hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
So I have a yeast infection for the first time in my's really great with all the frequent urination/extra wiping going on down thEre. I hope the medicine works quickly!
apricot / 306 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: oh, I feel your pain! I've had 3 really nasty yeast infections this pregnancy! don't be alarmed if the medicine gives you pink discharge... freaked me right out, but apparently it's normal. Since I have started taking a probiotic and trying to cut back on sugar I haven't had any more infections, so I think that's helped! Hope it clears for you soon!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: @lulu22: I'm so sorry ladies! I had them a lot pre-ds so I feel your pain.
kiwi / 563 posts
So I think baby might be moving south, as he's been completely out of my ribs today and I'm feeling him move waaaay lower than before. I also have this new pressure/pain sensation in the front low part of my pelvis... Is this normal? It's freaking me out a bit!!
pear / 1548 posts
My shower was this morning and it turned out great! Some people couldn't make it since we ended up pushing it back a day, but it was a success nonetheless! It was a "you are my sunshine" theme. Here are a few pictures.
pomegranate / 3314 posts
@SunshineMcC: Definitely normal! Towards the end of my first pregnancy I had awful pelvic pain/pressure. I remember everybody saying to walk a lot to get labor started and I did it, but I was gritting my teeth through the pain many times
@Boopers: Nice! Glad you had a wonderful shower. Not having one this time around, but I loved the experience with my first.
pear / 1580 posts
@SunshineMcC: Yes! I have that pressure too, exactly how you described, and the baby's been head-down for about that long. Sometimes the pressure is pretty strong, and I told my OB, and she didn't seem worried. It got kinda intense yesterday for me, actually, and it would stop me in my tracks. Was gonna call the Dr. this morning if it kept up, but it seemed to subside. =\ FOr now!
@Boopers: Happy shower!!! So glad it turned out great! What a great theme!
AFM, I am soooooooooo sleepy today. YAWN!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Boopers: Cute shower. love all the decorations
I've had a rough week, my stomach's been funny for a week now, and friday I spent the entire night vomiting, I even had to skip my prenatal class on sat (just sent DH) while i sipped gatorade, nibbled crackers and slept. My tummy is still funny and i'm still eating the the BRAT diet but keeping liquids down. I just can't figure out why it's like this...
I started taking my Dicletin again just incase it's morning sickness coming back. I forgot how drowsy it makes you at the beginning.
pear / 1787 posts
@Boopers: so cute! glad you had a great shower!
i had my friends shower this weekend. my two best friends went all out... one of them is due on thursday so i was feeling pretty guilty about it all haha. i left my phone at home so i can't attach pics but it was really precious and we had a great time. my family one is this upcoming saturday.
i am having a lot of pelvic pain/pressure... and i constantly feel like i spent 8 hours on a horse the previous day
@Banana330: so awful to hear about your vomiting. hopefully it's just a bug that passes quickly! feel better
persimmon / 1386 posts
@Banana330: Sorry you are feeling so crappy. My stomach has been off for a few weeks now. It comes and goes though. DD has gotten a stomach bug a few times this winter and usually passes it on to me. Luckily I haven't puked lately. Hope you feel better soon!
@Boopers: Cute shower!
A couple of my good friends threw me a small sprinkle this weekend. It was really cute afternoon tea at a British Tea House. Reagan really enjoyed helping open presents!
For me, it's officially baby month since eviction day (scheduled c-section) is March 31. Still isn't 100% real that we will have another baby in less than a month!
kiwi / 563 posts
@meredithNYC: @ineebee: @loki: thanks for sharing - glad this is normal. I did some research Friday night too via Google and it does seem fairly normal, but man is not pleasant - @loki - the comment about feeling like you were riding a horse is so true - I have pain that radiates down my inner thighs on both sides too! Ugh.
I spent most of yesterday and Saturday either in bed or on the couch - I felt light-headed and dizzy if I was up too much, so just took it easy, which was nice, but still have things to do! My parents were supposed to come this next weekend, but my mom just came down with shingles (UGH!) so needs to stay away for a couple weeks. DH and I are going to hunker down this week and next with last minute projects to try and get everything done! Can't believe we're getting so close!
