grapefruit / 4582 posts
@Dandelion: good luck with the move!
@jhd: happy to hear the rmh is there for you guys been thinking about you all
Ughh my period came back this week but haven't had my 6 week appt yet so still in pads. L's sleep is all over the place. One night she will sleep from 8pm-3am! Then the next night she's literally up every 1.5 hours.
Anyone have any big Memorial Day plans? Were having a picnic in golden gate park with some of our friends
eggplant / 11408 posts
I've been thinking about all of you ladies! How is everyone holding up? So sorry to have been MIA-I killed my computer, and it is hard to type a lot on my phone.
@Dandelion: how'd the move go?
@jhd:how did the surgery consult go?
@luckypenny: ugh on AF returning. I think I may have ovulated last week, and it made me a little sad. How go moving preparations?
We are doing pretty well over here. I had my six week appointment last week, and everything looks good. Breastfeeding is getting easier, thanks to getting a smaller shield. My nipples are still sore, but not as bad as they were. This child is still also a super spitter. We had her to the pedi, and they said that we could be dealing with a bit of reflux. They don't want to give her medicine yet though because she is gaining weight appropriately. If I I wanted her on the meds, we would have to go in for a swallow study, because she is still so little. They did say that we could revisit it at her eight week appointment, though. Apparently at that point, she could be on the meds without needing the testing done. She's not really unhappy, just uncomfortable when she spits. Sigh. It is hard to know what is the right decision!
We had a really good Memorial Day. We went to visit my parents, and it was a lot of fun. I think I might be dealing with some PPA, though, so parts of it were hard. I don't do well with crowds anymore, and I get overwhelmed really easily. I'm still on my meds,which helps a ton.
Anyone headed back to wok soon? I've gone in a few days and will likely be working full time this summer, starting in a few weeks. Can't believe it's almost June!
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: T goes for surgery today. It's scary but it will get us home!!! We will be here for at least two more weeks. My mom is here & DH too. We're trying to focus on all the fun things we will do together when we are finally home.
Sounds like things are going well. I hope G's spitting issues get better. I hate it when they spit up & are uncomfortable!! Glad you got to spend the weekend with your parents. good luck with going back to work. I hope that goes as smoothly as possible!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@jhd: I never responded, but I really hope that it went well, and you are well on your way to getting home!!!
The spit up continues. But, I think we can count today as a success. I brought her to work with me, and despite a massive spit and five diaper changes, I got accomplished what I needed to. Win!
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: thank you! Surgery was the first step in the process towards home. Hoping we might be home in about two more weeks! T was 1 month old yesterday!! Sounds like you had a successful trip to work despite the diaper drama!!
persimmon / 1273 posts
@jhd: hope you and baby T are doing well Thinking of you often.
We took the baby to my parents' house for the first time this weekend. It's a 2.5 hour drive, so I was pretty anxious about it but he did GREAT. He was a bit fussy when we first got there, especially because there were a bunch of visitors who came by to meet him, but he settled in after a few hours and slept fine at night, so I'm calling it a success overall. I did get mastitis again overnight though. ha.
Currently my favorite thing (okay, one of my favorites) he does is stretch his arms so hard overhead as soon as I take him out of the swaddle. It's too cute.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@gilmoregirl: that is awesome! We've done a
3.5 hour trip twice now, and it has gone much more smoothly than I worried it would. It will get more interesting in the heat, as our car does not have a/c. But so far, so good. Did you get to relax at all while you were there?
I'm just starting to figure out the times when G gets overstimulated. Recognizing that has been really helpful, though I'm not always the best at calming her right away. I've found that swaddling+holding her while walking around and bouncing+shushing helps, as does going for a walk or car ride. I didn't realize how much the swadfle especially would help!
How were your weekends? We had some major meltdowns for no apparent reason and 2-3 days of intense cluster feedings. It had been a bit rough on our nerves and my nipples, but thr good news is that she's rewarded us with good nighttime sleep. Can't complain about that! Also, she smiled at both DH and I for the first time thks weekend. So sweet!!
