Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lulu22: ah good question! the ovia app had a whole thing about pregnancy pillows the other day but none of them look all that comfortable to me.

    adding onto lulu22's question... any second time moms that were stomach sleepers before their first pregnancy? what did you do? are there pregnancy pillows for stomach sleepers or do i just have to train myself? i literally can't fall asleep on my side! wahhh!

  2. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @lulu22: I never got a pregnancy pillow. I just use(d) a king size pillow & that's big enough for me to put between my legs & "hug" at the same time. I've heard great things about the bump nest though.

  3. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @loki: I didn't use a pregnancy pillow, but I was able to sleep on my stomach for quite awhile. Then I slept on my side some, usually with a pillow between my legs. And then I slept a lot on my back. I know you aren't supposed to, but it was never a problem for me.

  4. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @loki: I slept on my stomach with one leg kind of hiked up so I wasn't putting too much pressure on my belly until I just couldn't sleep like that anymore.

  5. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @lulu22: I loved my snoogle and can't wait to get it back (lent it to my sister for her pregnancy). I swear by it.

    @loki: I am a belly sleeper. I made a next with my snoogle so the pressure wasn't on my tummy. I also used it to sleep on my back.

  6. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    ah good to know i can modify my stomach sleeping. i've been so worried about it! thanks ladies!

  7. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    I'm getting the pains some of you mentioned, too! When I'm just sitting still (like right now) I feel a strong pulling pain in my abdomen. Always is on the right side. It hurts! And if I move too quickly in bed from one side to the other, I feel the sharp pain then, too.

    I loved my snoogle pillow during my 1st pregnancy and plan to bring it back out in a few months again.

    Can't believe it is all boys on here so far! Yay for boys!! Now I'm getting more tempted to find out with the Harmony test, even though I really wanted to wait until the anatomy scan. I have a feeling I'm going to cave in a few weeks and find out!

  8. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    I used just a wedge under my side, which meant I could kind of lean almost onto my stomach in the early days, and then it supported the belly in the later days. It was like this one; http://www.birthease.co.uk/birthease_shop/Pregnancy-Sleep-Wedge-Pillow.shtml. I also liked the wedge because i could sleep on my back in late pregnancy with the wedge like under my back a bit so I wasn't like totally on my back, if that makes sense? And I used a little flat pillow between my knees. Those big complicated ones I did not think looked like they would be super comfortable for me with how I sleep. I think everyone is different!

  9. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    ohhhh thanks for the recommendations ladies!!

    @brownie: glad to hear that you like the snoogle - I was looking at it and thinking it might be a good option for me!
    @Mrs. Sunshine: the king size pillow could also work for me! I wish I could 'road test' them... shame I am the first among all my friends to get pregnant I have nothing to borrow from anyone!

  10. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    hey, question for you guys since someone started a thread about it... are any of you planning on getting maternity photos? why or why not? if you are, when would you do them? February? March? I definitely want them and I'd want a cute big belly but before i feel enormous.... just wondering if anyone has plans!

  11. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    hi ladies! Busy day of posts - I need to caught up, but was just browsing online looking at maternity clothes, and Old Navy has 40% off maternity clothes (at least in the US) through 10/1! I wish I had more of a belly, because I feel like it's a bit early to buy - but that's a good deal!

  12. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @PawPrints: such great news about the blood test results! Congrats!

    @As Time Goes By: congrats on an awesome appointment! I was hoping I could hear the HB with the Doppler at my appointment next week but I'll only be 9w5d.

    @ineebee: thanks for the squatting article! I have actually heard of using a stool for your feet and I think I'll try it. I will say that the worst part of giving birth last time were the hemmorhoids for me, And I'm really hoping to avoid anything this time that can irritate them!

    @brownie: @marionberry: @SunshineMcC: @loki: I'm sorry you girls have dealt with the constipation too and thanks for the suggestions. The strained prunes and apple sauce has worked for now. I definitely feel better, I was getting stressed about it.

    @Banana330: yes constipation is scary for me too. I'm so glad we can all talk about this together. I have been taking stool softeners for the last year. Whoops. That's probably why they don't work for me anymore.

    @lulu22: I think my spotting is actually coming from my cervix which makes me even more anxious. Any bleeding in that whole area when pregnant is unnerving. I really do need to eat more fruits and vegetables right now but unless it comes in the form of pizza, bagels or Kraft dinner, it's not going near my mouth!
    As for the pregnancy pillow, I bought one last time at Costco. It was just one of those big body pillows and it works perfect. I sleep on my side and put it between my legs and hug it. It's so comfy and I could never imagine sleeping without one now.

