pear / 1548 posts
@marionberry: wow that all looks amazing!!!
@Mrs. Sunshine: welcome back! It's a bummer she wouldn't cooperate, but hopefully you'll have better luck trying again this week!
I'm starting to feel like I'm in crunch time mode. I'll be 35 weeks on Wednesday and I feel like I have so much left to do! We installed the car seat today and I've been working on the hospital bag little by little.
Anyone have recommendations for good nursing tanks and a good nursing bra?
pomelo / 5041 posts
So I caught the most horrible flu and spent all morning constantly vomiting. Got so dehydrated I started having contractions and ended up in the hospital. On IV fluids and pending my fetal fibronectin test results I likely will get to go home within an hour or so. Today is not my day.
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@marionberry: Oh that sounds miserable. Im glad you are going home soon.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@brownie: Thank you! Officially home and hoping I can keep from throwing up again or writhing in contractions. But the test was negative so I should be good once I can kick this bug.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@marionberry: oh man! I hope it passes quickly for you! Glad you're home okay!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@Boopers: I need a nursing bra too! The only one I had really and used all the time with Jessie broke and I'm spilling out of and uncomfortable in my other bras but I don't know what to get! I saw someone recommend hot milk lingerie in a bother thread and I'm thinking of purchasing from there.
grapefruit / 4110 posts
I gave up on bras and wore nursing tanks under everything (it made it much easier to stay tummy covered). I am back in them now. Those and sports bras and strapless dresses with no bras. And I got big breasts with the milks and wasn't too uncomfortable. I like the target brand tanks because they are cheap and work okay.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@brownie: @mrs. Sunshine: that's what I did too - lived with no bra in my nursing tanks. I also bought some cheap wireless bras from Target and Motherhood Maternity.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@marionberry: @brownie: @Boopers: I'm also in nursing tanks all the time now, also the Coobie bra. I've got one from Old Navy and one Bravado Designs nursing tank from Amazon. The Bravado one is getting a bit short to cover my expanding belly at this point though.
persimmon / 1386 posts
@marionberry: Your shower looked amazing! Glad you are home from the hospital and hopefully on the mend.
@Boopers: I just went to Motherhood Maternity and tried on a bunch of bras and bought three that I liked the best. One was a nude just standard bra that I ended up wearing the most, one was a nighttime bra with no underwire that I wore most nights, and then a hot pink lace racerback one that I wanted because it was fun, didn't wear it that much. Oh, and I think I may have bought one more. Anyways, I recommend going and trying some on to find what you like best.
@Mrs. Sunshine: How did moving Jessie go? We moved Reagan into her big girl room on Thursday! I am shocked that she has actually slept in her twin bed for four nights in a row. She won't nap in there yet, but nights are going really well. And I hear you on feeling winded. I carried Reagan up the stairs a couple times yesterday and felt like I needed to almost gasp for air when I got to the top.
I am 35+2 and feeling very pregnant. Technically should have packed my hospital bag this weekend but didn't. I should do that this week....
nectarine / 2317 posts
@marionberry: Your shower looked fantastic! Hope you're feeling a bit better.
@Mrs. Sunshine: @brownie: @Boopers: @PawPrints: I have a hot milk bra, it's actually my favourite of all the ones I have. I also have a Cake and bravado one. I tried one bravado that gives great support but found I needed to go up a size in the band, I haven't bought it yet but might after birth. The cake one I have is super soft, pretty but I found the cups run big so depending on the day sometimes it feels a bit saggy. I find the Bravado nursing tanks are really comfortable, the snaps don't come undone when you are adjusting etc (a problem I had with the target tanks) and they are supportive for my E/F chest right now.
@Boopers: We need to start thinking about the car seat etc!
we had our first birthing class, which was really good. They separated out the men and women a couple times which was nice to see what other peoples fears etc were, especially for the guys to be able to talk freely amongst themselves.
One more saturday class and then we're done!
