Hellobee Boards


Summer 2013 mamas chat thread.

  1. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    Hi summer mommies!

    Babys birthday: July 3rd
    Babys gender: Boy
    Babys name: Roy

    What a roller coaster the last six weeks have been but I'm loving being a mommy and I'm so in love with my baby boy. After a traumatic labor & delivery, baby Roy took the attention off me and onto him. He had n incident that flew him to get care in the Nicu for five days. He's doing great now and Im guessing that wont be the last hospital visit with this child. I love seeing his personality show. He loves bath time and I can't get enough of his adorable squeaks and wiggles. He's 6 weeks and time is going by so fast!! He's EBF-ing every 2-3 hrs during the day and has a 5 hr stretch of sleep at night which is fab!!!! I'm starting to get the hang of things and am enjoying getting out of the house and getting back to a routine but with baby attached to the hip..or the nip, whatever you'd like to call it!! Hehe

  2. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    weeeell...we decided to go to an outlet mall about 80 mins from our house, and frankly, it was a bit of a disaster. Usually she falls asleep in the car, but this time she woke up whining about 30 mins in and fussed the whole rest of the way... *at* the mall was alright but I was so stressed worrying that she was ok and not overstimulated (which she was, so we put her in the carrier and she was able to nap a bit) that I didn't really enjoy it.

    And then. THEN. The ride home. Sigh. She cried almost the entire way. She was fed, clean, and I really don't know what the heck happened, but I feel like a horrible mother and we both cried quite a bit on the way home I don't know if it was just too much for her or if she was just overtired...but it felt like such a mom fail to have her screaming most of the way home and not be able to fix it.

    Ugh, sorry, that was long. I don't think I'll be trying to take her anywhere for a long time....

    Plus..I bought work pants for cheap (yay) but they are in the biggest size I've ever bought...so I'm feeling bad about that.

    TODAY SUCKED! On to Sunday, please!!!

  3. emg86

    persimmon / 1153 posts

    @Cherrybee: Can a May mama join?

  4. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Bookish: ugh, I'm sorry. My ILs live an hour away and LO has cried at least once on each trip there...mostly dirty diapers but sometimes for no reason at all. Don't feel like a horrible mother - sometimes babies just cry! They need to exercise their lungs as my parents say.

  5. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Bookish: the crying in the car is so horrible! Dh was driving and I had to jump in the backseat at a red light bc she was freaking out. Me being in the back didn't help much but it felt better to at least be touching her but its so hard when you just can't do anything about it!

    C is having a fussy night- no fun. And I have an upset stomach from something I ate and just want to sleep. Meh.

    On the plus side sleeping in our bedroom again is so nice. And my sister came for a visit and we took a nice long walk with c and the dog which was great. Bils are here now so I'm feeding in the bedroom- I could stay out in the living room but I don't mind the downtime at the moment.

  6. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Foodnerd81: I keep on telling DH I'm going to do this, it's only a matter of time! I have a really slippery phone case and have come close.

    @jh524: Oh no, glad to hear everything's okay now. I hear you on baby attached to the nip

    @Bookish: We've made three car trips out so far with her (to dr, to farmer's market literally five minutes from the house, and to wawa (it's like a 7-11), again 5 minutes away). Every single time she's screamed bloody murder. Her first real tears were on the car ride to the dr :(. The last time she actually enjoyed the start of the car ride, but a few minutes into it developed hiccups which she *hates* and sends her sobbing.

    On top of that we had a complete cloth diaper fail. I wasn't intending to cloth diaper newborn size but my SIL gifted us a rather expensive one, plus I bought some charlie bananas to cover the sposies for our photoshoot. Long story short, she had a blow out in the car that DH discovered/cleaned up as I BF'd a screaming baby. Changed her into the other kind and he was hold on her and it leaked pee all over him :(. I'm not sure what happened with the absorbency of the expensive one; it didn't really come with any washing instructions, so I followed my bumgenius ones. Now I'm thinking maybe those inserts are a natural fiber and need to be prewashed a lot more before first use. Sigh! This is not enamoring DH to the whole CD thing.

    I'm not brave enough to try my pre preg pants on yet. Still wearing maternity clothes!

  7. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @emg86: Of course! Welcome! How are you getting on?

