Hellobee Boards


any december 2013 mommies yet?

  1. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    Well, I j ust found out yesterday that we are having another baby. We are due 12.14 with our third. We have a 7 yr old boy and our daughter just turned 1 on the 4th.

    To say this is a shock would be an understatement since I had a mirena

  2. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @Kiki: wow, welcome! that IS a surprise! are you excited about it?

    has anyone else's boobs gotten enormous? I never had a huge chest (32B) and i've gone up a full cup at least, and now i feel like they are just in your face! (i'm very small, so it's very obvious) I'm feeling a little self conscious about them because we're not telling people yet but I feel like they see my chest and think i either got a boob job or am pregnant! any tips on minimizing your chest in summer clothes until you're ready to share the news?

    also, happy friday! how's everyone feeling? any fun mother's day plans?

  3. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    @Pirouette Yes we are excited, now that the initial shock has started to wear off.

    I am already a 36G so my boobs are in my face all the time already I really don't think I can handle them getting any bigger though!! lol

    My husband is on a work trip so it is just me and the kids this weekend, might go bowling or sightseeing depending on the weather.

  4. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @Kiki: I would topple over, haha! maybe yours won't get bigger since you've already had kids glad you are excited!

  5. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    haha! Before I had my son I was a 36C after he was born I settled at 36DD, and now after my daughter I seem to have settled at 36G

    My husband told me I am going to need reduction surgery after this one, I was planning on talking to someone about doing that this summer, guess I will be waiting now. lol

  6. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @Kiki: ahh, you're scaring me, haha! I can't believe yours grew so much! did they continue to grow throughout the pregnancy? mine seem to have had a massive growth spurt almost immediately, i'm hoping that means they are done for this pregnancy...but i'm holding off on buying too many new bras yet, just in case!

  7. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    @Pirouette: They grew for the first 3 months, them stopped until right before I gave birth, or maybe just after, when my milk came in. I lived in sports bras for most of my last pregnancy and will most likely do that again. Motherhood has some great maternity bras that will grow with you a bit.

  8. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    how is everyone doing???

    i am doing pretty good...have learned if i keep my belly full i keep the nausea away...been felling pretty well overall, except the fatigue...which is killing me in the mornings...getting out of bed is the worst...

    we told our siblings over the weekend and are all very happy for us...

    next apt is 5/31 to see the actual OB and see the baby again...

  9. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: uuum, I totally thought of this thread today!
    I went in for my annual & my doctor is like, "im going to need you to pee in a cup again because..." and I thought she was going to say I was pregnant. And immediately the thought of December mommas came to my head. And I was thinking, like "or am I a Jan mom?!"
    but then thank heavens, she was like, "because your urine was too diluted to see anything either way".
    I want to have #2 but maybe a bit *after* December;)
    Until then, ill live vicariously through you all.

  10. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @MrsCastro: so nice you told your siblings! We just had my dating u/s today, and I am apparently 8w2d - a little ahead of where I thought, yay! We are going to tell the MIL and BIL this week....that's making it start to feel real!!

    How is everyone feeling?

  11. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    @MrsCastro: I'm tired, tired, tired too! My MS is getting much better...it's more of a light nausea and if I keep my tummy fool, it stays away fro the most part. Heartburn on the other hand....no way!

    @Pirouette: Yay! I'm glad your appointment went well! We have ours on Friday and I am super excited but super nervous too!

  12. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @mrsdoily: eek Friday is sooo soon!! I can't believe it is finally almost here! Glad your ms has faded...hope it stays away!

  13. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    @Pirouette: I know I'm so excited!! I will probably post pictures on Monday when I get back from visiting my parents!

  14. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    @Kiki: How did your lab work go yesterday?

  15. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    @mrsdoily: it went fine....I have been there so much over the last week that they know me by name now I still have to go back and pee in a cup...again.

    Figured out a fun way to tell the world we are pregnant so just waiting on the shirts for my kids and we will get that going, hopefully next week

    I too am very tired right now. I have been taking a nap when my daughter takes hers, so not much getting done around the house currently. SO it is a really good thing my husband is gone right now lol

  16. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    @Kiki: I'm glad it went well, but sorry you have to be poked and made to pee so much I am EXHAUSTED as well. Our apartment looks like crap, but DH doesn't mind. He's been trying to keep up house-cleaning wise, but we both are getting over super nasty colds, so we are a little behind!

