I'm currently just over 6 weeks but I am trying to figure out when to tell work that I am pregnant. I am a HS teacher and for this pregnancy I will be out from Christmas break until the beginning of April when state testing begins....essentially I am missing one of the most important parts of the year (yeah I know, not the best timing!).
In HS, there are more "important" years when it comes to state testing, for example, in 12th grade you don't even have a final but in 10th grade you MUST pass the exam to graduate. I don't want to be assigned to 10th grade next year (which I teach classes of this year) because I feel like it is a big disservice to my students.
Right now administration is deciding who will teach what so I am tempted to let them know. That way, they can make the decision if they still want me to teach the "high stakes" courses....BUT it is still so early in my pregnancy. I already got my letter of intent for next year so my employment is secure, this is a matter of trying to do what is best for my school and students.
So, would you tell your boss/administration even though it is so early?
(Last time I waited until 12 weeks but if I wait that long, school will already be over!)