    @NeekieRose: @loki: oh girls, tailbone pain is the worst. I'm right there with you. I've started seeing an osteopath about mine, who is working on my tailbone and surrounding muscles and has given me some stretches. In my car I sit on a pillow with the tailbone portion cut out, it helps a lot.

    What I have learned from my post: pregnancy ruins bums.

  13. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @loki: I'm not sure with this one but we did with LO 1. We got them done at 30 weeks. I felt gorgeous during pregnancy, I love my photos & think it was totally worth it to document such a fabulous time in my life.

  14. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @loki: I didn't do them because I don't think pregnancy is my best look, but I do have lots of friends that did, around the 28 to 30 week mark. I have heard mixed things from them - some loved loved loved the photos, some can't even look at them due to like, face fat or what have you. I think it just depends on whether you feel really great about how you look pregnant! I sure didn't, lol.

  15. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @lulu22: I just used a king size pillow as well. It was plenty for me.

    @loki: I really had to force myself to sleep on my side all the time but at least it's a short term problem.

  16. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @loki: Not sure if we will do them again this time, haven't thought that far out yet! Last time we did a mini session with the woman who did the newborn pictures. It was just a half hour and I got like 15 photos. I waited until the last minute to do them, so ended up having them taken at 36 weeks and was super pregnant. I really liked them.

    Here is my favorite:

  17. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @delight: Loved your last line, Brilliant!

  18. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @delight: thanks! I went on at 10+4 and we couldn't hear it so I was anxious. I hope you get to hear it at your appointment!

    For all the back sleepers my midwife clinic has said it is ok for me to keep sleeping on my back because the studies done stating it's dangerous were looking at women lab outing on their backs with epidurals. Obviously do what you think is best, but I was so relieved to hear they support me sleeping in whatever position I can actually sleep in

    @NeekieRose: such a nice photo you guys look so sweet!

    I'm not sure about maternity photos since I don't know what I would do with them after. Anyone have specific Plans already?

  19. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    I had a friend take maternity pics for me way late since my normal photographer never responded to my emails for weeks - apparently he was busy. Some of the photos were not my fave but I did get a few I completely love. I attached one of my favorite.

    I will likely get some pics taken again because my twin belly will look very different, but the key is to have someone take them that takes them all the time. AKA a photographer who knows to take pictures in the right angle and don't show your big fatty face up close, lol.

  20. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @marionberry: @NeekieRose: OMG these are beautiful! I definitely wanna get them. I'm going on vacation middle of January so maybe beginning of February will be perfect...I'll be a bit tanned haha!

  21. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @marionberry: this photo is so beautiful - it brings tears to my eyes! I love everything about it - thanks for sharing!

    @NeekieRose: this is so pretty!!! I LOVE that your DH is with you, and that his hand is on your belly - thanks for sharing!

  22. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    We just got the results back from our first trimester screening and they were negative. Praise God! I feel so relieved!

    Oh, and in the office next to mine, a girl I work with just told a couple people that she's pregnant, so I went in and gave her a hug and so wanted to be like, "ME TOO"! But I'm going to try to wait until the 14 week mark to tell work - which is still a week and a half away! I wearing jeans w/ a hair tie around the button today and one of DH's Bears football jerseys to cover up. I think I'm going to break down and buy a couple pair of maternity pants this weekend - do they come in sizes, or phases? I have no idea how that works! I'd like to not have to buy one pair now and another in 3 months, but the hair tie thing is only going to last for so long. Any guidance from 2nd time moms?

  23. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @SunshineMcC: thanks!

    Great news on the test results! I bought maternity jeans from Old Navy and they come in regular sizes. The stretchy panel was plenty big for all 9 months (and you can see from above that my belly got pretty big!)

  24. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @SunshineMcC: Way to be strong! I went to a happy hour thing with a bunch of my work people and I told them at 12w (2 days ago). I really can't keep it in. It is pretty much impossible at this point.

  25. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @loki: I've been pondering maternity photos as well. I've done a bunch of searches on things like "non-awkward maternity photographer" in my area. So far though I'm having trouble finding any that I really like. It seems like the style these days is to take really awkward poses and overly cutesy contrived setups. The ones that you all have shared are beautiful though! I would love if I could find someone who just takes nice-looking, normal photos of people who happen to be pregnant.

  26. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @SunshineMcC: congrats on great news!

    @PawPrints: ya I love just really natural, candid shots... Exactly what I want. I feel like I might not love myself in the photos but years down the road I'll be happy to have it all documented!

  27. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @NeekieRose: @marionberry: gorgeous maternity photos! I haven't decided if I will do maternity photos, but I will definitely do newborn photos so I have already started looking at photographers in my area. I wonder how far you need to book in advance?

