nectarine / 2522 posts
Ok update again. Still in hospital. They wanted to put me back on the medication and monitor me overnight AGAIN so basically what they did last night but instead of taking me off the meds... Leave me on them this time... But as I was quite stressed about spending another night here they have agreed to let me go home at 9pm to sleep and be back at 7.45am to be monitored. If my bp is bad they will induce me. If not, I will have a stretch and sweep to try and get things moving along with out inducing me. So yeah that's where I'm at!
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@MamaMagpie: Congratulations! Adorable!
@Mrs squirreld: Oh no, I'm so sorry you have to go through all this. I hope a night at home in your own bed will do you good. Sending good thoughts!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I hope it all works out how you want!
Ladies, the babe isn't even here yet and I'm going to kill my MIL. First the waiting room issue which just pisses me off...I don't want her out there. Now, we've kept the induction mostly to ourselves because really everyone doesn't need to know how the babe came into the world...and she's told everyone she knows, which of course has filtered over into my Facebook. I'm so pissed theres a comment on my profile picture right now that I just want to delete but I won't...
ETA: Am I being unreasonable? I mean we told people over the weekend? Is she just excited? My mom told people too but they aren't "our" friends as well so if she hasn't told me she did I'd have never known it.
apricot / 495 posts
I don't think you are being unreasonable at all. I would also prefer for things like that to stay off Facebook!! I mean, it is nice that people get so excited but there is a fine line between excited and annoying.
watermelon / 14467 posts
@jetsa: I don't think you are being unreasonable at all. Go ahead and delete that comment on your FB page if you want! When we first told family we were pregnant, we specifically said that they were not to post anything or tell ANYONE until we went public. It did piss some people off. But it's not about them.
At this point, I don't even know if I'm going to let anyone know I'm in labor or when I go to the hospital. I don't want it leaked. We want to be the ones announcing, not everyone else!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mamamagpie: Congratulations on your new little man! He's too cute! And looks super tall! I'm glad you're healing well.
@mrssquirreld: What a change in circumstance! That's nice that they're allowing you to go home though and offering a membrane sweep to help prevent induction. I'm sure we'll be hearing you're in labor anytime.
@jersa: my mom did the same thing and shouted my c-section date and time to the world on fb. I got mad and explained to her why I deleted her comments on fb. She didn't get it really but at least it helped me feel like I could emotionally move on. In a few days you will have that baby in your arms and the nurse can be your room security guard. They're happy to tell family you can't see anyone for a number of hours.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: @evansjamie: @Meltini: thanks guys. My hormones are so all over the place, I just can't tell anymore. Less than 12 hours until we go in for our induction!
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@jetsa: I agree with the other ladies, I'd be upset too if someone was publicly posting all about my induction/delivery/c-section/whatever. That's for you to announce, should you choose. Like @evansjamie: I also told relatives and friends to "keep this off facebook" until we felt comfortable announcing our pregnancy at work and making it official. Thankfully only SIL was annoyed (she posts EVERYTHING) but everyone else understood. Don't worry, I don't think this is just pregnancy hormones, I'd be the same way.
watermelon / 14467 posts
@jetsa: I agree with @marionberry: Use those nurses! I definitely plan on doing that to keep unwanted people out of L&D until I'm ready to see them. I am dreading the conversation with my mom about how she's not going to be in the delivery room. She's hinting that we need a guest bed in case anyone needs to stay. The reason I don't have a guest bed is because it encourages people to stay.
clementine / 818 posts
@MamaMagpie: Congratulations, he is so sweet! Such a handsome boy!
@Mrs squirreld: I'm sorry, your having such a rough time, but I'm glad you got to go home to sleep. Hope the stretch and sweep gets things moving for you!
@jetsa: I would be so irritated, I'm really private and don't want people to know until after the baby is born, plus it's your news to share! I'm not sure why people don't understand normal boundaries, I'm sorry!
I'm totally feeling jealous of all the babies being born, I'm officially ready, but I'll probably go over my EDD so I need to get comfortable with waiting a while longer.
apricot / 495 posts
I'm trying to decide what I want to do. My doctor wants to induce because he is concerned about the baby getting too large to be delivered naturally. Up until today I was all for it but now I can't decide if it is the best decision or not. Is it selfish to induce just because I might have to have a c-section if I don't? It's such a tough decision. I'll be 39 weeks tomorrow and he wants to induce that week (before I reach 40 weeks).
watermelon / 14467 posts
@Meltini: So, we just talked about this in my birth class, but what is leading him to believe that your baby may be too large? What are the statistics that he gave you? Is he going off of an ultrasound, because those can be off by up to 2 pounds either way. Are you fairly petite? I tend to be skeptical anyway when it comes to doctors, which is why I ask these questions.
apricot / 495 posts
He is concerned about shoulder and head measurements based on the ultrasound and my husbands build. He hasn't mentioned my build but he started talking more about inducing after my first internal check so I'm wondering if it is related to how posterior my cervix is.
watermelon / 14467 posts
@Meltini: When we went over this in class, our instructor said that one of the worst things in terms of interventions is having a doctor who 'thinks' you have a large baby. Just because a baby is suspected to be large doesn't mean that dystocia will happen or that he/she will not fit through the mother's pelvis. A lot of doctors want to rush labor and put you on a timetable, when sometimes all you need is time.