@jhd: how goes recovery?
@luckypenny: thinking about you guys! I hope relocation is going smoothly!
@Dandelion: when do you all move?
@jill_a55: how's C doing? Any better?
@nana87: when do you head back to work?
@Stacy: @HazelEyes: @CharityAnne: @SupernovaJ: @preggomeggo82: @megz06: how are you all??
persimmon / 1273 posts
@LovelyPlum: the smiles are the best!! I think B's starting to grow out of his overstimulated screaming -- he's not nearly as bad now as he used to be. But I also got really aggressive about naptime after reading an article on Troublesome Tots called "Are You Keeping Your Baby Awake Too Long?" Yes, yes I was. Our guy loooooves being bounced on the yoga ball, so that's how I spend much of my day
We didn't swaddle for the first 6 weeks or so because he'd wake himself up trying to get out of it...but I gave it another try and it's been a game changer. He calms as soon as I start to wrap him up. So I'm glad I gave it another shot; it's nice to have another trick.
coconut / 8079 posts
@gilmoregirl: thank you I'm glad your visit with your parents went so well!!
@LovelyPlum: yay for baby smiles! They are seriously the best thing ever!! T gave us the biggest smiles on tues before surgery and then last night the smiles were finally back so he must be feeling a bit better.
We are working on recovery & learning to use a bottle. The jaw surgery was actually the first part of a process to move his jaw forward. That should be completed on Friday. As it moves forward it will become easier for him to use the bottle. He has always tried hard with it but now he can get more since everything is lining up better. I'm hoping this week goes well and we can go home soon!
persimmon / 1458 posts
@LovelyPlum: thanks for asking. We are hanging in there. My little guy is 6 weeks already! I didn't think it was possible to have a second child with the same behaviors. Lazy nurser and refuses naps! As a result he has had a slow weight gain and gets himself so tired and then when I try to nurse him he falls asleep and the cycle continues! Sigh! Also results in a fussy baby because I think he is hungry and tired. I will say the fussiness gets better and better every day and for the past week or so he has slept through the night so I'm just hoping he is getting what he needs during the day! I just keep telling myself this too shall pass, we did it before and we'll get through it again. He is becoming more alert and longer calm awake periods so that makes me happy!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@LovelyPlum: We moved the weekend before last. We're settling in pretty well. We still have a bit of organizing to do.
watermelon / 14206 posts
M had his 2 month check up yesterday. He's still growing in strides. He's 10 lb 6 oz and 23 inches long. He's a little low on the percentile charts, but nobody is really concerned about that.
He also had his shots. He did the hold-your-breath cry for it, but after we were out of there, and the rest of the day, he didn't seem affected at all. He takes his shots like a boss. lol
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@jhd: always thinking of you guys and hoping for a speedy recovery
@Dandelion: the 2 month shots are the worst! I remember E was sooo lethargic. The hold their breath cry is pretty awful too. But I'm glad he does so well with them! How are you guys sleeping?
I don't want to jinx anything but L has been sleeping from 9-2:30isj every night! But then she's up every hour after that. But I'll take it!! Things are definitely getting easier. It still takes forever to get them both out of the house but I think once we are in NYC and don't have to worry about loading up into cars anymore it should be easier.
We've started packing all our stuff! Only 3 more weeks! I'm kinda freaking out but I'm so excited. We decided to spend one day of our weekend packing and one day in San Francisco doing all the touristy, fun and our family's favorite things before we leave. I'm really going to miss the Bay Area.
clementine / 811 posts
gah! I had a nice long response to a bunch of you and it timed out and was lost. I'll see if I can remember….
@LovelyPlum: we are getting better, thanks! Highs and lows. He can be a happy little guy and is a pretty good night sleeper, but HATES napping which leads to a progressively more agitated baby. Evening hours are particularly tough.
@gilmoregirl: I was trying to be more aggressive about naps too, but then if I tried to put him down before he was ready, it was a long drawn out frustrating disaster. I still can not for the life of me find the sweet spot between getting tired and overtired.
