hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@marionberry: I think you look gorgeous! I'm also getting pretty frequent cramping and feeling like I need to go to the bathroom but I dont...I've had a few more real feeling contractions (hard muscles in my belly and back) but those aren't super frequent so nothing to worry over yet. It really feels like this baby is sitting in between my legs these past two days and it's driving me bananas! I have 11 weeks left, I hope she doesn't sit there the whole time!
pear / 1580 posts
@lulu22: I'm having a lot of swelling and tingling/numbness in my fingers! I stopped wearing my rings at 29w.
@marionberry: Glad to hear your appointment went well! I had some painless BH contractions for the past month, but last night I had some cramping and discomfort, too. Glad to hear your ob doesn't think it's anything to worry about.
pear / 1580 posts
I just got back from my ob appointment (31w) and found out that baby boy is doing great and is head-down, but they're concerned about my short cervix. My ob said that I need to cut the exercise! Bummer! I'm glad that she didn't say I needed to cut more than that, I suppose. Like I mentioned above, I've also had a little bit of cramping, so my doctor wants to start seeing me every week. I'm hopeful that I don't go into preterm labor, of course, and it's a scary thing, but at the same time, it's exciting to think that it's really getting this close! Like I actually need to be on labor watch! Absolute craziness. After all the years of TTC and IF, I'm trying to enjoy every moment of this pregnancy, and it's just going by so fast.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
I'm still considering maternity photos, but I want to find someone who could do a mini-shoot of like 30 minutes and 20 digital images for a cheaper fee. I do want a couple photos of myself pregnant but I don't see the need to spend on it like it's my wedding, since realistically I expect that these photos are going to get displaced on our walls pretty quickly by baby photos. I'm 31 weeks so I guess it's pretty much time to get that figured out, if we're going to.
No BH or cramping here yet. But, at our last appointment, the midwife said that baby is head down! I'm very much hoping she stays that way. I feel a lot of really really strong kicks all the time. In fact she was kicking so hard during the appointment that my entire stomach was shaking. The midwife was like, well I guess that answers the question of whether you've been feeling the baby moving.
We wrote our "final" draft of our birth plan this weekend, since it was assigned by both our birth class and our prenatal midwifery group to get that done. Our center has really great reviews from people who all say the midwives and nurses are super helpful, so I'm not that worried about them forcing interventions or anything, so the birth plan is mostly just expressing our preferences. And letting them know not to let any visitors in!! We will be like cave hermits, no interaction until we get home. I find this relaxing just thinking about it.
pear / 1787 posts
@PawPrints: i had suchhhhh a problem finding an affordable maternity photographer. they were all okay for the session but charged per photo for digitals or prints and the costs were insane. i still think i spent too much money but it was the cheapest i could find. i would've loved to find a mini because i really don't need a lot of photos. but we got a package that was $400 and that was for maternity & newborn photos and i get 20 pictures of each, i believe. i want to find a good local photographer who does mini sessions for kids because i'd really like to have annual family photos done but my DH does not understand the expense haha.
i'm curious what else is on your birth plan. i feel like i should maybe write something out just so DH can be my advocate once we're in the thick of things. my main thing is not letting people in either... although i'll let grandparents visit before we leave the hospital. i also want immediate skin to skin if possible but i'm not sure what else to include!
@ineebee: i feel like my baby moves EVERYWHERE so hopefully your girl flips herself. i really feel like she is long ways across my stomach because i often feel her on both the left and right side simultaneously. so weird. but ya it's pretty crazy we're getting so close. i saw someone started the March Labour & Announcements threads and was like
nectarine / 2317 posts
@PawPrints: My prenatal yoga studio has a photographer who does mini sessions, maybe you could find something like that?
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: ya it's here, i'm not sure how frequently they run, but they do maternity and baby sessions.
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: awesome thanks! it's too late for me now with the maternity/newborn but if they do older baby sessions that would be amazing!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@loki: $400 for newborn/maternity combined sounds phenomenal! The last photographer I emailed wanted $175 session fee plus $1000 (yes, one thousand) for the digital images. Yeah, not happening.
