Hellobee Boards


any december 2013 mommies yet?

  1. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    Great idea - this board needs some life!

    How far along are you?

    Who knows the BIG secret?
    My parents, we just told his parents and bro, and I've told a few people on a need to know basis. Everyone else we are waiting till 2nd tri!

    Any food aversions?
    I'd say more like different preferences....sometimes foods sound bad to me but once I start eating them I'm fine.

    Craving anything specific?
    Salty foods and fruit - the juicier the better! And occasionally milk.

    Do you have a feeling for boy or girl?
    Boy! My dad keeps talking about his grandson and dh and I keep saying "he" so definitely thinking it's a boy...

    How are you feeling overall?
    Also feeling lucky that I didn't get hit with terrible ms, but feeling soooooo tired. Mostly fatigued and a bit lazy. Anxious for the second tri to roll around because I want energy!! (And to be in the safe zone!)

  2. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    Good idea! I never feel like I have anything note-worthy to contribute, so the questions help.

    How far along are you? - 9w 5d (Hearing the heartbeat Friday!)

    Who knows the BIG secret? - All parents and siblings, a few people at work who would have had to cover my classroom if I got sick, and a handful of friends whom I took a little road trip with right after I found out.

    Any food aversions? - Nothing specific. It seems like my aversions are mostly due to timing of eating, if that makes sense. Sometimes I feel like I'm starving, but other times I feel like I can't eat anything or I'll be sick.

    Craving anything specific? - FRUIT! I've been eating grapes, apples, cherries, pineapple, and strawberries like no other. Also, fast food (which I normally hate). Sometimes all I want is a giant batch of French fries!

    Do you have a feeling for boy or girl? - I really don't know. My husband's family seems to produce 10lb baby boys quite easily, though. That scares me a little

    How are you feeling overall? Overall, pretty good. Just tired and sometimes moody. I do feel like my energy level has increased from just a few weeks ago, so that's nice.

    @Pirouette: Ha! Love that we're craving the same things. Thank goodness most fruit is in season in summer!

    Do any of you feel like you have a bump yet? I don't think I do, but man, I LOVE being able to unbutton my pants the minute I get home from work!

  3. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @amreis: Ha, i hear you on the being so excited to unbutton your pants when you get home! i wonder if that has anything to do with all the salty foods i've been eating. I also just feel like i've been eating a ton.

    I'm definitely not showing to others yet, but i can see that my stomach has rounded a bit. I wear mostly skirts and they all zip up so high...i have a feeling they won't be wearable too much longer!

  4. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @Pirouette: @amreis: looks like we are all craving the same thing...fruit...i swear i cant get enough of it...it is really the only thing right now that actually seems REALLY good...instead of eating it because i know i should eat it...LOL

    have you ladies told your boss??? when will you tell?

    i still have not...i have my annual review next week...i am sure it will go fine but also cant help but be a little nervous...i plan on telling her at the tail end of the meeting...i wanted to wait a few more weeks, but we have a big training in early October that we need to start making plans for fight and hotel for 4 days...i will be 7 months by then...so its kind of difficult to tell how i will feel...especially since our day starts at 730am and we get back to our room about 830 or 900...so i am not sure i am digging those long days...we shall see though...

  5. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    How far along are you?
    11w, 3 days
    Who knows the BIG secret?
    Our families and several friends that I am on a FB group with
    Any food aversions?
    Anything in my fridge
    Craving anything specific?
    not really, fruits a little bit!!
    Do you have a feeling for boy or girl?
    hoping for a boy so that I don't have 2 girls 19 months apart. Just the thought scares the crap out of me
    How are you feeling overall?
    pretty ok, as long as I don't open my fridge. Ready to visit the families in CA in 2 weeks, and eat all my favorite foods!!

