Welcome to all the October moms!
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
Welcome to all the October moms!
First child?
Any symptoms?
Who have you told?
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
coffee bean / 27 posts
I'll start it off
Location: Massachusetts
EDD: 10/5
First child? My third
Any symptoms? Fatigue, mild nausea, sore boobs
Who have you told? My husband, a couple close friends and my parents
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Excited to be pregnant with what will be our final baby. Also a bit terrified at how we're going to handle three kids! And a touch nervous about whether it's a male or female-- we have two girls and part of me thinks it would be much easier to have a third (at least it would save us a circumcision debate!)
pea / 21 posts
Location: California
EDD: 10/3
First child? DD is 2.5
Any symptoms? A little tired, swollen painful breasts but other than that feeling pretty good! I have more energy (so far) this time around than I had with DD and my last two miscarriages.
Who have you told? DH, my mom and my aunt.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
I’m excited but feeling a little nervous about adjusting to having 2 kids. DD is a stage 5 clinger so I hope she adjusts as well as she can not having our attention 24/7. I had a little bit of a rough delivery with dd, hemorrhaged right after delivering so I’m a little nervous about that happening again. I was induced with cytotec so idk if that had anything to do with it? I’m hoping I don’t have to be induced this time around. Other than that I have total baby fever and can’t wait to meet this little one
pea / 21 posts
@Littlebear: I’m torn on weather I want a boy or another girl. We’ll obviously be happy either way. Part of me is hoping for another girl because A.) having a sister is awesome especially so close in age and I would love for DD to be able to experience that! and B.) we saved a lot of her baby clothes so it would be so much easier lol
kiwi / 745 posts
Finally alone in my house so I can join in!
Location: Baltimore
EDD: 10/12
First child? Second!
Any symptoms? Nausea, sore boobs, intense hunger, headaches
Who have you told? Husband, sister, a few friends, medical professionals
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Concerns about sticking but also concerned about being super-sick again or having GD again or having a rough L&D experience again. I'm actually really excited this time, which is new for me because last time I was terrified and just so, so, so anxious the entire time.
kiwi / 745 posts
I started taking Unisom and B6 this weekend because my in laws were staying with us and we didn't want to tell them this early and I needed to act like a person and not just be sick all weekend.
So I feel AWESOME and human, which is pretty cool. I'm not sure I will keep taking it because last pregnancy I took zofran and that wound up being contraindicated for pregnancy, but it's nice to feel like I have the option to not feel like garbage and dry heave on my way to work.
Is anyone having some weird aversions? I just finished Whole30 so I'm having trouble with stuff with sugar anyway and the idea of eating chocolate just completely disgusts me.
kiwi / 745 posts
Oh man, I'm so annoyed. My friends and I have been passing around all our maternity clothes for the last 4 years and I've loaned a bunch of stuff to various people and somebody has my demi-panel pants and I don't know who! I remember from last time the 5-6 week bloat was really terrible, and the demi panel pants also really helped keep things looking kind of flat, without being terribly uncomfortable and I was really hoping they would be in one of my bags of clothes.
The good news is, my sister gave me back a bag of maternity stuff which included my maternity yoga pants! I was not expecting to get them back because she had her baby in them in the car on the way to the hospital, but the placenta appears to have come out nicely!
pea / 21 posts
@Ms.Mermaid: With DD I had about three maternity tanks and a pair of maternity leggings. I used the belly band quite a bit and was able to squeeze into my normal leggings lol I think this time around I’m going to do the same, stock up on leggings and a few maternity shirts. I hope you can find your favorite pants!
So far no aversions buuut last night I had the sudden urge for tacos so DH went and picked some up for dinner I’ve been drinking tons of lemonade and iced tea which I never usually care for.
kiwi / 745 posts
@flowercrown: I'm a lawyer so leggings don't fly and I found last time the bellyband just absolutely didn't work with my dress pants and how low I carried. I did dig it out of the bag to be used soon, but I don't expect to use it for long. I ordered two more pairs of dress pants on Swap.com today though so that should fill out my collection.
kiwi / 745 posts
If anyone else is fighting nausea, I've had really good luck with the Preggie Pop Drop Plus lozenges from Target but they apparently turn your tongue neon colors.
