Hellobee Boards


September 2016 moms!

  1. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    @Jasmum: I've always had pretty vivid dreams but nothing like when I'm pregnant! With my 1st I spent alot of time researching dreams because they were so crazy! i just had wild one 2 nights ago and had to remind myself I'm pregnant now and it's probably just going to get worse. 🙄 All worth it of course!!😜

  2. Jasmum

    pea / 21 posts

    @Applesandbananas & @m4m1 : thanks for your reassuring messages. They have been quite disturbing and actually quite violent. ... I'm lucky that whatever hormone changes are going on inside me that one of them keeps my usually anxious self very scarily calm

  3. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @pelikila: @M4mi: Congrats and welcome!

  4. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Applesandbananas: hope you have a better night and get to test tomorrow!

    I almost didn't but decided wth and got 3+. Happy but not surprised as all the lovely first tri symptoms hit this weekend. Omg so nauseous. Hope everyone else is feeling better and had a nice weekend!

  5. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    @skipra: yay!! I'm so glad you got 3+!! What are your other symptoms?

    I've got some awful stomach stuff going on, nausea, gassiness, and diarrhea. I'm not totally sure if it's a stomach bug or pregnancy related. It seems like it could go either way. (Sorry, totally TMI) Plus sore breasts and exhaustion! Hope this means baby is growing and growing!

  6. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    We decided on an announcement (if all goes well). I got LO a big brother shirt and did a mini pro session. He was such a ham and we got some cute pictures for a valentines card. I went back and forth about whether to do this now or to wait until after our ultrasound but ultimately decided that I would rather do it so that if something happens, we'll have a tangible something to cherish. We won't send them until after a good ultrasound though! With our appt 2/5, the timing with valentines would work out. Just gotta grow baby, grow!

  7. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Applesandbananas: aside from the nausea mostly digestive issues and exhaustion and short temper and yucky skin... I guess the only thing missing is breast tenderness but LO2 is still nursing and I have been breastfeeding since Sept 12 without break so they are just done!

  8. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Applesandbananas: yay that sounds cute! Good to think positive too!

  9. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    @skipra: thanks! I'm super excited, but really anxious for our first ultrasound. I don't remember being this scared with LO1!

    Do you have good days and bad days sigh your symptoms? I feel exhausted 99% of the time, but the rest (well, except for the breast tenderness, that's pretty much 24/7) comes and goes.

  10. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    @skipra: feeling relieved!

  11. FLnative12

    olive / 57 posts

    Location: Florida

    EDD: 9/22 (My Birthday!)

    How far along: 3 Weeks-ish

    First child?: No - This will be LO2

    First doctor appointment: 2/12

    Any symptoms so far?: Tired, Sore Boobs (never had with my 1st), Tender Abdominal area (also a new symptom for me). Overall I feel very pregnant already - which is weird to me. With DS#1 I don't remember feeling this way until I was almost out of the 1st Tri, but here I am barely pregnant and my pants are already tight!! Its freaking me out a little but I am hoping all the symptoms just mean I have a sticky, strong pregnancy brewing in there!

    Who have you told?: Just a couple close GFs that knew we were TTC

  12. squeaks

    pea / 15 posts

    Location: Brooklyn, NY

    EDD: 9/24

    How far along: 5w 1d

    First child? Nope--DS will 18 months tomorrow, so they'll be about 26 months apart (cue freakout!)

    First doctor appointment: I haven't called yet...! It's on my to-do list for today. I'm a little bit in denial, especially since I had a CP before my son and that time I tested positive for a week before getting my period...but I have taken about 6 FRERs and a digital since last Thursday, all of which tell me that this is really happening!

    Any symptoms so far? Bloating, exhaustion--which could be because of my aforementioned 18 month old

    Who have you told? Just DH so far...I'm having dinner with my best friend from college on Thursday night and will probably spill the beans.

  13. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    @M4mi: @FLnative12: @squeaks: Congratulations and welcome all!!! I'll update the list with you guys added.

  14. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    Due Dates

    LMay820 9/7 (#1)
    Applesandbananas 9/9 (#2)
    Missybear 9/10 (#2)
    MrsJD 9/10 (#1)
    MrsKoala 9/10 (#2)
    Jasmum 9/14 (#1)
    Skipra 9/15 (#3)
    MaddyZ 9/16 (#2)
    Pelikila 9/20 (#2)
    FLNative12 9/22 (#2)
    Squeaks 9/24 (#2)
    M4MI 9/26 (#2)
    Legowife ?

  15. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    @skipra: Soooo nauseous... I forgot how bad this was. Ugghhh.

  16. mrsjd

    clementine / 777 posts

    @FLnative12: Congrats and welcome!

    I'm 6 weeks 3 days today and the nausea hit in a weird way today. I feel hungover. That's the best way I can think to describe it. That empty stomach, kind of feel like I want to throw up, but definitely don't need to throw up, feeling. Coffee (which I love) has become less and less enjoyable over the last few days and was totally off-putting today. Otherwise, feeling good. Ultrasound is one week from today!

  17. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    @mrsjd: Yes, 24/7 hangover is the best way to describe it. Except eating a bunch of greasy eggs and bacon doesn't cure it.... yuck. Sorry it's hit you, too! Excited for you to get your ultrasound next week!