  17. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @Kiki: what do the t-shirts say? how exciting!

  18. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    @kiki: congrats and welcome!

    I'm finally getting some relief from the MS. Like a few others have mentioned, if I keep the tummy full, I feel less sick. I find myself shoving down a piece of bread every few hours just to keep something in there.

    Also, all of a sudden over the last day or two I feel like my belly is starting to get round. I'm on the leaner side and so I can see that there is a difference from just a few days ago. And it also feels very round when I press my hand to it, even DH thought so. Since this is my second, I'm wondering how much earlier the belly will be noticeable. With my first, I didn't look pregnant until about 5.5 months, and even then, it mostly looked like a beer gut.

  19. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    @Pirouette: My sons will says "Guess what" on the front and "Big brother AGAIN December 2013" (he is requesting a blue shirt with white writing, if not possible the a white shirt with blue writing). He is hardcore on TEAM BLUE

    And my daughters will say "Baby of the family" (in pink) with "Expiring December 2013" (in black)

    So in the picture it will be my son shirt saying "Guess What", me in the middle, then my daughter on the other side with her shirt

  20. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    @lamariniere: I agree I don't feel nearly as sick as long as I keep food in my stomach. though I am just dealing with nausea but it isn't nearly as bad this time as it was with both of my other kids. With my son I was sick several times a day until 12 weeks, then it magical stopped. With my daughter it was 19 weeks (took going home and having all the food I was craving for it to go away) and I was sick several times a day. I am 9 weeks, 3 days today and have only been sick once but have been nauseous for a month and a half That is what led me to the Doctor and the positive test

  21. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @Kiki: that is so adorable!!! Love it!

  22. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    @Kiki: Awww! That's adorable!

    @lamariniere: How exciting that you're starting to show already! Can't wait for a bump pic!

    @mrsdoily: Our house is a wreck, too. DH has been great about keeping it clean, which is awesome because smells are really bothering me lately. I could barely stand to be in the kitchen when he sprayed the counters down with a lemon-scented spray.

    AFM, I haven't had too much MS or nausea as long as I steer clear of smelly situations. I'm finding that my appetite is completely gone most of the time, and the thought of eating something actually upsets my stomach. Once I get a few bites down I'm fine.

    We told parents and siblings on Mother's Day! It was so fun to see their reactions (first baby on both sides!). My mom and stepmom cried, and MIL didn't really believe it at first! I'm waiting another 5-6 weeks to tell everyone else, but it's HARD! One of my high school friends just announced that she's expecting about 6 weeks before me. All I wanted to do was shout my news, too, but I held back

    On an unrelated note - I've subscribed to this thread, but I never get notifications when someone posts unless they tag me. Am I doing something wrong?

  23. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    @amreis: I have having the same problem, I subscribed but don't get the notifications Not sure what to do about it

  24. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @amreis: aw so fun that you told your fams! that's awesome that they were so excited. we're the first on both sides as well, and my parents were over the moon! (telling his parents soon and they are going to absolutely die).

    totally agree on smells bothering you...i feel fine most of the time but every morning when i smell DH's greek yogurt (of all things) i feel like i'm going to die. and the smell of alcohol when he pours himself a drink as well! So far i'm just glad that the smell hasn't translated to me being actually physically ill yet!

    I'm wondering if the subscriptions don't work for such long threads? or maybe if they don't work when there are so many repeat posters? i have no idea, i just favorited the thread for easy access.

  25. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    Yay it's ultrasound day for me! WHoooo hoooo!!! I'm so excited!

    How is everyone else doing? What is your happy Friday news?

  26. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @mrsdoily: YES YES YES! So excited for you! good luck today

  27. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    @mrsdoily: So excited for you!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  28. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @mrsdoily: yay...how exciting...what time is your apt?

