Hellobee Boards


April 2014 Mamas!

  1. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @preggomeggo82: congrats!!!! He is adorable! And I thought I had it bad with 27 hours of labor!!

  2. Canoli

    persimmon / 1458 posts

    @preggomeggo82: congrats! He's a cutie!

  3. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @jhd: so G clearly isn't a NICU baby, but I've been fiddling around with pumping since I came home. So far, here are my very unscientific findings:

    -I started out trying to pump both sides at once...epic fail. I was jamming the flanges to my breasts to hold them there/balance them, and it blocked the milk ducts. So I started with one side. Actually, the hospital gave me a hand pump, and that has been much easier to learn from. Do you have one of those you could try?

    -If I'm not eating/drinking enough, I get almost nothing.

    -I've had to reposition the flanges quite a bit...my biggest problem was (and still is) that milk would drop all over the flange and all over me, I'm having luck by putting the bottom part of the flange to the underside of my nipple first, sort of like scooping my breast into it from below. (terrible description, sorry) I don't know if that might help you, but it took me a while to figure out!

    You're doing an awesome job, Mama. Keep it up

  4. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @LovelyPlum: those are AWESOME suggestions. I started last night doing one side at a time. It's working! I just can't handle the two sides at once. I was doing the same thing getting milk all over flange myself etc and then crying as I watched it all get wasted. I got to hold T (finally!!) and now DH is holding him & I just finished pumping. Got ten ml!!!! that puts me at 15 ml so far for the day which is better than 0 yesterday! His first feed was today at 5am 5 ml formula, 2nd was 5 bm & 5 f and his next one will be 10 bm & 5 formula. Not too shabby considering this is his first day on food anyway! He has a feeding tube but is taking to the paci well so the speech language therapist may be able to evaluate him for special bottles next week!!! Right now his breathing is too fast to try anything other than the feeding tube. But he is still breathing regular room air all by himself!!!!

  5. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @LovelyPlum: and I hope things calm down today. Is the smoke smell dissipating? I hope you all can get some good rest. How is DH's work going? Is the semester almost over?

  6. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @jhd: hooray for getting to hold your DS & what a great pumping accomplishment!

  7. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @luckypenny: thanks! How are you doing? I hope both girls are sleeping a little better!!

  8. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @jhd: lol not really but I'm just getting used to it lol

  9. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @LovelyPlum: @luckypenny: um, I don't know but he just rolled over today!!! And did it three times in a row, so it wasn't a fluke. He just turned 6 weeks today, isn't this way early??

    But yes, I was totally overwhelmed by pumping at first. You just kind of get this intimidating machine with all these parts and nobody tells you how to use it, but hurry up and pump!

  10. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @preggomeggo82: congrats!

  11. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @LovelyPlum: @jhd: So I got a hands free bra and it made ALL the difference in pumping. Definitely some adjusting right before the milk really gets going to make sure I"m "centered." But now my wrists don't hurt from holding the flanges, I have free hands to play on my phone or hold the remote--or whatever gets me distracted and relaxed and not watching the milk drip.

    I also do not get tons-- especially since I am mostly pumping after nursing sessions to "get my supply up," but every little bit helps. (At least that is what i"m telling myself.) And it has.

    Also, super embarrassing newbie pumper story: The first week I was pumping I was super concerned with getting the little white membrane things right etc and relaxing to the jazz music on pandora, blah blah. I finally sat down to pump and get some milk going. Great. Tip forward to empty the flanges bc they were collecting milk and…. my leg was all wet. Oh yes, I forgot to attach bottles. Dummy!! And on top of it I was so mad at wasting that hard earned milk!!!

  12. jill_a55

    apricot / 448 posts

    @preggomeggo82: congratulations! Baby C is adorable!!

    @jhd: congratulations on baby T! I'm so glad you finally got to hold him and are getting some progress with pumping!

    @LovelyPlum: hope the smoke smell is gone now, what a way to ruin your weekend!

    @HazelEyes: Oh my! That is totally something I would have done, and I would have completely lost it when I realized what happened! Liquid gold!!

  13. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @jill_a55: thank you!

    @HazelEyes: I can't tell you how many tears have been shed over lost milk here. I'm doing better with pumping one side at a time right now but I did get a little contraption that helps with double pumping. It's not a bra and I don't even know what it's called but it's simple to use. I will probably have to invest in some stuff if we have to EP.

  14. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    We had our first skin to skin today! Can't believe baby T will be one week old tomorrow!!!

  15. preggomeggo82

    apricot / 355 posts

    @jhd: @LovelyPlum: +1 for a hands free bra! I am pumping to supplement feedings and to let DH do a nighttime feeding so I can sleep. The bra is a life saver. I felt like such a dairy cow before using it. I have a medela version. It was maybe $30-40 bucks at target. I plan on using it at work when I go back too.

  16. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @HazelEyes: rolled over?! Eek, these kids! LO flipped herself over the other day, but to be fair, I was touching her. Still, too soon, too soon!!

