: Hang in there, it will get easier is all I can say. I have never got through the whole nursing thing but everything seems pretty normal but very challenging. My lo likes to be held a lot too. Swaddling has been helping us but today he is much more wakeful than he has been so far, so I think our sleepy newborn period is ending and we may be dealing with more of this soon. (We never had this super sleepy newborn phase with lo1 though, so it was pretty cool!)
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@renee0106: that feeding schedule sounds exhausting! I hope things get a little easier.
I'm 6 days postpartum and things are going well over here. Recovery has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. Luckily I didn't have an episiotomy, just a few internal stitches.
DD is nursing well. My milk came in day 3 and I was really engorged for a couple days, but it's getting better. I think I might have a bit of a forceful letdown because sometimes she'll sputter and pop off right after she latches. She was past her birth weight by day 4, which made me really happy.
This biggest thing we are struggling with is where to put her to sleep at night. We have a small crib in our room and she did not like being in there at all, even swaddled. So the next night we tried the swing with it on and she did a little better. Now we're using the swing with it off, so I guess it's sort of like a RNP and she likes that even better. She sleeps the best/longest snuggled up next to me though and so do I. I never wanted to be a cosleeper and DH isn't comfortable with her being in the bed so I'm hoping she'll get the hang of sleeping on her own soon.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@NovBaby1112: I'm still bleeding too...had my 2 week checkup today and Dr said it was normal and that most women she sees at 2weeks are still bleeding. I didn't remember bleeding that long with DD1 but maybe I did!
@renee0106: sorry you are having feeding troubles. I went through that with DD1 - BF, pump, the time you finish its almost time to start all over again hang in there! I know how difficult it is.
@Mrs. Pickle: sleep those first few weeks is so tricky! I really don't think you can create bad habits this early - you gotta do whatever works to get the most sleep for all of you! Glad your recovery is going well!
We are doing good over here...I was such a hormonal, stressed out mess with DD1 that it's nice to be more relaxed and calm this time around. J is sleeping well (gave me a 6 hour stretch the other night!) and is generally a chill baby. My sisters have been spending extra time with my oldest, picking her up from daycare and keeping her for's a huge help but I miss spending a lot of time with her. In some ways I feel like I'm being pulled in all directions.
My milk supply has also increased which is great - I'm pumping 6x a day and getting between 23-25 oz, which is what J eats in a day so I haven't had to supplement in a while. I don't know if I should keep giving her a bottle of formula here and there so that she is still "used to it" if we ever have to supplement again in the future?
squash / 13764 posts
hi ladies! So happy to be here Just wanted to jump on quickly--we just got home today and so far C is pretty sleepy, only waking to eat, and only wanting to eat for 15-20 minutes at a time. Her latch is super painful and the LC at the hospital confirmed my fears about a posterior tongue tie and lip tie, so we have an appt with an ENT for Tuesday. I really hope it helps--LO1 had the same thing, but his was improperly clipped and it still took about 9 weeks for nursing to be pain free.
I am going to try to get some rest and will read back through the thread later. hope you are all doing well!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: woohoo she's here sorry to hear about the tongue/lip tie, but at least you were aware of it and hopefully can get it figured out. I remember you struggling with L. Nice you're home already! enjoy that sleepy newborn!!
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@renee0106: that does sound rough! I hope things get easier soon with BFing! I also hold my baby at night when he's having trouble settling...both of us get some sleep that way!
@2littlepumpkins: oh man, 8 weeks!? I hope mine stops soon here...we'll see I guess.
@Mrs. Pickle: that's great nursing is going so well! we are having DS sleep in RnP right now, and sometimes I will hold him too
@Charm54: 6 hours?! Lucky! I feel the same way, way less anxious and stressed out, it's been so nice! That is awesome about your supply! Sounds like you are making a great amount!
