pomelo / 5041 posts
@banana330: If you need any advice on a breech baby or ECV or C-section related to it, I'm happy to be of advice. That's what happened with my son. Hoping your baby turns by delivery though and you don't have to deal with it. Our son lived in sleepers! We did a lot of gowns at night and then sleepers with feet for during the day or also at night. I would make sure you have at least 5 or 6 because babies puke often.
@Mrs. Sunshine: Oh you poor thing! So hoping that you don't have to feel like that for the rest of your pregnancy. Luckily the twins don't feel like they've moved down yet, but I'm not looking forward to when they do. It does sound like maybe your baby will be early then?
@meredithNYC: Isn't this the truth! I always feel like if I'm not doing something, then I'm not giving my baby the world. And it's hard because personally I am into all of those details like a fancy nursery, but in reality baby could certainly care less!
@loki: I loved Pampers Swaddlers for when he was little and by 1-2 months we needed Pampers Baby Dry for night time. But at work we get a discount on Huggies, so he used that brand for most of his life and once he hit size 4 we finally moved to Target brand to save money. So I recommend all of those.
@brownie: Thank you for mentioning that birth plans are guides but not to expect them to be 100% reality. While we'd all love to say we'd like to avoid forceps and vacuums, if your baby is stuck and it's that or something really bad happens to him/her you'll be begging that they do whatever they can to get him/her out.
@SunshineMcC: So glad to hear that the rest is helping keep baby in. Hang in there! In relation to birth plans, you're right that what's almost most important is that your husband really understands your preferences. They did an exercise in my birth class last time asking dads to rank how much pain meds we'd want during labor while we were out in another room. We ranked the same question and went in assuming to find our partners around the same place as we were. Wrong! While I said that I only wanted pain meds later on, and if I asked for them (basically attempting natural but not saying I'm not having an epidural) my husband ranked me as wanting an epidural the second I walk in. It was really helpful to show that while we think we communicate with our partners, we often don't communicate well enough.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@marionberry: Good to know! I definitely will pick your brain if she doesn't turn.
persimmon / 1363 posts
@Banana330: I also had a version and a c-section for breach! Mine was a good experience overall, even if it was pretty much the exact opposite of what I wanted.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Rockies11: Was your ECV extremely painful? I would never repeat that procedure ever again...but ds was just really stuck. I had a great experience with my C-section as well.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@marionberry: @Rockies11: The midwife said it could be quite painful, which worried me. When she was feeling my belly to see her position it hurt so much I had to get her to stop, from that and how sensitive I am to any touch (massage and physio) right now I'm not sure I could handle the ECV. But I'll have to wait and see. They did say IF I was a good candidate for one they would do it in the OR in case of heart rate issues etc.
persimmon / 1363 posts
@marionberry: it was painful and weird, and she didn't budge one little bit and they really pulled on her, but I have had all these gross barbaric medical procedures for colitis (like barium enemas and sigmoidoscopies with no sedation) and I knew someone that had the ECV and described it as the worst thing ever, so I was prepared for it being barium enema bad, and it wasn't even in that ballpark, so I felt like it wasn't that bad of an experience overall vis-a-vis my expectations. Mine was only a minute or so, and they tried it twice. So even if it was unpleasant, it was only a couple of minutes! I did cry afterwards, but it was because I was just SO disappointed that I was going to have a c-section instead of the birth that I was rehearsing in my head. But then my c-section was awesome, so with this birth I don't really care what happens!
persimmon / 1363 posts
@Banana330: The success rate for the ECV isn't very high, especially for a first time mom, so that's for sure a consideration. They gave me a 10% success rate, 30% with nitroglycerin enhanced ECV, which did make more unpleasant. I felt like for me, who REALLY wanted to have a vaginal birth due to ultimate desired family size and extreme type A personality, it was worth taking slim odds so that I could feel like I tried everything. I also had this notion at the time (which I now realize was really dumb) that baby was "meant" to be overdue, and that in having a c-section at 39 weeks, I was taking her out way sooner than when she was meant to come and I was feeling really like I wanted to do everything in my power to prevent that. And then my water broke at 38 weeks, lol.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Banana330: @Rockies11: I have an extremely strong pain tolerance and I would say that my ECV was the most painful thing I've ever endured. My doctor did it very late in my pregnancy and didn't give the medication time to even start working. He wrenched from one side while the nurse pulled from the other and they pulled for probably about 5 mins, stopping every 30 seconds to check baby on the ultrasound. At the point that I finally screamed in pain they stopped and said I'd handled it much better than most. I think everyone's experience with ECV is going to differ based upon torso size (I have a very short one), how wedged their baby is (he'd been breech since 20 weeks), and the time in the pregnancy that it's done. At the time, I too wanted to feel like I'd done everything before ending up with a C-section, since I knew it likely meant repeat C-sections in the future. But looking back my C-section was a breeze. @banana330: You'll make the right decision for you and even if it's a poor experience you just know that you won't try it again.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Rockies11: @marionberry: Thanks ladies these stories are super helpful. Fingers crossed she flips!
