Hellobee Boards


any december 2013 mommies yet?

  1. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    How far along are you now?

    Currently 6w3d....

    What symptoms are affecting you the most?

    Waves of nausea...and food aversions...i dont really care for meats right now...

    Who have you told so far?

    My mom, my sister and DH's parents...and a few really close friends...we are waiting for our apt to tell our siblings...

    What are you most looking forward to in the next 4 weeks?

    For sure my apt next week, can come quick enough, being able to share the news with our siblings...i know they will all be very excited for us...and celebrating our 3 year anniversary in South Lake Tahoe for 5 days...

    Overall, next Tuesday (5/7) cant come fast enough!!!!

  2. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @MrsCastro: happy almost anniversary!! the 7th is SOOO soon

    How far along are you now? i'm not completely sure. my two apps have me at 6w2d and 6w3d, but at my appointment on monday, she said I was measuring under 6 weeks, so... no due date yet.

    What symptoms are affecting you the most? fatigue at the moment, but i also haven't been sleeping well, so that's contributing. my digestion is also very slow, some indigestion after eating, upset stomach, gassy.

    Who have you told so far? my parents, DH and two brides whose bachelorettes are this week!

    What are you most looking forward to in the next 4 weeks? my follow up doc appointment on 5/13 to find out if my measurements have caught up. i don't know if i'm looking forward as much as anxious about it! but i'm definitely looking forward to having a due date (if all goes well!) and seeing my future LO on the u/s!

    ETA that i left out what i'm MOST excited for in the next 4 weeks...getting a closing date on the sale of DH's house! went into contract yesterday, so excited!!!

    Why can't i figure out how to make things bold?

  3. walnutems

    cherry / 128 posts

    How far along are you now? 6 weeks 4 days

    What symptoms are affecting you the most? Just started feeling really tired, cramps!! they're terrifying, and had a little bit of nausea this morning.

    Who have you told so far? My mom and our best friends...and my dental hygienist, haha, she wanted to take x-rays so I had to spill the beans!

    What are you most looking forward to in the next 4 weeks? Our doctor's appointment next Thursday (5/9) to make sure everything is growing like it should! Being able to tell DH's family and our closest friends.

  4. elchalten

    olive / 64 posts

    Hi all! I'm sorry I'm not contributing much to this thread at the moment. While I try to enjoy each day I still get hit with quite some fear here ant there. It took us 2 years and one IVF to get here and I can not image what we'll do if our little bean isn't strong enough. But I'm trying to be cautiosly optimistic. For once the stats are on our side.

    How far along are you now?
    6weeks + 4days

    What symptoms are affecting you the most?
    Nausea, nausea, nauesea. Lots of it. 24/7. No throwing up thought. FX it stays that way.

    Who have you told so far?
    Only my sister and BIL. We won't tell anyone else until the second trimester.

    What are you most looking forward to in the next 4 weeks?
    Our first U/S on May 7th and our 14 year dating anniversary (makes me feel so old... lol) on May 9th. Hopefully we'll have lots to celebrate!

  5. mrs_t

    coffee bean / 44 posts

    @mrsdoily: Ok, scariest appointment ever. I really liked my new doc, but when she tried to do the ultrasound, her machine was unable to pick up a heartbeat. After a big conversation about how it was very likely that this wasn't going to be a viable pregnancy, they scheduled us for a more advanced ultrasound at the hospital later that afternoon. Thankfully, that ultrasound picked up (and showed) a really strong heartbeat, and everything looks 100% ok. But it was a really scary afternoon!!

    How far along are you now? 9w 3 days
    What symptoms are affecting you the most? all-day sickness/nausea! Trying B6+unisom and the doctor gave me a zofran prescription (totally agreeing w/ mrsdoily about the constipation though... trying to up my water intake!)
    Who have you told so far? basically everybody. We are so bad at keeping secrets!!
    What are you most looking forward to in the next 4 weeks? another ultrasound...wish we could find out if it's a boy or girl, but guess that won't happen this month...

  6. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    @mrs_t: I'm glad that the appt turned out good! That would have been scary!

  7. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    How far along are you now? 7 week today by my calculations

    What symptoms are affecting you the most? Feeling slight nausea and slight vertigo, but the last few days I have found that if I keep eating lots of protein (especially chicken!) it goes away.

    Who have you told so far? Like @walnutems I also had to tell the dentist! I've also told my 2 bffs. We told my dad today, because we are traveling together for the next 3 weeks, so it will be difficult to hide because of the symptoms. We will probably announce to DH's parents after the trip and everyone else after we've done all the prenatal testing.

    What are you most looking forward to in the next 4 weeks? The right here and now for our trip! My 1st appointment isn't for 5 more weeks.

  8. beesknees

    cherry / 115 posts

    @elchalten - congratulations and Happy (early) Anniversary!

    How far along - just 6 weeks
    Symptoms - nothing noticeable, besides a bit of increased appetite.
    Told - We've only told our immediate family, This is our 2nd baby and I still just don't "feel" pregnant yet.
    Looking forward to- Appt at the end of the month to check and make sure we're off to a healthy start. I feel a real disconnect to the pregnancy until we get through the first few appts.