Has anyone else already ditched their underwire bra? I couldn't take it anymore and pulled out my wirefree ones yesterday.
pea / 21 posts
@Ms.Mermaid: still wearing same regular bra. It’s strange my boobs were way more sensitive last week like to the point even shower water hurt. Now it’s almost non existent. Good to know about the preggy Pops. So far I’m not experiencing any nausea but I’m sure I will at some point. I am however completely exhausted. No matter how much I sleep I’m tired. DH and dd and I all came down with what I’m guessing is the flu on Saturday so I’m hoping once it passes I won’t be as exhausted.
Hope we get some more October moms soon!!
coffee bean / 27 posts
Ugh this week has been kicking my butt! My eldest has been running a fever since Sunday and then my youngest started vomiting yesterday. My husband and I have been alternating taking days off from work and our PTO is running low. I’m exhausted and moody these days which isn’t helping. Plus my belly already is bloated- and I don’t have any of my old maternity clothes- and i’m already worrying about maternity leave and future childcare. Bleh.
Sorry- just needed to vent a bit! I find this interim period between finding out that i’m pregnant and getting the ultrasound to be challenging. Anyone else struggle with this?
@ms.mermaid thanks for the tip on the preggie pop drop lozenges. I have a low level of constant nausea these days that is worse if my stomach is empty and in the evening. I have been drinking a lot of ginger tea but the lozenges would be easier throughout the day.
As for bras, I gave up underwire bras after my first pregnancy- I just couldn’t handle the feeling and never went back!
@flowercrown sorry to hear your family are all sick! That can be hard when both parents and kid are sick! Do you have any family nearby to help? We have watched many many movies this week as a means of surviving the various sicknesses
What are your favorite maternity clothes stores/sites? I need some dress clothes and jeans. Also I would love a few tops that could transition well from maternity to nursing. I gave a friend all my pregnancy clothes after my second and then we moved across the country, so I am starting from scratch.
coffee bean / 27 posts
October moms
10/3: flowercrown
10/5: littlebear
10/12: ms.mermaid
I know there’s only three of us so far, but makes me happy to see this little line up!
kiwi / 745 posts
@Littlebear: I like Motherhood maternity and this time I’m trying to buy mostly used so I’m going with Thredup and Swap.com.
kiwi / 745 posts
@Littlebear: and yes, I’m struggling with this period too. I haven’t told my Office but it’s constantly on my mind, I’m analyzing my symptoms to see if my nausea is worse and therefore it means development has stopped, I’m worrying about pumping at work without a sink, we have to decide where we are taking my LO to Daycare/preschool next year, it’s just a lot.
coffee bean / 49 posts
Location: Florida
EDD: 10/22 (according to Ovia)
First child? Second
Any symptoms? My boobs are on FIRE.
Who have you told? Husband, best friend, and sister. Waiting to get in to the OBGYN.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
I found out much earlier this time! So I'm worried about that. We have been not trying not preventing since we had our first child, who is 3.5. I also wasn't sure until a few days ago when I tested, just based off of a feeling. My boobs usually hurt right before AF, but not to this caliber! I had also been taking cough medicine. Hoping that the baby sticks and I get an appt. into the OBGYN soon to let this sink in and feel more official! Trying not to worry about letting work know and things like that until time progresses and this becomes more of a reality. DD1 will be so excited, she's been asking for sibling(s) for a while now.
kiwi / 745 posts
Is anyone else struggling with extreme germ phobia? I am normally NOT a germophobe at all (like I never use hand sanitzer, and I'm terrible at both remembering to wash my hands and reminding my kid to do it), but I find myself both hyper vigilant about CMV risk (why, child, are your hands always in your mouth and then you're rubbing them all over your face?!?) and I'm also struggling with paranoia about flu. I'm washing my hands constantly and avoiding social interactions (aka the myriad children's birthday parties we have this time of year) because I'm so freaked out.
kiwi / 745 posts
@alwayssunny722: Welcome!! My LO is 3y4m so a similar age gap. Mine has asked for a sibling like, once or twice, but overall I'm not sure she will be entirely thrilled with the idea, which is why I'm kind of glad she's gotten so much extra only child time.
kiwi / 745 posts
When is everyone planning to tell their LO? We will tell our families around 10w and 12w and I was kinda hoping to wait until 20w to tell our kid but I think when we tell my husband's parents she will want to know what everyone is so excited about. Then she will tell like, everyone, hence waiting longer to tell our families.
coffee bean / 27 posts
@alwayssunny722 welcome and congratulations!
@ms.mermaid thanks for the clothing tips. I have used thredup but not swap.com and will definitely check out the maternity options for both as I too am trying to buy more used clothes in an effort to be more sustainable with my fashion.