  6. mrsmate

    persimmon / 1081 posts

    How far along are you?
    Who knows the BIG secret?
    Both sets of parents and siblings, siblings in law. My best friend and her DH.
    Any food aversions?
    Everything! But I got my prescription for zofran yesterday and I'm starting to come around.
    Craving anything specific?
    No. I wish!
    Do you have a feeling for boy or girl?
    No, but I am hoping for a boy since we already have a girl. But we will probably have a girl bc we are a family of girls. DD has 5 girl cousins plus another on the way, and only one boy cousin.
    How are you feeling overall?
    Looking forward to getting past the trimester bc it's been terrible. I uses to think I wanted 3 DCs but I'm starting to think I never want to do this again.

  7. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @MrsCastro: I'm going to wait to tell my bosses until i can't wait any longer (when i'm starting to show). i'm hoping to get through june and spill the beans in july, but i have a feeling i might start showing too much before then (so much easier to hide it in the wintertime i bet!) i'm really dreading telling work!

    @Kiki: haha my DH keeps saying having any girl at all scares the crap out of him...he'd probably have a heart attack if we had two

    @mrsmate: ugh, sorry you've been so sick! hope the zofran does wonders!

  8. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    @MrsCastro: I told my boss almost right away. I teach, and so if I was dealing with MS or something more severe, there needed to be someone who could jump in and cover for me. If I wasn't in that situation, I would have waited as long as I could. I just didn't want to leave my students unattended with no explanation. And AMEN to the fruit! I just can't get enough of it! I figure it balances out the french fries I'm also craving lately

    @mrsmate: I hope the Zofran helps out and you get to start eating again!

    @Kiki: I hope your food aversions don't last too much longer. That can't be fun at all.

  9. jaypegs

    cherry / 120 posts

    How far along are you?
    12w 3 d

    Who knows the BIG secret?
    Not too much of a secret anymore! Family has know for awhile. I had told my bosses awhile ago (due to fatigue and scheduling issues) but told the rest of my department last week. My husband also told work last week. We'll probably post the FB announcement this weekend. My neighbor/co-worker is having her annual wine party this weekend, so I really wanted to let the important people know first.

    Any food aversions?
    Most things (other than what I'm craving) sound "ugh"

    Craving anything specific?
    Cheetos. I have seriously eaten so many Cheetos. But also dairy, especially milk or cottage cheese, and fresh fruit, particularly pineapple.

    Do you have a feeling for boy or girl?
    I think it's a boy! But we're team green, so I have plenty of time to waver and wonder.

    How are you feeling overall?
    Starting to feel better. The bloating went way down a few weeks ago, and slowly getting more energy back. Never had much in the way of morning sickness.

    I had my NT scan yesterday, which my OB strongly recommended since I had an unexplained rash a few weeks ago. The fluid measured 1.6mm, well below the threshold for increased risk, which is 3mm. They'll let me know the combined results with the blood work in about a week. But the most fun was seeing the baby again - and this time it looked way more like a baby! It was a little irritated about the ultrasound and kept flailing. I have an anterior placenta though, so it'll be awhile before I'm feeling those kicks!

  10. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    How far along are you?
    11 weeks today!

    Who knows the BIG secret?
    My dad, brother and SIL, my two BFFs and a few moms in my mom's group. DH hasn't spilled the beans yet to his family. But our 1st appointment is next week, so he probably will then.

    Any food aversions?
    How about I tell you what I will eat! The food aversions are much worse this time than with my 1st.

    Craving anything specific?
    Yes, popcorn and ice tea. I rarely eat popcorn and I never drink ice tea in normal times.

    Do you have a feeling for boy or girl?
    We want a girl since we have a boy. But I'm trying not to think about it because I don't want to be disappointed. We will be happy with either though. With DS, I just KNEW from the second I was pregnant that he was a boy. I don't have that same strong feeling this time.
    How are you feeling overall?
    Much better than the last few weeks. Still a bit tired, but the MS is mostly gone so I am thankful for that.

  11. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    @jaypegs: so exciting to have ultrasound pics already!

  12. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @jaypegs: oh wow, look at all those features!! So cute!

    @lamariniere: ha, two weeks ago I was craving popcorn ,like crazy...I had to have it every day! So random.

  13. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    @jaypegs: Love the pic! So jealous

  14. jaypegs

    cherry / 120 posts

    @lamariniere: @Pirouette: @amreis: Thank you! I'll be looking forward to seeing you photos hopefully soon!

