cherry / 133 posts
@tlcbaby: This will be our first baby I am very excited. Also the first grandchild on my side of the family. Good luck with your appt!
I had my first appt this morning. It went well got a bunch of information and got my u/s scheduled. March 6th... soo far away! But I cannot wait! It is going to be so awesome! I cannot wait to see our little one! I am debating telling people because I am just so excited and am having a hard time keeping it in. I think we will break the news to our immediate families in the next week. Gosh I am so excited!
Oh and I went to the ER a couple days ago and got drugs... I was in tears and had enough of feeling like complete crap. Well the drugs are helping. I can't take one of them because they make me so tired I cannot stay awake, but the other one is helping. Definitely lifts my spirits a bit.
nectarine / 2750 posts
First appt was a big letdown I didn't really get anything that confirmed for me that everything is going okay. Just some bloodwork and a pelvic exam and a scheduled appt for an ultrasound at the end of the month. I don't really feel comfortable telling family until we get positive results from the blood test just because it has been so long since I took the home test.
So my big exciting day turned out not to be so exciting, but hopefully we will have bloodwork back in a few days. I just thought they would be able to look at me and tell me it seemed like everything was going well. No such luck.
Sorry. Rant over.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@Pennylainne- Glad the meds are helping you!
@TLCBaby- Sorry for the dissapointment. I hope the time speeds up, Hope you were at least able to ask questions, and hope everything they did check out is fine!
cherry / 133 posts
@tlcbaby: Awe I am sorry. I am sure everything is good and your blood results will come back with awesome results!
@googly-eyes: Thanks! I am glad I went. It has been a huge relief. S even told me that I don't look like death any more. Thats a plus! lol.
We have decided to tell our parents on valentines day. I bought a cute little box of chocolates and I put a soother inside. I am going to make up a little note that says something like "Congrats Grandpa and Grandma". I cannot wait!
nectarine / 2750 posts
Thanks guys - I did get to talk to my doctor about some questions and I have been seeing her for a long time a love her. Luckily we have a few fun birthday parties to go to and a Superbowl party so lots of things to keep me busy and cheer me up.
If my new broccoli addiction is any sign of crazy pregnancy cravings then everything is definitely going okay in there. I am going out to dinner in a bit, but I wanted some broccoli so badly and knew I couldn't wait to eat dinner until 8:30!
@Pennylainne - I love that idea for telling your parents. That is so cute!
grape / 79 posts
@pennylaine very cute idea for telling your parents.
@tlcbaby the normal routine at my dr is about the same as what u said unless u have complications. Because of the issues I had they cancelled my first appointment and now I have another week to wait at this point I think he should just do that and my fup ultrasound together. Time does fly, if u keep yourself busy.
grape / 79 posts
Update went to get my follow up ultrasound, heartbeat 158 everything measuring to date. We are still debating when to tell immediate family? Has anyone else not told, four more weeks sound so long away.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Yay!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you that everything is going well in there!
cherry / 133 posts
@spaina96: YAY that is awesome everything is going good in there! We haven't told yet. I plan to on Valentines day. I don't want to wait another 3 weeks. Plus I figured it would be a super cute Valentines day "gift"
grape / 79 posts
@pennylaine I like the valentines idea, we discussed waiting the twelve weeks it is going to be hard.
nectarine / 2750 posts
Finally heard back from the dr. yesterday. Not very good news. My HCG was very low. I went back in yesterday afternoon for another blood sample and they said they would call me Monday. If my levels are lower than last week then I most likely miscarried (I did have some spotting early on so it could have been then).
I am trying not to be too sad about it until I hear from them, but it is difficult not to think about. Especially when it seems pretty certain it won't be good news. I think I am just tired of always waiting to hear something. I would just like to know one way or the other so we can go from there. I feel like I have been in this holding pattern for weeks to go to the dr. and find out what is going on. I hope Monday we at least know something.
P.S. - I hope everyone is feeling great and enjoying the weekend.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@tlcbaby: I'm so sorry I can understand just wanting to know *something*! That's got to be so frustrating. You're in my thoughts!