Today my rocker is suppose to be delivered! Hopefully the delivery guys can get it in the house. I can't wait!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@NeekieRose: we kept her in her crib but it went well! I was worried that she would either be too distracted by the newness to fall asleep or wake up disoriented/a little scared because she didn't realized where she was but she napped in there and slept there pretty well last night So I guess I was worried for nothing. I'm impressed that Reagan is sleeping in a twin bed!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
I've been having a ton of contractions since Saturday night. They are sometimes regular and sometimes not. Nothing I do changes them though which is making me think they're real but i haven't had any extra discharge or leaking or anything so I domt feel worried enough to call yet but I'm wondering if maybe I should soon!
persimmon / 1386 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: BH or real contractions? If they are real contractions a call probably wouldn't hurt.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@NeekieRose: I really can't tell.they are painful but not so bad I can't function or anything like that. Rest and water doesn't stop them and neither does activity. I feel like I should know the answer since this is my second time around but I really don't know
persimmon / 1386 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: I am clueless too. I never went into labor last time and never even felt BH. This time, having BH so often is weird. Hopefully they settle down for you soon!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: I've been getting a lot of BH lately. Mostly they don't hurt but occasionally I'll get some cramping with it. I'd keep an eye on it and if you're concerned call.
kiwi / 563 posts
@marionberry: Ugh - so sorry to hear you are sick. Hoping you're feeling better soon - good news that your ffn was negative!
@Mrs. Sunshine: how close together are they? When I first started having mine a few weeks ago, they told me once I was having 6 an hour, that I should call. Do you think it'd make you feel better to call and check in? Laying down and elevating my feet over my heart has helped me when mine get pretty frequent. Keep us posted!
@Mrs. Sunshine: @brownie: @Boopers: @PawPrints:@ Banana330: thanks for all the input on the bras and tanks - I ordered a bunch from Target and all were too tight, so am just going to go try some on!
AFM, had a great day Saturday - super productive, and then Sunday felt like I got hit by a truck - my back and hips were and are so sore. Sleeping is so hard, because I can only stand an hour or so on each side and then I have to turn on the other because of the pain. DH was talking to his dad on the phone last night (on speaker) and he asked how his "chubby" wife was doing - and it just set me off. He's got a harsh personality like that (DH's dad), but in this setting, I just lost it, burst into tears and couldn't stop crying for 10 minutes. I was not a happy camper and told DH to tell him to keep those comments to himself when I'm around. Men!
Working from home today, but just have no energy or drive to do anything! Starting to feel a little miserable.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@SunshineMcC: I'm lacking drive too...also patience. I still really enjoy and find energy to play with and generally take care of LO but when she needs "extra" (getting up and down from a chair, asking for her pacifier in the car, etc...) I'm finding it hard to be nice about those things. I want to sit! lol
The contractions are a little more erratic today. I don't feel really all that concerned and last time I called with contractions I was told just to drink water and take Tylenol if they hurt too much so I think I'm just going to try and take it as easy as I can and just bring it up when. I see the doc on Thursday.
kiwi / 563 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: glad to hear I'm not the only one. I am normally NOT a complainer, but I am starting to just hurt, feel achy and cranky and it's no fun!
pear / 1787 posts
@marionberry: omg so sorry to hear you've been sick! luckily it wasn't until after your shower (which looked amazing btw!). i also have major vagina pain but i imagine it's 10x worse for you getting close to the end now!!! glad you're feeling better.
@SunshineMcC: i'm totally with you. if i do too much and try to be too productive i will be laid up the entire next day! it's brutal. and same situation with the sleeping... i have to constantly flip because my back and my ribs KILL if i stay on one side too long. brutal!!! also... your FIL is a jerk. i would SNAP if someone said that to me/about me. so rude. my little sister said i was as big as a house and i lost my mind on her. haha.
