GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
Me!! Just got my BFP this morning!! I'm still in disbelief, I think I'll have to test every day until this weekend when my period is due just to be sure! According to babycenter my due date is the 28th of September.
As far as symptoms I will say I had a incling I was pregnant for a while because my boobs have been KILLING me since I was only like 5 days post ovulation. Also I get some stomach sickness but it's always immediately cured by eating.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
I've noticed that eating regularly can help as well. Our list of September due dates is getting pretty long! Love it!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
Woohoo congrats everyone!
DH is so excited..I'm feeling like a horrible mama because I'm not. I'm just afraid of something happening found out today that DHs favorite uncle was found dead this morning so hopefully the baby will be the blessing we will need.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@sorrycharlie: I'm so sorry to hear that! I'm thankful that you both have the pregnancy as a happy distraction.
pea / 8 posts
@tlcbaby: Glad you are feeling pretty good so far. I totally undestand. I just can't wait for September to get here so I can finally see this little thing! It's so exciting!
@sorrycharlie: sorry to hear about your loss. I'm sure he's looking down on you guys now and sprinkling baby dust on your little one!
@MamaMoose: CONGRATS!!!!!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
sorrycharlie- So sorry for you and your DH. I happened to find out I was pregnant on the one year anniversary of a close family loss.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@sorrycharlie - so sorry to hear that. I hope you are both doing okay. Just try to stay positive about the new life you are bringing into the world!
olive / 69 posts
It's official! Went to the dr. yesterday and it's positive. Due date is Sept. 10. Woo!
grape / 79 posts
@sorrycharlie. Sorry for your loss
Looks like we have quite a few september babies. Can't wait for september.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
Thanks ladies. Still in the shock mode (for both!)
On a pleasant note, someone fill me in on dr appts! I have one with the nurse on Feb 13 and one with the dr on Feb 27. What's the difference?
grape / 79 posts
I have one with the nurse next Thursday, last time at that appointment, we went through my health history and husbands, then she went over a bunch of educational stuff then gave me a lab slip to go get labs drawn. I have a dr appointment on Monday, he did a pelvic exam last time.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@sorrycharlie: I have my first appointment with the nurse on Feb 8th. I think she basically just answers questions and sets me up for lab work that day. And then I'll have a follow up with the doctor a few weeks later at which point they'll do a sonogram.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
TMI question... is any one else bloated or gassy? It's annoying me because it's creating pressure in my abdomen and then I get all freaked out that it's cramping and it's bad But I think it's just a lot of bloat. I'll be 4 weeks tomorrow.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@mamamoose - I have been pretty bloated, especially after I eat. I think it was actually worse earlier on (I am 7 weeks now) so I think it is totally normal.
@sorrycharlie - my first appt. isn't until February 3rd, but it best be more than just a meeting with the nurse. I need some confirmation that everything is going smoothly in there!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@tlcbaby: Phew! Glad to know I'm not alone.
You must have the patience of a saint to wait so long for your 1st appointment!! Mine is when I'm at 7 weeks!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@MAMAMOOSE: Quite the opposite! My husband got a new job and our insurance doesn't kick in until Feb 1 so I made my appt as soon after that as possible. The waiting is driving me crazy!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@tlcbaby: aahhhh gotcha! Well I'm sure Feb 3rd will be here before we know it!
clementine / 994 posts
Another Sept mama here! We had our appointment with the intake nurse last week, and our first ob appointment is next week. So excited!
@mamamoose Oh my goodness with the gas/bloat. I always feel like I have bubbles in my stomach, if you know what I mean. I was complaining to DH that I've been burping a lot and he says, "Heh. Yeah, that's my kid." Gross.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
So has anyone spilled the beans yet? I woke up today absolutely itching to. I'm so, so afraid of both miscarrying and if we did tell parents, that they'd let it slip!
What did you guys do?
