kiwi / 563 posts
@lulu22: Ugh, I hear you! I'm so sick of people telling me to sleep now - I told DH that the next person who says that gets a kick in the head. Ha!
@PawPrints: I agree with @loki and @banana330 - seems really special to be able to have it at the same place - can't wait to see how they turn out!!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
So since it's cold and wet out I wasn't really digging the thought of taking LO to play outside so I thought it would be a stellar idea to take her to an indoor play area that's full of moon walks. What I didn't think about is how she's still so little that she needs me to actually do all these things with her. I had to carry my 20 something pundits toddler up moon walk "stairs". Several times. I think I'm gonna die! But at least she had fun. We definitely won't be going back in the next 2 month unless someone can help me!
apricot / 346 posts
Thanks everyone! It was nice to see him again and it is amazing how he looks like a baby now! Everything looks healthy, but he is a big boy (confirmed for a third time now!) with his belly in the 90th %ile and head in the 80-85th%ile. The tech estimated his current weight at over 6 lbs maybe close to 7lb because the big belly measurement usually leads to babies going with the upper margin of error rather than the lower I am a little bit scared of how big he might be if I make it to 40 or more weeks! And of course googling tells me that big babies do not necessarily come early
@PawPrints: I love the idea of going to the same place as engagement photos! Is it a different season? Could that help make it look different from the engagement photos?
pear / 1580 posts
@As Time Goes By: Yikes! It's great that baby boy is healthy, but yes, a little scary! How many weeks are you now?
AFM, I had my 34w appointment yesterday, and it went great! Baby is still head-down, heartbeat is good. A month or two ago, my OB told me to stop exercising because I had a short cervix - bummer - but she's saying now that if things still look good at my 36w appointment, that I can pick it up again! That's a relief because I've been feeling so restless! And again, I can NOT believe how close we all are getting to meeting our precious little babies!
pear / 1787 posts
@As Time Goes By: so happy baby boy is healthy! you'll have a nice big healthy newborn. my friend had a 10 lb 12 oz baby girl in september and had a great recovery with no problems... and 5 months pp she is doing great! so you can do it, momma!
@ineebee: you are a superstar, i cannot believe you WANT to workout at 36 weeks haha. i have not worked out AT ALLLLLLL this pregnancy. i've been so sore and miserable so you are a complete champ! i can't believe how close it is either, i follow the labor & announcement boards and i can't believe so soon we'll have our own!!!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@ineebee: Yay for working out. I did it for my first pregnancy but this time around it isn't much. I do work with kids so there is running around. But I haven't gained much weight so I'm not too worried about it yet. I do feel less toned.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@ineebee: that's great! I usually don't do much on the weekends and it definitely makes me feel restless and pent up...I hope you get the all clear!! I didn't work out last pregnancy but I have almost this entire pregnancy and I feel so good and strong, I'm so glad I stuck with it!
pear / 1580 posts
@loki: @brownie: @Mrs. Sunshine: Thanks for the encouragement! I was pretty active during the first two trimesters, so the weight gain was right on target. This last tri, though, oy! It must've been the lack of exercise that really ramped up my weight gain. So I'm looking forward to being a little more active - probably just treadmill and some weights, maybe?
kiwi / 563 posts
@As Time Goes By: so glad your appointment is well and that LO is healthy! I can understand being apprehensive about him being big, but all will go well!!!
@ineebee: Glad your appt went well! I just had my 34 week today and also went well - my NP told me the same about exercise - she said to take it easy for the next 2 weeks, but then I can "go crazy" once I hit 36 weeks. Ha! I've barely done any exercise since 28 weeks when the contractions started, so walking and weights sounds lovely to me too!
No contractions at my appointment this morning, so my doc is super happy that baby is calming down. He said we've reached a great milestone that if I went into labor today, they wouldn't stop me, but would prefer 2 more weeks for lung development. It makes me so happy that the little guy is calming down. I cannot wait to see him at our ultrasound next week!!
Still not sure what position he is in, so am eager to find that out as well. For those of you who know, is it from a recent ultrasound, or just the doctor or midwife being able to tell from feeling?
pear / 1580 posts
@SunshineMcC: As far as being able to tell the position, at my 32w appointment, they took an ultrasound and saw that he was head-down. At my appt yesterday, the OB said she could tell just by the look/feel. So everytime there's a protrusion in the front of my belly, it's the baby's butt! So cute!
persimmon / 1386 posts
@SunshineMcC: I know the position from an u/s at my last appointment. I am having another one tomorrow for a position check. Usually they try to tell by feeling your belly, but the midwife wasn't able to tell for sure, and with the history of DD being breech the whole time last pregnancy, I was a "good candidate" for the u/s position check. Ha.
pear / 1787 posts
i'm so jealous of all your ultrasounds to check position! my OB said they don't do any more ultrasounds unless they're worried about position near the end or other medical reasons. she thinks baby is head down so there's no concern now... i just wish i could see her cuz it's been so long! haha.
