persimmon / 1023 posts
@MrsBucky: oh no! That sounds so scary. So happy to hear everything is fine with you and baby and sorry that happened to you.
As for us, DW will be 37 weeks on Monday and she’s now been pregnant longer than with DS (35 weeks) so that’s a milestone for us! It’s funny though because now it feels like she’s overdue since we geared all our plans to the 35 week mark just in case ha! Nursery is ready, car seat installed, bottles washed, hospital bag is packed. Had a growth ultrasound last week which estimated baby is approaching 6lbs and everything was good. Weekly OB appointments now. We got a call for DS to get his ear tubes and adenoids surgery last week as they had a cancellation so that preoccupied us. I was worried she would go into labour that day! But all went well and glad that’s done. Now we are basically waiting...trying to find things to occupy DS but also stay close to home and enjoy the last of the summer. DW is on leave now as well so hoping she gets at least 2 weeks just to be at home (lucky we are in Canada so off for a year) and I will take 4 weeks when baby arrives.
Curious how everyone else is doing as well! Time is flying by!
kiwi / 656 posts
@muffinsmuffins: A gf of mine was due with her third in July, and she went overdue, after having two progressively earlier preemies (I think 34 weeks and 32 weeks, but I can't quite remember) so it was so strange to have her go past 40 weeks! I can't imagine how mentally tough that would be, but I'm glad it gave you plenty of time to take care of your DS.
Strangely, Sunday wasn't too bad. Somewhere in my brain I knew bleeding at this point was reasonably common and probably fine, even though of course they want to make sure. So I was calm and honestly believed everything was fine. I'm grateful to be far enough along now that I know lots of babies born earlier than ended up being fine, which is comforting too! Once we heard the heartbeat was great, it was just a matter of being patient and due diligence to make sure all was well. So grateful for modern medicine!
persimmon / 1023 posts
@MrsBucky: wow good for you for staying calm! We had PPROM with our son and there was bleeding with the water breaking.. I was freaking out but we just had to drive to the hospital and hope it was ok. She could feel him moving on the way which immediately calmed us down and he was fine even being 5 weeks early. That’s helped me so much this pregnancy knowing once we get past a certain point, it will likely be ok. Every extra day means a lot!
coffee bean / 36 posts
@MrsBucky: So glad everything is ok! Good for you for staying positive and hopefully bean stays put for a bit longer!
@muffinsmuffins: So good that your little one is still cooking! My to-do list is still pretty long, so I'm a bit jealous you guys are ready any minute!
AFM, 35 weeks today and expecting to go late again. I keep saying "6-7 more weeks"... I'll be shocked if I go early. I'm trying to finish up my to-do list before school starts and then hoping just to keep this Nugget in me; my due date is only 10 days after starting my job and I want to be there as long as I can before going on leave. I'm finding that I'd actually prefer to go late... I'm terrified about having a toddler and a newborn! I'm not ready.
nectarine / 2431 posts
@MrsBucky: I'm glad everything is ok!
@ruby26: Do you teach, too? I I just did two days of professional development and getting ready for Monday and feel awful! Not sure how I am going to make it two more weeks!
AFM, I will be 36 weeks tomorrow and my OB wants to induce at 39 weeks. It seems so soon!
kiwi / 656 posts
@crazydoglady: how are you feeling about the 39 week induction? I saw your post and have been wondering how Thursday went and where your head was at!
nectarine / 2431 posts
@MrsBucky: If went ok, but the other doctor agreed that I should be induced if I don't go into labor naturally. They are concerned that if I go late, I will have an 11 lb baby since DS was nearly 10 and was born his due date. I'm trying to stay optimistic that it could be very different this time around since I've given birth before.
kiwi / 656 posts
@crazydoglady: I hear you. I feel like as asecond time Mom with a relatively smooth first birth, I should be fine with L&D this time, but I’m completely dreading it. I keep telling DH I don’t want to have to birth this child. My midwife says it’s normal with second births because you know what’s coming. Even at 34 weeks I’m so uncomfortable I’m really ready to be Done so I’m hoping that feeling will outweigh my dread sooon.....
pomelo / 5621 posts
@MrsBucky: Glad everything is ok and baby is still cooking away. I feel you on the second kid, we aren't ready yet! DH painted the room and cleaned the carpet last week. I'm going to start washing clothes and sorting through everything this weekend to see if we need anything. The crib will be in our room for now and our guest bed will be in the babies room.
