pear / 1548 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: what a relief it will be to have your daughter's room all finished! Just in time to adjust before baby comes
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@Boopers: I know! I want in there no later than March 1st so hopefully she will have time to be adjusted.
I have no guesses about positioning lol i feel all the movement everyone. In my butt, my ribs, my sides, between my legs. it just seems like she's a wiggle worm! Maybe I'll know when I finally get to see her on Tuesday! I definitely think you still have time for your little one to turn!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@Boopers: My midwife said LO is head down and likely to stay that way, and I was thrilled to hear that but ever since I've been second-guessing every time I feel strong kicks way over on my sides. Like maybe she's still flipping around.
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@Boopers: I have never felt many Baby moves but have been good at knowing where they are (for my first and this one). My midwife called her oblique. He head is at one hip and her but is up near the other rib and he feet kick me right in the middle.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@boopers: Ya we love it! We knew from our other chair that they take up a fair bit of space, but this one is even bigger. Luckily ours goes in a corner so it looks just fine. I actually got a lot done on the nursery today but I too still need to put artwork up. Maybe I’ll do some of that tomorrow. Oh and my last pump was a PISA – great choice! To answer your other question, about three weeks ago an ultrasound showed that baby A was head down and baby B was somewhere between transverse and breech – basically diagonal.
@pawprints: It’s usually dependent on your insurance. I can’t get mine until the twins get here and we don't get a choice - they just give you a PISA (not that it's a bad pump at all).
@Mrs. Sunshine: Grocery shopping was rough for the first time for me today. In fact, doing much of anything is getting pretty rough. Being the size of a 40 week + pregnant mom I’m unsure how I’m going to continue with normal life for 7 more weeks.
pear / 1548 posts
@marionberry: we put our chair in the corner too, but it still sticks out so far. I'll be interested to see how you set yours up if you post any pictures to the nursery thread!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Boopers: I'll post a picture of our chair setup tomorrow on the nursery thread so that you can see what we did.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@marionberry: Well grocery shopping has never been my favorite thing lol plus now that LO is big enough to grab things and just be a toddler it feels like it takes twice as long and feels mentally draining to me (she's always well behaved just never still and is always asking to eat things!) plus our well water isn't safe to drink but has too much buildup for a filter to be useful so I buy 6 to 7 gallon jugs of water per trip and those are starting to wear me out. Maybe you can start getting DH to do the shopping and you stay home (possibly alone!)
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: DH already goes with me to the grocery store, which is very helpful and we recently started putting ds1 in one of those car carts which really helps keep him occupied. He's typically the same as your daughter, so it has been really nice. When I really can't stand it I'm sure he'd go without me but I'd have to write a really detailed list to make sure he got everything, lol. Carrying all of those jugs has got to be painful! Can you have someone else pick them up for you or get a bagger to help you out to your car?
pear / 1503 posts
@Boopers: Baby has been head down since our last ultrasound on Jan 3rd. At every appt my doc checks to confirm that he's still there, although now that I know what his head feels like, I check myself. Every once in a while he does a side flip and goes transverse for a half hour or so; I feel him on both sides of my belly and it feels like all of a sudden there's no room left in there. He quickly goes back down though. I told my doc about it, and she said that's not a problem, he'll run out of room soon and won't be able to do that.
I have a long torso, so although I get lots of kicks in my upper stomach, none of them have been off my ribs. Wondering if I'll escape the dreaded bruised ribs, or not.
pear / 1787 posts
my dr has never mentioned what direction my baby is facing... i'm definitely asking tomorrow!
pear / 1503 posts
I really have no idea if he's facing up towards my belly or towards my back, and I actually don't know which is the preferred orientation. But at least he's in more or less the right position.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@Astro Bee: I think they're supposed to be facing your back.
My ultrasound went well today. She's 3lbs 6oz, is measuring a day ahead (? I doubt one day makes a difference but that's what he said), and has "long legs and is getting a big head" lol she wouldnt really let us see her face but hopefully she will cooperate for the 4d next week. She's currently breech but there is still time for her to turn
persimmon / 1363 posts
@Boopers: I am totally bad at telling which way the baby is positioned, so I just asked my OB at my appointment today. She's head down and her back is out but she is more to one side. I don't know if that's a bad thing? I feel like she's gotta be well positioned for a vbac.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Rockies11: I think as long as she's head down and head to the back she's good to go. Most likely she'll shift down into your pelvis and you'll be all set!
