I was looking at the math, and we should be getting a few September due dates around here! Anybody have a Sept DD yet?
I was looking at the math, and we should be getting a few September due dates around here! Anybody have a Sept DD yet?
cherry / 133 posts
Me! I got my BFP this morning! Approx Sept 12th. I checked on a due date calculator this am. So it might no be exact but it should be close. It also told me that I should be about 3 weeks.
I am stoked because I really wanted a September baby!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Hello, I'm new here! Tested positive on Monday but the line doesn't seem to be getting any darker. It's an obvious line (definitely no squinting needed) but not getting darker and it takes a few minutes to get to its darkest..so I'm not sure what to make of it. Due date based on LMP is 9/12! Hoping for the best.
kiwi / 686 posts
Congrats you guys! I'm really hoping for an October or November baby, if not we'll quit trying for a month and go for January. I'm a Christmas baby... it sucks. lol
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Thank you! I am trying to take it one day at a time. Good luck, I hope you get your October or November baby!!
coffee bean / 28 posts
September baby here! Sometime around the 10th, I believe. I'll know more when I have my ultrasound next week! So pumped!
cherry / 133 posts
@KRunRun: So Jealous of your u/s appt my doctor is out until Feb 2nd. So I don't even get my first appointment until then.
@googly-eyes: Put the tests down and slowly walk away. lol. I wouldn't worry about it too much. So try not to test and if you absolutely need to get a digital. Then it is just a yes or a no. No questions asked Oh and my approximate day is the 12th too!
@MH.Abroad: Fingers crossed for you next month!
pea / 8 posts
Me me! lol I'm due September 3rd. I've been hanging out on the Weddingbee boards so much that I forgot about Hellobee!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
LOL I know, I know!! I had them so I had to though! I only have one other test so I'm going to wait like a week and that will be the last one! I think my date might change since I have 34 day cycles. Congrats to all! I'm so excited! Telling DH today (he had something really important at work this week that will probably not happen ever again..and I didn't want to distract him!), and will call the doctor on Monday.
coffee bean / 28 posts
@Pennylainne. The only reason that I'm having the ultrasound is because my cycles are so wacky, the doctor wants to pin down an exact due date, etc. I'd much rather have a normal cycle! But, in all reality I have nothing to complain about. I'm sure February will be here before you know it!
cherry / 133 posts
@KRunRun: I hope it hurries its self up! lol. I had a mc a few months ago and I am really anxious to get in and see him asap. I got an appointment with him the day he is back. I really hope I get an u/s soon after. I have had fairly wonky cycles since my mc so I am not sure exactly how far along I am. I went off when I o'd and went with a 31 day cycle to figure out my approximate due date. I am going to go and get one of the tests that tells you how far along you are
@googly-eyes: Thank god I only had 2 tests in my house lol! Or I would have been right there with ya.
grape / 79 posts
Just found out Sept 19th, praying for a sticky baby this time. Congrats everyone.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Congrats KRUNRUN & SPAINA96!
I went in for a confirmation with my PCP and am finishing up researching OBGYNs in the area so I can let the PCP know who I want to be referred to. Hopefully I can schedule the first "real" appointment as soon as the weekend is over.
grape / 79 posts
Thanks, I go to the dr on the 30th of this month and see the nurse educator on the 26th of this month. Good luck to everyone. So nervous due to miscarriage last time, sometimes it is hard to think positive.
nectarine / 2750 posts
By my (rough) calculations, my due date is Sept. 6th. Found out December 27th. Unfortunately, my husband just got a new job and we won't have health insurance until February so my first appointment isn't until February 3rd. Still three weeks away! I think I will be about 10 weeks and I am trying not to be too anxious or worried, but I know I will feel better after that first appointment.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
According to baby center, my EDD is September 25! I have a weird feeling it'll be Oct 1, though. Time will tell! My DR does the first appointment at 7-8 weeks, so only a little while to try to be patient.
grape / 79 posts
Just checking in and curious what symptoms every one is having at this stage, I know everyone is different. I am just mostly having some fatigue, frequent urination and breast tenderness. Every other day or so I will get some little twinges of pain down there. How is everyone else feeling?
nectarine / 2750 posts
Hi Spaina - I haven't been having many symptoms at all and I am close to 7 weeks. I get lightheaded a lot during the day, especially during workouts and I have some mild breast tenderness and frequent urination. I have had some very mild nausea a few random times, but as long as I don't let myself get too hungry it doesn't usually bother me.