persimmon / 1363 posts
@SunshineMcC: my ultrasound was a growth check because of the HG and my weight loss, and as an added bonus they told me the position. I am paranoid about the positioning thing because LO#1 I was told repeatedly was head down and in perfect position by several obstetricians, nurses, and obstetrical residents, only to find out she was head up and had been the whole time really late in pregnancy due to an ultrasound! I don't think that the manual exams have the same degree of accuracy - or at least I don't trust them now! Even after we found out LO was head up, I was still getting exams by obstetricians where they were saying she was head down!
pear / 1697 posts
@SunshineMcC: I can tell by feel myself. It is actually pretty tough to tell the difference between head and butt when fetus is facing my back, but, s/he also spends a fair bit of time facing my left side. When fetus if facing left and stretches out I can feel (and see) a leg attached the butt up by my ribs.
apricot / 346 posts
@ineebee: I'm 35 weeks tomorrow so I'm close, but he's still has a decent amount of time to grow! I'm glad things are looking good for you too!
@loki: thanks! These are the kinds of stories I appreciate hearing!
Everyone at work has been really respectful and have not commented on my size at all, so it was pretty funny today when I told some coworkers that he's measuring a bit big and everyone's response was of course look at that belly! I didn't realize it was getting so big!
@SunshineMcC: I'm glad things are calming down for you! I think the Spinning Babies website has some info on how to map movement, where your doctor normally hears the heart beat, and some other things in order to tell position.
kiwi / 563 posts
@ineebee: @NeekieRose: @Rockies11: @lilyofthewest: @As Time Goes By: thanks so much for the input! I'm eager to see him to figure it out for sure - all I know is that there is some body part lodged up in my right ribs causing a lot of pain - so not fun! I always thought movement would slow down at this point as he's getting bigger, but for me, the kicks and movements have increased in terms of intensity!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
I finally told people at work. My co-worker is hosting a baby shower for me.
Right now I'm having crazy braxton hicks. Every time I stand up, I get all tight and I sit and relax. Ugh. Luckily I have only one errand to do today and I can spend most of it relaxing.
pear / 1787 posts
@brownie: people at work didn't know you were pregnant?!?! do you work from home exclusively???
pomelo / 5041 posts
@loki: my thoughts exactly!!! There is no hiding this pregnancy...since at least 12 weeks.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@brownie: That's good hiding!
@loki: @marionberry: I could have probably gotten away with not saying anything until about 30 weeks. Now it's a bit more obvious...
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@loki: @marionberry: Yeah, I carry very low and didn't pop until like two weeks ago. It was the same for my first pregnancy. I also wear moomoo clothes and lost 10 pounds in the first two trimesters. So I just looked like I was packing on holiday weight. I also just go in for 1 hour a day to teach one class. So I don't see a lot of people.
apricot / 306 posts
@As Time Goes By: glad your appointment went well and your baby is healthy!
@SunshineMcC: I initially found out my baby's position at my 32 week growth scan (which I had due to my funny shaped placenta) Yesterday I had an OB appointment and the NP tried to feel where my baby was but couldn't work it out so her and the OB brought in the ultrasound machine and quickly confirmed that, as I suspected, his head is still up by my right rib.
@brownie: can't believe you got away without telling people for so long! wow! Like @marionberry, I had no hope of hiding it after 12 weeks.
My OB is sending me for weekly non-stress tests from now until delivery... is this normal? She didn't really say why but I'm guessing it's my clinics standard practice for high-risk pregnancies. I wasn't going to question it because I'm a fan of any extra monitoring to put my mind at ease!
My OB also recommended having acupuncture in my toes with moxa to help flip the baby - which is good because I was already booked in to have that done today! My OB said that there has been a large-scale and reasonably conclusive study showing the benefits and that it's worth trying... so I'm off to do that in a couple of hours. My OB said if that fails and he still has not flipped by 38 weeks she will try an ECV, so I'm hoping it doesn't come to that!
pear / 1787 posts
@brownie: wow that's incredible, i feel like i've been aggressively showing for a long time. my first chalkboard photo was at 18 weeks and i had a DEFINITE bump!
kiwi / 563 posts
@lulu22: I've been having weekly NST's since 28 weeks, given all the contractions that I've been having, and to make sure things are calm in there, so I don't think it's abnormal at all. Before all the contractions started, my doc had said that they do them weekly the last few weeks of pregnancy. Good luck with the acupuncture - my doctor discussed this with me too a couple weeks ago in the event that baby needs to switch positions. You'll have to give us an update!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@lulu22: Nonstress tests are not a regular occurrence in my OB practice unless you have a high-risk pregnancy or other reason for them to be concerned. I will start getting them at 36 weeks but I did not get them for my first pregnancy at all.
apricot / 306 posts
@SunshineMcC: @marionberry: ah interesting. I guess I am getting them because I am high risk.