pear / 1580 posts
Good morning, everyone! I had a dream last night that I went into labor and slept through my contractions. In my dream, I woke up in the hospital and was told I was already 5cm dilated! Wouldn't that be nice?
pear / 1787 posts
@SunshineMcC: glad you're getting lots of rest and it seems to be helping. hopefully your president is understanding because it would be insane for them to expect you to come in full time with what you're experiencing. you need baby to stay nice and snug in there.
@Rockies11: @marionberry: is it crazy that i kinda want a c section? probably haha.
@ineebee: i have been having non stop baby dreams! i had one the other night that i forgot to feed her for like 8 hours. i woke up in a panic!!!! but ya that labour sounds pretty nice haha.
nectarine / 2317 posts
Ladies, has the nesting started for anyone? I've noticed the last few weeks i'm noticing dirt/dust in places (like tops of baseboards and way high up) that I would have never given a second thought to. I've also decided DH must repaint the bathroom cause I feel it looks super dingy.
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: haha yes i need to clean out our kitchen cupboards like RIGHT NOW apparently. it is driving me nuts.
persimmon / 1363 posts
@loki: I think it has its benefits, like theoretically you know when it's going to happen, and what's going to happen, so it's less unpredictable. Even with a good recovery though, it's way worse than a vag birth. I could tell I had been sliced open a good 8 months after, even though it didn't really bother me that much. And being pregnant again, the scar is really itchy!
@Banana330: I moved into a house that needs some updating, and it's driving me bonkers. And it's super dirty and I am too sick to clean it, and our cleaners aren't coming until Friday, which is also driving me bonkers. I am trying not to make any drastic changes until after I have the baby, because I don't know what's hormonal, and what I want to change!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Rockies11: It's funny you say that, my friend said to me... don't make any major decisions 6 months after birth! you're too hormonal to see clearly! I'd love to rip out the entire bathroom but i'm settling for a paint job to freshen it up instead.
persimmon / 1363 posts
@Banana330: My last pregnancy I painted our entire condo, top to bottom, including the roof and all the trim, lol. Never. Again.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@Banana330: yes. I'm nesting so hard. I even have had energy all week, I know it's gotta be those hormones telling me to get ready!
persimmon / 1386 posts
@Banana330: @Rockies11: @marionberry: I didn't even attempt the ECV last time. I did some of the at home exercises but since Reagan had been breech at every single ultrasound I made peace with the c-section. I didn't want to stress about trying to get her to flip just to have her either never flip or flip and then flip back. (Of course she ended up flipping on her own days before the c-section but I went ahead with the c-section in order to remove an ovarian cyst at the same time).
persimmon / 1386 posts
The exhaustion is really starting to make a comeback.
Can't. Stop. Yawning.
apricot / 306 posts
@SunshineMcC: so happy to hear that the rest is helping and I hope your work will continue to be understanding and supportive.
@Banana330: I think my prime nesting time was a few weeks ago, but now I am bigger and slower and more uncomfortable I just don't care as much. But I did get quite a lot done a couple of weeks ago, so that's something... I say do it while you have the urge as it won't last forever!!
kiwi / 563 posts
@loki: @lulu22: @marionberry: thanks! Rest is definitely helping! I'm actually enjoying being at home and having so much down time too!
@Banana330: YES! Even though I'm not supposed to be up and around too much, I'm finding ways to clean things out, like pulling up a chair to the pantry, or having DH get boxes out and put them in front of me. My sister and mom are coming next weekend for my shower, and I have a huge to-do list for them. I'm also planning to hire a cleaning service for a good clean before baby comes, and get our carpets cleaned too!
@NeekieRose: I'm with you on the exhaustion - my first wave has been hitting 90 minutes or so after I wake up each morning. Thank goodness I've been home, so have been able to sneak a nap in here and there!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@NeekieRose: I hear you! So tired by about 3pm lately.
@banana330: I never really felt like I nested with ds1 but I was a pretty organized person already. This time I feel like everything is a mess and I'm constantly trying to organize things - last night it was my closet.