@jhd: So glad to hear things are moving along well! Keep up the good job, you're doing so great
@Stacy: ohhh, we have a fussy one too. I can totally commiserate. It is getting better, but I do have days where I yearn for my friends' babies who sleep well, can lay quietly for a time and aren't screamers. But then the little smile or coo comes along and I just forget. That tired/hungry combo is a toughie… how can it be so hard to keep them awake while feeding and yet so hard to put them to sleep?
@Dandelion: J's on the small side too. He was 10 lbs 1 oz and 23 inches at his 2 month. My doc wasn't too concerned either since he is gaining, albeit slowly. I think he's just long and lean-- is M like that? And oh my the shots. Luckily (?) he was already crying since it was nap time and couldn't really escalate too much more for the actual shots. But our poor guy came home and didn't know what hit him. He just looked to sad and had this little pout where he just said "ooooh." I felt for him. He took a power nap after that one.
@luckypenny: 9-230 is a good stretch! Can you get to bed at 9 too so you can get some sleep too, or is that an impossibility?
persimmon / 1273 posts
B had his shots this morning and has been fussing or sleeping ever since. He will not let me put him down. It has been a long day.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@jhd: home is so good! Hopefully soon!
@Dandelion: @gilmoregirl: shots on Tuesday. I'm nervous.
@HazelEyes: G is long, lean, and little, too. I'll be surprised if we are at 9 lbs on Tuesday. She's gotten taller, though! I'm glad things are better. G can be really fussy, too. It is hard, but getting better. She doesn't scream as much as just wants to eat all. The. Time. My nipples are sad.
@luckypenny: YAY sleep. I'm glad for you! Are you guys flying out, or driving?
@Stacy: oh, sounds rough, I'm sorry. But yes, this too shall pass!
News of the week: some little girl has decided that she likes naps! She's taken one 4 days in a row. Glory hallelujah! Also, she's smiling and rolling front to back. She is definitely getting fun! The sad news is that I have PPA. I'm hoping we caught it before it has a chance to get worse. But no fun, guys. No fun.
persimmon / 1458 posts
@LovelyPlum: what did you do to get her to nap? My LO takes cat naps throughout the day while nursing. Uuuuggghh!
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@LovelyPlum: what?! Rolling already?! Whoa! We are flying out. DH spent today getting rid of our dresser, bookshelves, patio furniture and dining set. It's really getting real!
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: @luckypenny: @HazelEyes: thank you ladies
We have had fantastic feedings the past two days. That's all that we need to do to go home!!!! Hoping it will happen soon. I seriously cannot wait to have this little guy all to ourselves!!!
persimmon / 1273 posts
@jhd: that is awesome to hear. My fingers are crossed that you guys are all home soon.
persimmon / 1273 posts
Just when I thought B had grown out of the witching hour, we've been having hours-long cry fests before bedtime for the last 3-4 days. The good news (?) is that he's started going down to bed by 8:45, but the bad news is that my husband's at work for much of the screaming (wah).
I'm hoping so hard that it's a phase and will let up soon. Oof.
How was everyone's weekend?
coconut / 8079 posts
We might get to go home on Friday!!!!
That's the only news here. Hope everyone had a good weekend
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
@jhd: yayyyy that's such amazing news!!
@LovelyPlum: just saw your question from last week! I should be working a bit oPn my dissertation but prob won't do much until fall. I start teaching in sept but don't have a spot in our child care center til oct, when r is. 6 mos, so we'll patch something together then. And so sorry about the ppa, but you are so strong and wise to recognize it early!
Our biggest update is we found out last week that r hasn't been gaining enough weight but, I got help from an lc and she seems to be growing now, thank goodness!
watermelon / 14206 posts
M just slept for 8.5 hours, nursed and went back to sleep! I hope this isa new trend and not a fluke!
eggplant / 11408 posts
I am so terrible at replying to this thread on my phone!
