nectarine / 2317 posts
@lulu22: hmm interesting I've never heard that about apple cider vinegar. Hopefully baby flips soon!
@SunshineMcC: What are you on now? I've been feeling ok with tums etc during the day but last night was awake with some killer heartburn.
@marionberry: Wow that's quite the cankle! take it easy, and keep drinking lots of fluids!
I have my shower tomorrow, I know the ladies planning it were going to do a gift card to a local store. Well on wednesday the local store sent out an email saying they are closing down! Turns out they had already bought the gift card, so I'll go to go first thing tomorrow (before the shower) to try and spend it before all the stuff we needs get bought out!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs. Sunshine: @Banana330: Thank you guys! Ya it's nothing pretty. Excited to work from home today so that I can keep my feet up a bit more.
@Banana330: The good news about your gift card may mean getting items on sale or really discounted due to the store closing.
nectarine / 2317 posts
@marionberry: Have you tried compression socks? if you can get them to go down a bit I find they really help with swelling and discomfort!
True, I think the travel crib we wanted is going to be 25% off tomorrow!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Banana330: I have never tried those. With only three weeks to go I don't know if they're worth the expense.
persimmon / 1386 posts
@marionberry: Oh wow! Getting the nursery ready is probably a good idea! I think I have been able to keep the swelling to a bare minimum, but DH told me the other day that he thought my legs were looking swollen...thanks! Ha
kiwi / 563 posts
@marionberry: oh my goodness - so sorry you're dealing with such swelling! A good excuse for your DH to wait on you this weekend, right??? Take it easy!
@Banana330: It's called pantoprazole, and they prescribed 40mg. It's so amazing to be able to lie down and sleep without heartburn - I wish I would have asked for something prescription strength earlier! Have fun at your shower - here's hoping you get all kinds of good deals!
Checked a few items off my list today - ordered my breast bump, left a message with the pediatrician about a meet & greet appointment before baby comes, and spoke to L&D at the hospital regarding pre-registration, so am feeling good. I had a mini-meltdown last night b/c DH was going to help put a shelf together and he feel asleep on the couch and didn't get it done. I was crying in bed about it, but feel lots better today - we're going to get some work done tonight! Oh, gotta love the emotions. Have been able to stay off my feet today (working at home) so much less pelvic pain and pressure than yesterday!
I wonder who will be the first of us to go into labor!!!!
pomegranate / 3314 posts
@marionberry: Oh my God, I feel for you!
@SunshineMcC: Oh, the emotions. I am totally ashamed to admit this, but I yelled at my nearly 3 year old so hard today that I actually peed my pants while yelling. I think I was angry that she made a big mess. Like, not a thing to get so worked up about! Luckily she didn't seem too fazed and I was able to laugh about the pants peeing. Although, it was in my one pair of maternity jeans so now I'm like, UGH, have to wash those
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: too bad about the store closing but the deals might be worth it!
@marionberry: oh my goodness your poor feet!!! I was thinking about you the other day... because I've been sore and miserable and was like imagine there were two babies!!!! cuz I certainly cannot!. you're a trooper.
@meredithNYC: hahaha I have a horrible cough right now and it causes me to pee my pants CONSTANTLY. every time I cough too hard. it's awful and I am doing a looooot of laundry. pregnancy is sexy.
I purchased my breast pump today from Target for 30% off so that was pretty great. it's covered by my insurance at 80% up to $300 so the sale means I don't have to put as much on my Health Savings Account... which is great.
I have my family shower tomorrow and I can't wait for it to be done so I can figure out what else we need! can't believe how close we're getting...
I've been working from home one day a week for Dr appointments and started taking Fridays off and it is GLORIOUS. I feel so much better these days... other than the extreme pelvis/pubic bone pain. just rolling over in bed is a struggle... but that's par for a the course. can't wait to get this little one out!
I have the strep swab at my next appointment and i'm kinda dreading it... is it as bad as i'm imagining????