@Mrs. Sunshine: hope everything is okay until you can get in to see your doctor! if they become more consistent, definitely call to be on the safe side, i'd say!
sorry if i missed anyone's comments, hard to go back a few pages
afm... the HORRIBLE cough i had back in the fall has returned it is even more miserable this time because of my general back and pelvic area soreness... so everytime i cough i am hurting. also... my reflux is bad and the coughing doesn't help... i feel like i'm gonna throw up all. the. time. i have a one on one with my boss tomorrow and plan on bringing up the possibility of working from home a bit more... and discussing taking the next 5 fridays off!
also question for those of you in canada/ontario... a girl at work recently told me that you can't take vacation within 2 months of your mat leave start date or it affects your EI. this doesn't seem accurate to me because lots of people use vacation and just start mat leave earlier??? but now i'm nervous about this fridays off thing. any truth to this? I've sent an email to HR but i have yet to hear back!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: Vacation pay will effect your EI but usually if it's a pay out. So my plan is to take two weeks vacation at the end of work, then start mat leave. So as long as i'm still getting paid I can't apply for EI yet. So once my vacation is up, I can apply for EI and my work can send my Record of Employment to service canada. Then there will be two week wait of no payments before EI kicks in (although i've read it can take 4-6 weeks before you actually start getting the money they will back pay all but two weeks of it).
If I got a lump sum pay out for my two weeks, this can somehow effect my EI benefit. This explains it pretty well:
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: thank you for that! so since i won't be getting a lump sum payout and i'll just be taking fridays off that will be accounted for with my normal pay, it shouldn't be an issue, right?
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: yup.. and the hours will count as insurable ones towards your EI.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@loki: I am not 100% sure but since your EI payments are calculated based on your insurable hours I would think that taking vacation shouldn't impact anything unless it would reduce this amount. I am assuming you make more than the yearly max amount so you should qualify for the full amount. This is the website link I use when looking into this stuff. It doesn't mention vacation having any sort of impact anywhere.
ETA: ignore my response @Banana330: has better info!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: @mrswin: Here's a tip a girl at work told me, make your last paid day (vacation or work) the end of a pay period. EI counts it in full weeks so you could have slightly longer unpaid.
kiwi / 563 posts
@loki: I know, I can't believe how insensitive some people are! It's like, um I'm growing a human in here!!
nectarine / 2317 posts
Is anyone having cramping? I've been getting lots of BH every time I move and sometimes when i'm just lying on the couch etc but the last day or so i'm kinda crampy/uncomfortably achy along with them. The cramping feels more constant than the BH.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@Banana330: yep! This is why I can't decide if I'm having real contractions or not. I've been cramping all day but I'm also get waves of actual contractions that don't change at all when I rest or drink water which they say they're supposed to. My intuition says everything is fine though so I'm not too worried. Just keeping an eye on it
apricot / 346 posts
I've been trying to stay caught up with this board, but I feel like first tri exhaustion is back. I'm sorry that so many people are feeling crummy. I hope everyone is on the mend
@loki: my understanding is that vacation is still insurable earnings so there is no impact on May leave. I know a few people who have started their "leave" with a week or two of vacation so they can check out early but maximize their time with baby. You should be fine if you are taking vacation days leading upto your leave.
@Banana330: I've woken up a few times to cramping in the middle of the night. My midwives said contractions = period cramps, but I don't know if that's what's really happening. Mine feel pretty constant while they're happening but I am barely awake at the time.
@Boopers: I have a nursing bra from motherhood I've been wearing for the last several months because I was tired of growing out of regular bras every couple of months. I'm waiting to buy more since it seems my boobs grew again this past week.
AFM I have an ultrasound to check on baby boy this morning because he's been measuring big the last 6 weeks. I'm happy that I get to have a peek at him, but hoping all is okay in there. They also want to check position since he is likely facing forward and I've been trying to turn him to my back
pear / 1787 posts
@As Time Goes By: let us know how the ultrasound goes! hope all is well with the lil guy so exciting you get to see him, i am desperate to see this babe but probably won't happen until d day!
