grape / 79 posts
@mamamoose thinking of u, I had some spotting friday going for my follow up bloodwork in the morning.l
grape / 79 posts
Went for my second set of lab work today, my numbers are rising but only by 600; so I go for a ultrasound tommorrow. So nervous, all I want is a healthy sticky baby. Read different things about hcg levels, I guess tommorrow will tell us something.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
you ladies are in my thoughts. I hope everyone on this board makes it to the end!
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
Well I miscarried this morning. It really never felt right so I can't say im surprised. Doc will check my levels over the next few days to make sure everything ends on its own. And she said we can start trying again as soon as we want to. I'm doing ok. Just hoping this is a fluke and that we'll be able to get a sticky baby next time around.
pomegranate / 3980 posts
@MamaMoose: Oh no... Im so sorry to hear that. I hope you can have a sticky baby soon!
pear / 1965 posts
@MAMAMOOSE- So sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@MamaMoose: I'm so sorry to hear that my thoughts are with you!!
clementine / 994 posts
@Mamamoose I'm so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you for your loss and for a sticky baby to come!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@mamamoose - I am so sorry. I hope you are feeling okay. My thoughts are with you.
grape / 79 posts
Went for my sonagram, the dr did not talk very positive, he said it could be possible my dates are off, but most likely I will miscarry again. I have to go back next Monday for a ultrasound and labs at that point they should be able to tell me something, of course all my other appointments have been put on hold. Makes me depressed, my feelings were so up for this pregnancy. Dh wants me think positive but it is so hard when everything is looking down.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Mamamoose I am so sorry.
Spaina96, sorry for the negative news. Hopefully your dates are just off, that seems to be common... Your DH sounds very supportive. I hope everything is resolved (for the better) soon. The anticipation must be so hard.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
@mamamoose and Spaina - I'm so sorry ladies! We went through a miscarriage in August, and it was torture. Hoping your baby is a sticky baby Spaina, and mamamoose, that sticky baby wishes come your way.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@MamaMoose: =( so sorry to hear. i don't think anyone can really truly understand how you're feeling until they go through it themselves.
GOLD / squash / 13464 posts
Thanks everyone. We are counting our blessings that at least it happened really early. And we did get pregnant on the first try which is a good sign. The doctor said we can start trying again right away.
@spaina96: I'm sorry your dr's visit wasn't positive. I hope they'll have better news for you next time you go in. I'll be thinking of you.
honeydew / 7968 posts
@spaina96: good luck!!!!! i really really hope you get some good news next week!
cherry / 133 posts
@MamaMoose: awe I am so sorry. I went through one in oct. hopefully you get your sticky baby soon!
@spaina96: I am sorry Chicky! Hopefully the dates are just off and that LO starts growing for ya!
cherry / 133 posts
@MamaMoose: awe I am so sorry. I went through one in oct. hopefully you get your sticky baby soon!
@spaina96: I am sorry Chicky! Hopefully the dates are just off and that LO starts growing for ya!
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@spaina96: I'm so sorry I also am keeping my fingers crossed for you that the dates are just off!
grape / 79 posts
Thanks everyone, just wishing I could fast forward to Monday. I guess the positive is so far no more spotting. Its hard I want to stay positive, but then I am scared to get my hopes up. The dr we seen yesterday was wondeful and actually requested that we see him again, which was nice that he seems to already understand the situation. Hoping for a miracle.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
@spaina96: all my hopes and juju for some good news on Monday...!
@mamamoose: i'm so sorry!!! :(:(
nectarine / 2750 posts
@spaina96: Let us know how it goes tomorrow.
How is everyone feeling? I am still feeling pretty good. I think I have just gotten used to my symptoms because I am kinda light headed and aware of my boobs all the time, but I am just used to it now I think.
I FINALLY go to the doctor this Friday and I am not planning on going back to work afterwards. I want to go straight to my Mom's with DH and tell her the (hopefully) good news!
grape / 79 posts
@tlcbaby. Thanks, excited to hear how your parents react and how your first appointment is. As far as symptoms, my boobs are sore from time to time and not nauseous but nothing really sounds good or taste that great. Not sure if that is nerves or a symptom, I will be glad when 230 gets here tommorrow.
grape / 79 posts
I am also getting lots of little pulsing feeling down there, anyone else get this.
