Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @ineebee: I know! BOYS! I still really can't believe it - am so happy. You'll really love the scan - it's so neat how detailed it is and how much time the tech takes in walking you through everything, showing you the measurements, and just giving you lots of opportunities to check out the baby. It was really, really great! DH & I went out to breakfast after the appointment and already started talking names - we had one picked out that we were certain of, but now knowing it's a boy for sure, we have no idea! Congrats to you, again and wishing you a great appointment on Thursday!

  2. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @loki: Thank you! Yes, I feel really happy and just can't wait to get back home to see DH again. I'm really trying to concentrate on work and review some resumes (I'm in HR), but having a hard time doing so!

  3. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @SunshineMcC: Breakfast together afterwards! That is so sweet! I wish DH could come to this appointment, but he just started a new job and can't take the time off! But I know he really wants to be there. And yes, after we found out, some of the names I had in mind I completely threw out the window, and other names I was slightly considering are really taking the foreground. So strange!

  4. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @SunshineMcC: congratulations!! so happy to hear the NT scan went really well for you and soooo exciting that you found out the gender. I know my DH is secretly REALLY hoping we get to find out tomorrow at our NT scan, although he is trying to play it cool Good luck getting the rib issue worked out!

  5. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    I'm fine, fetus is fine, but everything else about my Kaiser OB appointment today was pretty bad. I waited just under an hour to be called back for my vitals. Then I waited another 45 minutes to speak with the nurse. Then another 30 to actually see the OB.

    I told the receptionist, the medical assistant, the RN, and the OB that I was planning to have my birth and majority of my prenatal care through a midwife, but, that I wanted my lab tests ordered (midwife accepts the insurance I'll have when I deliver, not the insurance I have now).

    Then as I was checking out and booking my next appointment, the other nurse with the office said they couldn't treat me at all if I was seeing another provider and said they needed to cancel my first trimester screen bloodwork and my NT ultrasound.

    I was so mad and I started crying. Why did I miss work and spend 3 hours there to have the labs that were the sole reason for my appointment cancelled?!?

    She called my midwife, was also rude to her, gave me a long lecture about how seeing a homebirth practice (licensed, credentialed, insured, affiliated with a perinatology practice) was not safe and not "legitimate".

    After another 10 minutes of discussion (and a queue forming behind me at the reception desk witnessing my angry crying...) she assented to leave in the orders that the physician had already put in but chastised me that they wouldn't do anything else for me so long as I was getting midwife care.

    I'm theoretically working right now, but I'm still so upset and angry that I'm not getting anything done.

    Most people still don't know I'm pregnant, so, this is one of the few places I can vent. Thank you!

  6. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @SunshineMcC: @ineebee: so interesting how that happens with names. i wonder if that'll happen to us!
    i have my NT scan on oct 4 and DH can't come so my mom is coming. If they offer to let me know the gender, I'll have to hold off and wait for my husband! BOOOO!

  7. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @lulu22: Thank you! I wasn't sure what to expect - I know other ladies on here found out the gender, but I didn't tell DH that as I didn't want to get his hopes up. Our tech said that it depends a lot on the machine used and how cooperative the baby is - good luck! Can't wait for an update!!!!

    @lilyofthewest: Ugh, I'm SO sorry you had such a crummy experience today. Vent away! Your choices are totally yours, and that's none of anyone else's business to lecture you on any of that. I'm glad you were able to stand your ground (angry crying and all), so that they kept the orders in. Sending you hugs!

  8. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @loki: that's so cool that your mom gets to come with you! My parents live about 3 hours away, but I was thinking how neat it would be for me to schedule an appointment when they'll be in town!

  9. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @SunshineMcC: @ineebee: oh congratulations! That's so exciting! We didn't do an NT scan with LO & I'm still on the fence with this one because 5 here is such a high high chance of false positives (i don't want to worry if nothing is wrong!) But the way you ladies make it sound we just may change our minds!

    @lilyofthewest: I can't even imagine. I am so angry for you right now. That is absolutely ridiculous. I'm sorry that happened & I hope something can be worked out.

  10. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    OK, so I know it's still super early, but after hearing that it's a boy, I'm already starting to think about nursery ideas. Anyone else?

    Our spare room is also my "craft" room and I just painted it a really pretty blue, so am definitely going to leave the color - but already thinking about other themes - so far my top is a beach theme - I LOVE the beach!

  11. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @lilyofthewest: oh my gosh, what a nightmare. would it be possible to switch to another doctor's office that is less... awful? or speak with someone about the experience you had today? that is horrible. my family doctor asked me if i wanted an OB or a midwife and was totally open to helping me/doing shared care whichever route i went! you should be able to find a practice that is a lot more open minded, i would think!