I'm curious, how does your OB feel about movement during labor? We talk a lot about how in order to move the baby during labor, you need to move the mother, and that being confined to bed/on your back is one of the least productive and most painful labor positions.
I'm coming from this from a more natural mindset. My birth class is an Empowered Birth class and is taught by a doula. I go to a midwife, and since I'm GBS- I can labor at home for 16 hours after my water breaks unless it's green/brown or has a fishy smell. They encourage movement during labor and low interventions.
apricot / 495 posts
@evansjamie: I'm planning on getting an epidural so movement probably won't be much of an option for me!
watermelon / 14467 posts
@Meltini: Well, I think that whatever brings your baby here safely is the best thing. We just talked about the cascade of interventions that can happen while using pain medication in our class last night, so I'm especially freaked out and wary at this point in time. I'm aiming for an un-medicated vaginal birth hopefully and am due in early October, but I've been lurking this board since I could go in late September.
cherry / 199 posts
@Meltini: I agree with everything @evansjamie said regarding "big babies" being the reason stated by doctors for early inductions. Ultimately the decision has to be yours for what is good for your baby.
Whatever you decide will be right for you.
apricot / 319 posts
@Meltini: I've so been where you are! I was aiming for an unmedicated vaginal birth with my first, and I was convinced into getting an induction because they were concerned about her size. I'm not going to lie, she was a big baby (9lbs 9 oz and a fist at the face). While I'm more on the natural hippie-dippie side of labor and birth, I decided to go in for an induction out of fear that my body wouldn't be able to birth her. I chose a slow induction method that didn't involve pitocin, and I was able to give birth to her pain med free after 60 hours of labor (6 of those were active, 3 of those were pushing). The OB ended up being very very thankful that I didn't have the epidural because of her size and how effectively I was able to push. For what it's worth, she was pretty sure that I would have ended up with a C-Section if I had the epidural simply because of her size and the fist. There were also a few more medical personnel peeps in the room as I was pushing because they were concerned about her shoulders fitting.
I'm not saying this path is the you want for you and your baby, just my experience. I will say that I came away from that birth feeling like I could trust my body with anything (something I really struggled with before), and I felt very empowered. I don't believe that your body will grow a baby that it can't birth unless there's something else medically going on. You are more powerful than you know. Honestly though, it was the fear that got me to agree to that induction, and I think that having fear while in labor is destructive. Anyway, not sure if that made sense, just wanted to offer up a perspective. You know what makes the most sense for you and your baby at this point, trust it.
apricot / 319 posts
And on another note!
Ladies! I'm so sorry I've been MIA. I've loved reading all about your pregnancies and now babies! I'm slightly (read: very) jealous of all of these cuties that are coming out to play.
Between pregnancy, a very active toddler, house buying, moving, and finishing up grad school, my life has been at capacity these past nine months, so I'm sorry for not participating more. Know that I've been cheering you on from lurk-dom and the littles you've brought into the world so far are just gorgeous.
My due date is on Friday and we're all set for our home birth. I'm trying to convince myself that I could possibly pregnant for up to 3 more weeks and be okay with that, but I'm really ready for this little guy to make his appearance. I'm also trying to savor the one-on-one time that I'm getting with my sweet 21 month old...she really is at such a fun age. But really, I'm tired, cranky, and ready for a baby on the outside.
Keep posting pictures, mamas! I'll try to contain my jealous feelings.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Meltini: In your position I'd opt for the induction but these ladies are right, it's all your personal decision and whatever you choose will be right. I would want to take the option that gave me the best odds of a vaginal delivery because c-section recovery is hard and recovery from tons of pushing and then an emergency c-section would be even worse.
@littlegbee: I hope your baby gets here soon because I know you're anxious. Enjoy this time with your current lo because I've heard it is a big shift when you add the second. You said to keep posting pics so I had to share the newest pic of my little man.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: oh so adorable!!!! I just want to kiss him!
I really want to reply to everyone eapecially those getting induced but am on my phone at the hospital again so it's a bit hard, I'll respond to everyone a bit later.
So my BP is looking great on meds, but they have decided to induce me anyway as I'm so close to 40weeks and as I am staying on the medication this is their policy. So I'm happy with that - I just wanted someone to make a decision!!! Obviously an induction isn't ideal but after everything that has happened this week it's definitely the best thing for me to reduce my stress. I still want to aim for a natural vaginal birth so we'll go in to the induction still in that frame of mind - I know it's still do-able!!
Had another ECG this morning bub is still really happy and I was having contractions!! Hahaha how ironic! I could only really feel them after the wife pointed them out and then I could definitely notice them. Not hugely painful though so clearly early labour waiting on when the induction will be. Looking like tomorrow at this point on the 18th. Will be having a scan today to check everything, but here's hoping I could still go into labor naturally!!! Anyways... I am totally rambling! Ill let you know when we know for sure!