I am definitely trying to mellow out these days. It’s hard not to jump ahead to all the logistics that will need to be sorted out. Instead, i’m Trying (with some success) to be in the moment and enjoy the now and just take it one day at a time. We’ll see how long I maintain this zen approach!
As for telling kids, i’m thinking of telling mine after the first u/s. My belly is definitely bigger already, so I don’t know that I could go too much longer without them catching on. I think my six year old suspects as she was staring at my belly tonight and questioning why I wasn’t feeling good. Both my kids have been a bit obsessed with pregnancy and babies, so i’m curious to see their reactions when it’s me who is pregnant.
grape / 87 posts
I’m in- and terrified/excited/anxious/nervous... first timer here!
Location: Baltimore
EDD: 10/12- based on LMP
(@ms.mermaid we are officially soulmates haha)
First child? Yes!
Any symptoms? A little bit of bloat this evening and feeling a tad gassy?
Who have you told? DH knows! We are going to tell our best couple friends on Tuesday night because we’re going to trivia and they will side eye me if I’m not having a beer. Hopefully my best friend this weekend when I see her! Family soonish, depending on when we see them!
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? This is my first BFP after a year of trying so I’m totally psyching myself out and just keep thinking “is this real??” Also I’m a major planner so the lists are already circling through my head. We were also going to sell our house and attempt to move this summer but looks like we will be putting that off until spring 2019. So then there’s baby stuff plus house projects we need to get finished before October- I feel overwhelmed just typing all of that!
I’m also typically not a worrier but today I woke up and took another test- not a much darker line than yesterday, but it was still there. I will be nervous until my OBGYN confirms! I will call them tomorrow.
Gah, this is the craziest feeling for me.
coffee bean / 49 posts
@Kmomartin: Congratulations! Wishing you the best and a sticky baby and good news at the OB. My bday was yesterday and I pretended to drink gin and tonics. I almost got caught because the waitress decided to explain that she just decided to charge me for pepsis at the end of dinner!
@Littlebear: @Ms.Mermaid: Thank you for the welcomes and congratulations!
I don't think I'll tell my LO until I tell the whole family. I would love to tell her now, but she would definitely spill the beans! I would love to make it to 12 weeks but our families are wine with every meal types and I'm sure they will notice right away. MIL is hosting a Fat Tuesday party, I'm thinking if I can't finagle a way to pretend to drink wine I might say I finally went to the dr. and got on antibiotics for a cold. That will buy me some time until after lent where I will say I'm giving up wine.
coffee bean / 27 posts
October moms
10/3: flowercrown
10/5: littlebear
10/12: ms.mermaid
10/12: kmomartin
10/22: alwayssunny722
@kmomartin congratulations!
kiwi / 745 posts
@Kmomartin: I want to ask you a bunch of stalker-y weird local questions like what practice you are going with and whether you live downtown because I'm so excited at the idea of a local friend with the same due date.
Prepare yourself emotionally - most practices won't see you until 8-10 weeks to confirm a pregnancy. My first I was with Hoffman & Associates and they didn't have me come in until like, 10.5 weeks, it was SO LONG. This one I've switched to University of Maryland Midwives and they're seeing me at 8 weeks, which was the earliest they would see me.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
I have a really bad feeling about this pregnancy, and wasn't going to join this board until after my first appointment- but I feel like I need somewhere to post about this. Its long and ranty, sorry for sounding a little needy on my introductory post.
Location: Northern New England
EDD: October 20
First child? Third (daughter will be 5 this spring, son is 18 months)
Any symptoms? So- I miscarried in between my two children, a missed miscarriage at 6 weeks. My symptoms started out early, but definitely went away for the most part. I had the tiniest bit of spotting and kept pestering my doctor until they agreed to give me an HCG test, which was lower than it should be (and then I started bleeding more so they had me go in, which confirmed the miscarriage)
I'm sort of feeling like the same thing is happening again. I have a bad feeling, which as a therapist I am very acutely aware means absolutely nothing- but I can't shake it.
And my symptoms are generally going away/very mild. My kids both had a stomach bug all weekend, and I came down with it Friday night. I was nauseous most of last week- even before I got my positive pregnancy test, but its mostly gone away now.
I am tired, but honestly with two kids I"m kind of tired all the time anyway. My nipples were briefly tender last week when my son nursed on Thursday- but they haven't been since. (and- side bar, I just realized he hasn't nursed in two days! my baby!!!!) .
