Hellobee Boards


April 2015 Mamas!

  1. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @HappyBluebird: I am so, so, sorry to hear this news. My heart is breaking for you. I'm sending you and DH hugs and prayers. I also had a D&C last year in May so am happy to answer any questions. I agree with @Banana330 - really take it easy after and do whatever you need to heal. XO

  2. meredithNYC

    pomegranate / 3314 posts

    @HappyBluebird: I am so sorry to hear this. You are in my thoughts.

  3. HappyBluebird

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Banana330: @SunshineMcC: Thank you. Right now I am trying my hardest to put it out of my mind but I may ask questions if I need to later. It makes me feel a little better knowing that other people have had it done and had healthy pregnancies after.

    @windswept: @Boopers: @Jenn23: @meredithNYC: Thanks

  4. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @HappyBluebird: I am so, so, sorry to hear this, I am sending you prayers and wishes for peace for you and your DH. Do take good care of yourself... you will be in our thoughts!

  5. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @Boopers: I am so sorry to hear about your fall! Hopefully you just took a little bump and your bean is safe and sound and oblivious in there... good luck at the drs and let us know how it goes xxx

  6. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @HappyBluebird: I am so sorry and sad to read this. My thoughts are with you and your DH.

  7. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @PawPrints: Just catching up and saw that they were able to tell you girl at your NT scan. With DD the tech told us girl at 13 weeks, so they can totally tell that early and be accurate! I didn't trust it until they said girl again at 17 weeks, but that is really exciting! Was it the "three lines" that the tech saw? That's what ours saw, but I think there is some nub theory thing also.

  8. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @HappyBluebird: oh, I am so sorry. My thoughts are prayers and love are with you.

  9. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @HappyBluebird: Oh I am so, so sorry for your loss.

  10. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @NeekieRose: Yes it was the three lines, though again she was nowhere near 100% sure. I would love a girl! Also I think DH has a little bit of disappointment since he wanted a boy, but he's excited too.

  11. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @PawPrints: congratulations!
    @HappyBluebird: I'm so sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your DH. I think hiding this board will help. We will miss you.

  12. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @PawPrints: DH was totally disappointed when they said girl. Poor guy, it was like a one two punch. First she said it was a girl then said, "see those three lines? That's her labia!" DH almost died. One of the first things he said after we left was he never wanted to discuss his daughter's labia again. He very quickly warmed up to the idea of a girl!

  13. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @PawPrints: that's so exciting that they told you that at your NT!

    My NT went well. Strong heartbeat at 165 and baby was moving around a lot. The doctor said the nuchal fold is measuring within normal and I should have my results by Thursday. No shots to guess the gender, but that's ok! I have my anatomy scan November 3, which is only 6 weeks away. I'm sure it'll fly by!

    I called my OB after my NT scan about my fall and she said as long as I had gotten checked by someone and there was no trauma, then I didnt need to come in after all which was a bit of a relief. Thankfully I've been feeling fine and I landed only on my tailbone, not on my stomach.

  14. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @Boopers: good news! it must have been a relief to see your little baby bouncing around after your fall this morning! glad it went well

  15. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @NeekieRose: @marionberry: @Boopers: Hehe thanks but it was just a guess, we are not breaking out the pink champagne yet.

    @Boopers: Glad your scan went well!

  16. Boopers

    pear / 1548 posts

    @lulu22: it was a huge relief!

    @PawPrints: did you have a feeling either way before the scan? How do the old wives tales match up to the prediction?

    Also, this is a small world. I walked into the doctor's office, and this doctor only does fetal medicine, so I only go to him for the genetic screenings and anatomy scan. Anyway, I walk in and immediately recognize the receptionist but couldn't quite place how I knew her... Until I realized she is one of my current students' mom!!!!

    So I got outed on accident because she happened to work at the same doctor office my OB refers patients to. I spoke to her as I was paying and she was nice and professional and said she wouldn't tell her son since I'm not ready to tell my students yet. I just kept shaking my head because what are the odds! Lol

  17. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    @loki: so sorry your so sick. I can totally relate to the crying thing. It is so strange I have a high tolerance to pain but for whatever reason when I am sick and jut feel like crap I get the cries lol. feel better!

    @Boopers: awww, I can relate to being sad about no grandparents being close by. We won't have any in our state once our baby is born.

    @lulu22: Congrats on 12 weeks! I can't wait till I am there too.

    @HappyBluebird: Oh no, I am so so sorry to hear this news. You and your husband will be in my prayers..

    @NeekieRose: hahaha your husband is so funny, I could see my husband being this way.

  18. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @HappyBluebird: oh I am so so so sorry to see this. My heart is breaking for you. Sending lots of love your way.

  19. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    @Boopers: That is hilarious about your student's mom. Hopefully she won't tell him. Part of me keeps fearing I'm going to run into someone I know at the midwifery or imaging center, but it hasn't happened so far.