@Banana330: i've been getting some cramping when i have braxton hicks which feels like it happens every time i stand up/change positions. they used to just feel like tightening but they're starting to be a bit more painful... i think mine are mostly just because i have general pelvic pain these days so the cramping/tightening does not feel enjoyable. my best friend is a week away from her due date and said she has had consistent cramping like all day long for the last few days so maybe it's common!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: @As Time Goes By: @Mrs. Sunshine: Sorry you guys are having them too. They suck! I feel like these last weeks are going to drag!
@As Time Goes By: hope the ultrasound goes well. I'm kinda jeaous. We haven't had one since our 20 week and i'm curious what position she's in and would like another confirmation she's actually a she! (some sort of irriational fear they got it wrong)
kiwi / 563 posts
@As Time Goes By: Good luck with your ultrasound this morning! I have one next week, at 35 weeks, and am so excited to see him and figure out what position he's in - I just can't tell, and my NP didn't want to say for sure without the ultrasound. I hear you on the exhaustion - mine comes and goes and is definitely like 1st trimester!
@Banana330: I've been having some cramping with my contractions too, but nothing too bad or out of the ordinary. I'm a little nervous that I won't be able to tell the difference between these pre-term contractions and the real thing, but my doctor has assured me that I will! Here's hoping! I've yet to have cramping or pains around my back too much (other than everyday back pain) - mine is centered in my belly or low in my front. And I'm with you on the ultrasound too - when is your next one?
nectarine / 2317 posts
@SunshineMcC: I don't get another one unless they think she's breech at 36 weeks. I think that's pretty common with midwives.
I figured it was achy BH and fairly normal but you've all convinced me it's normal. I wasn't overly concerned about it, but I tend to underreact to these sorts of things and I wanted to make sure it was a good response.
pomegranate / 3658 posts
So sorry for all of you who are contracting, though honestly I'm also a little bit mesmerized. I haven't felt a thing! I'm still trying to imagine what BH or pre-term contractions will feel like.
I got an email from our mini-maternity-shoot photographer and the weather is looking great for Saturday so we are on. She happened to suggest a location that is the same place where we took our engagement photos five years ago. I kind of love the sentimental connection there, though a small part of me worries it would look repetitive with our engagement photos. What do you all think? (It also happens to be a place we love to spend time and where I plan to bring LO a lot, so there's that too.)
apricot / 306 posts
I've been offline for a few days so just catching up!
@SunshineMcC: my baby is currently breech. But i think he is kind of 'crooked breech' as I can feel his head pushing on my right rib cage. His feet are definitely down in my pelvis because I feel them constantly and he loves to kick my bladder!
@marionberry: SO SORRY to hear you got so sick! You poor thing! How scary! Hope you are feeling much better now and getting back on track. On a brighter note, your shower looked amazing! I'm glad the flu hit you after the shower and not before!
@SunshineMcC: I too have to change positions every hour or so at night due to pain. That and the constant bathroom trips... and the need to wriggle feeling back in to my hands from the carpal tunnel... sleeping is becoming agonizing and exhausting! The next person who cheerily advises me to "get lots of sleep now while you still can" is NOT going to get a nice response from me!
@As Time Goes By: hope the ultrasound went well!
@PawPrints: I also haven't felt anything resembling contractions. I thought I was getting BH but I actually think it's just my baby stretching out and making certain spots of my tummy go hard, because it's never my whole uterus that goes hard. I have no idea what to expect from a real contraction. People say "it's like a period cramp" but I never got period "cramps" just constant aching... not sure if that's the same thing or not...
@PawPrints: I think if the location is special to you, you should go for it! I'm sure the photographer can capture different areas/angles of the location so it looks different to your engagement photos?
pear / 1787 posts
@PawPrints: i think going to the same place would be lovely and not too repetitive. a different photographer will take different photos! and i think maternity poses are a bit different from engagement poses anyways! AND if it's a place that's important to you and where you'll be taking your little one... i say do it! i'm still waiting on the rest of my maternity photos and i'm dyyyyying to see them! i'm so excited to see yours too!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@PawPrints: I agree that if the place is special to you it's a great place to do it.
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