Had an ultrasound yesterday. Definitely a boy. The tech estimates he's at 6lbs 2oz right now. Going to be big like his brother.
@muffinsmuffins: Wow! You guys are organized. Hopefully she will get to relax at home a couple more weeks while baby grows some more.
@ruby26: How late were you the first time? Having two is starting to freak me out, especially since DS starts kindergarten. I'm just hoping to not be in the hospital for his first day.
persimmon / 1023 posts
@ALV91711: ha we are logistically prepared I guess, but in terms of actually how it will be with 2 kids I’m getting nervous too! Our son also starts school this September...due date is the 3rd, interview for him the 4th and staggered start either 6th or 7th. My parents are staying with us that week so at least someone will be able to take him but missing his first day or interview is the thing I’m most worried will happen so I feel ya on that!
clementine / 920 posts
@ALV91711: @muffinsmuffins: I am most nervous about the transition to having 2 kids! DS just turned 3 and is in his big boy bed but we are going to try and potty train him over Labor Day weekend. It feels like a big transition before the baby arrives but it will be our last available weekend to really focus on him 100% and should give us a few weeks of practice.
I am scheduled for a c-section on 9/25 (a day before my due date). DS was 10 days late so I keep thinking this baby will stick to the schedule but getting anxious about an early arrival. We got out all the baby stuff from storage and are setting up the house. Sprinkle is in a few weeks and then I'll be able to finish buying any other little things we need. So close
persimmon / 1023 posts
@Bluemasonjar: good luck with potty training! We trained DS when he had just turned 3 and I’m glad we waited. He seemed to get it so much more and he just wasn’t ready before that.
It’s so hard to not base things off previous births! We are 2 weeks past DS birth and it’s so strange! I expected everything to be over and done with by now so I feel antsy that it hasn’t happened and could at any moment. Last time it hadn’t crossed my mind he could be that early so it was shocking. I don’t know what an on time baby is like! Having the CS scheduled at least gives you an end date but I would still be nervous of earlier!
coffee bean / 36 posts
@crazydoglady: Yes! I've been out of teaching for 2 years, but am going back this year (why I decided to start a new job at 38w is a question I'm trying to answer myself!) I'm a special ed teacher. I hope your first day went well! I have 2 weeks of PD and then students start September 4. Luckily DH teaches at the same school, so if I go into labor while at work, we have a plan!
@ALV91711: DD was 8 days late, just barely squeaking in before a scheduled induction. I've since switched drs, and the new ones will let me go all the way to 42w as long as baby is ok (which is honestly fine by me). I hope baby cooperates so you don't miss big brother's first day!
@Bluemasonjar: Best of luck with potty training!
nectarine / 2431 posts
@ruby26: Today did not go well. The kids were so sweet, but it was so hard physically. I ended up at l&d because I was having contractions, but it seems like they were just due to dehydration and physical exertion. I am just going to work until the end of the week and keep to my chair as much as possible even though I had planned on working until 38w. I kind of feel like a weakling, but it was rough.
I hope your day went well!
kiwi / 656 posts
@crazydoglady: I feel like a weakling too. I’m so exhausted and I can never predict what I’ll feel up for! The BH are so much more painful than I remember last time. I feel like it’s too soon to be this useless! I can’t imagine working in a school right now. Props to y’all!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@muffinsmuffins: That is good that you are going to have extra hands around to help the first week of school. We have a few people lined up to help us out while I'm in labour until my mom gets here.
@Bluemasonjar: Hope the potty training goes well. We have company this weekend, so next week the focus will be getting the baby room ready. All the clothes are washed & put away, it is just organizing everything else.
@ruby26: What a crazy month it will be for you too. Hope your new job goes well.
@crazydoglady: Hope you are doing good and getting some rest.
@MrsBucky: I'm pretty much down to doing bare minimum. Training my replacement at work and not doing too much around the house.
nectarine / 2431 posts
Hey, Sept mamas! We are almost there! How is everyone doing? Feeling ready?
I have an ultrasound today to see if baby is measuring big since my son was 10 lbs on his due date (I posted about this before.) So far, my doctors have been talking about a Sept 4 induction which I am worried about because my first induction SUCKED big time, but I am trying to have faith that it could be different this time.
nectarine / 2431 posts
Just reposting since it's been a while.
September Mamas
9/3-- muffinsmuffins
9/6-- emmaNZ
9/8-- crazydoglady
9/18-- ruby26
9/19-- MrsBucky
9/21--coopsmama TWINS!