    @HazelEyes: @preggomeggo82: thanks for the suggestion!! At this point, I'm mostly using the manual, since my double electric isn't working so well. But once I get a new double electric, I'll try to pump using my hands free bra!

    @jill_a55: @jhd: the smell is MUCH better, thank you! It's so nice to get back to normal.

    So I survived the in-law visiting marathon. Glad to have some normalcy back! LO helped things back to normal by screaming all day. Glad Daddy's home now!

  17. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @jhd: so happy for you hope you got to enjoy tons of sweet baby snuggles

    I've been in a huge fight with MIL. I'll fill you guys in during another middle of the night feeding. L just dozed off so it's time for me to sleep!

  18. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    Hope all you mamas and babies have a great weekend and a very happy Mother's Day!!!! I got the best present already. Our NICU has a few private rooms where mama can stay with baby and do most of the care with support from nurses. And we got moved to one last night!!!

  19. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @jhd: yaaaay!! Happy Mothers Day to you!! How are you and T holding up?

    Just popping in to say hi! I miss chatting with you lovely ladies, but I know we are all super busy. Miss G is one month old today...how?! Things are getting settled here, though we don't have much of a routine and sleep is fleeting sometimes. But I am really proud of what we have been able.to do with breastfeeding. I was ok.with whatever.outcome.we had, but it feels SO NICE to have my body work for once!

    Have a beautiful.day tomorrow

  20. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @LovelyPlum: We are doing well! Just need to get used to our new schedule. T is doing well with the bottle and my supply is increasing ever so slowly. We are definitely enjoying all the extra snuggles!
    I'm so glad BF is working out well for you! Have a lovely day tomorrow!

  21. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I'm pretty much drowning. I even told DH Friday that I wanted to go back to work (after bring a SAHM for 2 years) but I know things will get easier and my hormones will calm down. L is a much harder baby than E was. She wakes up every 2 hours to eat and cries a lot so I feel like I'm neglecting E most of the day. It also takes us FOREVER to get out of the House. Plus I realized we are moving across the country in 6 weeks!!! We have to be out of our house in 5 so I'm panicking a little.

    Oh yeah, and somehow DH and I got in a huge fight with MIL (who helps me by taking E twice a week) so I haven't had any help and not sure I will until we leave

  22. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    So I'm home and recovering. I feel loads better after havibg my gall bladder out. Apparently, it was really full of stones!

    I was so proud of my post-c section belly. My OB did a great job and my belly was looking awesome. Even bragging about non-maternity pants. Well, that went out the window. My belly looks like I've been stabbed several times and there is crazy purple bruising all over. I think the bruises are what is hurting still.

    But, overall I feel more competent and I'm so glad to be able to finally move on from that horrible experience. Hopefully my scars won't look so bad once they're healed well.

  23. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @jhd: great news! I am so glad that you are doing most of his care. If it is not too nebby of me to ask, what is his biggest challenge right now? Does it look like you might be able to go home soon, or are you hanging out in the NICU for a while longer? Feel free not to answer, just been thinking about you!

    @luckypenny: oh darling, that is awful I am so sorry. Of you weren't 3000 miles away, I would totally come help you (or sit and commiserate, when everyone fusses). Are you having to pack.everything yourself, or will there be movers to help?

  24. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Dandelion: I'm so glad that you are home and feeling better. What a nightmare! I don't know where your scars are, but if you had laparoscopic surgery, they should fade pretty quickly. I'm 7 years put from mine, and the only scar you can really see at all is the one.on my belly button. That one only became obvious when my stomach got stretched from baby. Hopefully, yours fade soon!

    Does anyone else feel like your house looks like a war zone at the end of the day? Mine always does, it is crazy. Newborns make a big mess for not being able to move!

  25. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @jhd: hooray! I've been thinking of you two how did the weekend go staying with him??

    @Dandelion: how come no one ever tells you how bad the bruising is after a surgery?? But I'm glad you're feeling better and can now relax, recover and move on

    @LovelyPlum: I know you would friend thank you ! OMG L slept 6 hours last night!! DH and I just woke up in a huge panic because surely something must be wrong if both of our girls stayed asleep right?! It was heavenly. Unfortunately there's No one to help me pack but DH on the weekends. Fortunately, we are getting rid of almost everything so I hope it's not too hard. How are you and Ginny?

    And yes, house is a DISASTER. I told our housekeepers to come once a week instead of every other week. .

  26. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @luckypenny: omg, 6 hrs of sleep sounds heavenly!! I'm sorry about your mil drama, that really really sucks

    We had our best night of sleep last night so far--3.5 hrs, 3 hrs, and 2 hrs. She was insatiable yesterday during the day, nursing constantly, but it paid off with more sleep!

  27. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Yeah, I figured the belly button one will be the most obvious. what's funny is that my naval is filled with glue. I have dermabond on all my incisions, and they just went ahead and filled my belly button up to the rim with it, lol.

  28. Beyond2

    pear / 1517 posts

    Although I was terrible at following along, I just wanted to update. LO2 arrived on May 1, two days late. Despite our prior thought that this baby was DS2 based on u/s tech slip and midwife confirmation after... We had a girl!! We couldn't be more thrilled. Labor was great. It was my second Homebirth. I was able to talk and laugh right up to pushing and my labor lasted just 3 hours! Adjusting to two has been far better than I expected! I hope everyone else is doing well!