  9. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    How far along are you now? 5 weeks + 6 days

    What symptoms are affecting you the most? Frequent urination in the middle of the night, tender breasts (omg... so obnoxious!), upset stomach if I get too hungry. Thankfully, not too much nausea yet.

    Who have you told so far? My principal, parapro, and another teacher (in case someone needs to cover my class on short notice due to MS or something else)

    What are you most looking forward to in the next 4 weeks? My birthday is the 10th (along with FIL), and we're telling our parents and siblings on Mother's Day. I'm super excited about that! We also get to hear the heartbeat on the 31st, but that's juuust out of the 4 week time span

    @mrs_t: WOW! That must have been so hard. I'm glad the heartbeat turned out to be strong!

    @elchalten: I know how you feel. Even though we haven't been trying nearly as long as you have, I'm a little nervous to get too excited. Happy anniversary - and enjoy your ultrasound

    @Pirouette: Not too much longer til we know your due date! Exciting!

  10. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @lamariniere: how fun! where are you traveling?

    @mrs_t: what a relief! i'm sorry you had to go through that scare

    @elchalten: happy almost dateiversary!! I have those fears too. I keep telling myself "Today, I am pregnant." Taking it day by day is the best you can do.

    @amreis: eek i know, so excited and nervous! and the sore boobs ARE so obnoxious! it is hard to find comfortable sleeping positions already, i can't imagine what it's going to be like when i have a bump too! (hopefully that won't be sore though, haha).

  11. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    ok nausea...is getting to me...no real hurling...but, i cant stand the upset feeling....what makes you feel better???

    i went and stalked up on pretzels and some veggies so i could snack on a keep my bully "full"...but i cant see myself doing this everyday...almost tempted to try the unisom B6 combo if it continues this bad...

    oh and lime popsicles, have become a new favorite...LOL

  12. polelene

    pea / 6 posts

    Hi! I'm new here.

    How far along are you now?

    What symptoms are affecting you the most?
    NAUSEA! and food aversions and exhaustion

    Who have you told so far?
    parents and best friend (and hubby), and nurses at my allergist's and OB's

    What are you most looking forward to in the next 4 weeks?
    definitely the first OB appointment (May 24th) and confirming the little heartbeat.

  13. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    @pirouette: we are traveling in Thailand and Cambodia.

    @mrscastro: lime Popsicles sound amazing to me!

    @polelene: congrats and welcome!

    Is anyone else waking up hungry in the middle of the night? For almost two weeks now I am waking up with my stomach growling and have to eat a banana before trying to sleep again.

  14. jaypegs

    cherry / 120 posts

    Sorry for not playing along sooner, ladies! Spending too much time on my iPad is making me feel sick lately!

    How far along are you now? 9 weeks tomorrow

    What symptoms are affecting you the most? Fatigue and food aversions. As I mentioned on the appointments thread though, my PCP told me today he thinks I have PUPPP which I am anticipating being a major bother!

    Who have you told so far? Parents, grandmas, sister-in-law, our work supervisors, and a few close friends.

    What are you most looking forward to in the next 4 weeks? My birthday is the 16th, and we're going into NYC that weekend for an eating tour and a show. Pregnancy wise, getting to my second trimester!

  15. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @lamariniere: oh wow, that's going to be an amazing trip!

    @jaypegs: yum, an eating tour?! Sounds pretty awesome! I hear you on the fatigue and aversions...I'm beginning to have an aversion to anything I bring for lunch!

    I can't sleep and it is killing me! Was up till 2 last night at a bachelorette and still struggled to sleep till 7. What's wrong with me? I thought all pregnant women did was sleep!

  16. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    My boobs are starting to bother me when I sleep. I can't sleep on my beloved stomach anymore...something I was hoping to do until my bump popped. But noooooo my boobs just have to be extra sore. Sigh.

    Not to mention I'm nauseous 24/7. All good things, yes, but fun to live through? No. LOL. Poor DH has to deal with me running out of the room everytime he has to cook.

  17. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @mrsdoily: ugh, the boobs are so annoying! every time i change positions, the soreness wakes me up. I thought i'd read the boobs get less sore after the first tri, is that true? it better be!

  18. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    @Pirouette: I certainly hope that's true! It's getting so annoying! Sleeping is definitely becoming more difficult, just like @mrsdoily said.

    I spilled the beans to a few close friends this weekend. I wasn't planning on it, but we were visiting a friend from out of state who had a little peanut in Feb. He was just so darn cute, and we got on the subject of pregnancy... I couldn't help myself! It was nice to be able to talk about it (especially some of the tmi bits) with my close friends. And I couldn't get enough baby time this weekend! I was trying to wrap my head around having one of my own that size in less than a year!

  19. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts


    How is everyone doing??? the thread has been a bit quiet...but just wanted to make sure everyone was well!!!

    AFM...we have our first apt tomorrow...and i cannot wait...part of me is nervous but the other is very excited...AHHHH....can it be tomorrow already....

  20. elchalten

    olive / 64 posts

    @MrsCastro: We alss have our first apt tomorrow. I feel the same way as you. Nervous and excited at the same time. FX for two strong heartbeats tomorrow!!!