9/23-- BecBeeAtx
9/26-- bluemasonjar , cyntist
9/30-- PurplePumps
persimmon / 1023 posts
@crazydoglady: good luck at your ultrasound! Let us know how big they think babe is! September 4 is so close so at least you would have an end date in mind...though I understand your apprehension. Inductions really seem to go either way. DW had a great induction with our first FWIW.
As for us, we had a false alarm for labour a couple days ago which got us excited but then things tapered to nothing. Due date is a week from Monday and we are both getting antsy especially after the other day. Just really want a couple days at home before DS starts school and I feel we are as ready as we can be so time to get going! Still lots of time and I feel it’s still going to happen before the due date. The waiting is A LOT harder the second time around. Just trying to keep busy and distracted and let things happen when they want to. My work is all scheduled clients so I’m trying to keep my schedule light just in case but it’s also like I don’t want to be twiddling my thumbs at work all day long because it’s a nice distraction.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@crazydoglady: Hi lady! I'm still following along now and again here. Definitely post the results of your ultrasound! It will be interesting to see if this baby is just as big as your first.
My c section (due to breech twins) is set for September 5th but we have had some growth issues with one of our babies so we actually have an ultrasound today, too. If the baby has slipped further down the growth charts our c section will be moved up to likely next week. We will see what MFM has to say today.
Looking forward to seeing some September babies born very soon!
nectarine / 2431 posts
@muffinsmuffins: Looks like baby is measuring 8lbs 6 oz (though I know it is totally an estimate.) They want to see me again next week and decide whether to schedule an induction the next day (8/30) or wait until after the long weekend (9/4.) They are basing it on ready my body is (I think!) I am only 1 cm and softened up a bit, but I am also only 38 weeks as of tomorrow. There's still time for that to change.
I think time will go by fast...its almost the weekend! But I understand the slow crawl of time when you are ready for baby. At what point would your Dr induce?
@coopsmama: I was just wondering about you! Definitely let us know how today goes. I bet your family is really excited for the twins to join you.
kiwi / 656 posts
Hi ladies! My fundal hasn’t increased in three appointments (still st 33) so they added a growth scan to my appointment next week on Friday at 37+2. They don’t seem too worried and think baby has just shifted into my pelvis but of course I’m wondering about IGUR or some such. Trying to both mentally prep for being pregnant until 10/1 (41+5) or being induced late next week/ right after Labor Day! It’s a hard balance.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@crazydoglady: Our scan wasn't great. Twin a has slipped a bit further so my scheduled c section has been moved to 8/31. I usually go to 41/42 weeks to having a baby (or two) at 37 weeks is shocking to me. I was able to get steroid shots a few weeks ago so hopefully that should help since they will be early term.
8lbs 6oz!! You grow nice big healthy babies! I hope if you are induced you have any easy induction. My second was induced and it was a great labor!
nectarine / 2431 posts
@coopsmama: Oh, man, I'm sorry it didn't go as planned, but I am glad to hear your doctor is being proactive. How far were they going to let you go initially? I thought 38 weeks was the norm for twins (but I am sure that varies.) And thank you for the well wishes!
pomelo / 5621 posts
I can't believe it is almost time for the September babies to be here!
@crazydoglady: Sounds like another big one. My dr is estimating this guy will be about 8lbs. DS was 9lbs 5oz, so I'll take that. How are you feeling about the induction?
@muffinsmuffins: Hopefully the time will pass quickly for you. The first week of Sept will keep you busy with the start of school for DS.
@MrsBucky: Hope everything shows ok at the scan and it is just babies position. Let us know how it goes.
@coopsmama: Hope that everything goes good next week. 37 weeks is pretty good for twins?
Went to the OB today and he decided that tomorrow will be my last day of work and not the 31st. I've been so exhausted and achy that he wants me to stay home and rest. DS will still be in daycare for the week, so it will be weird to be home alone so many days. But it will give me time to finish organizing babies room, it is quite the disaster right now.
kiwi / 656 posts
@ALV91711: thanks lady. Baby is still wiggling regularly so it makes me think he/she is doing fine, but I’ll be glad to be sure next Friday. I’m glad you’ll have some extra down time and that it was an option to move your last day up! Next week is my son’s preschool’s end of summer closure week which I’m hoping will go well. Full time toddler entertainment while 37 weeks pregnant when it’s 90+ degrees out should be interesting... but I’m also glad to have a last hoorah with my little buddy just the two of us.....
pomelo / 5621 posts
@MrsBucky: Baby wiggles are good. Hope you have a good week off with your son. Hopefully he doesn't exhaust you.
