coconut / 8079 posts
We're home!! It took a lot longer than we expected for the discharge process and to drive home but we made it & T did awesome!
persimmon / 1273 posts
Aw such great news! Enjoy your first weekend at home as a family of 3!
apricot / 448 posts
Sorry I've been MIA! Hope everyone is doing well!!
@jhd: such good news!! So happy for you guys!!
@LovelyPlum: sorry, I just saw that you asked me how C was! He's great, no changes on his condition (disorder? I don't even know what to call it. lol) We're still on the every 2-3 hour schedule, but now I'm back at work so it's even more exhausting. He's become a lot more efficient with his feedings though, so we aren't up for so long in the MOTN. We've had some hard feedings lately because of reflux issues but I think they've started to go away. How's G doing? I saw you're back to work too, are you miserable or is it just me?
eggplant / 11408 posts
@jhd: how's home???
@jill_a55: yay, glad to see you back! I can only imagine how drained you must be. I'm so glad to hear that C is doing well. Efficiency MOTN sounds great, or as good as anything about MOTN feedings can sound
Yep, I'm back to work, too, though things are about to get more interesting. My school year job is now over, thank goodness. It was pretty low key going back, and I had G with me a few days in the office. That was interesting, let me tell you. But we finished our project, and now I am done with my assistantship until September. But, I start my summer job on Monday, which will be a 40 hour a week office type thing. It is interesting work, but I am crazy nervous about pumping and being exhausted. Are you pumping? How is it going?
G is good, though we have had a rough week or so. Ever since (or maybe coincidental to? I can't tell) her shots last week, she has been a *mess*. Screaming randomly for no reason, naps are all screwed up, bedtime routine shot to hell, night sleep unpredictable. For the first time in her life, the witching hour has come to visit-she will just start screaming randomly at night for no reason whatsoever. Turning off lights and noise helps some, as does reading to her. I suspect we are also in the middle of a growth spurt. She has also been eating so, so much-my nipples are black and blue Sometimes, though, I can't get her to latch, but if I put my finger in her mouth, she will gnaw on it with all her might. It is too early for teething, right?! Fortunately, today has been better, mostly cluster feedings and massive, massive naps with only two minor meltdowns. I am praying that we are at the end of whatever this insanity has been and can move on to establish some sort of new routine. Goodness knows we need it-the old one has been shot completely to hell!
Anyway, long winded answer! I hope all of you ladies and babies had a great weekend. Would love to hear from you when you have the time!
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: It's so good to be home! Thanks for thinking of us. T is a very happy baby. I am so thankful for that. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed & anxious honestly. I'm pumping (and my already low supply dropped some with the travel) and I'm also the only one who can feed T just now. He has a special bottle due to the cleft palate. But I will be working with my mom & DH to learn to feed him too. Some good things: my pup came home last night & is adjusting to having a baby well, we took T to the park tonight for his first walk, he's had a bath every night (hospital only did sponge baths so this was extra exciting for me!!) and loves it, and he loves the play mat we got him. We have it set up in the pack n play and he watches the toys on it or the ceiling fan & just grins. Too cute!
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: thinking of you as you go back to work. I hope the transition goes well and that you can find a routine that works. Go easy on yourself this is difficult!
persimmon / 1273 posts
@LovelyPlum: Girl, you are describing my life post-vaccines, which I also think coincided with some kind of growth spurt/wonder week/developmental leap. Good news (for us, and I hope for you): B has been settling down and things are SO MUCH BETTER in the past few days. I'd say we had two rough weeks and then a week of gradual improvement. Now he's back to himself.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@jhd: I've been so bad about keeping up with this thread
We made it to NYC! So this weekend I'm not sure. We may do something with DH's new co-workers or head to Coney Island. L is getting so much easier. She's been rolling both ways for 3 weeks now and slept from 8-6 last night (!!) but I'm sure it's a fluke because she's still normally waking up every 3 hours
Also, while we were living with MIL last week she potty trained DD1! She used the potty on the plane and everything! Woo hoo!
coconut / 8079 posts
@luckypenny: such a great update from you! sounds like things are going well!! t has been sleeping a five or six hour stretch at night the past week or so & it's lovely. fx l decides to keep up the good sleep.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
Whoa 6 weeks!!! How is everyone and LOs doing? We should all update with stats from our 4 month appointments
eggplant / 11408 posts
Yay, I'm glad this is back!!! I miss you all
Our 4 month appointment is on Monday, so I'll update stats then. In the meantime, here's what's going on around here:
*We weaned off the shield-yay! It took until 15 weeks, but we haven't used it in 3 weeks. Nursing in public is SO much easier!