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@loki: At our practice, for the Group B strep test, they just hand you a Q-tip and you go into the bathroom and swab yourself, like if you were giving a urine sample. Doesn't seem like anything bad.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@SunshineMcC: I wish the swelling meant extra care by DH...although I am getting some extra feet rubs because of it. On another note, my c-section is Mar 30 so I hope none of you go into labor much earlier than that.
@meredithNYC: pregnancy with toddlers is definitely harder. You poor thing!
@loki: The strep swab is not that bad. Our provider does it but it's really quick. I'm surprised actually that I haven't had mine done yet but with a c-section it's not much of a worry at least.
kiwi / 563 posts
@meredithNYC: I hear you, it's hard to stay even keeled these days! I have changed my clothes more times in the last 2 to 3 months because of peeing than I'd like to admit!
@loki: I hope your shower is fabulous tomorrow! We are in the same boat in terms of wanting to see what we got so we can buy the rest of what we need. Sorry to hear that your pelvic pain is not going away. Mine is pretty bad too and rolling over in bed is very challenging. I'm glad you asked about the strep B swab. I read about it online that it was a vaginal and rectal swab and was not very excited myself!! Which breast pump did you get? I ordered the Madella PISA today but it's just the starter kit so I'm wondering what else I'm going to need to get. I figure I'll wait till he gets here and then see what else I need!
@marionberry: foot rubs definitely sound fabulous right now! I hope you were able to finish up work on the nursery this weekend. We are attempting the same. DH is a coach and this weekend he has sectionals and next week and he has the state tournament so we're frantically trying to do work around his practice and tournament schedule before baby gets here!!
The pediatrician's office called back and the doctor in charge of the practice (that I'll be seeing) does not do meet and greet visits before baby is born. They said I could meet with one of the other doctors or meet with the front desk person if I was interested. I can't decide if it's worth it or not as I've gotten reviews from my OB as well as a really good friend that has used that practice for all five of her kids.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@SunshineMcC: About the meet and greets, it really depends on what type of person you are. We did a meet and greet appointment with our son's ped before he was born and we basically found out that he was smart and not really great at interacting with adults. However what's important is that he's great with my son...and I just couldn't have known that until ds got here. If it makes you feel better, certainly have an interview with another provider in the practice and he/she should be able to answer a lot of questions about how the practice runs - you just won't get a feel for your provider's personal interactions. You can always switch providers down the road though if you end up disliking him. Best of luck in your decision!
grapefruit / 4110 posts
@SunshineMcC: we didn't do a meet and greet for our first pediatrician with our son . We knew that she did some things we wanted because friends had gone to her. We ended up switching to the family practice person (my doc) anyway because they didn't catch his failure to thrive.
We just did our prenatal appointment with my sons doctor in our new town. It was very important to me this time because I had some concerns I wanted addressed (potential allergens in vaccines so plan to address those). The appointment was fantastic and it was the first time my husband met this doctor (I have been a few times with our son). Also we had I make a logistical plan for when she would see there baby since we are not doing a hospital birth.
kiwi / 563 posts
@marionberry: @brownie: thanks for your input. Both my OB and my good friend see this doc and say great things about him, so I think I'm OK with seeing him once baby is born, rather than finding someone else without a referral that I can meet! And like you said, I can always change if need be. I might meet with the front desk person just to get a sense of their practice and such. He or someone from his practice will come to the hospital when LO is born, so that'll be good too!
Man, sleeping is such a chore these days! I could barely walk last night when I got up to go to the bathroom - between the pelvic pain, and then pain all the way down my legs (not sciatic though). It's better now that I'm up, but only slept about 5 hours last night! I just finished my thank-you notes from the first shower, so that's another thing checked off the list - just in time for our last shower tonight!