@jhd: home?! That would be amazing!! What's the latest??
@Dandelion: I am super, super hopeful for you that's not a fluke! We've had two straight days of 7 hour stretches, but I'm almost `100% sure that it's a fluke due to Tylenol and her shots. But I'm enjoying it while I can!
@nana87: I saw your other thread about the weight gain The LC appointment went well, though? I'm so glad to hear! And I hear you on it being slow to get back into the swing of things. The last thing I want to do now is go sit in a library! Unless she's been screaming. Then the quiet sounds pretty nice...
@gilmoregirl: that sounds ROUGH. Sorry, lady. We never really had a witching hour, but recently, we've had one. It's not really all that fun, because there's just no way to calm her. I'm also hoping it's a phase!
This last weekend was fun, but so tiring! G was baptized, so we had all of our family up here for the celebration. The ceremony went so well, but it POURED all day Sunday, and we had plans for a picnic. We still ended up having it outside, since there was a shelter. We were dry under the shelter, but everyone got SOAKED going to and from the pavilion. We still had a lot of fun, but man was the cleanup brutal. And it has basically taken all week for us to recover from the families being here. That, plus 2 month shots have made for a pretty rough week. DH works all weekend this weekend, so hopefully I can get some quiet-and some cleaning done!!!-while he is gone.
What is everyone doing for Father's Day? I'm in need of some inspiration!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@Stacy: I never responded to you! We ended up swaddling her, which seems to have helped a lot. Also, we were gifted a travel Sleep Sheep, which is a huge help. I highly recommend it!
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: we are going home tomorrow! I'm excited but won't really be able to believe it until it happens. they have special family rooms you can stay in before discharge so we spent the night last night and we will again tonight.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@jhd: YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! I'm so THRILLED for you!!!! Get ready for a wild ride, Mama. You're going to be AWESOME. I can't wait for you to get baby T into your own house!!!
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: and yay for having G's baptism. That's a bummer the weather was rotten. I hope you get to enjoy some quiet this weekend!
We will prob just do a card for Father's Day but being home will be like Father's Day Mother's Day Christmas and everything combined! I will welcome any suggestions you all have and keep them in mind for next year!!
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: aw thank you. It doesn't even feel real yet, but we have matching superman shirts for all three of us and we're going to make this a memorable homecoming. Let's just hope little man doesn't mind the 3+ hour car ride!!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@jhd: hopefully the ride puts him to sleep! We've done 3 and a half hours on multiple occasions now. Our motto is to go until she wakes up, which she usually does about an hour and a half to two hours in. Then we stop and I either feed her or DH feeds her while I pump one side with my manual. Once she's back in, he'll drive, and I'll pump the other side while we drive. I don't care who sees me, but it makes for some funny conversations (trucker coming up on the right, cover up!) I mean, if they're turned on by my lactating boob, strikes me as more of their problem than mine
Good luck! Let us know how it goes!
persimmon / 1273 posts
@jhd: So happy to hear you guys will be heading home!! It must be so nice to be moving on from this part of the journey.
@lovelyplum: congrats on a successful baptism And I hear you on recovering -- we've been out of town the past few weekends in a row, and it's been a lot for all three of us to handle.
@dandelion: B has ranged between 6 hours (on a bad night) to 9.5 hours (on a good night) for a while, so I'm hopeful that it will stick for you and for us B's well over 13 lbs, and I think that helps.
As for us, the bedtime screaming continues and I'm so anxious about it. He just gets so worked up. Nursing seems to calm him, at least for a bit, but even when my husband is around, the baby seems to need/prefer me. I don't want to encourage that because mama needs a break, but I can't bear the screams. He's more inconsolable than the previous witching hour fussing, so I don't know. Maybe he needs an earlier bedtime? Or just needs to eat more often in the evening? Or it's a phase? Who knows.
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: haha I have pumped in the car twice now and I'm like you...I hope no one sees but too bad if they do. Baby needs milk!! and that's great road trip advice. Thanks!
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