@jetsa: goodluck today xo
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Yay! I know you we're really looking for that decision to be made. The 18th definitely is not far from your original due date and hopefully you'll still get that perfect natural birth you wanted. I can't wait to see him! You're going to love being a mom! I just can't get enough!
@littlegbee: thank you! To think I worried that my son would be one of those "ugly kids".
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: yay for a decision! a vaginal pain-med free birth is my plan. My MW did warn me though that if my BP spikes too much an epidural would be the safest for babe and I. So I'm going to attempt to relax relax relax! Thanks for thinking of me I just saw it! Also just saw that they may induce you tomorrow!! Good luck with it!
AFM we just pulled up to the hospital to get this party started!
watermelon / 14467 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Can't wait to see pics of your sweet babe!
@jetsa: Good luck with your induction! I'm excited to see if you have a boy or girl!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@evansjamie: thank you! My DH is still trying to convince his mom to chill out and let us notify her tomorrow.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@evansjamie: me too, the last reply was I know I was there all day and night with xyz that's not our point!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
We are still waiting to be admitted, the L&D ward at the hospital is full.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
I'm still not admitted and someone in labor just came up. I hope I don't get sent home!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: I'm so excited for you! I'll be checking this during every feeding tonight for an update. I hope your birth experience is a very positive one. You're going to love mommyhood.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@jetsa: hope your induction is well under way! I want to stay pain med free too! Here's to a positive induction story for both of us!!
Soo... We had our scan, bub is all good and everything looks great. They are estimating him at 7 pounds 2 ounces so that sounds good... Although its only an estimate! They are still keen to induce me though. I had a membrane sweep and am at 1cm dialated so they did a stretch. As I'm already having contractions labor may start on its own if we are lucky! So we are back home now waiting for a phone call to confirm the induction date. Eeek!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: @Mrs squirreld: thanks ladies! They just finished all of the iv and such and placed the cytotec. I am also having contractions so the thought is maybe with the cytotec and contractions I won't need pit but who knows. They put in more cytotec every 3 hours so they'll be back at 4 to place the next pill.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: That would be great If they can skip the pitocin. I had that to shrink my uterus and it definitely caused cramps!
@mrssquirreld: stretch and sweeps seem to work wonders in induction prevention so I hope that's true for you too!
AFM, I could kill for sleep. We woke up lo who was sleeping like a rock to feed him because the nurses are adamant about feeding him often and it's now been two hours and he won't go to bed! These are the moments I really miss pre-baby life.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
I just had my recheck the first does of cytotec didn't do a whole lot. They placed the next one and will check again in 3 hours
nectarine / 2522 posts
@jetsa: hope you get some progress!!!
So we are booked in for our induction at 2pm tomorrow so in your time I think that's 2/3am on the 18th. So hopefully by the time you are all awake something might be happening. Eeeek!! So exciting. We just went for a walk to try and see of things get moving on their own and now DH is cooking me dinner!
nectarine / 2522 posts
updating with my induction and the new babies... I hope I didn't miss anyone!
Updating the list:
duckduckkristen 9/6 - Boy born 9/2
mrsmoreau 9/9 - Girl (Emily Elizabeth) born 9/3
evenstar982 9/12 - Girl (Helena Elizabeth) born 9/5
pmerr 9/17 - Boy (Jacob) born 9/6
marionberry 9/19 - Boy (Jackson Tennessee) born 13/9
char54 - 9/20 - Girl (Charlotte Catherine) born
mamamagpie 9/18 - Boy (Harrison Paul) born
Mrsdiamonddiva 9/7
bisou7585 9/8
misskabers 9/8
NBLChicago 9/9
mrsrey122 9/10
ktgee04 9/13
joanlindsay 9/16 - Team Green!
izzy 9/19
illumina 9/19 - GIRL!!!
colee 9/20 - GIRL!!!
littlegbee 9/20
mrs squirreld 9/20 - BOY!!!
jetsa 9/22 - Team Green!
mrsclownfish 9/23 -Team Green!
mango.sprays 9/24 - Team Green!
meltini 9/24 - BOY!!!
Racheld75 9/24 - Team Green!
jbean 9/25
MrsStormy 9/27- Team Green!
MapleMoose 9/30 - GIRL!!!
Boys: 5
Girls: 4
Team Green: 9
9/16-17 jetsa - Induction
9/18 mrs squirreld - Induction
9/20 maplemoose - 38 week appt
9/27 maplemoose - 39 week appt
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I'm so excited for you, ypu should hold that babe in your arms jb the next 2 days!
AFM I haven't been checked again yet but that should occur shortly. They left me have an ambien so I got almost 6 hours of sleep between checks and meds.
ETA: they just checked me and cervix isn't having the cytotec. I'm a 1-2 still, so now we are waiting on my MW to decide the next step.
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