  15. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @jaypegs: I have my nt scan one week from today, and I'll be 11w 6d...hoping for a good pic like yours! My first two have just been blobs haha.

  16. mrsdoily

    apricot / 367 posts

    How far along are you?
    11w 3d

    Who knows the BIG secret?
    Everyone now. We did a big announcement on facebook after telling our families in person.

    Any food aversions?
    It really depends on the day. One day I will crave it...the next bleh!

    Craving anything specific?
    Watermelon, orange juice, meat.

    Do you have a feeling for boy or girl?
    I think it's a girl! Everyone else says boy, but DH and I think girl!

    How are you feeling overall?
    Pretty good! I still get pretty tired, and my boobs are still killing me, but m/s is finally starting to fade!

  17. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    We made the big announcement on FB last night Here are the pictures we used for it

  18. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    We made the big announcement on FB last night Here are the pictures we used for it

  19. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    @Kiki: those are some cute kids! How old are they?

  20. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    @lamariniere: my son is 7 and my daughter is 13 months today.

    Thanks, some days they are cuter than others. lol

  21. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @Kiki: the shirts came out great! your kids are adorable

  22. amreis

    cherry / 143 posts

    @Kiki: Love these pics! Your kids are adorable

  23. MrsCastro

    persimmon / 1491 posts

    @Kiki: they are soooo cute!!! i love the announcement....

    who else has done a FB reveal?

    we have our NT scan next week, once we get pics from that one, then i think we will do a FB reveal with our pups...

  24. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    @MrsCastro: we, at least, I, am not planning on doing a Facebook announcement. We did with our 1st, but not until around the 5 months mark. I have nothing against them, but I just feel more of a need for privacy these days. Now that I'm almost to the 2nd tri, I've started telling a few friends privately.

    I FINALLY have my first appointment this Thursday and I'm really hoping we'll get to take a peak inside.

  25. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    We did a facebook reveal the day before yesterday! I am almost 15 weeks already....phew that went fast!!

  26. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    @lamariniere: I agree on the privacy totally! The only reason we did it is we live in England and our friends and family are in CA. Hard to tell people when you talk to them, when 99% of my firends I talk with on FB only. With a 8 hr time difference it is hard to talk to people anytime but the weekends, which is also the only time we have a chance to visit this beautiful country.

    with my son we told people, with DD we did both, if was right after we got here and most everyone was already told by family before the 12 week mark. lol

  27. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    @Kiki: I didn't realize you are also I Europe, I'm in Austria! Our family/friends are all everywhere but here. For me, Facebook is way more acquaintances than friends. Most of my real/close friends aren't terribly active on Facebook, so I don't feel the need to tell people I don't really care about. (Probably means I should start weeding people out!)

    That said, we'll probably do a Facebook birth announcement when the time comes.

  28. Kiki

    cherry / 157 posts

    @lamariniere: yea, I regularly remove people from FB. I also changed it so all my friends don't see what I post only close friends.

  29. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    when are you guys officially sharing the news with friends/family? 12 weeks? 13? 14? i can't figure out when it's officially 'safe'!

    @MrsCastro: I love puppy reveals!! we're not revealing on FB...DH isn't on FB, and i have a lot of FB friends that are not real life friends, so i'd prefer to maintain some privacy for the time being.

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: i can't believe you are 15 weeks already!!! how are you feeling? have you gotten more energy in the 2nd tri?

    @lamariniere: yea, we'll do a birth announcement on fb i think. or i will at least!

  30. mrsmate

    persimmon / 1081 posts

    @Pirouette: I'm 10w1d today. Our immediate families already know, as well as some close friends. We'll probably tell people we see on a regular basis once I enter the second trimester. I didn't do a FB announcement the last time until about 6mo. I'm not even sure I'll do one this time around.

  31. jaypegs

    cherry / 120 posts

    I did a FB announcement last week at just shy of 13 weeks. We're going to be seeing a bunch of college friends for the first time in ages at a wedding over the Fourth of July, and didn't want to seem like we were trying to steal away any attention. We wanted to be "out" first, especially because I'll be 17 weeks then and hopefully starting to show!