So today I found out that the other girl pregnant with twins where I work (who was due about a week ahead of me) already had her babies! She went into labor at 31 weeks and they held the babies in until 32 but both are actually doing pretty great thus far. It is definitely a concerning though to me though..not quite sure I'm ready for my babies to be here literally any day.
persimmon / 1386 posts
@marionberry: oh my goodness! Hopefully your boys cook for awhile longer but it is good to hear that her babies are doing well.
persimmon / 1386 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: yah for the good ultrasound and hopefully she will cooperate and let you see her face next time.
@Rockies11: That's great that baby is head down and ready to go! Not the case here...
I got to have another ultrasound yesterday because they weren't sure on the position of the baby. Two weeks ago the midwife I saw thought that she was head down, but I wasn't so sure (I'm also somewhat leery of this midwife, pretty sure she is younger than me. Not that there is anything wrong with that, she is just clearly new and not very experienced).
So the good news is Ryan is definitely a girl! Not so great news is she is not head down. She is almost breech, but technically transverse and laying on her back. Basically she is in the position a baby is in when you hold them cradled in your arms. Since she is on her back, she has further to go to get head down since it's hard for babies to flip backwards instead of forward. I have another position check at the next appointment so we will see if she has moved at all.
Sidenote...I have all my appointments scheduled! #itsgettingreal
pear / 1787 posts
@marionberry: glad your boys are still cozy. but very surreal to think they could be joining you relatively soon... let's hope not though!
@NeekieRose: so jealous you got an ultrasound! i had to go for an ultrasound on my breast yesterday (ugh) and was trying to get the girl to show me the babe... no go! haha. Ryan has some time to flip so hopefully she gets in position soon. Interesting you knew she wasn't head down! I cannot tell this babe's position at all, though the OB said she is head down... I just feel her everywhere!
Not sure if you guys saw my other post but I have a blocked milk duct and it is the wooooorst pain. One thing after another! Ugh!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@NeekieRose: I feel like mines flipped around a lot this week, I have no idea what position she's now. Where are you feeling most of your movements? I'm not too worried however she ends up is how she ends up. I can't believe you have all your appointments scheduled!
@loki: That sucks, sounds painful! Is it getting better?
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: it's a lot better today, thankfully. my boss allowed me to work from home so i've just been putting hot compresses on it and taking it easy.
apricot / 306 posts
@loki: oh no! Sorry to hear about your milk duct! that's no good! hope it clears up soon!
I had my growth scan yesterday. Baby is growing fine and my funny placenta doesn't seem to be bothering him, so that's good! To be honest though, the ultrasound was no where near as good as the 12 and 20 week ones... he was too big and squished in there for us to really tell what we were looking at, we certainly didn't get to see any nice side-profiles of his face or anything like that. The tech gave us some pics of his face front-on, but you can barely make them out... not to worry, we will get to look at him all day every day soon enough!
The ultrasound confirmed that he is still in breech. His head is kind of wedged up under my right rib, which I can feel, although I just assumed it was his foot. So hopefully he turns soon.
@Banana330: I mostly feel movement where his head is (under my right rib) and where his feet are (down in my pelvis) the feet feel more like little fluttery movements (I can feel him kicking my bladder sometimes!) while the head is more like a hard lump that occasionally presses into me.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@NeekieRose: Really hoping Ryan flips for you! At least you already knew you were having another c-section so it really doesn't matter if she doesn't.
@loki: I didn't know you could get a blocked duct prior to actually having the baby. While I've been there (and it hurts like a mother) I bet this is a really good indication that you'll be a big milk producer. Massage and heat will be your best friends for awhile - so nice of your boss to let you work from home.
@lulu22: I know that breech/head is in your rib feeling all too well! My first son was breech from 20 weeks on and for periods of time Baby B has been in the same position. Hopefully your lo turns soon!
pear / 1787 posts
@lulu22: it seems to be getting better! phewf!
@marionberry: omg i had no idea either. i had like a golf ball sized lump and was soooo scared about it but figured that's what it was because the onset was so quick. i was able to express a lot yesterday, shockingly, so ya i'm hoping the silver lining is that i won't have any supply issues and maybe my milk will come in quickly post birth! so trying to think of the positives. luckily my boss is a female so i just told her the truth. hard to turn me down when i say i need to apply hot compresses to my boob haha.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@lulu22: I have been feeling all of my movement down low. I haven't felt anything up near my ribs. She's definitely on my right side but I feel movement at my lower left hip area.
persimmon / 1386 posts
@loki: ouch! I (knock on wood) never had to deal with a clogged duct. That is so crazy that you got it now! Hope you are on the mend. I feel Ryan mostly at the top of my bump, which is where I usually felt Reagan who I knew was breech for basically that whole pregnancy. I also have a home doppler and although I could pick her heart beat up low on my bump, I was hearing it stronger higher up. That also led me to believe she might not be head down.