  18. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @FLnative12: @squeaks: Congrats!!!

    @mrsjd: Yes! First trimester is like an ongoing hangover! For me, including all the crap that I am willing to eat.

    @MrsKoala: I forgot all about it too. Dry heaving for 5 minutes this morning after changing a poopy diaper. Ugh time to potty train I think!

    @Applesandbananas: YAY!!! Love the looks of it!

  19. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    @skipra: until I saw some specks of blood today, eeeek. I think it's harmless. Literally like 6 specks over the course of two hours, all the size of a pen tip and none for several hours, so hopefully everything is okay!

  20. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Applesandbananas: I think spotting around 6 weeks is really common. I had a little with LO2 right around now. I think it's when it really burrows in deep. Hope that is it!

  21. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    @skipra: that's what the googling has turned up too, I hope he or she is getting comfy

    How are you feeling?

  22. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    @MrsKoala: thanks for updating can you make my EDD 9/15, I think I was off on my initial estimate!

    @squeaks: welcome!!

    @FLnative12: yay! Welcome!

  23. Jasmum

    pea / 21 posts

    @MRSJD: i feel your pain. I'm 6 weeks too and nausea kicked in this morning....totally like being hungover.... making it very difficult to work (I'm a teacher). I find that whiteboard pens also make it hard to keep my crackers down.

  24. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    @Jasmum: ew just the thought of whiteboard markers makes my stomach turn! Have you tried ginger ale? Lemonade really helped me in my first pregnancy, more so than ginger ale, as did peppermint tea! Hope you get some relief soon!

  25. Jasmum

    pea / 21 posts

    @applesandbananas: unfortunately ginger ale doesn't exist in Italy or I certainly would have. ...I'll look into lemonade or something similar. Thanks!

  26. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    @Jasmum: I've also heard of people using Sea Bands, I'm not sure if you'd be able to get those through Amazon or something like that, but it might help as well!

  27. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @Jasmum: you could try Coke or Pepsi too. I find that better than ginger ale anyway. My go to right now is fruit punch. Also vitamin B6 can help too (25 mg up to 3x a day but check with your doc first). @Applesandbananas: How is the spotting?

  28. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    @Jasmum: Sprite might help, too!

  29. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    @skipra: totally gone thankfully!!

  30. Legowife

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @Applesandbananas: I had that with my first for quite a while. Freaked me out but everything was fine!! Hope you're doing ok
    I am feeling like death. So nauseous and tired. But keep waking at 4 in the morning. This is totally different to my first pregnancy. Going to my family dr tomorrow to hopefully confirm the pregnancy. Due date should be September 22 I think

  31. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    Due Dates
    LMay820 9/7 (#1)
    Missybear 9/10 (#2)
    MrsJD 9/10 (#1)
    MrsKoala 9/10 (#2)
    Jasmum 9/14 (#1)
    Applesandbananas 9/15 (#2)
    Skipra 9/15 (#3)
    MaddyZ 9/16 (#2)
    Pelikila 9/20 (#2)
    FLNative12 9/22 (#2)
    Legowife 9/22 (#2)
    Squeaks 9/24 (#2)
    M4MI 9/26 (#2)

  32. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    @Legowife: thanks for the reassurance! I hope you feel better soon! How old is your older LO? Mine is almost 3 and we've done more screen time just because I've been so tired.

  33. Applesandbananas

    pomegranate / 3845 posts

    @MrsKoala: yay!! I saw a few announcements on the main boards, we may have a few more join us!!

  34. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts


    Location: Louisville, KY
    EDD: 9/30 or 10/1
    How far along: 4 weeks
    First child? No, my daughter H is 27 months. They will be exactly 3 years apart (She's an October baby too!)
    First doctor appointment: I haven't called yet. I'll call tomorrow.
    Any symptoms so far? Bloating, exhaustion, peeing all the time (seriously, I should set up my work desk in the bathroom) and a wicked backache in the mornings.
    Who have you told? My husband, HB, and my October 2013 moms.

  35. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    @MrsKoala: just being nosy and saw your name, congratulations!

  36. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    @avivoca: Welcome! I'm so excited for you!

    @lavender: Thank you!!!

  37. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @MrsKoala: Thank you! It is starting to sink in as this was very much a surprise.

  38. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    @avivoca: I hear you. Ours was very much unplanned as well. I was afraid DH was going to be unhappy and it took me like a week to get used to the idea.

  39. Legowife

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @Applesandbananas: thanks! I was so lucky last time to not have morning sickness. This time around it's awful. My daughter is 2, she'll be almost 3 by the time the baby comes. We don't plan on telling her until later, but she'll be so excited. She is in such a 'love on the babies' phase! Screen time also increased massively in our house. She got to watch the whole of frozen this weekend

  40. Jasmum

    pea / 21 posts

    Thanks everyone for the tips!!! I'm finding that coke works pretty well but I'm trying to avoid sweet drinks until my blood tests are in.

    I can officially only stomach toast with peanut butter and lots of it!

    I hope you are all doing well!

    Is anyone seeing only a midwife (instead of a gyno)? Here you have the option so long as the pregnancy goes smoothly...but it seems like very few people do it.... well....I'm one of those few for now...so long as there are no reasons for concern. ...I'd just like to know your experience

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