@Bao: yay! maybe you'll have a labor day baby
grape / 79 posts
@tlcbaby the you are in my thoughts, hopefully you will hear something early Monday. Positive thoughts coming your way.
@bao congratulations.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@tlcbaby I totally agree. Much of the first trimester seems like hurry up and wait (and stress.) Hope you were able to relax a bit this weekend and hope the waiting game will result in good news today. (hugs)
grape / 79 posts
Just curious if anyone has bought a fetal doppler, if not at your md appointment have you got to hear the heartbeat yet?
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@Spaina96 Nope didn't buy one. I have an appointment around 11 and a half weeks (9 weeks today) to hear the hb. I just got to see but not hear it at 6w2d at the first appointment, and I didn't ask nor was I told the heart rate.
nectarine / 2750 posts
Thanks everyone. Unfortunately I got the bad news I was expecting. The bleeding I experienced a few weeks back was a miscarriage. It was a rough day. I left work and spent the afternoon with my Mom until my husband could leave work and then we came home and just tried to have a normal night. I went for a run to hopefully get my happy feeling endorphins up.
I am really disappointed, but we did get pregnant very quickly and the doctor says we can start trying again right away so I guess we should just enjoy the "trying".
I wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies!
grape / 79 posts
@tlcbaby sorry to hear that. If you need a ear just message me, going through a miscarriage is so emotional. I see think of mine quite a bit. Best wishes in the future.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@Tlcbaby I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I wish you and your husband the best in the future and hope it happens for you soon.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@spaina96: That would be really nice, but I am not sure how to do that on these boards?
grape / 79 posts
@tlcbaby I posted my email address on your wall under profile, if that would be easier.
cherry / 133 posts
@tlcbaby: I am so sorry hun. It is such a painful event to go through. I hope you get your sticky baby soon! If you need to talk or vent please feel free to message me.
I went through one in October.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@PennyLainne: Thanks I am starting to feel much better. And I started my period this week so at least my body is getting back to normal. Everyone has been so understanding and caring, it really helps.
grape / 79 posts
I have been doing pretty good, some bad days. I am just waiting for my next appointment and nt scan in two weeks, march 12. I am excited but nervous but we are going to tell our families after that.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
I had my second prenatal visit today and DH was off so he came with me. This time we got to hear the heartbeat and it was like magic. The doctor doesnt tell the HR but I looked at the Doppler and I think it was 160something. Dr said it was great. It was a huge relief especially because I've had 2 fevers since my last appointment, one of which was prolonged and up to 102 before Tylenol. Next appt is with the tech for NT in a little over a week.. So excited, hoping DH makes it!
cherry / 133 posts
Sorry I have been sooo sick. I have had horrible morning sickness for the last 7 weeks and over the weekend I came down with a cold and a fever and now I am trying to get over that too. Hopefully I get well soon I would love to be able to enjoy this.
We had our first ultrasound today! OMG!! It was so amazing! I am in love! I think it is a boy so I am going to call it he. So I don't know it is a boy I am just guessing. But his heart beat was 152bpm. Omg seeing his little heart beat was amazing!
He is actually measuring a week big too. I am at 13 weeks 2 days but he measured 14 weeks 2 days. He weighs about 3 ounces right now. So cool. He also told me if we wanted to make a little toque for his head it would be 10cm around. So tiny!
How are you guys doing?
@googly - Awe it sucks he didn't tell you the heart beat! Good luck at your scan let us know how it goes!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@PennyLainne: Wow a whole week ahead! Glad your U/S went well and hope you feel better soon. I think my doctor just doesn't tell the hb, she didn't tell me at my first appt (U/S) either. Scan is today, I'll update later!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Had my NT scan today and she said everything looks good but of course they'll check my blood too! Last time I had an US baby looked like a blob but now he or she looks like a person! With hiccups! I was so nervous but it turned out great!! Measured four days ahead but we will just stick with the 9/18 edd. I took some video on my phone this time too!
grape / 79 posts
@googly-eyes and pennylaine. Excited for both of you, sounds like things are going well. I just feel so overwhelmed with researching different baby topics and baby items. Anyone else feel this way?