@SunshineMcC: So jealous of your napping!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
Well, I had an appointment at 830 this morning at my doctors "other" office that's a little further and that I've never been to before. Apparently he's the only OB that works that office and as it turns out, he's not coming in today. So now it's currently 10 am and I've been sent back to my usual office to be seen by someone eLse. I've been having lots of cramps so the nurse said I should have my cervix checked so I literally waited with no pants on for like 20 minutes before I was told to leave for the other office. It's going to be a long day
pear / 1580 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: Yikes, that sounds like a mess! I wonder why they told you to come to the "other" office to begin with if the doctor wasn't going to be there! So strange! I hope you get some answers about why you've been getting those cramps!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@ineebee: they didn't know he wasn't coming in and "the ultrasound machine is better" apparently at the other office although I was never sent to that one last time.
pear / 1787 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: omg that is so frustrating!!! you poor thing. what kinda cramps are you getting? i've been kinda experiencing cramps too. kinda feels like the same pressure/tightness/crampiness of the braxton hicks but they don't come and go, they last for a long time. i've been wondering if i should be worried! let us know how the appt goes once you actually see a dr!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@loki: that's exactly how my cramps are and I was only slight concerned because that's how early labor felt for me (but I was about 8 weeks further along at that point, just wanted to be sure) they did a cervical check and my cervix is high and soft and closed so all good in there! No ultrasound today. Rescheduled for Tuesday and then they are giving me a free 4d ultrasound the 19th. my doc is great but can be a flake (but I'm not sure attached to him so it wasn't a big deal before today) and he claims he had the day off and is 4 hours away at some military thing. But his 29 other patients booked for today suggest that he did not have the day off. Everyone in the office was pretty unhappy and I definitely cried a bit out of frustration.
pear / 1787 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: glad to hear all is well! i guess i should mention it to my OB on tuesday. thanks!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: That is completely irresponsible of him. That makes me ragey for you. I understand the whole "he's in with a woman in labor" thing kinda. But just out for a day without notice. Heck our pediatrician only works like 3 days a week but she has backup care (that we heading to in the next few minutes) that handles things. And she is clear about it.
pear / 1580 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: Wow, that is seriously irresponsible of your doctor! I shake my fist on your behalf. That sucks.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@brownie: yeah I would totally understand if it was different circumstances but he pretty much was just being a jerk.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: I'm sorry you had to deal with all of that, but happy that you get a free 4D out of the whole thing. I would love one of those!
pear / 1548 posts
Hello ladies! I've been reading along but haven't posted on our month board in a while.
I'm starting to slow down a bit now that it's getting closer and closer to the due date! We ran errands this morning which wiped me out and I took a three hour nap.
I got my breast pump from insurance. I went with the Medela Pump in Style Advance. I've read good things about it on here, so I'm hoping I can breastfeed and put it to good use!
Anyone making progress on their hospital bag? Nursery?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Boopers: Good to see you back! Errands wear me out too. Today we finally got our nursery chair and picked out some sheets. I'm excited the nursery is starting to come together. I can't do much with my hospital bag right now because so much needs to be put in last min or charged. Where are you at with the process?
pear / 1548 posts
@marionberry: we got our Bilana last weekend! Do you love it? I feel like we have to stick it out awkwardly far from the wall so it can recline all the way.
As far as the nursery all the furniture is in there and ready. I would like to put some art up on the walls and get it more organized, but I'll wait to do that once we have our shower at the end of the month.
We haven't started the hospital bag at all. I really need to get on that!
I saw a March mom had her baby today. You guys, it's getting so close and real!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@Boopers: Oh how did you get your pump before baby is here? I'd love to knock that one off the to-do list but everything I have been told is that you can't get it until you deliver.
pear / 1548 posts
@PawPrints: we have Cigna and they allow you to order after 28 weeks I think. I had to make a bunch of phone calls to our provider, the supply company they use, and my doctor's office for the prescription, but once all the paperwork was done I got it within a week of first calling. Have you double checked with your insurance about when you can order?
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@Boopers: Yeah I did, they said "once you deliver the purchase of a breast pump with a provider of your choice is covered in full." Guess I have to wait. I'll probably get the Medela PISA as well.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@marionberry: yeah I am excited about that!
@Boopers: grocery shopping makes me so so tired! I'm 29 weeks so will be starting on my hospital bag soon. Last time I just had the bag in our bed room floor until it was time but LO will unpack that so quickly so I'm not sure where to keep it when I start...
I've got all the junk cleared from Jessie's new room, transferred her closet to the new room, have a diaper cart/storage area set up and have painted a letter J for her wall. We are painting it next weekend and hopefully I'll move her in next week and fix some odds and ends in her old room for Sydney!
pear / 1548 posts
@PawPrints: oh boo! That's annoying that they won't allow you to get it beforehand. I had the choice of the PISA or the Ameda Purely Yours and everything I read online says to go with the Medela.
I was reading the posts earlier about breech babies and ECVs. I think baby is transverse based on where I feel him moving. I hope he turns head down. I don't think I'll attempt an ECV if he doesn't turn in time. How is everyone else's little one(s) positioned right now?
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