Acupuncture this morning went well, don't think he has flipped yet but it was very relaxing! I'm sure if he is going to flip he will do so in his own good time...
kiwi / 563 posts
@lulu22: Did they actually burn the moxa on your toes, or hold it above? I've never had acupuncture, so am intrigued by the entire experience! Do you go just once, or for consecutive days until he moves?
apricot / 306 posts
@SunshineMcC: I started acupuncture a couple of years ago and I love it, it's really helped with my immune system (prior to starting I was ALWAYS sick with a cold). But this was my first time with moxa. To be honest I was a little dubious but after my OB recommended it yesterday and told me about the studies done on it, I felt like it was worth a try. The acupuncturist put one needle in each of my pinkie toes and then for about half an hour she held the moxa stick about 1/2-1 inch away from my toe, moving it around where the needle was. The stick never touched my skin, it just sort of radiates heat. Once my toe felt really hot, I would tell her, and she would switch to the other toe, spending a few minutes on each toe at a time. I am going to go once a week for the same treatment but she also gave me some moxa to use at home. Obviously I won't be using needles at home, but I will light the moxa stick and hold it an inch from my little toes, alternating as it gets hot, for about 20mins a day.
If you do decide to try acupuncture, my main recommendation would be to really shop around and find someone you like and who specializes in what you are going for. The acupuncturist I am seeing is known for her work with fertility and pregnancy, but I tried others before her who I was less happy with. I think it's important that you feel really comfortable with your acupuncturist!
kiwi / 563 posts
@lulu22: Oh, thanks so much for sharing - that's super helpful. I am hopeful that if this is the next step for us, that my practice has recommendations for practitioners who specialize in fertility and help with this kind of thing. I've heard amazing things about acupuncture in terms of relaxation, so have always wanted to try. Good luck, and keep me posted! I'm sure your LO will cooperate!
@Mrs. Sunshine: oh wow, that's amazing!!! Such a cutie!!!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@lulu22: My physio recommended it for flipping babies too! But i'm still not sure what position she's in, so I'll wait until I find out but let us know if it works!!
My physio has been doing acupuncture on my back weekly to help with my SI and SPD.
pear / 1580 posts
Anyone else notice a difference with their breath? My breath stinks! Maybe it's the congestion and I have to keep breathing through my mouth, but it's definitely a third trimester thing. Yuck! Poor DH!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@ineebee: no but I've been passing gas that's just as bad, righT?
apricot / 346 posts
@SunshineMcC: I was expecting a decrease in movement too but he's feeling so much more active in there. Where is your placenta? I'm thinking maybe because mine is anterior he's finally strong enough that I can feel him through it?
@Mrs. Sunshine: so exciting!
@ineebee: I was just thinking today that I feel like my body odor has changed... I'm scared to ask DH and find out it's been like this all along and he's just put up with it!
persimmon / 1386 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: How exciting!
So I started weekly appointments yesterday and had a position check ultrasound. Baby girl is head down, although all her movement doesn't feel any different to me! My fluid level is really good and high and she hasn't settled down low so she could still move around some more. They suggested that I sit on an exercise ball every night to help her settle down lower.
pear / 1548 posts
So the weather in Texas where I live has been crazy this week and it has been snowing all day! My shower was scheduled for tomorrow, but the area goes crazy with bad weather, so we pushed it back a day. Less people will probably be able to make it, which I'm bummed about, but I'm glad that people are still willing to come! On the bright side, it gives me one more day to clean the house since it's being held at my house
kiwi / 563 posts
@As Time Goes By: That's a good question, and I have no idea about placement! Today though most of the movement has been a lot lower and almost none in my ribs, so that could be a promising sign that he is heading south!
@Boopers: Wow, crazy weather indeed! I hope your shower is lovely - be sure to share pics with us!
I had pizza for lunch today at work and forgot my Zantac and have RAGING heartburn - oh what fun!
We had our last baby class last night - this one was baby basics, in terms of care - it was 3 hours and they covered changing, feeding, sleeping, bathing, soothing - all kinds of good stuff, and also a lot of what to expect in terms of what baby will look like right away and how that will change over the first few days. They also spent a lot of time talking about how to care for the cord stump and a circumcision - which I had NO idea was so involved - so am glad we have that info. We practiced dressing a doll, changing diapers and such - it was fun to see DH doing it. It's making it all so, so real - only 5.5 more weeks to go! After the class we were waiting for our car (the women's hospital has valet) and a couple came in and she was in labor - so fun to think about that being me - though she was as calm as could be, whereas I have images of me being wheeled into the elevator holding my stomach, doing my breathing (ah-ah-ee-ee)! Ha!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@Boopers: I live in Texas too but it's definitely not snowing here lol it has been insane. The high today was 52 and tomorrow it's supposed to be like 70! It's really wreaking havoc on my sinuses/inner ears. I also don't have any clothes to cover the belly for this kind of weather lol i hope your shower goes well!
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