Here's a list of what's on our birth plan. Our Bradley class gave us a ton of categories we were supposed to include, I actually left out a few that I don't feel passionately about one way or the other (sweeping membranes, and how the placenta gets delivered). Most of what's on here is actually standard procedure for our midwives anyway, but it's helpful to us and them to have it written out.
Mother's name
Mother’s DOB
Support person: (husband)
Most important issues: Breastfeeding and skin-to-skin immediately after the birth for at least one hour, and I don't want to be separated from DH at any time during labor and delivery.
Visitors: None welcome, please do not allow anybody in.
Pain management: Hoping for unmedicated birth; please do not offer medication. I plan to manage pain using relaxation techniques, massage, and water (shower/tub).
First stage:
I prefer to keep vaginal exams to a minimum and conduct fetal monitoring via doppler instead of continuous monitoring.
If induction or augmentation are needed, we will use natural methods and would prefer to avoid interventions.
I plan to eat and drink normally throughout labor and avoid routine IV insertion.
Preferred environment: low/no artificial light, plenty of natural light, my music playing, door closed, minimal chatter.
I am open to laboring position suggestions from midwives and nurses, including the shower and the tub.
Second stage and birth:
I would like the option to try various pushing positions, including squatting, and am open to position suggestions from midwives and nurses.
No episiotomy, and prefer to avoid the use of vacuum or forceps.
Please do not offer me a mirror. I do not want to touch the baby’s head while crowning.
We want to delay cord clamping until pulsing stops. We do not wish to cut the umbilical cord.
We are not planning to take photos or videos during the birth. We do plan to take a few photos after the birth. We are interested in Bella Baby photography (the hospital photographer who comes around)
Cesarean birth: I prefer that we not consider cesarean birth except in the event of a medical emergency, such as placental abruption. If a cesarean birth is needed for my baby’s safety or my safety, I would like DH to be my support person, and I would like skin-to-skin time as soon as possible.
Baby’s healthcare provider: TBD (I need to pick a pediatrician...)
Infant feeding: I wish to breastfeed and greatly appreciate any possible help getting started. Please do not offer formula or bottles. I would appreciate a visit from a lactation consultant to help with any latch issues or other challenges.
Newborn procedures: eye care, vitamin K, hepatitis B vaccine, and screening tests are all fine, but I would like the baby to stay with me at all times. We would like to delay eye treatment 1-2 hours after birth.
pear / 1787 posts
@PawPrints: wow great, that is really helpful and gives me a lot of guidance... annnnd makes me feel like i need to research a lot more before i can make any decisions! haha. thank you!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@ineebee: why did he tell you stop exercising? Just curious.
pomegranate / 3314 posts
@loki: I didn't do maternity photos with my first and won't do them for this one. No regrets - I really dislike being pregnant in general and prefer to just do my time and get it over with, lol. All that go say, if you aren't really feeling it don't do it just because. I think with modern motherhood we all feel like there are things we HAVE to do (gender reveal, maternity photos, Pinterest-worthy nursery, blow- out first birthdays, etc.) and it can be exhausting - not to mention expensive! So I say if such things are really important to you, by all means do it! But if not, don't worry about it
pear / 1580 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: She told me to stop exercising because a short cervix before I'm full term means that I'm at a slightly higher risk for preterm labor, and I guess exercise could trigger it.
pear / 1787 posts
@meredithNYC: i'm with you, i'm hating pregnancy too. but i love photos and feel like maybe having a few will help me forget how much i've hated it! haha. i think i would really regret it if i didn't get them done, even if i don't LOVE them or how i look. we just aren't even sure if we are going to have a second babe so this might be my only chance. but i totally get why people don't get em and can understand why people think they're unnecessary! my husband is NOT on board haha. but i'm hoping she gets at least one where i don't feel like i look huge & hideous for posterity
nectarine / 2317 posts
@PawPrints: Wow that's a detailed birth plan. We are doing our classes in a few weeks time, but the midwives haven't said anything about birth plans so maybe they don't really do them there. It's good to have an discussion about it so you're both on the same page though.