*We're now MSPI and officially have reflux But the good news is now she has meds and I've eliminated them from my diet. Still not perfect, but getting there. At least the constant screaming and projectile vomit have lessened.
*We've toyed with a little BLW, aka using food as teething toys. So far, she's chowed down on a green bean and melted a piece of pita with slobber. She seems to be interested, so we're just going to let her do her thing. The dog is also very interested
*Sleep is hit or miss. She's in the crib sometimes, RnP sometimes, in the bed with us sometimes, or like right now, on a pillow on the floor (whatever works). Not really napping well, but they're getting better. I'm not willing to CIO yet, especially with her belly issues. Just trying to be patient.
But, enough with all the bad news. She is SO FUN. She laughs, smiles, adores her daddy, is obsessed with her puppy/puppy's tail, curious, and makes me infinitely happy (when I'm not losing my mind). She can roll both ways and hold her head up really well. Not sitting by herself yet, but she can sit if you are holding her. No teeth yet, but she puts everything in her mouth, so I think they're coming. She loves her angel dear lovey, Wubbanub, and recently discovered links. She is good in the car, stroller, and loves mobiles of all kind. She is starting to recognize her name and get interested in the iPad when we Facetime with my family. She also talks *constantly*, moves incessantly, and is super curious. She starts daycare in 3 weeks, and I'm confident that she is going to love it.
In other words, where did my little newborn go?!
eggplant / 11408 posts
Quick update on me: for the most part, we're doing OK. I am finally getting used to WOHM, but man, is it HARD! Pumping has been a challenge, but I think I finally have a schedule that I am comfortable with. It seems that in order for our days to go smoothly, the alarm has to go off at 5 am (ugh), but it is better than running around like a crazy person. The bad news is that PPA is still here, though maybe a little milder with the meds. Trying to get them adjusted when I go in next week. Also, I am pretty sure that we are ditching NFP for an IUD for the time being. I loved NFP, but the idea of being pregnant again accidentally is really unappealing right now, not to mention *impossible* financially. So, yeah.
Question for those of you who had episiotomies: are you still sore? We haven't even tried to DTD yet, but I'm still not feeling right down there. Normal?
Hope you all are well
coconut / 8079 posts
I somehow missed your great update, @LovelyPlum:!
T is doing so, so well! We don't have our 4 month visit until next week but he's growing like a weed and is just the happiest baby. Hoping the ped will ok starting purees next month because we have an awesome SLP helping us with feeding and she thinks he will be ready. We are loving reading books, going for walks in the stroller, and just general play time. I love, love, love the way his face lights up when he sees DH.
I'm hoping to join the gym again soon if I'm brave enough to leave baby with DH or my mom. And I'm also going to start going to a moms' group at church. It's really weird not to go back to school, but I'm loving staying home too.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@LovelyPlum: what a great update she is too precious.
@jhd: what great news! What is an slp? L totally lights up when she sees her daddy too, isn't it the best!?
Ok... So miss Lilah...
16 lbs, 27 inches (!! Literally off her growth chart) and is a much MUCH easier baby than she was three months ago. She takes most of her naps in the ergo since I'm running around with DD at the park. Although, I just started taking the double stroller out and we have had two successful naps there so I hope that can work out more, it's so hot wearing her all the time! She is almost sitting unassisted and rolls all over the floor. She is totally in love with her daddy and big sister.
And me...we have been in our new apartment for 2 weeks now and I love it. It's going to be a great home for our family. Of course there are a lot of kinks that need to be worked out (the precious tenants left a lot of mold in the washer) and we won't have a couch until October, but I am really happy here. NYC is totally the place for me.
Things are better this week but I'm pretty sure I had a really rough time with the "baby blues". I felt really overwhelmed, like I just couldn't get out of bed. DH and I were fighting all the time, I even considered taking the kids to my moms until I felt better. But, after a long talk he has been a lot more understanding and helpful and I think the fog is starting to clear. But man, it was really really rough
coconut / 8079 posts
@luckypenny: so glad you are enjoying your new place!
SLP = speech language pathologist. They actually work with babies on feeding issues. I never knew that before we needed help!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@jhd: I love hearing that he is doing so well! Are all of his surgeries over? And you're staying at home? How fun! I mean, super hard, but nice. I bet it feels weird not being back at school. And I'm glad for your good luck with the SLP. My sister is an SLP, and they have some great results!