Have a great weekend, all!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@SunshineMcC: ugh I hear you on sleep, I was exhausted yesterday went to be around 9, woke up at 11;30 when DH came to be and was up from then until sometime after 3:30! Hopefully I don't fall asleep during my shower today
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@SunshineMcC: @brownie: @marionberry: I did a meet-and-greet yesterday with a family doctor as a potential baby doctor for LO, and I am feeling super unmotivated to schedule any others. She seemed fantastic, I had no objections to her, she's walking distance from my house, and as she pointed out she's a young doctor (finished residency two years ago) so she has a lot of availability in her schedule. That sounds pretty excellent to me, that we wouldn't have trouble getting an appt when we need one. I picked her because a friend who had a baby a few months ago loves her. I'm now heavily leaning towards just going with her and not having to go through any more interviews. I am sick of making time outside work for all these weekday appointments! (Daycare tours, my medical stuff, ultrasounds, feels like it's been going on forever).
kiwi / 563 posts
@PawPrints: she sounds great, and like @marionberry said, you can always switch down the road.
I ran after the post man today as he was driving away and it was huge mistake... I have such intense pain and pressure I feel like there's a bowling ball about to roll out of me! We have our shower at 7 PM tonight so I'm going to lay down and hope that will help it feel better! I hope that's not a sign that he's on his way soon!!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@SunshineMcC: Omg I sprinted to catch the bus last week and I was so proud of myself for making it... Then all evening I was laid out on the couch in so much pain. Dumb mistake.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@SunshineMcC: @PawPrints: I went grocery shopping and worked out yesterday, then vacuumed the car and installed the car seat today and I'm dying. So much pelvic pain.
apricot / 346 posts
@marionberry: I hope you get to put your feet up and rest this weekend. I'm dorry but that looks painful!
@loki: I'm glad you have been able to take it easy and it's making things more manageable!
@PawPrints: I have just switched family doctors because I found one so much closer to home. A lot of similar pros to your list and she is the ONLY female doctor taking new patients within a 20 minute drive so I have no problem "settling" after only meeting one doctor. If it feels right then there is nothing wrong with going with the first doctor you meet.
@SunshineMcC: @PawPrints: @Mrs. Sunshine: I'm definitely feeling the weight of the baby now and I have noticed it takes so much out of me! I move so slowly compared to pre-pregnancy!
persimmon / 1386 posts
The clumsiness is getting ridiculous. I don't remember being this clumsy last time. I was trying to get out the door this morning but needed to fill up the animal water dish first. Somehow dropped an entire pitcher of water on the floor. Sigh.
pear / 1787 posts
my best friend had her baby last night and it is making this very very real for me! ahhh!!!
hope you guys all had a great weekend. i had my family shower and it made for a loooong day. and now we have SO MUCH STUFF and i don't know what to do with it all/where to put it. i need to figure out what else i need off our registry too. feels like crunch time now that my best friend's baby has arrived! ahhh!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@SunshineMcC: I ended up at my clinics sunday walk in for heartburn meds. the Zantac was for sure causing my digestive issues. they prescribed something else which seems to be working ok so far. After two nights of basically no sleep I finally slept last night.
My shower was on saturday, It was so nice! my friends did a great job, and lots of ladies were there. Everyone was super generous. I ordered the last of the urgent stuff (car seat adapter for stroller etc) on sunday.
now I just have survive the next 5 weeks. My SPD is getting worse, I have one day where I stand or walk for more than an hr, it cripples me for 3-4 days after. Physio is taking the edge off but not really getting rid of it. I feel like such a whiny baby but it really is getting harder to move around. I've got three weeks left of work (assuming I can make it that long... )
pear / 1787 posts
@Banana330: good to hear your shower was great! sucks you're struggling so much but i totally understand. i haven't been keeping up physio at all so i'm a bit of a mess too... getting in and out of bed is torture. the next three weeks will fly by hopefully and then you can relax! i still have four weeks of work and i dunno how i'm gonna get through them!
kiwi / 563 posts
@Banana330: so glad you got meds - hopefully they help! When does bad pelvic pain go to SPD? I have almost been in tears with my pain and wondering if it's just normal things stretching out pain, or something worse? I have an appointment tomorrow so am going to ask.