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
I think we'll tell the parents on Sunday. My period wasn't due until tomorrow so I just want to get through that. But we intend to make it VERY clear to them that they are not allowed to tell anyone. I know my parents will be fine... but I'm worried about my in laws.
olive / 69 posts
We haven't told anyone yet. My best friend figured it out on her own. I'm her matron of honor and when we went to try our dresses for the second time, without even thinking, I asked the consultant about how to alter the dress if I had to go a size up, and she totally figured it out. Turns out she was on baby alert for a while I'm 6 weeks and I'm too afraid of miscarrying to tell anyone.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MamaMoose: that's what I'm worried about too. If we told, it would be FIL and MIL, and DH's brother and SIL..small group. I'm starting to think that if the ILs can't keep it zipped, it'll be their own problem to have to take it back later. We don't see much of their family or friends or anything (they're witnesses).
the issue, though, lies with trying to be even..I want to tell my parents first (since his found out about engagement first) but I'm petrified they'll be disappointed in me.
also worried that my mom will tell everyone, and I'd love to tell extended fam (grandparents, aunts uncles) all together. One of those possible dates would be around 8 weeks. I'm thinking of just going for it..agh too tough.
hostess / eggplant / 11068 posts
@sorrycharlie: We told our parents when I was 10 weeks and asked them to keep it zipped until we were ready to announce to everyone. My MIL couldn't keep it zipped and ended up telling EVERYONE she knew. Luckily, my pregnancy was fine but I was livid with her.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@sorrycharlie: Why do you think your parents will be disappointed?? You're a married adult!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@Rubies: OMG! I'd be ripped too. Luckily, I don't know anyone that MIL does so it wouldn't bother me too much who she told - it would bother me that she told if I explicitly asked her not to, if that makes sense!
@MamaMoose: LOL I know, I know..that's what everyone's told me. But I'm just shy of 24, and we don't own a house, I'm finishing my MA degree in May so I won't be able to get a good job..I have this complex that something I do will disappoint them, since they had me so young. They've never said anything like that to me for me to even think that, but maybe it's first child/grandchild syndrome..hahah!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@sorrycharlie: I feel quite certain that their excitement will outweight any concerns!! I'm sure you guys have it all figured out.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
I think we decided to tell them tonight. just my parents and brother, and we'll hope to god they keep it quiet. also will tell the ILs this weekend..since DH's uncle just passed, we're hoping this will cheer them up a little bit.
EDIT: I'll report back when we've done it! wish me luck, agh I'm already nervous!
clementine / 994 posts
We've told my parents (and made them promise not to tell) and one of my friends. We found out we were pregnant a few days before leaving on a big ski trip, so I had to tell her so that she wouldn't make a big deal out of me not snowboarding like I usually do.
We're waiting to tell my in-laws because his mom isn't very good at keeping secrets and we're pretty sure she'll slip, not out of excitement, but because she does that on accident fairly often. The rest of our family we will probably tell after the first trimester.
Has anyone told their work/bosses yet?
I read somewhere that it might be a good idea to wait until after a scheduled review/raise goes through to make sure the pregnancy doesn't influence the raise they give you. I was thinking about following that, but our year end reviews and raises don't happen until the end of February, and I'm pretty sure I'm already starting to show a little (I'm a small person overall).
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@sorrycharlie: good luck dear!! such exciting news, they are going to be thrilled!!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Sorrycharlie- We are in a very similar position to you. Early 20s, no house, I'm in grad school while DH works f/t in his career. At first I'm not sure that it was this way but my mom's tone of voice did sound worried. I think she was worried I wouldn't complete grad school. When I told her we were happy and excited, she said she was happy as long as we were happy. And then she asked me all types of questions about when the baby was due, etc, and I think she is getting more excited, but just wrapping her head around being a young grandma. (I'm the same age she was when she found out she was pregnant with me.) She's the one who told my dad though, so I'm not sure yet how he feels. I even told her I was worried they'd be mad, and she said, "Why would we be mad??" in this tone of voice that said "you're being sort of ridiculous." Lol. And my mom tells it like it is and was clear before about wanting us to be more settled, but I think that we're on a good path so it's all going to be fine and everyone will be happy! Or, as DH says, this boats sailing, like it or
ETA- I forgot to say good luck! Everything will be fine!
grape / 79 posts
Little bit of anxiety today, hope this is not tmi. Had a little bit of spotting today, was a little crampy with it, so I called my dr and they had be go to the lab, I have to wait till Monday to get another lab drawn. So nervous and scared, this is how my miscarriage started last time, its going to be a long weekend. Trying to stay positive but it is hard.