@hilsy85: congrats!! Happy to have you here ugh, sorry about the tongue and lip tie! I hope you can see an ENT ASAP and get things fixed.
squash / 13764 posts
@hellobeeboston: yes we had the same issue with L--hoping that we will get it fixed earlier and better this time around!@NovBaby1112: are you still EP'ing? Do you plan to do that the whole time or are you going to try to get him to latch and nurse eventually?
@Charm54: your supply sounds awesome!!! I am eager to start pumping soon so I can start doing some bottles with DD--hoping to get her more used to them than LO1 was. I have no idea when it's recommended to start pumping though...
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@hilsy85: I'm wondering when to start pumping too. I don't want to wait too long and have her fight the bottle, but I also don't want to mess anything up because she's a good nurser.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@hilsy85: yep still EPing...every once and awhile I try to get him to latch but he just gets worked up and upset and doesn't latch so I give up...I'm getting used to EPing now though and generally don't mind it too badly so I'm probably just going to stick with it for now. It is nice having DH be able to feed him! When are you going to see the ENT?
grapefruit / 4455 posts
Aaand it begins. My three year old seems to have a cold and sneezed right by my two week old. I was hoping to somehow get to six weeks or at least a month. Ds is getting some breast milk thanks to my difficulty weaning off the pump so I guess that's somewhat helpful but this sucks!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@2littlepumpkins: oh no! I hope he is able to avoid the cold. I think it's inevitable with toddlers running around, though. Dh told me C was blowing into my pump parts a few days ago, cold and all ("mamas horn!") and he forgot to tell me Poor J got the milk before Dh remembered! She seems okay, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@2littlepumpkins: oh no! I hope baby doesn't get sick.
My mom just left. She and I cried and DD looked at us like we were crazy.
We're having newborn and family photos taken today. DD was nice and slept in 4 hour chunks last night, so my dark circles are quite as dark today. I wasn't sure I had enough concealer otherwise.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@Charm54: glad I'm not alone! I was googling about newborns and colds and it seemed like all these posts were about 4-6 week olds and I felt so bad that ds wasn't even quite 2 weeks. He's 2 weeks today. So far he isn't showing any symptoms but the sneeze was just yesterday. Were trying to keep them separated but it's so hard! Going to take dd out to run some errands and then MIL can take her later so that's something at least. Thank goodness dh is still on paternity leave!
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: thanks. I hope your pictures go well. We did ours on Tues and it was actually really nice. I remember when my mom left after visiting lo1 the first time and I was crying to dh asking him how I was supposed to take care of a child with no family (mine anyway) nearby. (I also wound up having ppd so I'm sure that was part of it.) it was so emotional!!
squash / 13764 posts
@NovBaby1112: I can definitely see the appeal! We see the ENT Tuesday. @Mrs. Pickle: so fun! I bet the photos will be beautiful. We will have ours done either thurs or Friday. @2littlepumpkins: Lo1 has also been all over dd and on sure it's only a matter of time before she is sick especially since he was just getting over a cold when she was born.
cherry / 197 posts
@Charm54: how long do you pump for each session? I'm thinking of trying to switch to ep'ing but right now I only get a max of 2 ounces in a 20 min session.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@hilsy85: Yay, preschool and cold season!
@renee0106: Wasn't directed at me but from last time I think I remember around this point getting 2 oz/side EPing every 2-4 hours. This time I'm weaning off the pump to ff so I've been able to stretch out the time between pumps a lot but still getting 3oz/side.
cherry / 197 posts
@2littlepumpkins: thanks that helps! I think I might try some things to up my supply. I only ever get 1oz/side max every 2 to 4 hours. I know that will not be enough to start ep'ing. That also makes me think DS isn't getting enough either which would make sense since he's having trouble gaining weight.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Mrs. Pickle: it's not easy saying goodby to family, especially after baby. Do you have any plans to get together in the future?
@renee0106: I pump for 10-15 mins, 6x a day. I get anywhere from 2-5oz , depending on how long I've gone between pumps. I broke my daily total pumping record today, 28oz! Haha, Dh didn't understand my excitement. I only ever made 18-20oz a day when I EPed with DD1.