  8. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    We have taken E out in the car a few times to the supermarket, to dinner at the inlaws, to lunch at a restaurant and yesterday we went to a 1st birthday party. All were completely successful.

    Its home that's not so easy - last night was awful, she cried from 8.20pm until almost midnight, DH and I were both so tired and stressed we started arguing with each other....E calmed down when she went to him but he kept handing her back to me (I'd had a long nap earlier and he wanted some down time) but every time she came to me she started screaming again. DH was pissed off, I ended up crying, it was terrible. Its now 4.15am, she went down at 12, woke up to eat at 1am but went down easily after, woke again to eat at 3.15 and, in the last hour, has pooped twice, requiring changing. She's crying again, gotta go.... edit, false alarm, crying in her sleep...

  9. emg86

    persimmon / 1153 posts

    @Cherrybee: Thanks for letting me crash!

    Birthday: May 4th
    Gender: Girl
    Name: J

    I can't believe my sweet baby isn't really a newborn anymore and is looking more like a baby every single day. My labor was everything I hoped for, we had a home birth. Breastfeeding was my biggest fear my entire pregnancy--I just knew I wasn't going to be able to feed her and was so stressed about it. The first two weeks were rough & many nights I wanted to give up and go to Walmart to buy formula, but we stuck it out. She's got a top lip tie but we haven't had it clipped...although I sometimes wonder if we should. She's nursing really well and transfers a good amount so my pediatrician doesn't think we should worry. She was gaining about 5oz a week until about a month ago. She suddenly stopped gaining like she was. We've been running tests trying to figure out what's going on and I'm really worried about it. She gains and then loses and gains again...only to lose it again...so frustrating. She's transferring about 5oz a feeding and eats every 3 hours...she's happy, hitting milestones, sleeping really well but we're having these weight issues that we can't figure out. All of her blood tests came back normal so we're trying to observe her growth pattern over the next two weeks to see if we see an upwards trend.

  10. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Cherrybee: Believe me when I say it gets better! Only in the last couple of days have we been able to lay E down for the night and have a moment to ourselves. (Of course, I'm pumping now, but same diff, heh.)

    @emg86: I think for breast fed babies, all you need to see is an overall upward trend, because they gain more slowly than formula fed. But, I'm glad they are checking everything out!

  11. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Cherrybee: I'm sorry you're having a rough night I hope you've gotten some rest since you posted!

    @StrawberryBee: @Foodnerd81: it kills me when she cries in the car; the only times she has gotten completely hysterical is when we were in the car! I rode in the back on the way home and tried my darndest..poor thing!

    @emg86: Welcome mama! I'm sorry to hear about the weight gain issues; I hope you get some answers soon! :hugs: I'm sure it's incredibly stressful worrying about it.

    It's interesting how we all have our ups and downs, our positives and negatives, and all of us are having the same yet different experiences, ya know? Mommy solidarity all the way

    Here's my positive for the day... LO slept for almost 8hrs. she then proceeded to puke all over herself and the RnP...but at least I'm rested enough to handle it!

  12. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Bookish: Yay for sleep! It's only 3am here and I'm up because my internal clock tells me that E has woken up at this time several times before, so I should be up! So annoying. He still has some time, though!!

  13. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Bookish: 8 hours?!! Awesome!! Im so glad you've had a little rest, Lord knows we need it!!

    @emg86: That must be so scary. Keep us in the loop - Im sure its just totally normal but that's the thing, isn't it, none of us know what normal is!!

    @Espion: Thank you. Im sure I have it pretty easy, really - Im not pumping any more for one, huge respect to you for doing it - but that's no consolation at 2am!!

    Since I last posted, E slept for 2hrs at a time and I got some sleep. Im now just exhausted as opposed to exhausted-to-the-point-of-despair and everything seems more bearable!! Phew!

  14. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Espion: funny that internal alarm. C has been grunting like she is waking up for at least 20 minutes. Sitting here with her in. My la waiting until she wakes up enough to feed her.

    I'm going to try pumping for the first time this morning. I figure ill wait an hour after she finishes eating and see how that goes. Eyes are starting to open so almost time.

  15. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Cherrybee: glad you got a little bit of sleep!