    I confess I don't know much about the wives' tales, mostly because they confuse me (wait I'm supposed to balance an ultrasound photo upside down on my stomach if... what?) aaaand also that whole thing where they are completely meaningless As for having a feeling about it being a boy or a girl, I really didn't. Maybe I'm experiencing telltale girl symptoms and just don't know it, though. I've never made it this far in a pregnancy so this is pretty much my first rodeo. It will be interesting to see if the tech got it right.

  20. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @HappyBluebird: I'm so sorry. I will be thinking of you and your husband.

  21. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    Insomnia update: This might be a new normal. Sat night I was up at 3am with a migraine, couldn't get back to sleep for hours. Sun night I woke up around 3, couldn't get back to sleep for hours.

    Last night I drank sleepytime tea and did a guided meditation before bed. I guess I was a little better since I stayed asleep until 5:40. But, it is my late shift day at work and I wasn't meant to be up until 8.

    Better news: I had my first proper midwife appointment yesterday. It was so, so different from my experience with the Kaiser OB!

    When I went to Kaiser 2 weeks ago I was there for about 2.5 hours, but, easily 2/3 of that was waiting. My time actually interacting with humans was split between three different receptionists, a sono tech, a lab tech, a medical assistant, an RN, and the OB.

    Sweetie and I sat down with the midwife for a solid hour and forty minutes. We did cover a lot of stuff about how I'm feeling, and what to expect in future appointments, but, we also just spent a lot of time chatting and getting to know each other.

    Didn't successfully hear the fetus, but, I know I'm right on the earliest edge of when that's possible. Probably going to take a quick peek while at work today just to reassure myself.

    Later this am I'm off to Kaiser to figure out what genetic screening stuff they cover and get that ordered. And then hopefully I can stop doubling up on care until I need my anatomy scan ordered.

  22. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Boopers: good to hear no one seems to be concerned about your fall and you got to see LO.

    @lilyofthewest: glad to hear you had a great appointment. i've heard the level of care with midwives is phenomenal. i go back and forth between not being able to sleep at all and constantly sleeping like a rock. so can't help on that one! haha.

    @Mrs.Pinecone316: thanks so much, glad i'm not alone, i feel like a crazy person.

    @NeekieRose: i'm trying to prepare my husband for the prospect of this being a girl because i think he'll be a bit disappointed to. so i tell him every day it's a girl! haha. i'm sure he'll be happy with anything but i know he'd prefer a boy.

    so i told a couple of coworkers today even though it's not quite 12 weeks. we were talking about babies and it was kind of a natural opening so i told them because they're both really sweet ladies. right as they were congratulating me, the lady i dislike the most in the office came in and of course, made it all about her and launched into 45 mins of stories about her own pregnancies and all her opinions abotu everything, including naming it. ugh. so that was kinda brutal.

    also, really weird symtpom i've been having that i've only noticed in the last couple of months... i feel as though i can hear fluid dripping down the back of my neck. it kinda sounds like... fizzing or pop rocks... or sometimes just like draining. it feels like it's spinal fluid or something coming down from my skull into my spine. i know that is bizarre and it probably isn't pregnancy related at all. has anyone else ever experienced this? do you think it's cause for concern?

  23. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @HappyBluebird: I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you and your husband

  24. As Time Goes By

    apricot / 346 posts

    @lilyofthewest: ugh my insomnia is brutal too. I haven't slept through the night in weeks, but I'm not getting up to pee. I'm going to look into sleepy time/ chamomile tea.

    @loki: I would talk to someone about the neck thing. Better to be safe than sorry

  25. lulu22

    apricot / 306 posts

    @loki: I agree with @As Time Goes By, I would run the neck thing past your dr. I have not heard of it but maybe you put a kink in your neck while sleeping or something?

  26. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @As Time Goes By @lilyofthewest Insomnia over here, too. I fall asleep juuuust fine, but I keep waking up at 3 or 4am, unable to go back to sleep. It sucks!

    On another front, I got my Harmony tests results back yesterday! No chromosomal abnormalities and... IT'S A BOY! I wasn't feeling emotional at all when I got the call, but as soon as the nurse said it, I just started happy-bawling. And it continued an entire minute after hanging up. It is really, really real! After waiting for so long for a baby, I still can't believe it's happening and I couldn't be happier. We're coming up on 12w tomorrow, so it'll be nice to be able to tell people the sex of the baby right off the bat. My DH was an adorable, adorable kid (and is still adorable!), so just imagining a little version of him makes my heart melt.

  27. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @ineebee: oh my goodness, so exciting! first of all, great news about the health of the baby! and so exciting it's a boy!!! your reaction is sooo cute. is your DH so happy?

  28. Banana330

    nectarine / 2317 posts

    @ineebee: Congrats! Wow a boy! It's crazy you know so early.

  29. Jenn23

    persimmon / 1085 posts

    @Boopers: Sorry about your fall, but great news on the NT scan!!!!

    @ineebee: Wow, congrats on your boy!!! That's amazing news!!!