Hope everyone received good responses from their familys, we have told no one, sometimes I think that is harder.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@spaina96: I'm sure it's okay! Not that it's reassuring til you get to the doctor (I'm sure I'd be a wreck) but according to the books, cramping a a little bit of spotting is okay. Just as long as it doesn't get worse. You're in my thoughts!
So operation tell parents part 1 of 2 went horrible. My mom was THRILLED - i spilled on the phone to her before we went over, and told her I was petrified of telling my Dad. She laughed at me and said I was ridiculous. Okay.
DH and I go over there, and everyone's in the family room playing darts (19 y/o brother, Dad, DH - and Mom, me and 11 y/o sister). DH says to my Dad - "First one to 20 gets to be a grandfather!" My Mom and brother bit their lips to keep from laughing (they knew), and you could have heard a pin drop.
My Dad turned white and said, "that's not funny. That is not even funny. No" and just shook his head. I almost burst into tears. My mom was like, "real nice!" and he goes "well I've seen her student loans.." I was trying so hard not to cry. My Mom asked me to come with her to get the chinese food, I think to give me a chance to get away.
When we got back, he was acting normally. When DH and I went to leave, my Mom was like, "Congratulations!!" and my Dad goes, "I guess.." kind of joking. My mom said, "He just needs time to get used to it" and I was like "yeah get in line!"
I mean seriously! It's not his finances, it's mine, and I'm already sick to my stomach stressed about it. He didn't need to make matters worse. And yes I have student loans - I have my Master's Degree! That's not enough? Ugh. I swear he's not usually that bad - I guess I just didn't do things in the order he would have liked to seen. I don't know. I'm going over there now, to go to my sister's birthday party, so we'll see how he acts. Luckily my Mom and brother are excited so they helped keep me from losing it. Sigh.
Sorry to unload, Bees! Hope everyone else's reveals go better than mine did! Ha!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
@sorrycharlie: yuck!! I'm so sorry. I'm sure your mother smacked some sense into him last night and he'll be excited by today. Just try not to let him ruin your excitement!
grape / 79 posts
@sorrycharlie thanks for the reassurance, going to be a long weekend. Sorry your dad didn't take it that well, I am sure in 9 'months when he sees the bundle of joy all the negative will go away.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Sorrycharlie- Sorry about your dad. I'm sure he'll get excited as time goes by... It's great that your mom was thrilled though!
Spaina96- Will be thinking of you... keep us posted.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
thanks guys. my mom totally ripped him a new one! he was better yesterday, still absorbing it I guess. He's only 44 so it's a little understandable! but he still didn't have to make me feel bad. I think he reacted without mom said she thinks he's embarrassed about how he reacted.
we got good reactions from DH's parents though! phew!
how's everyone doing?
nectarine / 2750 posts
@sorrycharlie - Sounds like he is coming around, that is still tough, though. At least you had some excitement from your DH's family to make up for it!
Less than two weeks until we can finally tell our families. I don't think I can make it! But I really want to confirm everything is going okay in there before we tell anyone.
I feel fine today, which is funny. Some days I don't even feel pregnant and then I have days where I am nauseous all day and need a nap as soon as I get home from work. Maybe I am just generally happier on the weekends.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
I'm 5 weeks Tuesday..has anyone else had *cough* sexy time since finding out? I have this irrational fear that if we do, we'll miscarry. DH is getting frustrated..since I've been sick, it's been since we conceived! LOL!
nectarine / 2750 posts
Without going into too much detail, I can safely say that it has not been an issue for me. If something bad were going to come from sexy time, it would have happened by now.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
I'm heading to the doc in the morning for bloodwork. I have had some bloody discharge when I wipe this weekend so they want to see me. I'm trying to stay positive because it has all been old dark blood, not red, and I haven't had any cramping. I'm also still very sick to my stomach with headaches too. I told my parents because I'm scared and wanted to talk to my mom. They have been super supportive and really excited.
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