I think we have quite a few people people this week with dr appointments, good luck everyone.
nectarine / 2750 posts
I do get random weird feelings down there. Sometimes like a dull pain, but it usually goes away after a while.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
I haven't had anything too weird yet. Definitely cramping last week - next to none this week. I've been eating us out of house and home, and can't remember anything to save my life. My aunt claims its not too early for pregnancy brain and that now, I've got it for life. great!
queasiness just started today.
good luck to all the dr appt bees this week! two weeks from tomorrow for me..dragging.
cherry / 133 posts
I am jealous of you with minimal symptoms. I have been so sick. Like hurling and dry heaving all of the time. Any time during the day :S it is brutal. I have so many food aversions it isn't even funny. The smell of certain things make me dry heave, it is brutal. At least I know my hormones are out of wack. I am so excited to see my doctor on Thursday! I cannot wait. I am going to see if he can give me something for the nausea.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Pennylainne - I have to ask out of curiosity, do you work a 9-5 type job? If so, how do you handle that with the morning sickness? One of my worries has been that if I am sick all day it will be pretty obvious that I am pregnant and I would just have to go ahead and tell my coworkers. I work in an open office with 4 other people so there isn't much hiding of anything.
cherry / 133 posts
@tlcbaby: I work 8am to 5:30pm. It is hard. I have been able to keep it pretty hush. I told my General manager so she knows when I am late to make up some lame excuse. And I get this gross feeling before I am going to hurl, so I am able to discretely sneak off to the washroom. Which is thankfully across the store, so no one can hear me. I have been really lazy lately and pretty much sit at my desk and I don't do much. I also have caught the "bug" that has been going around lately... At least that is what every one thinks.
The hardest thing to hide is the exhaustion. I put my head down on my desk and almost fall asleep... that is hard to hide. But I haven't been sleeping good.... at least that one is partially true.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@PennyLainne: I'm only 6 weeks tomorrow there's plenty of time for me to catch up!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@Pennylainne - I am so sorry. I hope it passes soon. That is no fun being at work when you don't feel well and just want to be home in bed. But at least you had someone you could confide in to make things a bit easier to work around.
cherry / 133 posts
@sorrycharlie: I am at 8 weeks and 1 day. So hopefully only 5 more weeks of this crap left and I can get back to feeling normalish.
grape / 79 posts
@pennylaine sorry you are feeling so bad, sometimes I wish I had more symptoms as horrible as that sounds.
So I went to the dr today and had another ultrasound. My hcg is still not doubling but is increasing. The ultrasound showed a heartbeat of 120 bpm and measuring at six weeks five days. The dr wants to see me back next Monday for another ultrasound, to make sure I am progressing due to my hcg and then I don't have my first appointment until 2/13. So just hopefully things keep going in the positive direction.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@PennyLainne: ugh! I hope you feel better soon
@spaina96: I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. a heartbeat is a good sign!
cherry / 133 posts
@spaina96: That is awesome that there is a heart beat! And at least your HGC is still climbing. My fingers are crossed for you.
I at one point wanted to feel something too so I knew that everything was going good... I take that back. I want some one to shoot me now (figuratively speaking that is).
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Spaina96- glad to hear your good news! Hope it keeps climbing!
I guess I'll give a little update. Had my first prenatal appointment on Wednesday morning! Despite some negative internet reviews, I thought the doctor and her staff were amazing. They gave me lots of info. They did a bunch of blood tests and I got an ultrasound. My due date is knocked back to September 18th so today makes 7 weeks (instead of closer to 8 weeks.) I didn't get the heart rate but I saw the little flickering and fell in love with that little blob on the screen!
I also got a prescription for generic Zofran and it has been working pretty well. The doctor told me to only take it when I feel really bad so I've been taking it once per day since I've been so busy, but on nonbusy days I won't take it. I love that stuff, I finally feel ok enough to get some things done! I wasn't vomiting but I was spending all day trying my best to hold it in and occasionally gagging. I wasn't doing much of anything, even on the weekends. Since I'm a grad student I'm lucky enough to sleep in lots of days but I was waking up anyway soooooooo nauseous. Yuck. I love Zofran.
clementine / 994 posts
@googly-eyes Isn't that flickering so exciting?
We went for our first appointment with the dr last week and got to see our little gummybear. Through most of the ultrasound it looked like a blob with a big head, but the final shot she took and printed for us looks like the silhouette of a tiny person! I'm still amazed.
I'll be 9 weeks this week, and the nausea is really hitting a high. I declined a prescription at the time of my appt since I thought I could handle it. If I knew things were going to get this bad, I would have gone for the drugs.
grape / 79 posts
@joyjoy and goodly-eyes. Seeing that flicker is so neat and exciting. Wishing you quick weeks to your nausea declines.
nectarine / 2750 posts
I was so excited when I woke up this morning because I can FINALLY say that I am going to the Dr. tomorrow! I am beyond excited (and nervous). We have it all planned to go straight to my Mom's afterwards and tell her the good news. I already confirmed she would be home.
Today I was wondering, how many people here are going to be first time parents? I am - and I never thought I would want to be a Mom until I met my husband!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@joyjoy- It was just amazing. I felt like running out and telling everyone in that moment. Before the appointment I didn't want to get too attached because we are so early...but it's impossible not to (for me at least.)
@Spaina96- Thanks! I'm hoping by about 12 weeks it will subside.. fingers crossed!
@tlcbaby- Us! We're definitely first timers. Be sure to update us on your doctor's appointment and spreading the good news!
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