@Banana330: sorry you are feeling crummy - that's no fun! My stomach has been a little off the past two days as well, although I haven't gotten sick, just feels strange, like I could, but also like I'm hungry. Weird. Hope you feel better soon!
@NeekieRose: Cute picture - you look so pretty!
@Boopers: Cute shower pics - the decorations are great! Are you going to use any of them in the nursery?
kiwi / 563 posts
Had a great 35 week appointment this morning! It was so neat to see baby again and we got a couple of really amazing pictures! He is measuring big at 7 pounds right now but the practice said that the measurement could be as much as 1-1.5 pounds over. Because he's measuring big and my amniotic fluid was on the high side of normal they also are doing another test for gestational diabetes. He is also head down which is awesome to hear because I was nervous about that!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: @NeekieRose: @SunshineMcC: Thanks ladies. I'm still feeling pretty crappy (literally!) so I've decided to work from home all this week. Hopefully it clears up by my shower this weekend. The only con to this is our neighbours (semi-detached) are doing a massive reno which they are behind on so today has been a symphony of banging and drilling.
@NeekieRose: Cute shower! I love english high tea!
@SunshineMcC: Cute scan! 7 lbs does sound big! great that he's head down though.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@SunshineMcC: wow, that's a great picture!
I've been feeling hungry and sick at the same time too. I think it's indegestion...if I try to bend down (like cleaning up LOs toys) right after eating I feel like all the food is just going to fall out lol but then I'll be hungry again not long after. Around this time last pregnancy, I was having breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and a snack...I'm betting that might start up again soon. I can only fit so much food in at once!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: My midwife suggested eating and drinking separately too! the liquids tend to make my stomach feel too full for food!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@NeekieRose: that color dress looks fantastic on you!
pomegranate / 3314 posts
@SunshineMcC: I'm going through the same thing! Baby measured 4.5 lbs at 32 weeks and I have a lot of fluid. Doctors said they're a little concerned and if he's still measuring ahead at my 34 week they will probably retest for GD.
Also, got my first stretch marks overnight. Boo!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@meredithNYC: I had one around 35 weeks with DD1 and I just noticed a new one this go round last week (32 weeks). I'm definitely carrying larger this time so I guess it's expected. I've upped the frequency of applying cream though, just in case it's actually helping. lol
pomelo / 5041 posts
@SunshineMcC: I'm so jealous of your 3d ultrasound pic! We never got to see the twins in 3d this time around because the MFM office doesn't do that. I had my 34w3d appt today and found out the twins are estimated to both weigh 5lbs, 8 oz. My son was only 6lbs, 4 oz so this seems a bit big. I hope you don't have GD but at this point at least you'd only have to alter your diet for a bit and possibly face an early induction. Keep us posted!
@Mrs. Sunshine: My indigestion has slowly been becoming more and more frequent. I was happy to hear from my OB today that I can take Zantac or Pepcid, etc. Some days my heartburn has been nearly constant and you're right - leaning over the edge of the tub to wash J has been sending my food nearly out of my mouth. I hope you can find some relief!
@NeekieRose: Your shower sounds like it was fun!
@loki: At least that head down pain means baby has to be in the right spot - no risk of breech and C-section.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@meredithNYC: I didn't get stretch marks on my belly last time but this time I have a couple giant ones right in the front of my belly. Makes me kind of frustrated with the twins, lol.
pomegranate / 3314 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: oh yeah, I'm hitting the cream extra heavily, too! I've been religiously applying it day and night, but another midday application can't hurt!
pear / 1503 posts
Glad everyone is having great showers. I had a family non-shower shower at DH's aunt's house last weekend. It was basically a family dinner with gifts, a giant boob/belly cake (I'll post pics!) that SIL (who is a chef who owns her own restaurant) made, and presents. No games or crazy decos, just very low key. My mom so completely overdid my wedding shower, so this was far preferable.