How many sleepers (0-3) are you guys getting? I started sorting through my hand me downs, and we have tons of onesies and pants and outfits but only a handful of sleepers (maybe 4). I was assuming that's pretty much all they wear at the beginning right? Should I get some more or register for some? I also got two newborn sleepers and that seems to be our only newborn clothes, but if she's that tiny we can run out and grab some more after birth.
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: i have been struggling with this too! i feel like i have a ton of clothes but none of them are all that practical when she'll probably been in sleepers most of the time. so i've been trying lately to load up on sleepers. a friend suggested i get maybe 10 so i'm not doing the wash daily. i probably have 10-12 in 0-3 but that might be overkill. i just bought 3 newborn sleepers to take to the hospital but i am imagining a big baby. my biggest issue is feeling like i'm not going to have the right clothes when the time comes. and i'm so sad target is closing because they have such great, inexpensive stuff that i could've run out to grab if i needed to in the early days!
persimmon / 1386 posts
@Banana330: @loki: I think I had 6-7 pj/sleepers in the 0-3 months. But I also got DD dressed everyday in an outfit. Dressing her everyday is seriously one of the best parts of my day, so even if others find it impractical, I was one of those moms who dressed my newborn in outfits everyday.
pear / 1787 posts
@NeekieRose: ok good because i have so many cute outfits that i wanna use up before she outgrows them! haha. i said to my husband the other day i need lots of visitors and play dates so i have an excuse to derss her up!
persimmon / 1386 posts
As far as birth plans go, my midwife practice has a really straightforward "Birth Wish List" that we have to fill out. (link if anyone wants to see it:
I'm sure if I wanted to write a more detailed one, that would be fine. But I think this captures all the necessities.
nectarine / 2317 posts
hmm sounds like i'll need a few more!
@NeekieRose: ooh good to know. they do look so cute in tiny outfits!
@loki: actually has some cute carters outfits that are half the price of regular carters. But I agree it sucks target is closing now of all times!
persimmon / 1386 posts
@loki: No excuses needed! Even if it was just me and her, she got an outfit!
I also took a "#dailyreaganpic" everyday and posted them on IG. So that was a reason too I guess. Sidenote, I totally recommend doing this. For her first birthday I was able to get posters made with all of these pics from her first year and it's pretty amazing.
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: are you planning on going on thursday to check out the liquidation sales? i want to go after work but i'm worried i'll be too late for the good deals. i really just wanna see if they have deals on diapers/wipes/etc.
@NeekieRose: i totally want to follow everyone on instagram once the babes arrive!
second time moms - are there diaper/wipe brands you recommend more than others? i presume it differs from baby to baby but i wanna get a few small packs of different types to try them all out and decide what works for us but i don't even know where to begin!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: Ya, I want to go but I have my hospital tour tomorrow after work. If it's still open and not empty maybe. I'm hoping for a breast pump on deep discount... and some other random things. Most of my mom friends really like pampers but it does seem to be down to the baby. My friend said don't pay more than 15cents per diaper, you should be able to find sales like that. I'm hesitant to stock up on any one brand or size.. my friends 3 month old is in size 2's and he grew out of newborn in two days!
persimmon / 1363 posts
@loki: I think the plan of getting small packs and trying them out is a good one - just make sure that you get different sizes. I think every baby is different shape-wise and every diaper is different fit-wise, so it's just a matter of matching baby to diaper. My LO is a little peanut, so after experimentation, we settled on Pampers Swaddlers. Also (and like @meredithNYC) I am a fellow pregnancy hater. I haaaaaaate being pregnant. I am always so sick and exhausted, this pregnancy I have terrible skin, and I am crabby even though I am usually upbeat and positive. I haaaate not being able to do what I want. I always know exactly how pregnant I am because for me it's a countdown to get to the end of this miserable process!