My only symptoms, and it feels like a stretch to call it that- are that I feel more hungry, and in the afternoon I tend to get nauseated if I don't eat often. I'm bloated in the evenings. And I"m still having very vivid dreams (which was actually my very first, super early symptom!).
So there's that. I honestly feel like I"m just waiting to see spotting at this point. I don't want to call my doctor to get an HCG test yet, because I'm not sure if they will do it (they did do it for my when I was pregnant with my son, but that was the cycle after my miscarriage and they knew i was nervous)- and because the process of going in for blood-work twice this week seems like a lot to figure out.
Who have you told? A few close friends. I'm going out with my mom on Tuesday so I will probably tell her then, since I won't be drinking.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Ha! I think I covered that. I should add that we got pregnant on our first try. I shouldn't be surprised at this point- we are four pregnancies for four tries. But it has always felt a little early- my son will only by 26 months when the baby is born, if this pregnancy is viable. My oldest was nearly 3.5 when my son was born, and 26 months seems tight to me. There are several reasons we decided to give it a shot now, and obviously I really want this to work out, but I do feel sad about kicking my son out of the baby role so soon. Also, my oldest kind of hates having a baby brother around (she loves him, and they have their moments, but she really has struggled and continues to struggle with the transition)- so I sort of feel like I'm going to kick all of that into high gear again too.
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@Littlebear: re: maternity clothing. I have a good wardrobe saved from my first pregnancies, but will be getting a few more things this time around. I have recently shifted to buying only used or responsibly made clothing, which makes it a little more challenging.
That said: my favorite maternity jeans are from J.Crew. They don't make them anymore, but Madewell does. I've always hated the over the belly panel- i never found one that stayed up. I love the jeans with the stretchy part in place of the front pockets.
I liked gap body tanks/t-shirts a lot, too.
I'm looking on kidizen for some used maternity stuff, and am going to buy a pair of leggings from Storq if my appointment in March goes okay. I'm also focusing more on getting some nursing clothing this year- In the past I've just done the pull down/pull up method, but I've come around to the ease and comfort of nursing clothes- and if this baby is born in October, I will want some warmer clothes that I can still conveniently nurse in.
Isabella Oliver makes the nicest dresses, if you need a nicer dress for anything.
grape / 87 posts
@Ms.Mermaid: haha! I totally agree. I don’t have any currently pregnant friends- but so cool we are local, and due at the same time! I’ll write on your wall!
I called my OBGYN that I’ve had for 10 years here, and was SHOCKED when they said they had an appointment for 2/21. She asked when my LMP was and I told her, then she said how about 2/21? I repeated my LMP and she still said 2/21 was fine or if not it would be after 3/1. So I guess I’m going next week! Not sure what all they will be able to tell me, I’ll only be 6.5 weeks at that point, but I guess it can’t hurt? She said they’d do bloodwork, paperwork, and likely U/S.
kiwi / 745 posts
@Kmomartin: that’s so cool! I know the risk with going in that early is that something could still go wrong between a 6week appt and an NT scam but they’ll probably see you at 10 weeks too. And they can check betas, etc. to make sure stuff is okay. That will be a relief after all the waiting that comes with trying, I’m sure.
grape / 87 posts
@Ms.Mermaid: yeah- I thought it was a tad early. We did have a fertility consult with her prior to going to the RE, so maybe that’s why? Not entirely sure. Oh well, we will see next week!
Even though I’ve had several BFP tests, and no AF, I still feel like I’m symptom spotting like I’m in TTC mode. Every twinge, every bloated feeling day, etc.-I’m still in that mentality and it’s playing with my mind. Will that stop soon?!
coffee bean / 49 posts
@Silva: Congratulations!
@Kmomartin: I don't remember when that feeling goes away! I've tried 6 tests so far and I would only be 4 weeks along today.
Finally got an appointment into the OB....in mid March! I'll be 8 weeks. The doctor that delivered my first baby has retired so I'm bummed about that.
clementine / 849 posts
Decided to jump in...
Location: Boston area
EDD: October 5
First child? 2nd. My little guy will be 2 in May.
Any symptoms? Good ol' nausea, vivid dreams and peeing in the middle of the night (which happened literally every night in my first pregnancy).
