Hellobee Boards


October 2018 moms

  1. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    Has anyone felt baby yet? Almost 16 weeks here and still nothing. Was able to pick up the heart on a Doppler by myself yesterday.

  2. Kmomartin

    grape / 87 posts

    @littleblessings: I haven’t felt anything (that I know of!) but I’m only 14.5 weeks!

    I am so thrilled to be through the first trimester. Blood work came back very low risk, so with that and the NT scan going well, I feel much more relaxed about everything now!

    Now just waiting on June 4th to find out if baby is a he or she!

  3. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @littleblessings: yes! Started to feel kicks last week at 17 weeks. Some days s/he is more active than others... I forgot how cool it is.

    @Kmomartin: congrats! Definitely a milestone. First tri can be so tough physically and mentally.

    Also, we find out on Monday if it’s a boy or girl! I thought I’d just have the ultrasound tech tell us, but I’m hearing of some cute (private) ways that people find out. We were team green for #1 so this is new territory...

  4. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @YogiRunner: I think we are staying Team Green but I think if we were finding out I would have them write it down so we could find out at home with our DD. I just realized if we wait until the baby comes out we will know before her :(. Maybe we wait until she’s met the baby to tell our families the sex and the name so she can find out first?

  5. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    I've been feeling flutters that were undeniable since maybe 14 weeks, kicks started occasionally at around 15 weeks. I felt it early with my previous two pregnancies to. Its still inconsistent- can't wait until its reliable and a little more predictable- I feel like I miss it, half the time.

  6. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    I know I"m kind of weird in this regard, but I just had them tell me the results of the DNA test for baby's sex over the phone, and then texted my husband....we really didn't have a preference, and it doesn't feel like that big of a deal to me. A lot of people I know had a card mailed to them or something, so they could open with their family which is nice, too. I liked being able to process it by myself, to be honest!

    Its been helpful for my daughter to know, I think. We talk about "baby sister" a lot, and she's WAY more excited this time (she's older, so that makes sense, but its really nice. last time she didnt give a shit)

  7. alwayssunny722

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    @Silva: Not weird at all, I totally get it! Our families pushed us to do a gender reveal which we politely declined doing and we compromised by finding out ourselves today, so we had time to plan and process; We will tell everyone else tomorrow.

    I'm glad we stuck to it because we are having a boy!

  8. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @Silva: Nope, not weird at all. Public gender reveals generally aren’t my thing personally, but maybe there’s a cute way DH and I could find out privately later so we’re not processing it in front of a stranger. Maybe it’s the sociology major/feminist in me, but as much as I’d like to know what we’re having, I’m not also not ready to assign pink ruffles or blue trucks to this kid before we even meet them!

  9. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: oh that’s so sweet to have your DD find out with you! Our kiddo is only two so he doesn’t really get it yet... (or maybe he does, I feel like he absorbs so much more than we realize!)

  10. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @YogiRunner: My kid loves both pink ruffles AND blue trucks, and we didn't find out the first time because I didn't want a ton of pink stuff if it was a girl.

    My husband agreed that we should just tell our families that the baby is here and wait until our daughter meets the baby so we can tell her the sex of the baby and the name before we tell anyone else. Also, that's what they did on Daniel Tiger. We might change our minds but I think we'll prepare our family for that.

    My daughter said today, "the baby sure is taking a long time to get here." She also said, "I don't think the baby is a girl anymore." We did not discuss her grammar usage and whether she thinks that the baby has become a boy; or that she now thinks the baby is a boy.

    Is anyone else having really bad skin stuff? I've been breaking out on my face and also my decolletage for a couple weeks now and I keep having this itchy patch all along my cheekbones.

  11. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @littleblessings: Exciting! I’m almost 15 weeks and have felt some movement on and off I think, but it’s not undeniable yet. I can’t wait for baby kicks, it’s my favorite thing ever!

  12. alwayssunny722

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    @Ms.Mermaid: Yes! My normally oily skin has been dryer than the Sahara, leaving some itchy patches. Luckily acne has tapered off since the first trimester, but I've been trying rosehip oil and it seems to be helping with the itchy and dehydrated spots.

  13. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    How is everyone doing with baby names? I think we are about 85% decided on baby boy’s first name, but still working out the middle. I have 2 favorite middle names and DH has said he both likes them and doesn’t, depending on which day I ask him lol.

  14. yogifish

    cherry / 128 posts

    @buttermilk: we still don't know the sex, find out in two weeks so we just agreed to table all name discussions until we know what we are having. I suspect if we have another boy it will be a long road. We had two boy names (first/middle combos) we liked for my first, used one choice, and have now decided we no longer like the second name LOL. I find boy names so much harder, it's like there are less options to pick from if that makes sense?

  15. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @buttermilk: I think we’ve decided. It’s not official yet, but we haven’t found anything we like more and the nickname is starting to stick.
    We like old, uncommon names with a good nickname. I think the middle name will be my grandmothers name, we used my grandfathers’ names for the first two kids. A nice bonus about the name we have picked is that it is a variation on my other grandmother- so they all will be honored in some way
    We do it this way because the kids have my husbands last name, though I kept mine.