  12. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Thanks! Why is there a higher chance of false positives? I can totally understand not wanting to give yourself anything else to worry about!

  13. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @SunshineMcC: ya i'm actually really excited because i'm adopted and so is my brother. so my mom never even had her own ultrasounds! i think it'll be special for her to see it just teared up writing this post.

  14. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @lilyofthewest: That's crazy. My OB switched me back to my midwife no problem. I get that you can't have two providers so maybe that's their issue? When does your insurance change?

    @SunshineMcC: Congrats on the boy!

    All these NT scans sound great! I'm trying to curb my expectations because it seems in Canada they don't share much. I'm just hoping for my DH to be able to see the baby at it! Although the torture for waiting on the results i'm sure will drive me crazy.

  15. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @SunshineMcC: I read today on my Ovia app that 5% of all positives are false & if you compare that to the amount of babies actually born with abnormalities, the majority of positives are false. That's all it said & I haven't done any further research but it makes sense to me as I have seen a few other bees given false positives only to find out nothing was wrong

  16. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @SunshineMcC: @ineebee: Yah for boys! That's so exciting to already know!

    @lilyofthewest: that sounds horrible! What is wrong with people. I swear, the front desk staff at most medical practices are horrible.

  17. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: the risk of false positives is why we aren't doing it. We wouldn't terminate anyways, and anything they see at the NT scan they can see at the anatomy scan, which would give us plenty of time to prepare if there was something wrong.

  18. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Ah, gotcha. We did discuss that possibility with our doctor too. We'd never terminate but are of the mind that the more info is the better for us - but you're right that it could entail worry about nothing!

    @Banana330: @NeekieRose: thanks!!!

    @loki: oh that is really sweet and will be so special! You're such a good daughter!

  19. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @loki: @BANANA330: The trouble is that right now I have Kaiser, which only covers care (including labwork) at Kaiser. I could switch to a different Kaiser location, there are a few that aren't too much further away for me.

    I'm upset about they way that one nurse judged my care choices, but, I also have a strong suspicion that she's actually right about the protocol for completely handing off care and that the other staff members were just letting it slide because they know the lab test situation puts me in a tricky spot.

    I had been planning to join Sweetie's insurance during his open enrollment (coverage changing in Jan), but, we were just talking about potentially getting legally married quicker than we'd otherwise planned so I can join under qualifying event special enrollment right away rather than waiting until open enrollment.

  20. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @NeekieRose: @Mrs. Sunshine: @SunshineMcC: Thanks for the support y'all.

    Bright side: did hear the heartbeat today. That (and the fact the my labs are being run!) was the silver lining of my appointment today.

  21. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @lilyofthewest: Figured there was some sort of US insurance thing. Hopefully you can make the switch soon!

  22. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    Congrats to you both on the great NT scan and baby Boys!!
    @lilyofthewest: sorry your appointment went so badly

  23. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @ineebee: @sunshinemcc: Congratulations on your little boys! My son is just the most amazing kid. I thought I wanted a girl but the second I found out I was having a boy I was pretty excited. You'll love it. And boys always love their mamas!

    @lilyofthewest: With KP they won't let you see anyone but a KP provider, so it is common that they would cancel your labs and ultrasounds but I am glad that they didn't. If you want to continue to see your midwife it will be out of pocket, so I'd get on your partner's insurance ASAP. Otherwise, continue to see your OB at KP until the insurance flips so that you can get the perks of labs and ultrasounds until then.

    AFM, I was totally bummed today. Apparently my visit was just to talk about which scans I might want and that was about it. We decided on the NT scan and bloodwork (even though we skipped it with ds) since with the twins they're higher risk. I haven't gotten a call yet, but my ultrasound should get scheduled for next week sometime. I'm super excited to get to see them - just praying they're both doing well. I was hoping I'd at least get a Doppler or something at this visit to feel better if nothing else.

  24. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Updating with my next appointment. Will have to update once again once I get my NT scan set for next week.

    Next Appointment
    9/24 - Lulu22 - NT Scan, As Time Goes By
    9/29- Mrs. Sunshine (#2)
    9/30 – NeekieRose (#2)
    10/02 - Banana330 - NT Scan
    10/07 - Rockies11 - NT Scan
    10/30 – NeekieRose (#2) Anatomy Scan!!
    10/17- Delight (#2) - NT Scan, marionberry (#2, twins)
    11/20 - As Time Goes By (AS)

    Due Dates
    3/28 – Neekierose (#2)
    3/30 - Astro Bee
    4/1 – Boopers
    4/3 – As Time Goes By
    4/6 – Lulu22
    4/7 – Pawprints
    4/8 – Ineebee, Dancingbee, Brownie, anonysquire (#2)
    4/9 – SunshineMcC
    4/10 – Windswept
    4/11 – Marionberry (#2, TWINS), BCHossley
    4/12 – Loki
    4/15 – Mrs.Pinecone316
    4/16 – Banana330
    4/18 – MeredithNYC
    4/19 – Lilyofthewest
    4/21 – Rockies11 (#2)
    4/23- Mrs. Sunshine (#2)
    4/24 – Jenn23 (#2)
    4/30 – Delight (#2)

  25. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    Updating with my next appointments!