I'm looking forward to dropping my MOTN pump session, that's really the only one that I hate doing. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks. If you have any EPing questions, let me know it's not for everyone, but I actually really enjoy it.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@renee0106: when I started EPing I was only getting 1-2 oz per session. Pumping often (7-8x a day) really helped to boost my supply in those first 10 days. I used quite a bit of formula to supplement days 1-10 but now I haven't had to supplement in over a week.
Also when you're nursing and pumping I would think you wouldn't get as much from the pump, since your LO is eating in between pump sessions? So it might not be an accurate reflection of your supply?
If you do think it's a supply issue, domperidone did wonders to boost mine with Dd1. My Dr wrote me a Rx for it again this time but I haven't started to take it yet since my supply actually seems to be keeping up these days
cherry / 197 posts
@Charm54: thanks for the info!
Yes he's nursing in between my pumping sessions so maybe it's not an accurate picture of my supply. But the times where he's missed a feeding and I pump instead I still only get 2 oz total. He's only 11 days old so maybe my supply will still increase.
I'm going to double check with my LC before I starting EP'ing just to make sure they're on board with it. I think it might take some work in the beginning but I know I would just feel so much better knowing he's getting enough to eat and it would save me so much time. Sometimes we nurse for an hour stright and he's still not satisfied so I give him my extra from pumping and then he's satisfied.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@2littlepumpkins: my DD has been sick for what seems like weeks, toddler germs everywhere! Nothing we can do really DS has been congested and sneezing now but otherwise seems fine.
@Mrs. Pickle: I bawled when my mom left too. It was so nice having her here to help and we are def missing that!
@renee0106: Try to drink lots of water and eat oatmeal, they also helps supply. I also drink this stuff called mothers milk tea. But I bet since you are nursing as well the pumping amount isn't accurate like others have said. I pump around 7-8 times a day now for about 10 minutes and am averaging 5oz per session. Right now it's more than enough but I know that it probably won't be when DS is a bit older, esp bc I keep sleeping through the night pumping sessions!!
cherry / 197 posts
@NovBaby1112: thanks! I hadn't heard of eating oatmeal so I might try that too. I'm drinking about 100 oz of water each day so I hope that's enough!
squash / 13764 posts
We had our first pedi appt today--C is already past her birth weight at 4 days old! She was born at 7lbs 12oz and weighed in at 7lbs13oz. I was surprised because she only nurses for like 10-15 minutes at a time, but maybe she is just really efficient? or my milk is super fatty, lol. Maybe she will be a chunky monkey, which would be a big change from LO1, who was a string bean!
The pedi also noticed a spot on her back that she thinks may become a hemangioma (strawberry birthmark). I'm a little worried, because I know they can be really big and obvious, but the important thing is that it's benign and she is in perfect health.
Anyone else dealing/dealt with engorgement? I am in major discomfort and my boobs are insanely huge and swollen makes it hard for DD to latch as well. Has anyone successfully done the cabbage leaves?
@renee0106: or lactation cookies! There are a bunch of good recipes online, and I think there has been one or two posted on HB too.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@hilsy85: that sounds exactly like R! She was past her birth weight by an ounce at 4 days old and she only nurses about 10 minutes at a time. I was really engorged for a couple days and got some relief hand expressing.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@hilsy85: that's awesome weight gain!! Go C! For engorgement, mine only lasted a day or two and then it settled down. I just did hot showers and hand compressions and ice packs.
The last 2 nights DS has been super fussy in the evenings from like 6pm to 10pm....he's a dream all day and then 6pm hits and he gets fussy, wants to eat a lot but also gets fussy during feeding, and just needs to be held a lot. So hard when you have a toddler to take care of too and DH is working!! anyone else's LOs have a witching hour? I rember this with DD but she was like this all day long
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@NovBaby1112: my dd was the same and ds seems fussier between 9/10 and 2. Not sure what it'll end up being but that was also when he was active on the inside too! Just hoping we don't end up dealing with colic!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: that's awesome weight gain! Sounds like nursing is going well!! The engorgement only lasted a day or two for me. I just suffered through knowing it would be over pretty quickly and nursed as normal. Hopefully it will be better for you tomorrow.