@marionberry: I was going to attempt the VBAC if she decided to come before 40+3 (when the c-section is scheduled). Not sure what happens if she doesn't flip. Usually you have to deliver a breech baby at 39 weeks to avoid labor, so I don't know if they would have me move the date up.
@lulu22: I was glad to get another ultrasound, but it definitely didn't produce too great of pictures. Here is the best one they could get, and you can make out her chin, lips, and nose.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@loki: Expressing this early is definitely a good sign!
@NeekieRose: I would imagine they'll check her position again close to 37-38 weeks and move up your c-section to 39 weeks if she's still breech. Last time my ob gave me the option of scheduling the c-section for 39w or just going into labor and having the c-section at that time. I opted for picking the date. This time I think if I go into labor prior to 38 weeks I'll just be having contractions while they prepare me for the c-section.
persimmon / 1386 posts
@marionberry: They are actually going to do a position check at my next appointment! Yah for getting to see her again. She can stay this way if it means I get to take a peek at each appointment
pomelo / 5041 posts
@NeekieRose: Wow. Some offices are really precautionary like that and then there's mine...where typically a twin mom gets an u/s every visit and I've only had a total of 3 or 4. I guess a bit of it is pointless this early because they can flip and flip back still probably, but who cares when the extra perk is seeing baby again! I love seeing the twins! I can't wait for my next growth scan, which I think is in about 2.5 weeks or so.
pear / 1787 posts
@NeekieRose: i'm worried that my OB was wrong about the baby's position because i feel basically exactly what you do. she is always up under my right rib and down low i feel flutters similar to what i felt early on. most of the movement is up high or on the sides... i mean i guess it doesn't matter because she has 2 months to flip, even if she is currently breech. but ya maybe my OB is wrong! haha.
apricot / 306 posts
@NeekieRose: yes! your ultrasound pic looks very similar to mine! still, it's nice to get a chance to see them
@loki: where you are feeling movement feels exactly like what I am feeling. there are lots of tricks online to try and get babies to flip, not sure how effective any of them are... the ultrasound tech told me yesterday to put an icepack on his head (under my right rib) and I did that this morning and he moved a few inches but then bounced back... I guess he has found a pretty comfy nook under my rib!
pear / 1548 posts
Omg I've been itchy all over my body all. day. long. I'm hoping it isn't cholestasis or PUPPP, but it just started today so who knows. If it continues in the next day or two I am calling my doctor. I was totally fine yesterday and even had a check up yesterday and today I've been itchy non stop! Is anyone else feeling like this?
apricot / 346 posts
@Boopers: I have been super itchy all over since the beginning of second tri. I was tested for cholestasis which came back negative thankfully and I don't have the rash associated with PUPPPs so my midwives are assuming just really dry skin. I have been slathering myself in coconut oil all along and it doesn't seem to help. I have started adding pumpkin seed oil to my morning smoothie and it has helped a bit. I'm sorry your going through this. It's honestly my worst symptom at this point since it just won't go away
apricot / 346 posts
@loki: yikes I hope the duct clears up without issue. Do you have a pump to help you express it?
pear / 1787 posts
@Boopers: @As Time Goes By: omg that itchiness sounds awful hope you both find some relief!!!
@As Time Goes By: i don't have my pump yet but i've been able to hand express quite a bit and it seems to have really helped. it's much much better today!
nectarine / 2317 posts
hey ladies, quick question.... what did you get for your shower hosts as a gift? I've got two friends who are organising it, and throwing it at my house (they both of kids/dogs/busy lives) to make things easier...
nectarine / 2317 posts
@As Time Goes By: @Boopers: My friend had that in her last pregnancy, it sounds awful. She ended up getting some sort of prescription lotion to help.
apricot / 306 posts
@Banana330: oh, I was wondering the same thing! Not sure what to get my friend who is hosting my shower... I've never actually even BEEN to a baby shower so this whole thing is so new to me!!
persimmon / 1386 posts
@lulu22: @Banana330: Last time I got the main hostess a bottle of flavored vodka I knew she would like. This time, I am helping host a sprinkle for the main hostess of my sprinkle two weeks later, so I don't know if I will get a specific hostess gift, or if we got each other's backs with the whole hosting a sprinkle thing.
pear / 1580 posts
@Banana330: My shower is next weekend, and our two very close friends (husband and wife) are hosting it, and they've already been amazing so far. We are getting them a gift certificate to a nice restaurant and monitor-watching their two kids while they're out. I think we may have exceeded their expectations regarding the host/ess gift, but they've really been an awesome support for us beyond just the shower, and we wanted to show our appreciation!
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