I have to stay away from websites like "what to expect" because they act as if we are all throwing up all day and our boobs have grown three cup sizes since conceiving.
cherry / 133 posts
@spaina96: sooooo sick..... I have to eat something in the morning so that I have something it throw up... It is not fun. My boobs hurt and I can't walk around with out getting dizzy.
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
Dizzy here and some weird cramp every once in awhile. I'm only 4 weeks though. Just got over a horrible stomach bug, unrelated to pregnancy!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
I feel like my symptoms are different from day to day. Some days my boobs hurt, others they don't. In the beginning I was very emotional but I think that has mostly passed. Most days I'm nauseous and tired. I could be ok for the first hour of the morning and then all of a sudden it hits me. Then it might go away for awhile and come back later on.
As happy as I am to be pregnant, I can't help but wish the first trimester was over..
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
@googly-eyes: I totally agree. I've been dying to share the news, but I don't want to have to unshare it later. I have a cousin who's girlfriend shared on fb the day she POAS, told our entire family, and then went for her first appt and didn't hear a heartbeat. It was really sad.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
That sounds terrible. It feels like every other person in internetland has had a m/c. I joined babycenter but now I'm hesitant to even read it because there are so many m/c stories. DH and I are sticking to thinking that it will be a healthy baby unless we are told otherwise (or trying to, DH is much better at it than me!)
grape / 79 posts
I haven't told anyone except my dh, we are going to try and wait. I did fall on the front porch steps and landed on my frontside, a little frighting today. Hope everything is ok.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Spaina- Were you able to break your fall at all? A quick google search makes it seem like you should be ok, hope everything is fine!
olive / 69 posts
I got my BFP last tuesday! Going to the dr. tomorrow for the confirmation appointment.
pea / 8 posts
Me! I'm new here! Usually hung out on weddingbee! I found out at the end of December when I was 3 weeks and I am now 7 weeks! I am due Sept 5! Hoping time flies!!!
cherry / 133 posts
@roccoandkirby: @honeybunches12: WELCOME!!
I have told a couple people. I told my manager and a good friend of mine. That is about it. I want the first trimester to be over too... 2 more months.
grape / 79 posts
@googly-eyes. I tried to break my fall, but my abdomen hit the steps. Little sore but everything seems fine, just going to try thinking positive thoughts.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
I think especially with baby being SO tiny at this point, everything will be ok. I agree, positive thinking is good!!!
After 2+ weeks of knowing, I told my mom today (who told my dad.) I was SO nervous that I just blurted it out. But it went well, I think! We are in our early 20s but I sort of felt like a pregnant teenager, lol.
nectarine / 2750 posts
@roccoandkirby: @honeybunches12: Welcome and congratulations!
@honeybunches12: I am 7 weeks, too! Due Sept 6th (I think, haven't been to the doc yet)
pea / 8 posts
@tlcbaby: yay! we are due date twins (almost!!). How are you feeling?? I have already gotten so big my pants dont fit! I am tiny to begin with but my DH and I starting to think twins!!!
nectarine / 2750 posts
@honeybunches12: I am still feeling pretty good. Just tired and lightheaded a lot of the time. As I write this I am feeling a little dizzy/nauseous, but I nothing too bad. I haven't noticed the scale creeping up too much yet, but when it does I try to remember that I am growing a baby in there and not to freak out about it.
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