  29. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @Beyond2: congrats on your baby girl!

    @Dandelion: glad all the crazy stuff is behind you. I hope you recover quickly. I am sure your boys are so so glad to have their mommy back!

    @nana87: yay for good sleep! Hope you are doing well!

    @luckypenny: I hope things go smoothly over the next few weeks. Just one day at a time!! I hope you can get some help with everything.

    @LovelyPlum: thanks for thinking of us!

    Being with T has helped me so much, but I'm struggling to get enough rest. One of the nurses basically forced me to take a nap this afternoon. I think we will be in the NICU for a while. T is really struggling to take a bottle and BF is not possible just now either. I'm pumping & supply has increased very slowly but I'm trying to accept that I may not be able to provide him with enough BM. For now we are mixing with formula. I know it's ok, but breastfeeding was a very important goal for me. Life just doesn't always go according to my plans! But baby smiles and snuggles make everything better!!

  30. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @jhd: how are you and T?

    I'm feeling so much better ladies! I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of things. Also, L is only waking up 1 time after 11 around 3 and then sleeping until 6 so things seem much more manageable. We have also had a heat wave this week so we have spent a lot of time outside and I think the fresh air really did me good. My sister is coming to visit tomorrow so that should be a lot of fun. I also start working out with my trainer on Monday. I want to lose as much of this baby weight as possible before I move to NYC in 5 weeks!!

  31. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @luckypenny: so very glad to hear things are going better! we are doing ok. thanks for asking! getting ready to transfer to a larger hospital a few hours away for an eval and probably surgery on T's jaw to improve his airway. he's breathing well in his own but just can't get the hang of the bottle no matter how hard he tries. just can't wait to have him home!!!

  32. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @jhd: I bet! Have they given you any kind if timeline? You both are so strong

  33. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @luckypenny: not at all docs here don't want to try to guess how docs there will choose to handle things. referral was made wed and we have been waiting for transport ever since. Hoping we will get to travel today!

  34. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Beyond2: congratulations!! How exciting that you still got a TG surprise! How is your DS reacting to his little sister?

    @jhd: any word on the transport? Hope you're settles into your new place!

    @luckypenny: I'm so glad that things are better! Enjoy your sister being there. And 5 weeks until move date?! Holy moly lady!

    How is everyone else doing? We are doing pretty well over here. I went to work for the first time yesterday-Dad and G did great! Sleep is still hit or miss, as is my pain. All in all, I've had a pretty easy recovery, but every once in a while, I'm still in pain. This weekend in particular has been full of cramps and some pain at both my epi and episiotomy sites. I go back for my six week on Thursday (how?!) so I guess we will see what he says. Also, the hand numbness is still here. I would like my hands back, please!

    Ginny is going to her first baseball game tomorrow. I'm excited!

  35. gilmoregirl

    persimmon / 1273 posts

    I'm always reading on my phone but rarely have it in me to type out a response. Glad you ladies are doing relatively well. I'm cleared for normal activity as of this week, and it's been great to do some working out again. B is six weeks and so far so good. Five weeks was challenging but we seem to be coming around. It does not hurt that he smiles all the time now, plus cooing and a few other sounds. I'm so excited to watch him learn and I live to see what's next.

    Things are definitely still pretty tough at times but I also feel like I'm getting better at handling the challenges.

    Pretty sure I'm taking a semester off in the fall which means I'm home through January. I'm lucky to have the opportunity but it's also overwhelming to think about.

    @lovelyplum: hope the pain subsides soon. I was torn up after delivery but I'm lucky to have had an easy time recovering. Hope you're feeling more yourself again soon.

    @dandelion: glad your surgery went well and you're able to heal now. I cannot even imagine going thru that so soon after baby.

    @jhd: thinking of you and baby T all the time!

    @luckypenny: sorry to hear you've got drama especially with moving soon.

  36. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    T had his first helicopter ride yesterday! Apparently he came out of his little transport incubator thing with wide eyes & just looked all around like "what just happened?" and then just started yelling because he was hungry! DH and I drove down & thankfully we have a spot at the Ronald McDonald house. He has been extra sleepy today after his big adventure!

  37. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @jhd: how is he doing? How is the RM house?

  38. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    M is finally starting to sleep well. He has a good 5 hour stretch from 8-1 and then goes 3-4 hours twice more before waking up for the day. His naps are getting better too.

    We move this weekend, which means he'll have his own room soon with his real crib. I really think we all will sleep better in that situation.

    Other than that, we've been getting lots of smiles from him. He's happy as long as everything is going the way he wants lol.

  39. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @Dandelion: thanks for thinking of us! RMH has been a real lifesaver. I am amazed at all the lovely people who give so much time & resources to make a place like this possible. T is just more & more fun every day. He had a ct scan today so the surgeon can start making a plan. He wore his Batman onesie for that! lol

  40. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @Dandelion: I hope moving goes well!!

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