@luckypenny: oh Mama, I'm so sorry about the blues. That sounds so rough. I cant imagine a cross-country move on top of adjusting to life with 2 kids. Big hugs to you! It sounds like L is doing really well! How is E doing?
We had our 4 month visit on Tuesday. Ginny is back up to 18% for weight and height, at 12 lbs 6 oz and 23 and a half inches. I am relieved, because she had dropped to 10% 3 weeks ago. Her doc confirmed that we are dealing with MSPI, so we are working on eliminating soy. She is already feeling better, so while it is hard, it is worth it.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@jhd: oh! Interesting! I'm thinking of doing solids too but probably closer to 5 months. I think E started at 5/5.5 months. Lilah still eats like every 2 hours during the day unless she's sleeping so I'm hoping it will stretch that out a but. I've tried getting her to take more milk in during a feeding but she refuses. UGHHH.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@LovelyPlum: yeah. I keep trying to remind myself that just moving is hard. And adding adjusting to life with two kids, having a high needs newborn and no help would be a lot for anyone. But we've been going to the park everyday for about 3 hours at a time and I think the vitamin D really helped.
PS I loved that video of Ginny a after her shots. What a brave girl!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@luckypenny: vitamin D=Best. Thing. Ever. Being outside is so helpful to me, too! And yes, moving is hard. dH getting a new job is hard. Having 2 kids is hard. Doing it all at once? Lady, it os a victory if you just make it through the day;) And thanks She was f-ing miserable the next day, but she did great getting them. So proud of her!
So, solids. Let's talk. First, I cannot believe we are already to this point!! Secondly, how are you all going to approach it?
We have dabbled in the world of BLW. G has started grabbing for my plate, so we have given her things to gnaw on. So far, both a raw green bean and a piece of pita have been big hits. I've also made and frozen some purees, not because I care about her having store bought stuff, but because fruit this time of year is so darn GOOD. Our ped gave us the go-ahead to basically do what we want as far as starting solids goes. What are you going to start with if you do purees? I can't decide if I want to do rice cereal, but I'm thinking not really. My thing is, we spend so much time getting empty calories out of our diets, so why am I starting with that for her? Maybe I will.mix a little of it in with avocado or sweet potato. Not sure yet. Thoughts?
eggplant / 11408 posts
Also, I know I follow some of you on IG, but would anyone else care to share their name? Mine is in my profile, and I would be happy to wall it privately as well
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@LovelyPlum: I did purées with E until she was about 7 months and then did a little more traditional BLW. With L I will probably do the same and at 7 months just give her whatever we are having.
coconut / 8079 posts
@luckypenny: T also eats every two to three hours during the day. It's a lot and I don't have a toddler to chase as well!! You are doing great. Does DH like his new job?
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: Surgeries and travel to see specialists are all done until November. We are so excited to be home with no interruptions for a while. Hoping next surgery won't be until after the holidays but I guess we will see. I am so thankful I get to stay at home. It is definitely what's best for our family right now, but it's a big change!!
As for solids, if we get the ok from our ped we plan to start exploring some purées at 5 months. He already takes rice cereal in bottles because he has trouble swallowing. So we will start with veggies or fruits.
apricot / 448 posts
Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well! I don't think I've logged in here for a whiiiiile now, so I just wanted to see what everyone was up to!
How are solids working for you all now? We are just doing rice cereal for now (on our peds recommendation), but can't wait to start some fun stuff! We still go to the children's hospital for his mcad and the dietician told us we could start other things too... So confusing to have multiple doctors that aren't always on the same page!
We get to sleep a little longer at night now too, which is great I can't wait until we're cleared for longer spans! We just dropped the crib down because C started pulling him self up on it. Yikes.
Anyone reach any fun milestones recently?
@LovelyPlum: I would love to follow you on IG, could you wall me your name?
Anyone else have IG? I don't get on here much, but I love to see how everyone is doing on there!
persimmon / 1273 posts
@jill_a55: Hi! Fun to hear from you again and see this thread resurrected. I missed all of these more recent posts. Glad to hear you guys are getting some longer stretches of sleep now -- that must be tough. I have instagram but I don't post my name here because I use my full name. But if you wall me your name, I'll definitely add you.