  16. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @yogifish: I agree boy names are so much harder! I had strong feelings for a name with this one if it was a girl and I think that was part of the reason for my initial disappointment when we found out he was a boy. But then I realized this name has a male counterpart and I instantly felt reconnected to the baby. Plus DD is starting to use this name to refer to baby now which all but sets it in stone!

  17. yogifish

    cherry / 128 posts

    @buttermilk: Yeah I understand that for sure! That is part of the reason we said we just wouldn't even start discussing until we knew the sex because it would at least narrow it down.

    @Silva: We like traditional names too, with good nickname potential which I sometimes feel like narrows down the choices a bit, because if the nickname is bad, the full name gets eliminated even if we can agree on it!

  18. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @yogifish: we had planned to name this baby (if it was a girl) Wilhelmina, nickname Willa. But we now know two other Willa's, one of whom we are close with, born in the last two years. So its out

  19. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    @Silva: I have a girl’s name I love and my husband has been unsuccessful in swaying me from it. I’m also struggling with boys names. We already told my LO we aren’t naming the baby Margaret like in Daniel Tiger and she was pretty bummed.

  20. yogifish

    cherry / 128 posts

    @Silva: that’s such a pretty name. Same thing happened to us with our girls middle name Rose and now it’s out. However still don’t know what we’re having so it might not even be a problem.

  21. alwayssunny722

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    @Silva: Willa is so beautiful!

    I feel like this baby will not be named until we are leaving the hospital or something! I agree with yogifish boy names are harder for some reason. We'll "the one" in due time. Our daughter is coming around to the idea of having a little brother, and in a way it's helping me too

  22. alwayssunny722

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    Happy Mother's Day everyone!

  23. YogiRunner

    clementine / 849 posts

    We opened the envelope today and we’re having another boy!

  24. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    Congratulations and Happy Mother’s Day. I am sorry I have been so absent. SOs parents have been causing a ruckus in our lives. 🙄

  25. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @YogiRunner: Congratulations!

  26. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    10/3: Flowercrown
    10/5: Littlebear, Yogirunner
    10/6: Anbanan15
    10/12: Ms. Mermaid
    10/20: Silva
    10/22: Alwayssunny755, Littleblessings
    10/24: Yogifish
    10/28: Themrsgoff, Kmomartin
    10/30: Buttermilk

    Wanted to update the list. If I need to fix or add anything, let me know.

  27. yogifish

    cherry / 128 posts

    @littleblessings: I don't know what I'm having yet so must be someone else with a confirmed boy

  28. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @YogiRunner: Delurking to say congrats!!!! Brothers sound awesome.

  29. alwayssunny722

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    @YogiRunner: congrats!

  30. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @yogifish: oops wrong yogi. Lol

  31. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    10/3: Flowercrown
    10/5: Littlebear, Yogirunner
    10/6: Anbanan15
    10/12: Ms. Mermaid
    10/20: Silva
    10/22: Alwayssunny755, Littleblessings
    10/24: Yogifish
    10/28: Themrsgoff, Kmomartin
    10/30: Buttermilk

  32. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    Anyone have names or potential names figured out.

    Our LO will be Everlee

  33. yogifish

    cherry / 128 posts

    @littleblessings: haha no worries. I feel like we will be getting another boy anyways, just another 9 days to go until we find out!

  34. alwayssunny722

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    @littleblessings: I'm having a boy as well

    Everlee is very pretty!

  35. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @littleblessings: Everlee is pretty!

    We are going with Francis Reeve for our boy. Will call him Francis or Fran or Frank or Frankie! I like that there are so many options. We’ll see what sticks!

  36. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    10/3: Flowercrown
    10/5: Littlebear, Yogirunner
    10/6: Anbanan15
    10/12: Ms. Mermaid
    10/20: Silva
    10/22: Alwayssunny755 , Littleblessings
    10/24: Yogifish
    10/28: Themrsgoff, Kmomartin
    10/30: Buttermilk

  37. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    @yogifish: how exciting! I have a regular appointment tomorrow and then schedule the anatomy scan. Cannot wait until then!

    @buttermilk: thank you. I think Everlee’s nickname will be Evie. Not sure yet. I love that your name has so many choices.

    @alwayssunny722: thank you. Got any potential name choices?

  38. alwayssunny722

    coffee bean / 49 posts

    @littleblessings: I like the names Ethan and Nolan but my husband isn't really on board with either one. My daughter is Evie so I am totally partial to that nickname for your Everlee!

    @buttermilk: Francis is a great name!

  39. Ms.Mermaid

    kiwi / 745 posts

    Anatomy scan looked good! We opted to stay Team Green but if anyone needs me I’ll be googling to see if I can figure out sex from my ultrasound pictures :p.

  40. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    @littleblessings: we are having a boy too. due 10/4

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