I had my 36 week appt today. Turns out I had blood in my urine, which could indicate a UTI or that I've lost my mucus plug. I had to give a mid-stream sample to the lab, and shouod hear back within the next week. Baby has been head down since 27w, so my doc isn't worried even if this is a sign that I'll go into labour in the next x while. She also said that she would be ordering me on sick leave in 2 weeks, but she does this regularly even if there are no complications. I so wish DH were back from his work trip to the UK. He gets back on Sat. I know it's unlikely that I'll go into early labour, but just talking about the possibility, and him not being here, is scary.
@SunshineMcC, @MeredithNYC, @Marionberry: so jealous of your recent ultrasounds. Our 27w 3D us was just for fun, so they didn't take measurements. The last we know is that he was measuring 50% at 19w. So hard to know whether I should be buying more NB sizes or 0-3 months!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Astro Bee: You're so close, so no wonder your dr isn't worried. Likely your baby would be just fine if born today. With an average size baby I would think you'll be in newborn clothes for a few weeks and then 0-3 months for quite awhile. Usually people only skip newborn if they have really large babies. It looks like I might need to buy far more 0-3 month clothes myself since we thought the twins might come early and be preemie so they'd live in newborn awhile but thus far they're looking like regular size babies.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Astro Bee: My midwife was saying they're ok with anything after 36-37 weeks. So it could be soon and the baby would be ok.
I'm jealous of the ultrasounds too! I'd love to know what she's measuring.
We installed the carseat last night, well at least the base. It was dead easy. We have an appointment with a police check on saturday to make sure I did it right but it's a Latch system so it's not too hard to get right, maybe just not quite tight enough. It's starting to feel a bit more real with the carseat sitting in my hall.
pear / 1503 posts
@Marionberry, @Banana330:Thanks for the reassurance! 4 weeks to the EDD seems so long, but I'm stressing about potentially delivering early. I just feel like I'm not ready yet. My hospital bag is all ready to go, and we're only missing a few non-essential things from the nursery (i.e., curtains, bed skirt, change pad cover, etc.). But my husband is still away and we also haven't quite narrowed down the name yet!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@Banana330: i felt like we could never get the latch system tight enough!! We are vacuuming out the car and figuring up the best and safest seating arrangements for 2 this weekend. I'm pretty excited! Especially because we bought our car in like October and it has never been cleaned so it's needing a bit of help around now!
pear / 1503 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: My car, which I also bought in October, is also in serious need of cleaning. I really hate what winter does to our vehicles. We'll be installing the car seat in mine initially, but it's also a good time to clean DH's out!
@Banana330: Good for you on installing the base already. That's also on the list to do. I really wish they made LATCH systems for the middle position. It seems so much easier to use.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: @Astro Bee: I watched this youtube video first.
At first i thought it wasn't very tight but if you watch where she wiggles it from (the back not the front) it's actually pretty tight back there. I'm sure the police person on saturday will have much more upper body strength than me and will no doubt get it a bit tighter.
There's also a video to install without latch. Although you might want to google your seat!
pomegranate / 3314 posts
@marionberry: Oh, man, I''ll bet with twins there's just no escaping stretch marks But hopefully it's not too bad! I always tell myself that someday I can have them removed by laser or something, but who knows if I'll even care as I get older.
@Astro Bee: I think we really need to see the boob/belly cake! And yeah, I was surprised they did an ultrasound, too. I think they just did it to be sure that baby had finally moved head down, since it was a huge worry of mine that he hadn't.
nectarine / 2317 posts
So ladies, I think I figured out what was causing my gas and diarrhea - Zantac! I have been taking it daily for about a month for my heartburn on my midwifes recommendation and about a week ago I started getting a weird stomach, morning sickness like nausea and gas.
The other night I took one and within the hour I had terrible gas, diarrhea and nausea again. So I stopped taking it for two days and my stomach seems to be almost back to normal. I googled it and it does seem to be a common side effect.