@NovBaby1112: sounds like witching hour! My C has had similar evening fussiness but it varies depending on his naps. It's been falling on the later side the past few nights. (Just in time for daddy to take over when I'm putting J to bed, ha!).
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@2littlepumpkins: ugh I'm also worried about colic. DD had colic and I feel like I have PTSD from it!bhoping this is just a short lived witching hour phase...
@hellobeeboston: it seems pretty common from what I've read....I would almost prefer it happen later though, dinner/bedtime is so tough, I feel bad for M
squash / 13764 posts
@NovBaby1112: have you tried wearing him? maybe that would help? sounds rough though. I am terrified of next week when DH goes back to work and we don't have any help at home...the idea of entertaining DS while caring for DD is really overwhelming!
We had our ENT appt today and DD had her tongue tie and lip tie clipped. So far her latch is still painful but less so, and my nipples don't look quite as bad when they come out of her mouth. The ENT said it looks like I have the beginnings of mastitis I had it with DS and it was awful--I''m hoping that with the improved latch I'll be able to avoid it.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
@hilsy85: yes! I went out yesterday and bought an infant insert for my ergo and a baby swing, and both helped so much! I know how you feel, I cried so hard when my mom left and DH went back to work. The days are easy with just the baby, but the evenings are rough...hugs! I'm sure it'll all go fine, tough at first but things will get easier. I hope her latch gets even better for you and you don't get mastitis!
grapefruit / 4066 posts
Hope everyone is doing well! C is 3 weeks old already, crazy!
He's definitely "waking up" more during the day and having more awake time. Eating 3oz every 2.5-3 hours and then napping for 1-2 hours after. Evenings have been tough, witching hours from around 6-8pm where he just wants to eat/suck on paci and not be put down. Then around 8pm we've been doing a bedtime routine of bath, lotion, swaddle and a bottle and he sleeps a longer stretch until around 1am and then is up again at 3:30/4am and 6:30am to eat. That's pretty much it for now! He is loving the swing, which is great bc DD did not like it at all, so that makes naps easier. Most evenings I am solo, which is challenging but we are starting to get into a little groove and I'm feeling better about it.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
Although we tried so hard to prevent it, ds officially has his first cold. He's not even 3 weeks. Saline, humidifier, whaever breast milk I had in the fridge (wasn't sure about the sudafed and then the possible yeast) and whatever I'm still pumping, and trying to keep him upright. He seems very sleepy but I'm not sure how this will progress, never took care of a sick newborn before. The good news is big sister is basically better!
squash / 13764 posts
@NovBaby1112: I feel like we are also starting to have a fussy period at night--usually around 7/8/9pm, where she has a lot of trouble falling asleep without nursing. I really want her to take a paci but so far she has rejected them
Nursing is also going better--I think I have avoided mastitis, but have a plugged duct on one side--I've been doing massage and trying to empty it as often as possible. Hopefully it goes away soon.
@2littlepumpkins: aw poor guy is he horribly uncomfortable? I hope he feels better soon!
pomegranate / 3516 posts
I'll catch up eventually but I figured I would update. Cora's been super sleepy and not interested in eating most of the time. Her newborn tests showed that she's on the low end of having high levels of bilirubin. She doesn't need phototherapy right now but they need her to take in something so she'll have more diapers so I'm pumping every 2-3 hours now at less than two days after birth (they're hoping my milk comes in faster) and feeding her colostrum through a syringe. We still try nursing but I think it's just a lot of work for her right now with how tired she is, even with the nipple shield. So we leave the hospital in an hour or two but we go to the pediatrician in the morning to check her levels. I'm hoping my milk comes in tomorrow or Sunday so it'll be easier for her to nurse and flush everything out of her system.
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