I am feeling really prepared, and am trying to resist overpreparing. Every day I fight the urge to install the carseat, since I know it takes 5 seconds to install, and so I can do it while in labour and in the meantime I could use the back seat space. But everyday, it's still a battle with myself. Ditto with carriers - I want to wait to have the baby and take her in to see what she likes, which I could even do on the way home from the hospital, but it's SO HARD to resist buying all the things now.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Rockies11: you sound like me! I have some small packs of honest diapers i bought in the US ages ago in various sizes, so i'm hesitant to buy others. I also haven't really enjoyed pregnancy, I've been trying not to be miserable all the time!
I am so eager to finish buying the stuff on my registry and wash and put away everything. I tried on my solly wrap the other day with a stuffed animal! My DH has let me buy one or two things but has really helped me stop buying things. I find the stuff on sale the hardest. I hate that i'm not getting it now when it's a deal, and I might have to fork out full price for it later!
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: oh good thinking about the breast pump i should look for that when i'm there. so jealous of your hospital tour, we wanted to go on tuesday but they were booked and the first one i could get into is mar 17! feels so late!
@Rockies11: omg my skin is the worst its' EVER been, i am hoping it clears up a bit by my maternity photos on saturday. i'm with you on the hating it. i feel bad because people are like how are u feeling and i'm so honest and i probably shouldn't be. i hate to be a whiner but. this sucks haha.
@Rockies11: @Banana330: i totally want to overprepare too. i want to start washing everything but people tell me that's crazy to do so early. my friend is like 36 weeks and hasn't packed her hospital bag and i just wanna shake her cuz it stresses me out! haha.
also i loooooooooooove honest diapers, they're so cute!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
I also dressed my LO daily. I don't really see how onesies are any harder than sleepers but maybe that's just me. for refer I also made it a priority to ar least put on a different pair of yoga pants, underwear and shirt on the daily too. Just makes me feel less bummy when the day is "started". Everyone has their own preference though!
persimmon / 1363 posts
@Banana330: yeah, it's so dumb because I KNOW for a fact that if I do these things now, I will live to regret it. I did buy all the things with my firat - I had different carriers when she was born, and she hated them all, and I still ended up going in and buying a full priced Ergo out of desperation when she was 6 weeks old. So getting them even on sale when I did was still a waste of money since they were never used! but yet, this time, I am fighting the urge to buy Boba and Tula, lol.
persimmon / 1386 posts
So I didn't actively test out different types of diapers. The hospital had Pamper Swaddlers and those worked just fine so I never felt the need to try out any others.
That being said, we had been gifted a package of Pamper Baby Dry (worked fine, didn't have the wetness indicator though), and we were gifted a Huggies gift pack so we had a pack or two of those. Again, didn't really see much of a difference. Oh, and I did get the Honest "free" sampler pack. I did not like those, felt rough and were expensive.
I buy diapers through Amazon Mom so we get a 20% discount, making the Pampers pretty comparable to nonsale generics. We switched to Pamper Cruisers when Reagan started walking around 9 months. Been happy with those.
persimmon / 1363 posts
@loki: lol with my first, I washed everything the second I bought it and hung it in the closet. My closet was full of washed clothes by like, 20 weeks.
pear / 1787 posts
@NeekieRose: awesome tips, thanks!
@Rockies11: haha the only thing stopping me is i desperately need to clean my washing machine. it's a front loader and i hate it... it gets so moldy smelling. so i'm going to do an intense wash of it before i wash the babe's clothes! otherwise i probably would've washed them
nectarine / 2433 posts
@NeekieRose: @Mrs. Sunshine: I'm glad to hear that you made a point to put yourself and LO in an "outfit" everyday. Since we are team green we don't have a ton of clothing yet and I feel like I own every gender neutral item sleeper/onesie at this point!