Who have you told? Some close friends and my entire yoga teacher training class because I couldn't hide it! Luckily it's only 5 people.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? On Friday I had some red bleeding and freaked out. My RE tested my HCG and Progesterone (which were good) but otherwise I just had to wait for my 6 wk u/s which was today. Everything looks good except for a little blod clot, which apparently isn't uncommon and I guess explains the bleeding. So I'm trying not to overdo it while chasing around my toddler and waiting until my OB appointment in a few weeks.
clementine / 849 posts
@Silva: Oh man, I feel you. I don't really have a reason to, besides some bleeding a few days ago, but I've also just been so skeptical of this pregnancy. It doesn't feel real yet. BUT, congrats! You are pregnant today! And FWIW your symptoms pretty much mirror mine and I had a great ultrasound today at 6w3d. I'm just mostly nauseous in the morning, I think that's the only difference. But the bloat, feeling sick when I don't eat, and the vivid dreams - that mostly sums it up.
And happy to be on the board with another New Englander
kiwi / 745 posts
@Kmomartin: I can't say for sure because it's been 4 years since I was pregnant, but I think for me it faded once I started getting really sick. This time around, so much of it feels familiar, like the constant uterine cramping that last time I was like, "is this normal?" and now I remember enough to tell myself, "I was worried about an ectopic the last time because of all the cramping on one side".
cherry / 128 posts
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
EDD: 10/24 based on LMP
First child? #2
Any symptoms? Nothing yet. Still early. I can't remember anything from my first pregnancy either. I feel like it's early to be on here but I need some outlet for my crazy. And I am the absolute worst secret keeper ever so the need to vent somewhere not IRL will be very helpful.
Who have you told? Just the February POAS board LOL! My husband is out of town for work and thinks I've gotten my period so I want to find a cute way to surprise him when he comes home. Will likely end up telling my mom since she knows we are trying and a good friend. Because again, worst secret keeper ever.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears? Always worried something could do wrong especially this early on. I am coming up to 35 in the summer so that makes me more worried. I'm also still nursing my 26 month old at bedtime so should probably cut him off ASAP because I've heard it might be linked to miscarriage.
kiwi / 745 posts
@yogifish: I know a lot of people who tandem nursed or nurses through their pregnancy with no issues. Definitely do your research bc I think if you want to keep nursing you can. (Also it’s cool you made it this long.)
I am convinced the whole “wait til the end of the first tri to tell ppl” thing was made up by people’s friends who didn’t want to listen to endless whining about nausea and exhaustion. I’ve been telling people as needed this time bc not telling folks last time exacerbated my stress and nausea.
grapefruit / 4681 posts
Hi all! It’s been a long time since I have posted on here, but we recently just found out about a surprise pregnancy (baby #4) & I remember how awesome these groups are. My Nov ‘13 group (baby #2) is still active together on FB! I’m pretty active so I’m not sure how active I can be on here, but here goes...
Location: Central PA
EDD: 10/6/18 by u/s, but no fetal pole was noted, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this changes in the future
First child: No, 4th
Any symptoms: Here’s the deal...last week I went to the ED with N/V and severe URQ abd pain extending into my back. While in u/s for suspected gallstones (which I did have) I was notified that I was pregnant! They then did a 1st tri ultrasound. After IV abx and a failed attempted to wait until 20 weeks for surgery I had my gallbladder removed last Thursday and am mainly recovering from that. Pregnancy has yet to actually set in.
Who have you told: Several people. I’m an RN and my coworkers couldn’t understand why they were waiting for surgery, so people were told out of necessity.
Current thoughts/feelings/fears: There is an increased risk of miscarriage so that makes me nervous. Today I am experiencing some pretty good cramps, but hoping it’s just normal 1st tri stretching and rearranging in there.
cherry / 128 posts
@Ms.Mermaid: I know there seems to be no definitive answer on the nursing thing. My boy just loves boobies...it's so bad that now he can actually say boobies. He knows it's only a bedtime thing. Truth be told it's my own sleep crutch for him because he has always nursed to sleep and even though he doesn't fall asleep anymore 90% of the time, it's like his wind down time before bed.
Haha yes that too. I feel like I need some people to talk to. My own rule of thumb is I will tell people I am comfortable telling if something does go sideways because then I will need to tell people more than ever.
cherry / 128 posts
@YogiRunner: Question for you, are you doing Bikram yoga? I practice about 3-4x a week now and love the heat. I made it until about 10 weeks with my first pregnancy (now 26 month old) and would like to do the same, but I feel like there is not really any concrete evidence either way on the heat issue. Just wondering if you have any thoughts?
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