    Well, today I am 9w4d and graduated from the RE! HB was 154 and the size of the baby is perfect so I move on to the OB starting next week. Yay!! Going to schedule that appt., plus the NT appt. as well.

  30. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @ineebee: yay! that's so exciting and cool to know so early! @Jenn23: congrats on your graduation!

    I have lost another pound due to the hypermesis (this pregnancy has been a great diet!) and my husband was worried that I look skinnier and that must mean I have had a miscarriage. I was like, um, I am dry heaving over here right now so I am pretty sure that's not the case, lol.

  31. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @loki @Banana330 @Jenn23 @Rockies11 Thank you!! It really is crazy that they can find out this early.

    You ask if DH is so excited? Well, he's really relieved about the health of the baby, and as unreal as the whole pregnancy is to me, it's even MORE unreal for him! So he's definitely happy and still trying to come to grips!

    @Jenn23: CONGRATS on graduating from the RE! That is huge! I hope you have a great experience with your OB.

  32. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Jenn23: yey! huge step, congrats!

    @Rockies11: as of this morning i'm down 10 lbs so i'm with ya. my husband keeps telling me how good i look. i'm like really??? cuz i feel like death so back off! haha.

    @ineebee: so cute

  33. Rockies11

    persimmon / 1363 posts

    @loki: I look super pregnant, but with skinnier legs, so my husband is not tempted, lol. I am down 4 pounds total, but I haven't lost weight since 6 weeks pp with LO#1 despite religiously dieting and working out with a personal trainer, so I can't help but be a little happy about it even though it's obviously a bad thing.

  34. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @Boopers: congrats on the great appointment - so glad to hear all is well with your fall too! Maybe another reason for DH to pamper you?

    @lilyofthewest: Sorry to hear the insomnia is continuing - same with me. Last night I only woke up 3 times, rather than the usual 4-5 - but I'm literally wide awake when I do. Not fun. I thought that perhaps it was due to too much napping on the weekend, but last night showed that wasn't the case. I guess I'll sleep where/when I can get it! Sounds like a great appointment with your midwife - happy to hear that, especially that so much of it was spent chatting and getting to know one another -so important!

    @loki: I agree with the other ladies - I'd have your neck symptoms checked out - probably nothing, but good to check! Sorry you had the experience of a negative nellie in your office - that's no fun!

    @ineebee: Congrats on the great test results and it being a BOY! So great!

    @Rockies11: So sorry to hear you're still so sick. This morning when I was telling DH how I was feeling sick, he said, "That's good!" and then 10 seconds later said, "Are you sick of me telling you that it's good you're sick?" So cute!

  35. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Rockies11: haha ya it is a bit of a good thing cuz i definitely did not start out my pregnancy at my best (in fact, probably at my worst)... so hopefully it helps my keep my overall weight gain in a lower/healthier range.

  36. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @SunshineMcC: i'll definitely ask about my neck at my next appt. i've done some googling and it seems to be a fairly common thing people seem to randomly get... with no real rhyme or reason? very bizarre and kinda creepy. i was hoping someone in here might know what i'm talking about! maybe i'll start a post on it haha.

  37. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    Well, as for me - we had our NT scan this morning, and like so many of you have said, it was WONDERFUL! I could not believe how much the little one was moving around in there - it looked like it was doing the worm a couple of times! Our measurements were good - NT fold was 0.7 mm and the tech saw the nasal bone - so now we wait for the blood test results - hopefully we'll have those in a week, and that will determine whether or not we proceed with the MaterniT21 - hopefully not.

    The tech also asked us if we wanted to know the sex - DH & I looked at each other and were like YES! We've both thought it was a girl, so imagine our surprise when she pointed out its legs, as well as the part growing between them and said it's a BOY! I secretly wanted a boy - I have two nephews that I just adore and always wanted my own little guy. I love pictures of DH as a little guy - red hair and all teeth - and hope ours looks just like that!

    I feel like I'm floating through the day - I'm so happy, and so relieved to have a good appointment. Heartbeat was 161, so still nice and high. Today is 12 weeks (!), so it's really a great day!

    The only concerning news was in relation to the pain I've been feeling under my right rib. I told the doc about it and how bad it was on Friday, and he and the NP suspect that it's my gall bladder - so have instructed me to eat really bland food and to stay away from fatty and greasy foods (which I do anyway). He said if it continues they can do some testing to confirm that's what it is, but that based on the symptoms, it's all tell-tale gall bladder. Anyone else ever dealt with gall bladder issues or stones?

    Whew - there's my novel for the day!

  38. SunshineMcC

    kiwi / 563 posts

    @loki: You know, starting a post on it isn't a bad idea - someone else may have experienced it and may be able to share something that eases your mind too! These ladies are such a wealth of info - I much prefer them to Dr. Google!

  39. ineebee

    pear / 1580 posts

    @SunshineMcC: Yay for boys!! Congrats on a great appointment! My NT scan is this Thursday. Can't wait!

  40. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @SunshineMcC: WOW congrats!!!! what a great day!!!

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