  16. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Foodnerd81: G grunts in her sleep all the time...we finally figured out when she's *really* waking up, she farts a lot. So now we just listen for the farts LOL! Good luck pumping! I barely got any at first but now I get between 3-4 when I pump in the middle of the night.

    @Cherrybee: I'm glad you got some rest! I always feel like a jerk telling people how much G sleeps... I know we just got lucky in the sleep department!

  17. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Cherrybee: This is not easy! Even with "easy" babies!!

    @Foodnerd81: Yup, he woke at 3:30...mama and baby are in SYNC! Boo-yah.

  18. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Espion: @Foodnerd81: I love the internal clock! I wake up before E all the time and can sometimes get her bottle ready before even the sleep grunting starts! I call that a win.... which is probably why Im so tired!!! A real win would be sleeping!!

  19. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    R woke up a little while ago and DH is giving her a bottle of pumped milk while I pump. We decided to do that because that's what she'll be getting when I go back to work. But, man oh man, she is not happy! We are all in the living room and she keeps staring at me. I feel bad.

  20. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @swedishfish: Oh no! Is it her first bottle? Is she taking it, while staring at you?

  21. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Cherrybee: no, she's had plenty of bottles before so I'm not sure why she was fighting it at first. She took the whole thing though and kept trying to look at me but DH kept moving her head to look at him.

  22. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @swedishfish: daww I feel for ya, but that's so cute that she wanted her mommy!

  23. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Bookish: little faker grunter and squeaked for an hoe, then suddenly started yelling. I can't figure how to tell yet. Finally eating but I could have slept another hour!

  24. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @swedishfish: that's really sweet. To make it easier though would it be possible for you to pump in another room?

  25. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Foodnerd81: I'm just figuring out R's cries at almost 8 weeks. Another hour of sleep would've been so good, I feel for you! I'll have to try pumping in another room tomorrow morning.

    @Bookish: thanks! She's so much more interactive now - it's awesome!

  26. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    Baby's birthday: 6/25/13
    Baby's gender: Boy
    Baby's name (if you want to share): C

    Totally late to this thread, but I'm glad it's here. Things have been going pretty well with us! He BFs really well, although he hasn't been gaining a lot of weight. I'm thinking that has more to do with genetics... DH could never gain weight as a kid, and I was skinny growing up. He has plenty of wet/dirty dipes so that must be it... Though I still worry!

    I posted before that my mom was recently diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. She's been in some pain and really sad lately, but when we come over (every day) she is so happy! He brings her so much joy, it's very sweet to see.

    C has been holding his neck up so well lately. If I hold him upright I don't even have to support his head half of the time. Can't wait until its consistent (probably 3 months?) I think he will love his jumper! He already pushes off with his legs so much. He smiles a lot now... and they totally melt my heart, along with the coos!

    Hope everyone else is doing well!

  27. mrsvdv

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Pepper: I'm so sorry about your mom. The diagnosis is just so unfair and difficult to live with, isn't it? But it's wonderful she has a brand new grandson to bring her so much joy. My MIL was told she has breast cancer a few months ago and is having a hard time going through chemotherapy but when we visit with M it always makes her day.

  28. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @mrsvdv: It is so unfair She hasn't had a cigarette in 30 years and she's only 61. Nobody saw it coming. I'm hoping she will do well with chemo, and will be around for years to see him grow up a little. I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL. These babies are such a blessing, and even more so in tough times

  29. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @swedishfish: Aaw!! Why eat a microwave meal when you can have it fresh, huh?

    @Bookish: Oh, E sleeps great in the day! Its just nightime she transforms into her evil twin! Brag away about her awesome sleep, we deserve to be happy about our little victories!

  30. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Pepper: Huge hugs for you. My dad was very sick with cancer last year and the hardest part was watching him go through the treatment. I think that having a new grandson will give her the strength and motivation she needs to really fight this. Come here any time you need to talk.... I found real support on the Macmillan Cancer website.

  31. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Cherrybee: aw good, I'm glad she sleeps well during the day! G doesn't, lol! She wants to party all day

    @Pepper: hey there I'm glad you are doing well baby-wise, and I'm sorry about your mom. I'm so glad the baby cheers her up, but I know how stressful it is when a family member has cancer (my sister had cancer in her eye) so I hope you can find support from us and other sources!