Our weather is supposed to be a bit cooler over the next week which I am thankful for.
persimmon / 1023 posts
@crazydoglady: wow 8 lbs! Healthy babe in there! Maybe you’ll be our first September mama!
Our doctor will let DW go 10 days overdue before induction...we are trying not to think of that haha
clementine / 920 posts
I can't believe we are all getting so close to holding our babies!!!
My c-section is scheduled for 9/25 (the day before my due date). It was the first available date with the OBGYN who delivered DS #1 which is my ideal. I was 9 days late the first time and went into labor while waiting to be called in for my induction so I figured it would be fine.
However, my doctor keeps telling me 50% of women go into labor before their scheduled c-section with baby #2 so I am getting anxious. DH is supposed to travel the week before so we are going to play it by ear and see if I have any progress at my appointments leading up to his departure.
On the other hand being pregnant for another 4 weeks is starting to feel like an eternity. I am so tired and sore from chasing a toddler and working full time (only 3 more weeks until I start leave).
nectarine / 2431 posts
@muffinsmuffins: 10 days is so long! Fingers crossed it's wayyy before then. Yes, we make big ole babies in our families and then they are pretty much average size by childhood.
nectarine / 2431 posts
@Bluemasonjar: I know! I hope something opens up with your OB before then.
pomelo / 5621 posts
Owen is here. 8lbs 3oz. Emergency c-section. We are both doing good. I will come back in the morning with details.
All I have to say is what a whirlwind of an afternoon.
clementine / 920 posts
@ALV91711: Welcome baby Owen!!! Our first baby of the bunch. So glad to hear you are both doing well. Sending thoughts for a good first night and eagerly awaiting your update.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@ALV91711: holy cow! Was so surprised to see this update! So pleased to see you are both doing well and can't wait to get the update on what happened. Enjoy those newborn snuggles and I hope you feel good after your emergency c-section. I hope you get lots of rest!
nectarine / 2431 posts
@ALV91711: Oh my goodness! And such a good weight for being nearly a month early! Congratulations! I hope you are able to rest and recover both physically and emotionally.
nectarine / 2431 posts
September Mamas
9/3-- muffinsmuffins
9/6-- emmaNZ
9/8-- crazydoglady
9/18-- ruby26
9/19-- MrsBucky
9/21--coopsmama TWINS!
9/23-- BecBeeAtx
9/24--ALV91711 Owen born 8/26!
9/26-- bluemasonjar , cyntist
9/30-- PurplePumps
pomelo / 5621 posts
@crazydoglady: Can you imagine how big he'd be at full term?
I've been having trouble with nose bleeds this summer and the other day noticed some sort of growth. I decided to go to my family doctor today to have it checked out. He couldn't do anything and wanted me to go directly to the ER. So I called DH and asked him to pick up DS from daycare with the assumption I'd see then later.
When I got to the ER I was sent directly to maternity as they won't look at you without a stress test being done first. The nurse had a difficult time finding the heartbeat and when she did you could tell she wasn't too happy. So she got the dr. They did some listening and an ultrasound and were quite concerned. She advised the best option was to get him out asap.
So while they prepped me I called DH so that he could get DS somewhere and get to the hospital. I then called my mom to book a flight out here. Within an hour of all this I was in the OR. I had a great team and before I knew it Owen was out and being checked. DH missed everything and got here just as they were getting ready to move me to recovery. Turns out his umbelical cord was wrapped around his feet quite a few times and that is what was causing the irregular readings on his heart.
Just before I got moved out of recovery my nose started to bleed and has been going on three hours. They finally got their hands on a doctor and are in the process of getting it stopped. Before I get discharged they think they will be able to get a specialist to look at it.
Other than that we are both doing good. Just enjoying some snuggles. DH hung out a while, went and packed a bag for me and then went home to spend the night with DS1. They are going to come up in the morning so the brothers can meet.
Right now I'm looking forward to some sleep.
persimmon / 1023 posts
@ALV91711: Welcome baby Owen! Our first ‘September’ Baby! Glad to hear you guys are doing well even with that scary turn of events. That’s too bad your hubby missed it all as well but thankfully everyone is ok. Hope you get to rest and recover well, and that your nosebleed finally annoying
kiwi / 656 posts
@ALV91711: welcome Owen! That sounds so scary but I’m glad it seems like everything is ok with mama and baby- keep us posted on the nose bleeds! I’m sort of in denial about how early my own baby might come rest up!
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