We've been playing with solids a little -- rice cereal, sweet potatoes, bananas. He's really into it, but I'm going slow because it has seemed tough on his system at times. After all of our MSPI (? or whatever. Bloody poop.) issues I am not ready to deal with more digestive difficulty.
B is a bit of a wild child - he is so active all of the time. He recently learned to army crawl, so I've been trying to figure out a little bit of baby proofing, but it's something I'm a little lazy about. Fortunately, he's not too fast yet. He's close to sitting up but gets pretty wobbly because he's always lunging for toys and trying to climb over my legs.
We also been going through some sort of extended sleep regression/growth spurt/wonder week/developmental whatever. Like, the four month regression that lasted for more than 8 weeks? I'm not sure. It seems to be working its way out recently, and we're all feeling better. Fingers crossed he keeps sleeping more.
I took a semester off from my job, so I'm not back to work until January. I am torn -- he's a lot more fun now so being home is getting easier, but I miss my job and sometimes feel desperate to get out and work again. I think I'll be fairly ready (and also so sad) come January
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
hi everyone! I missed the most recent posts until now, so great to hear about how everyone is doing. I miss "talking" to you all all the time!
R is doing great these days! I CANNOT believe her 6-month bday is next week! She is such a little love. She's mostly very serious and observant, so she when she laughs my heart totally melts. She is starting to be soooo into our dogs, if they're in the room she stops everything (including nursing!) to watch them. I joked to dh that my "job" these days is like being a middle school dance chaperone, I have to continuously watch her and our younger dog to stop them from making out all the time--R pulls the dog to her mouth, and the dog always wants to lick her, lol Her weight issues seem to have passed, though she hasn't been officially weighed since her 4-month check in early Aug, but she had jumped from 3rd percentile in weight to between 10 and 25, so the dr was super happy! And she seems to be gaining a lot still, we'll see in a couple weeks at her 6 month check in!
fun to hear the April los are starting solids! I don't know if R is ready yet, I'm going to wait to talk to her ped about it at our next visit. She's been watching me eat lately though and I've let her lick melon or carrots when I'm eating them...
R's daycare starts when she's 6 months, so she's about to start I need to start working on my dissertation again, and I'm TAing undergrads again so I really need her to have child care, but omg emotionally I'm so not ready now that it's time, I've loved being with her all the time. Especially now that her eating and napping is under control, I feel like she's more and more fun all the time now. We had our first non-familial babysitter last week when I had to be on campus for a couple hours, and I totally cried leaving our apartment. I don't think I'm cut out to be a sahm at all--my work is a big part of myself--but I feel like I'm being pushed back before I'm ready.
coconut / 8079 posts
Good to see updates! I miss chatting with you ladies!
@nana87: T has just became very interested in our dog all of a sudden. It is so funny to watch him staring at the dog! Lol
@jill_a55: glad things are going well and you have been able to get some more sleep!
@gilmoregirl: I know T is at least a few weeks younger than B, but wow! Crawling and baby proofing already!!
We started purées today! First taste of green beans and he did great. T seems to be trying to figure out a new schedule...longer naps and bigger feedings. And I swear he is teething but nothing has popped through yet.
apricot / 448 posts
@gilmoregirl: So good to hear you guys are doing well! Hopefully the crazy sleep regression business will go away soon!! I'm sure you will find a good balance when it's time to go back to work. I went back like 7 (?) weeks after and I want nothing more than to stay home with him, and still feel that way... uuuuugh. I was so sad when I had to go back, and still get really sad about leaving him.
@nana87: So crazy 6 months is almost here!! C is absolutely obsessed with dogs too, my poor chihuahua watches out for him constantly because he loooooves her. and Yes, you need to get on IG! Let me know when you do!
@jhd: Yay for purees! We are still doing just rice cereal, but he got to suck on a piece of watermelon yesterday and he was obsessed with it... so I think we will start some other things after our appointment on the 10th.
C is a crazy boy these days... in the past month now he's fully sitting up on his own, doing a crazy combo of army crawling, and normal crawling with an occasional butt scoot in the mix he pulls himself up on his crib (that sucker got dropped waaay down) and on other things, and yesterday a tooth popped through!!! I feel like he's this big kid now and it's making me sad lol
coconut / 8079 posts
@jill_a55: wow that's a lot of things going on for your little man! everyone drives me nuts by constantly saying it but they do grow so fast!!
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@Mrs. Pencil: hooray!! Any big party plans?
Also, I miss this thread and how do we not have a party planning topic started?!
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