@Banana330: @loki: Glad your showers went well! We had our last one on Saturday night as well - and I also am feeling overwhelmed with putting things away! We got tons of diapers and wipes - so should be set for at least a couple months. We still need a few big items, so are hoping to get those this week.
On the one hand, I can't imagine waiting another 4 weeks for this baby to get here, but also could use at least another 2-3 to get things ready at home and at work!
@PawPrints: So sorry you were in so much pain! I ran like 40 feet - that was it - and then could barely walk! Crazy!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@loki: I was going to do 4 weeks but shortened it cause I just can't do it! My friend told me at my shower "they don't give out awards to sucking it up and working too long, take off what you need to".
@SunshineMcC: Mines constant, I'm not sure there is a dividing line, maybe a gradient. My hips, pelvis and back hurt all the time. Moving or not. Support belt or not. I have to move extremely carefully and slowly, especially when changing positions (sitting to standing or lying down). I think the physio, yoga, acuptuncture and massage have been keeping it from getting much worse, but I do find limiting activity and lots of rest helpful (but not staying in one position too long). I would say tears isn't normal. I've been dealing with it for 10 weeks now an I definitely notice good days and bad.
It does feel good to put stuff away and get things organised. I think we have everything we need but I should probably double check.
I do still need to pack my hospital bag this week!
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@Banana330: I made an attempt at our hospital bag this weekend, since I'm now 36 weeks (various stuff online says to have it done by 34-35 so I am behind). It's really frustrating though, so many things I would want in the hospital are the same things I need to use every day for the next four weeks. I have spare/travel versions of a few things but not everything. I guess I'll have to make a list of last-minute items and just plan on packing them when in early labor.
I also printed out a copy of my state's form you have to fill out to apply for a birth certificate. Apparently we're supposed to have it already filled out when we go in. Anybody know why the form asks weird questions like if you've had stillbirths, miscarriages, and abortions? If it's just for government statistics, I really don't like that it's portrayed as mandatory. People should understand clearly if they have the option to keep that information private.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@PawPrints: Yes it's annoying that much of what you need for your hospital bag you use daily. I just have a list notating everything that needs added last minute. As far as the birth certificate, we have clerks who ask for that info (we don't fill it out beforehand) but I do believe it is mandatory for state statistics and data research.
I'm sorry we're all in such pain! Just remind yourself we're almost done!
@neekierose: while not clumsy, I have found that if I park too close to a car I can't actually get out. It is so annoying!
persimmon / 1386 posts
@marionberry: Oh no, that is really annoying. I can't imagine having a twin bump...major props!
nectarine / 2317 posts
@PawPrints: I think that's why I haven't really packed anything yet, cause i'm using it all.. But i should get started.
@marionberry: it's weird how I keep thinking i'm smaller than I am and bumping things or not being able to squeeze through with my belly
apricot / 306 posts
oh everything is getting exciting now! Glad that everyone has been having good showers, but sorry to hear we are all struggling a bit physically now! I think we are all getting to that stage where we need to start taking it pretty easy. Yesterday I overdid it with grocery shopping, swimming and cooking a big meal ... apparently that is a bit too much now and today I feel so sore and tired!
@marionberry: yes to the car park thing! I have done this so many times! haha. Sometimes it's even easier to crawl over the passenger seat if a car parks too close to the drivers side. My hospital car park has really small parks so after last week, I decided I am giving up parking and going to use the free valet service instead! I also took up the wholefoods people on their offer for help out to the car (which I never do) but I figure when you are 8 months pregnant you should take all the help you can get!
I am 36 weeks today and my little bub is STILL breech. I am still doing the daily moxa sticks and acupuncture and all the exercises. And just this last week I have started swimming again as that is meant to help. Omg, swimming is so much easier than walking at this point, I wish it had been warmer for my pregnancy so I could have kept it up throughout. I'm going to try and keep swimming over the next few weeks, now that it is warmer as I've basically given up doing any other form of cardio exercise.