  29. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    So what I thought was going to be an ultrasound actually was just labwork and a meeting with my midwife. Boo. She doesn't do ultrasounds until 20 weeks, unless you want an NT scan and genetic testing, which we opted out of as a) we don't want to know and b) my insurance would make us pay out of pocket as we have no markers of it being necessary. We go back in 3 weeks to hear the heartbeat on Doppler though, so have to look forward to that I suppose!

  30. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @mrsdoily: I didn't do any of the NT scans or genetic testing with either of my pregnancies. And I am glad we didn't!

  31. elchalten

    olive / 64 posts

    @mrsdoily: oh, I'm sorry. I completely get your disappointment. We also opted out of the first trimester screening. We feel it is just a numbers game without real answers.

    AFM, morning sickness is really intense. I couldn't cope without meds. Still vomiting at least a couple times a day and feeling nauseous 24/7. Not eating healthy at all. But my acupuncturist said the first trimester is about survival and there is plenty of time to go back on a healthy diet. I trust that he is right.

  32. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    I came across this site while browsing Pinterest the other day. I thought it was pretty funny, and she hit the nail on the head with a few things.


    I'm dealing with the sciatic nerve pain right now. It comes and goes as it pleases, and it's not fun at all!

  33. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    @amreis: this is probably way TMI but when I had sciatic nerve pain with my 1st pregnancy it started maybe in the 7th month and I would only get it after DH and I DTD.

    @elchalten: I hope you are feeling better! Your MS sounds really awful! I'm not feeling great but also not throwing up, so I'm thankful for that. I know what you mean about not eating well...it will get better though!

  34. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @mrsdoily: i didn't even think about the possibility it wouldn't be covered by insurance! my doc strongly urged us to have the NT scan because i'm over 30. I had the genetic testing done pre-pregnancy and that was fully covered. i gave them my insurance info when i made the appointment. i'd hope they would've mentioned if it wasn't covered!

    @elchalten: oh man, i'm so sorry! i hope you feel better soon! how far along are you?

    @amreis: that site is hilarious! thanks for sharing

  35. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    @amreis: I am loving the blog!!! She tells it like it is!! I cannot wait to read next weeks, but I am going to be good and not read it until Sunday when I start my new week

  36. Mrs. WinterWheat

    grape / 80 posts

    Hi ladies! *wave*
    It has been awhile since i checked in. I am soooo nauseated! But hungry at the same time....if that makes sense lol.

  37. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    @Kiki: You have more self-control than I do; I've checked out a few weeks ahead. She is a fun read.

    @ckbr: Ahhhh that makes so much sense. I feel the same way. I want to eat to keep from feeling sick, but the thought of eating makes my stomach churn.

  38. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    anyone have any fun memorial day weekend plans? We're visiting DH's father...planning on spilling the beans to him and DH's brother this weekend! i'm kinda nervous about telling them, i don't know why! i'm sure they'll be super excited, it just feels like sharing our little secret right now since no one really knows yet!

    hope everyone's feeling good...second tri is right around the corner for some of you!!!

  39. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    how is everyone doing...this board has gone radio silent....

    lets do some questions and catch up!!!

    How far along are you?

    Who knows the BIG secret?

    Any food aversions?

    Craving anything specific?

    Do you have a feeling for boy or girl?

    How are you feeling overall?

  40. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    How far along are you?

    10w2d...and counting....

    Who knows the BIG secret?

    DH, our parents and siblings and a few close friends...we are waiting to announce after our scan in June to the rest of the family...

    Any food aversions?

    meats, i currently dont really care for them...and have stayed clear of them...well except the BBQ chicken drumsticks my sister made the other day...

    Craving anything specific?

    fruits and veggies...cant get enough of necterines, cucumbers (with salt and lemon and tapatio) and apricots...i swear i am eatting them like they are going out of style...

    Do you have a feeling for boy or girl?

    i have a feeling its a boy...have had a few dreams of having the baby and all times it was a boy...

    How are you feeling overall?

    feeling pretty blessed with not feeling terribly bad...i have not to toss my cookies, which i feel really lucky about...but i do get nauseas if i dont keep my belly full...

    and i am always SUPER tired....i get a stong wave of exhaustion around 2 or 3...i just need about an hours nap and i am good, on the weekend it works fine but not so much during work days...

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