@loki: @Banana330: I have friends/family that work for Target and my understanding is that the liquidation will start out with things being 10%-30% off and then the discounts will improve the farther out they get. For breast pumps and high value items I would expect that lots of people will purchase them at minimal discounts just to get one.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@mrswin: I thought they might do that, nice to have some confirmation. Sucks for your family and friends though.
pear / 1503 posts
@Loki: I'm planning to do maternity photos, too. I'd love to do them sooner, as in now, but the only weekend that works for us is 28 Feb. I'll be 35w then, but everyone's been saying how small I've been showing that maybe it'll be okay. I'm kind of half wanting/half ambivalent about them though. I think mostly because the weather is so crappy, and I don't like indoor ones all that much. I imagine we'll do a few, but I need to scout some nice outdoor spots. We'll be getting a great deal from a photographer I know. He mostly does weddings, but would like to build up his portfolio for maternity photos, hence the deal.
@Pawprints: @NeekieRose: thanks for the birth plan info. We really need to get started on this too. And I still need to call and arrange the hospital tour. So many things to do! At least we have our ped set up.
grapefruit / 4110 posts
In response to the clothes, we never used sleepers at all. I know a lot of people who did but his daily outfit was a side snap t shirt (incredible and so easy to use because it doesn't go over the head like onsies), diaper (we did cloth) and baby legs. I am planning on the same thing for this baby personally. But I am getting hand me downs like crazy from multiple places.
For my birth plan with the first I will post later when I can get it off my computer. It was short and to the point and nothing went by it. Since I mainly slept we didn't do much on it. Then afterwards I passed out and the doctor didn't catch him so none of that went like it should have. Not that it mattered ultimately but it did keep the nurses out and I really felt like it all worked out.
Logan is a special message from my first born who is obsessed with his name.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
I honestly have no idea how many newborn/0-3 sleepers we have. We've been collecting a ton of hand-me-down stuff from friends and our local buy-nothing group, as well as gifts from our parents. I probably should do an inventory soon to make sure we are covered.
We did a "labor rehearsal" in birth class last night during which we read through a scenario (apparently based on the instructor's real-life doula clients) in which the couple had to deal with their parents freaking out on the phone when they were doing early labor at home, and wound up going to the hospital way too early and had to go back home, and didn't have the baby until like 40 hours in. I had been on the fence before about whether to tell our parents when we go into labor but that scenario convinced me, we can just hold out until baby is here! Even just thinking about fielding those "is the baby here yet, why aren't you at the hospital" phone calls sends my adrenaline through the roof. Not exactly conducive to relaxation.
kiwi / 563 posts
Hi all!
I miss you! I've been laying low recently, trying to take it easy. I worked from home the remainder of last week, and the contractions did subside a good amount, which is great. They picked up again Sunday night and were pretty frequent (8-10/hour) and somewhat painful, but passed after a couple of hours.
We had our all-day childbirth basics class on Saturday and the hospital tour, which was good. For the most part, pretty helpful info - a lot more about what to expect, as well as time to "practice" in different laboring positions (they simulated contractions by putting a clothespin on our ear and ice in our hand - and DH got to do it too!).
I saw my doctor yesterday - 31 weeks - and didn't have a single contraction while hooked up to the non-stress test which was great! But that confirms that the rest is helping, so they are limiting me to working in-office and commuting downtown only 1 day/week. My boss is open to seeing how it goes for the next couple of weeks, but also plans to run it by the President this week to make sure he's on board. I'm the only HR person in the company, so I can do most of my work off-site, but not all. So, I'm hoping that they continue to be understanding. Aside from the rest, I'm a solid hour from my hospital when I'm at work, and my doctor prefers that I'm closer, in case I go into labor! So, I'm trying to take things week by week right now in terms of work. It has been really nice to work at home though, and have extra rest time. I measured 31.5 cm yesterday, so right on schedule - I noticed him having hiccups for the first time yesterday too - it was so neat, and DH could see/feel too.
No plans for maternity pics here - love the idea of it, but just have too much going on. Definitely will be doing newborn pics though.
The birth plan info shared is helpful as well - I want to be sure to document our preferences so if I'm not in a position to share, then at least DH can.
My first shower is next weekend, and I'm so excited. My mom and sis are coming up, and my sister is bringing me LOADS of baby clothes - her two boys are 4 & 11 and she's saved everything - can't wait.
Hope everyone is doing well - we'll be mamas (or second-time mamas) before we know it!
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