  32. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    @Pirouette: we announced early to my dad (7 weeks) since we were traveling together. DH still hasn't announced to his family and I'm almost 12 weeks now. Three of my closest friends and my brother know, and the moms in my mom's group now know as of this week. I'm waiting with everyone else until the second tri, and I'm just going to do it privately/individually with the people who matter most.

    @kiki: that's a good idea, but I'm always wondering how well it actually works. I would be nervous that some people can still access/see posts. I don't post much as it is though.

    @jaypegs: I think that's an excellent idea letting your friends know now so the attention is on the married couple later.

    I remember it was such a relief to finally be "out" with my 1st. I avoided a lot of social things during that time to avoid drinking (I really enjoy my wine, and people would have noticed right away if I didn't have a glass).

  33. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @lamariniere: yea, we're going to share individually as well, aside from DH's massive family which will probably get a mass email. We've told our parents and DH's brother, and I plan to tell my brother on father's day (i'll be 13 weeks), so i'm thinking once he knows i will start calling my close friends and the rest of our families. Both sets of parents are nagging me to share the news, but i'm not ready for the onslaught of phone calls yet, haha!

    Is it normal to have bittersweet feelings about sharing the news? I'm excited not to have to lie about drinking and avoid social engagements anymore and to share the excitement, but I am not looking forward to the reactions (none of my friends have kids yet) or the constant attention/zillions of questions the announcement brings!

  34. heffalump

    GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts

    I've been stalking you ladies and now I get to join, yay! Congrats to everyone.... and I'm so excited to be here too

    How far along are you?
    12 weeks today.

    Who knows the BIG secret?
    Parents, siblings, a couple of friends, and whoever my mom told so probably everyone. I just asked that it stay off facebook so I can tell my close friends first.

    Any food aversions?
    Red pasta sauce and sandwiches. Anything else just depends on the day.

    Craving anything specific?
    My MIL's potatoes that she makes with brisket.

    Do you have a feeling for boy or girl?
    Boy. We did the shettles mettod, not on purpose, but it still happened. And this pregnancy is soooo different from my last. I don't have the crazy migraines I did last time, which I blame on the extra hormones I had from having a girl. And this one isn't stealing my pretty- no acne!

    How are you feeling overall?
    Ok. I'm tired and nauseous a lot but I'll take that over migraines any day

  35. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    @artbee: I just saw your announcement on the main board. Congrats again and welcome to December!

    We're just one day apart.

  36. heffalump

    GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts

    @lamariniere: Thanks I'm not even so sure what my actual due date should be.... I didn't know the date of my period so I just guessed, and it was close enough to the actual ultrasound date that they didn't change it.

  37. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @artbee: yay!! welcome! i'm just a few days behind you at 11w4d. i get migraines as well, but fortunately (knock on wood) haven't had any yet while pregnant. they flare up over the summer though so i'm expecting them soon. How old is your girl?

  38. heffalump

    GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts

    @Pirouette: My doctor always tells me that migraines can get worse, better, or stay the same during pregnancy. Duh! The midwife I just saw said that they can get bad in your 2nd trimester, which was not the case for my first baby. They were awful in my first trimester up to the middle of the 2nd, then they pretty much went away. Do you know why they flare up in the summer? Anything you can do about those triggers? Hoping we both stay migraine free..... and if you don't I'm always happy to answer questions on how to cope with them My LO is 22 months..... almost 2!

  39. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @artbee: aww, perfect age difference! they are really the worst, aren't they? my migraines seem to be triggered by the change in humidity/high heat in the summer. the best thing for me to do is stay inside as much as possible, which isn't always feasible! I don't really know any other way to keep them in check. I hope I'm one of the lucky ones who gets a reprieve during pregnancy, and that you have that fortune this time around!!

  40. heffalump

    GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts

    @Pirouette: We wanted to wait for my LO to be a little more independent because I was sure my migraines would go crazy again during pregnancy.

    We get a lot of thunderstorms in the summer so I always take benedryl to help with my migraines there. Not sure if that would work for you.

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