    @Pirouette: I'm right there with you. My sleep is horrible. I wake up at least every 2 hours and have hard time to fall back asleep. Once I'm at work I could just lay my head on the keyboard....

    @polelene: Welcome and congrats!!!

  21. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @elchalten: what time is your apt?

  22. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @MrsCastro: yay, good luck tomorrow!!! i'll keep everything crossed for you that you have a wonderful appointment SO exciting! this thread is very quiet. i'm thinking it'll pick up a bit once everyone has had their first appts?

    @amreis: aww that must've been so nice! I'm so jealous, i wish i had friends that had recently had babies or were pregnant so i could feel a little better about telling people. All my friends are still in the "no babies for a while" camp.

    @elchalten: oh tell me about it. I've been wanting to pull a George Costanza and take a nap under my desk all day, haha. But of course i won't sleep well during normal sleeping hours! GOOD LUCK tomorrow!!! (for a second i thought you were saying YOU were hoping for 2 strong h/bs, and thought you meant twins!)

  23. elchalten

    olive / 64 posts

    @MrsCastro: at 2:30pm PST. Yours?

  24. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @elchalten: mine is at 3:45PM PST....

  25. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    We only have 10 days left until our first appointment! I'm so excited and sooooo anxious at the same time! Then it's telling our moms! I can't wait to have everything out in the open. DH is going to tell his dad and brother the following weekend and then we will probably announce at 11 weeks if everything looks good. I think I am going to wear a red shirt and tie a huge green and white bow around my stomach with a tag that says "Do not open until 12-19-13" and just post that as a general FB announcement.

  26. elchalten

    olive / 64 posts

    @MrsCastro: We'll be having our apt so close! FX for good news!!!

    @Pirouette: Same here! Can't sleep during the night but could sleep for hours at work.... grrrr!!! Your twin comment made me laugh! We are definitely hoping for one heartbeat. We opted for eSET (elective single embryo transfer) to minimise the risk of multiples. Twins do run in my family though and I actually had a dream of having twins the last couple of nights....

    @mrsdoily: Hopefully the time flies until your appt in 10 days and you get to spill the beans. Cute idea with the the announcement. We won't tell anyone unitl 12-14 weeks and there will be no facebook announcement for us. I hope I don't come across like we are not excited because we are THRILLED about this little bean but we have always been a little more quite about things.

  27. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @MrsCastro: so excited! Can't wait to hear about you appointment!!!

  28. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @Jennimac: thank you. I am very nervous!!! But what will be will be.

  29. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    @polelene: @elchalten: @jaypegs: @lamariniere: Welcome! I realized I haven't had a chance to say hello yet Hope things are going well for all of you!

    @mrsdoily: So exciting!! I'll be waiting for details next week!

    @elchalten: @MrsCastro: How was the appointment? Can't wait for exciting details!

  30. elchalten

    olive / 64 posts

    @amreis: My apt is in 4 hours. I'm so nervous and nauseaus that I can't keep any food down....
    I feel like it's a "all or nothing" call today. There is so much hope and so much heartbreak at stake. But I'm forcing myself to think positive thoughts. 4 hours and we'll know. *breath*

  31. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @amreis: mine is in 5 hours, and am a ball of nerves...i have a ton of work...which could easily distract me till i have to go...but focusing is hard...i had a dream about the apt and that everything was fine and we got to hear the heartbeat...

  32. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    @elchalten: Oh - silly me. I was thinking your appointment was yesterday! I hope these next 4 hours go by quickly for you and you get some reassurance. Then maybe you can eat something!

    @MrsCastro: Let's hope your dream literally comes true! I hope your appointment goes well

  33. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @elchalten: @MrsCastro: thinking of you girls!!!!!

  34. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @MrsCastro: how did it go?

  35. elchalten

    olive / 64 posts

    Thank you all for the positive thoughts!

    We have one happy bean measuring right on track with a strong heartbeat of 157 :)) such a big sigh of relief!!!! I'm incredibly happy and grateful!!!!!

    We also learned today that with this apt we are officially graduating from the fertility clinic and their great staff! Happy to move on bad sad to leave them. Now we have to quickly decide ob or midwife... I didn't expect his to happen so quickly.

  36. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    Thank you everyone for your well wishes.

    Please meet Baby Castro, who is measuring a few days ahead with a very healthy heartbeat.

  37. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    @MrsCastro: what a great picture! Congrats on a healthy baby

    @elchalten: I'm glad you're feeling relief! Happy graduation, too. Sounds like a great appointment!

  38. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @elchalten: yay!!! Great news!!! (And just one, haha!) And congrats on graduating, I hope you find someone you love just as much!

    @MrsCastro: hi baby Castro, thrilled to meet you!! I'm so glad all went well...now you can take a huge deep breath

  39. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @MrsCastro: hello, baby Castro! I'm so pleased to make your acquaintance!

  40. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Had another u/s today.

    I am measuring 10 weeks 6 days which actually puts me at the end of november. (Though my official due date is 12/3).

    I'm convinced this baby is a boy!

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