    @SunshineMcC: great news about the test results! I got mine back right after the NT scan so they were combined. It's such a good feeling. I have to say, I have been feeling a lot less worried since my NT scan. Of course the worry is still there a little but I do feel like I've turned a corner.

    So I got the be-band from target and I have been wearing it with my skinny jeans! It's great! I do the hairtie trick then put the band over the top. At the moment I am doubling the band over but I can see how I will wear it over my belly once it gets a bit bigger. I love it! So far it doesn't ride up. I think my next maternity purchase will be some tights/stockings so that I can keep wearing dresses now that the weather is cooling down.

  28. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @lulu22: Thanks! It probably depends on the area you live in, but I booked my newborn pictures around 33 weeks. And there were a few I contacted that were booked, so you might want to look earlier. I had been on the fence about maternity pics too, but definitely wanted newborn pictures. Our photographer didn't advertise that she does maternity pictures, it was something I just asked about and it was definitely cheaper to add the "mini maternity session" than it would have been to do a whole maternity shoot. I also liked that I got to meet the photographer and see her work before the newborn pics.

  29. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @NeekieRose: oh, I love the idea of a 'mini maternity session' as an add-on to a newborn session! I will be sure to ask about that.

  30. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @lulu22: Yes many photographers will do a package which includes maternity photos, newborn photos and sometimes even photos about 4 times through the first year. Packages are usually cheaper than getting each individually.

    @sunshinemcc: Congratulations on great results! I didn't do an NT scan last night so I know I'll be really nervous this time around. I would love to get my results at the same time, like @lulu22. And telling people is so much fun! Now that you have good results on your NT scan I think you could start being open with people at work. Most maternity jeans come in regular sizes. You will change a lot between now and the third trimester so make sure there's a lot of room to grow or you'll be stuck buying a new pair at the end (which you'll only get to wear for a few weeks). Good news is any maternity jeans you buy now will likely fit well in those post-baby months until you get back to your previous size.

    @loki: If I take pictures in February I'll be ultra white and it will be absolutely freezing. I'll have to figure out how to still make them cute. Mittens and sweaters? lol.

  31. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @marionberry: oh I think maternity pictures could be so cute all bundled in winter clothes! I love in Texas so it could be shorts weather or sweater weather here. We won't know till we get there lol & even then it depends on the day.

  32. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @ineebee: it's getting harder and harder not to share! We'll see if I actually make it to 14 weeks before telling!

    @marionberry: I am honestly still nervous about opening up about it, but I know worrying sure isn't going to do a thing! I called my mom after I got the results today and started crying, feeling relief. I like absolutes, so it's still hard for me to completely relax but really do want to start telling. Thanks for the support!

    @lulu22: thanks! I did feel a flood of relief today after getting the results, but that caution and worry is still there. I wonder if it will ever go away?!?

  33. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @NeekieRose: thanks for the old navy suggestion. Were the panel ones really baggy at first?

    @loki: thanks!

  34. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    Just saw a cute way to announce on social media if that's your thing. Just post a status that says "Preheat oven 40 weeks. Insert bun. Ready April __."

    Thought I would share since I know many of you are getting ready to announce!

  35. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Super cute! Thanks for sharing.

  36. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @marionberry: I did my engagement photos on the coldest day of the year by a lake in mid January. It was freezing but I LOVE them. Look on Pinterest for winter maternity photos... They can be gorgeous. I wanna wear a big cream cable knit sweater dress or something.. I'd love to incorporate my Bay blanket too! I'm so pumped for them, just need to find a photographer.
    @Mrs. Sunshine: I saw a girl on facebook who just changed her profile picture to a literal bun in a literal oven. I thought it was so funny!

  37. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @SunshineMcC: The panel is stretchy so I didn't think it was baggy. But I have far from a flat tummy to begin with!

  38. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    How's everyone feeling this morning?

    I'm doing alright. I've had pretty intense diarrhea since Thursday & have been having lots of cramps. Mostly at night & sometimes so strong that I'm having dreams that I'm bleeding (thankfully they're just dreams!). I have another appointment this afternoon & can't wait to hear the little bean's heartbeat!

  39. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: feeling pretty good although I did have some cramping yesterday. Can't wait until my ultrasound Wednesday! Good luck at your appt today!

  40. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: i'm shockingly not feeling too bad. still definitely not normal but better than i have in a long time. my dr doubled my diclectin dosage so i think that might be helping, although it makes me crazy tired. my cough is still crazy persistent which is annoying but at least now i feel like i can get/keep food down and stay hydrated! yey for tiny victories! have fun at your appointment! My NT scan is on Saturday and I am counting down the minutes to seeing the lil one again

    we told most of our friends/family this weekend so that was fun!

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