Just thought I'd give you a heads up if you've been taking it and getting the same symptoms. I've switched back to tums/gaviscon for heartburn and I'm trying to take them as sparingly as possible.
apricot / 306 posts
Hi Ladies, just catching up on everyone's news!
@SunshineMcC: that is the most ADORABLE ultrasound pic!
@Banana330: so glad you worked out the cause of your upset tummy! what a relief! someone in my yoga class was talking about how in the long run, antacid meds make things worse, but that apple cider vinegar is good... not sure how that works though, being so acidic!?
@NeekieRose: love the pic of your high tea sprinkle! what a nice idea!
I had my shower on the weekend and, although I felt a little awkward, it was actually pretty fun and I had a nice time. People didn't really stick to my registry AT ALL which was kind of surprising... (despite registering for cloth diapers I ended up with tons of packs of pampers disposables!). It's fine though, as I was able to return everything I don't need/already have and use the credits to get things left on my list.
I also had my first non-stress-test on tuesday and it was actually really good. They did a quick ultrasound to check the fluid and position (he is still breech ) and then the NST, which he passed easily. At 35 and a half weeks I'm starting to get nervous that he wont flip... I am honestly trying EVERYTHING to get him to move, and while he sometimes moves down a little bit, his head always ultimately floats back up...
grapefruit / 4110 posts
Met with the pediatrician for a prenatal visit today. That was fun. My little guy keeps asking when he can bring the baby to see his friends at preschool. We have started talking about the birth and how it works. He may be there for it (if we deliver early which is unlikely).
kiwi / 563 posts
@Banana330: @lulu22: @Astro Bee: @Mrs. Sunshine: @PawPrints: @marionberry: thanks so much! It makes it all so real to actually see such a clear picture of him! Can't wait to meet him soon!!
@meredithNYC: my second GD test came bs k negative which was good. Here's hoping things go well for you in that area too!
pomegranate / 3314 posts
@lulu22: Oh, no - I hope he gets head down soon. My first took forever to get into position and it was stressful towards the end. This one was breech until 32 weeks.
@brownie: My daughter will be 3 in May and so far I think this age is so fun in terms of bringing a new baby into the family. She asks the funniest questions about him and is just so, so curious about the whole pregnancy and childbirth thing.
@SunshineMcC: That is great! And yes - here's hoping I'm as lucky!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@meredithNYC: He is so excited. But I haven't quite figured out how much to tell him. He isn't necessarily interested in feeling the baby or really just taking a time out of life to learn something. But I want him to know what to expect since there is a chance he will be at the birth.
kiwi / 563 posts
@lulu22: sorry to hear he's still breech - are you still doing acupuncture? Any talk of trying ECV? Glad you had a fun shower!
@Banana330: Wow, so glad you figured this out! I was taking Zantac, but it wasn't working so finally got a prescription for something and it's been AMAZING!
@Astro Bee: I can totally understand stressing, but you are getting close! When is your DH back in town?
AFM - we have our last shower on Saturday night (a couple's shower) and we're hoping to get some of the big stuff - I feel like everyone has bought the smaller stuff off our registry, but we still need car seat, crib mattress, stroller, monitor, rock n' play, and a couple other things. We are going to shop on Sunday for whatever we don't get and then I think I'll feel a lot better too. Also on my to-do list is to pack my hospital bag this weekend as well. Had tons of pelvic pain and pressure today - I was walking around holding the bottom of my belly most of the day because it was so painful. Am eager for my next appointment to see if I'm effaced or dilated at all!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@SunshineMcC: Sounds like maybe you're getting close! Keep us posted!
Guys the twins are finally taking their toll on my body. My feet and legs have swelled to monster status this week. OB says she isn't concerned because my BP is good and there are no proteins in my urine but I think this is a sign I likely won't be making it until the 30th. I've instructed DH we really need to finish the nursery this weekend just in case.
Here's a sample of my foot yesterday. I promise my foot doesn't nornally look like this.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@marionberry: oh my god. That looks painful! It's almost hard to look at! Take it easy mama!
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