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
@Spaina YES! I mean even JUST baby STUFF is overwhelming let alone learning about taking care of babies and all the baby topics/issues. I'm just trying to take it slow and steady! I go into these moods some days where I want to do a lot of reading and then when I get overwhelmed I just x out!
grape / 79 posts
I had my nt scan today, everything looks good. The baby was moving quite a bit and did not want to cooperate. We will hopefully get to see and tell our families this week. Guess it is on for more research. How is everyone else doing?
cherry / 133 posts
@googly-eyes: YAY! I am so glad your scan went well!
@spaina96: OMG it is all so overwhelming! I am trying to take it one step at a time but sometimes I get a little stressed about it. There is so much to do and so much to learn and god so many changes! It is insane!
It is so cool how much they move! I cannot wait until we start to feel it! It will be so amazing!
I bought my first baby item the other day. I picked it up second hand, it is a baby swing. It is so cute! It is blues with little ocean critters on it. I took it home and sent it up and had a little Awe moment in the nursery. I cannot wait until the room is painted and I can set up the crib! It is going to be so real.
Oh and I am starting to feel a little better I have only taken one pill since yesterday. fingers crossed I am on the up side of things!
cherry / 133 posts
@spaina96: Realized I forgot to tell you congrats too! I am glad your scan went well!
Also I am going to try to remember to check this board more.
grape / 79 posts
@PennyLainne: Glad you are feeling better. Cant wait to start shopping, i have been looking for some used stuff like swings also, they are having a huge consignment sale where i live this weekend with baby and childrens stuff plus maternity clothes so i plan to go to that. I am trying not to go crazy shopping for baby stuff, but i have not shopped for anything since christmas, so the urge is there.
clementine / 994 posts
@spaina96: Yes! Just the sheer number of books I *want* to read on everything feel overwhelming, let alone the amount of information I need to absorb from them.
Our NT scan was a couple weeks ago and everything, including blood work, looked good. Our baby was fast asleep though, so the tech made me cough to wake it up. I was so shocked at how disrupting a little cough was! Now every time I cough or sneeze I apologize to the baby because I know much I just jolted the poor thing.
@Pennylainne: I'm crossing my fingers for you that you continue to feel better!
I expected the morning sickness to subside a bit at the supposed 9-10 week peak, but at 11 weeks I started throwing up a lot more. I've actually lost weight since my 12 week appointment because food just isn't staying down. It's starting to get a little better, but it's definitely not gone yet.
cherry / 133 posts
@joyjoy: Thats good everything looked good! Crazy about coughing to wake him up. I have had a really bad cough lately poor LO must be jolted around a ton! Awe I hope you feel better. It sucks being sick.
@spaina96: An consignment sale! That would be awesome! We have a buy and sell site for my area on facebook, I have been creeping it waiting for stuff I like/need to come on for cheap. There is so much stuff you need! It is crazy!
Do you find some days you are hungrier than others? Today I feel like a bottomless pit. Normally I eat breakfast, then I have my lunch around 11 and then I have a snack around lunch time and then have another afternoon snack of an apple or something. Well today I feel like I am starving. I just want to keep eating, I wonder if it is linked to a growth spurt or I am just hungry today for no reason. :S
grape / 79 posts
@PennyLainne: some days I do feel I could eat a lot more. Those days sometimes I think I dont eat as healthy, but other days I think I am a big pit that cant fill up. Out nt results came back so that is positive. We finally told our parents so that was exciting. At the next visit I have to do a early gd test, since diabetes runs in my family. I googled consignment sales and found some others in the area so you may want to google and see if some are close to you. I am hoping to pick up some gently used things a along the way such as a swing, bouncer, exercauser. I also have been watching craigslist. My next issue is tackling the daycare issue.
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