  32. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Pepper: I'm so sorry about your mom but it must be such a blessing to have a new baby to cheer her up. My mil had breast cancer last year and completed treatment- not sure when its officially in remission- but I was so glad to give her the baby news at the end if a really crappy year for her.

    C had a good night of sleep after being a major fussy pants all evening. And this morning I pumped for the first time and got almost 3 ounces!!! I am so proud unfortunately C woke up right as I was finishing and is hungry, but she seems to be getting more out. I may be able to go out tonight and leave her with my parents who are visiting. I kept the milk in two deprecate bottles so if she just refuses to take the first ounce I don't need to throw out the other two ounces.

    Oh the things that excite me these days.

  33. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Cherrybee: @Bookish: Thanks It's so sad that so many of us have dealt with a family member with cancer. Such a depressing thing to go through. I appreciate the support!

  34. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Definitely a blessing! Happy to hear she completed treatment. Good job with the pumping! It's so exciting to get a stash going

  35. bisous

    persimmon / 1304 posts

    Hey ladies! I am also late to this thread. Hope you don't mind me joining.

    Babys birthday: May 26
    Babys gender: girl
    Babys name: S

    With the exception of having to go to the hospital right away because my water broke, I had the med free birth I really hoped and prepared for. S is an easygoing baby! I can't believe she is already 12 weeks old already! She can hold her head up on her own and is so smiley. We even got a laugh from her for the first time this week! She also eats a lot (I am BF) but her weight gain is a little slow. I was a tiny baby so I am hoping it's just genes. Regardless, we are loving watching her grow and develop into a happy little baby girl.

    Once we got past the first month, I have been getting out of the house a lot with S. I had a great maternity leave and I am now stressing out about returning to work. I am working from home this week part time and then returning to the office next week. I thought there weren't enough hours in the day before I had a baby so work should be interesting...

    @StrawberryBee: Saw you mentioned Wawa. I am from outside of Philly and love Wawa. Are you from around here?

    @Pepper: I have been praying for your mom and family since you first posted about her diagnosis. Stay strong mama! I truly hope her treatment will be successful.

    @Foodnerd81: Yay for a good night of sleep and pumping 3 ounces! I totally agree that the things that excite me as a mom are way different than they were before.

  36. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Pepper: What a blessing to be able to share C with your mom; I'm so happy he brings her happiness.

    @Foodnerd81: 3 oz is great!! I like having a bottle of expressed milk in the fridge; it's really been a help these last few days. Last night I poured some into a bottle and actually got her to go to sleep in her RnP by feeding it to her while lying in bed. When she woke up again later I fed her on one side and then gave her the rest of the bottle (kept it in the cooler by the bed and sniffed it; it seemed fine). I then pumped both sides to replenish the fridge supply. Makes me feel like I'm not tethered to the house! I can leave her with DH with a clear conscious that she won't wake up inconsolably hungry.

    @bisous: Welcome, I can't wait to get to the smiley/laughing stage! And yes, I'm outside Philly as well! Montgomery County/Montgomery Township, are you nearby?

  37. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Foodnerd81: @StrawberryBee: agreed that having a bottle in the fridge is amazing! I'm not a stickler about her getting formula, but I'd rather her use my milk if she can, ya know? Having a pumped bottle is such excellent backup! I didn't pump this weekend (we thought formula might be the cause of her rash so I fed her at night instead. Turns out it's not the formula) so I have no bottle in the fridge! Never thought that would be nerve wracking! And never thought I'd be glad to get back to pumping to get my stash growing! 40oz so far in there; yay!

  38. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    So far that bottle was not worth it. She was pretty much crying for hours trying to nurse, we gave her the bottles which once she accepted it, she sucked it down in minutes. I need to work out a better system!

  39. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Bookish: wow, 40 oz! When did you start stashing? I haven't started on a freezer stash yet.

    @Foodnerd81: meaning that because you pumped, you didn't have enough supply for her to nurse?

  40. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I think at 2 weeks? I barely got anything at first..so I have a lot of 1-2 oz bags I'm just getting to the point where I can pump 4oz at a time. I really need to get a pumping bra, otherwise my breaks at work are going to be way too long.

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