    Next Appointment
    9/24 - Lulu22 - NT Scan, As Time Goes By
    9/29- Mrs. Sunshine (#2)
    9/30 – NeekieRose (#2)
    10/02 - Banana330 - NT Scan
    10/07 - Rockies11 - NT Scan
    10/22 - SunshineMcC
    10/30 – NeekieRose (#2) Anatomy Scan!!
    10/17- Delight (#2) - NT Scan, marionberry (#2, twins)
    11/18 - SunshineMcC (AS)
    11/20 - As Time Goes By (AS)

    Due Dates
    3/28 – Neekierose (#2)
    3/30 - Astro Bee
    4/1 – Boopers
    4/3 – As Time Goes By
    4/6 – Lulu22
    4/7 – Pawprints
    4/8 – Ineebee, Dancingbee, Brownie, anonysquire (#2)
    4/9 – SunshineMcC
    4/10 – Windswept
    4/11 – Marionberry (#2, TWINS), BCHossley
    4/12 – Loki
    4/15 – Mrs.Pinecone316
    4/16 – Banana330
    4/18 – MeredithNYC
    4/19 – Lilyofthewest
    4/21 – Rockies11 (#2)
    4/23- Mrs. Sunshine (#2)
    4/24 – Jenn23 (#2)
    4/30 – Delight (#2)

  26. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Mrs.Pinecone316: @marionberry: thank you!!! yes, little guys are so great!! WOOWHOO!

  27. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @marionberry: Bummer about your appointment! You would think they could just do that over the phone? I can't even IMAGINE how excited you are to see your little twinnies! The wait will make it that much more satisfying! And I'm glad to hear you say that about when you found out about your son. It was hard to imagine before I knew, but I am crazy, crazy excited about it! And it's so great to refer to it as "he" and "him." Ughhhh now I'm gonna cry again! Hahaha...

  28. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @marionberry: ugh, sorry to hear you had such a bummer of a visit today - that's really disappointing! Hopefully they'll get you scheduled for your next appointment soon. Have you done any more check-ins with the home doppler?

  29. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @SunshineMcC: No but I was thinking about trying again tonight. My husband gets mad if I do it too often because he thinks I'm worrying too much. This pregnancy I'm really just doing it for fun.

  30. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @SunshineMcC: yay for a boy! That's so exciting! I am glad you had a great appointment!

  31. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    Gah. Dry heaving, gas, cramps & a headache. I thought the further along you got the easier it's supposed to get? At least I can lay down since LO is already in bed.

    Anyone else getting really bad/frequent blind spots?

  32. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: I got them late in my last pregnancy often. I found they were often caused by high blood pressure but I read that they're also called ocular migraines. Either way I would talk to your provider about them at your next appt.

  33. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @SunshineMcC: pretty sure I heard two different heart beats again. Don't you just love that sound?!

  34. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    Updating to show our latest members of Team BOY!

  35. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    Everyone talking about insomnia, I swear you gave it to me! I woke up at 4:30 and just tossed and turned til I had to get up. Ugh so tired today.

  36. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @Banana330: uh! Sorry to hear. I was really worried that insomnia was becoming a new everyday normal for me, but I'm happy to report I slept all night last night. Hopefully you get a full night soon.

  37. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @marionberry: oh yay! I hope that made you feel better! I was telling DH about the home Doppler last night and I think we're going to get one, especially as my next appointment isn't for 4 weeks!

  38. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Banana330: same here on the insomnia! I also have night sweats so that wakes me up from time to time too!

    @lilyofthewest: glad you slept through the night! Jealous!!

    @Rockies11: thanks so much! When I was wide awake in the night, I told DH it was ok, and that the little guy could keep me up all night!

    DH & I were still so excited last night we couldn't fall asleep. We were still playing cards in bed at 11pm last night!

  39. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @SunshineMcC: they're totally worth it! And you can use them for future pregnancies too. Oh and wait until this guy comes...I never make it to 10pm anymore.

  40. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @lilyofthewest: Boo! That sounds super frustrating!

    @loki: They won't offer re: gender - they don't do it in Canada until 20 weeks!

    Ugh, I have just been so sick lately. I feel like the zofran is already not working well, and that makes me feel very panicky.

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