I can't believe I have just 4 weeks to go (and if the baby doesn't flip I could be having a c section in just THREE WEEKS. crazy....
apricot / 306 posts
Has anyone started preparing food etc for after the baby comes? I've just started making freezer meals in the past week but I have to admit it's a little taxing... I end up doing a lot of the prep sitting at the dining table so I don't have to stand too much. Now that I know a c-section is a real possibility for me I am even more eager to get the freezer well stocked so that DH can take charge of food.
I think I said a while back that I would share what I am making, so this is my plan so far - all my "tried and true" freezer recipes:
- Lasagna's (both meat and veggie - I love this easy pumpkin lasagna recipe -
- Bolognese pasta sauce
- Fish pies (jamie oliver has the best fish pie recipes!
- Date and lamb tagine (I use this recipe but with stewing lamb instead of shanks - easier to freeze!
- Chicken marbella (I use a recipe similar to this one but with boneless thighs
- Chicken and Leek Casserole (I use this recipe but add in extra veg, usually carrots and peas..
- Big batch of veggie chilli to use in tacos, burritos etc (I like this one, but reduce the liquid!
- Green curry paste (that can be quickly mixed with a bag of frozen stir fry veg and a can of coconut milk)
- Fish parcels (fresh fish fillets with some kind of flavoring (I usually do asian style with ginger, cilantro etc or french style with butter capers) wrapped in parchment paper and frozen... can be easily popped in the oven to bake.
I would like to do soups but as it will be summer I just know I won't feel like eating them. I am pretty much portioning everything into "serves 2" portions for DH and I to make defrosting easier. Being warm weather, I think we will also end up doing a lot of quick and easy things like frozen fish sticks/fillets with salad, healthy sausages with salad etc... things that are easy for DH (who has limited cooking skills) to throw together.
pear / 1548 posts
@lulu22: That's so funny that you posted about freezer meals, I've been scouring Pinterest all day and making a shopping list for the meals I want to make. I am going to have to look at the list you posted. I'll link some of the recipes I plan to make. I haven't made any of these specific recipes before, but they look good and easy enough for me to put together.
Slow cooker french dip sandwiches
Freezer breakfast sandwiches
Homemade hot pockets
Freezer taquitos
Crockpot BBQ pork ribs
nectarine / 2317 posts
@lulu22: @Boopers: I stuggle with freezer meals cause i'm veggie and they are always so meat centric. I'm going to make muffins that I can easily thaw, some roasted veggie quinoa, lasagna and have frozen waffles etc on hand, but really i think we'll be BBQing and eating a lot of salad.
Maybe some prepped smoothie bags, and frozen pre cut bagels for toasting.
pear / 1548 posts
@Banana330: I don't know if these sound good to you, but I found this list of veggie crockpot meals.
apricot / 306 posts
@Boopers: ohhh, that taquito recipe looks great, I am going to try that!
@Banana330: oh yes, veggie freezer meals are harder because so many casseroles that freeze well are meat based. DH and I usually only eat meat once or twice a week so I am trying to include some veggie meals, but I think it is harder to find recipes. BBQing and salads sound great! I also forsee DH mixing a jar of pesto and some frozen peas through pasta for for a quick and easy meat-free meal. Lol, that's about the extent of his culinary creativity/skill!
persimmon / 1386 posts
Last time I made so many things for the freezer...and ended up using very, very few of them. I was lucky to have an easy baby last time so I never really felt like I didn't have time to make food.
Part of me thinks that maybe I should make some this time since I don't know what life will be like with 2, but at the same time, I think it will be just as easy to throw some meat and veggies on the grill as it will be to put a frozen meal in the oven. And since it will be spring, I am feeling like lighter meals will be better...
pomelo / 5041 posts
@NeekieRose: @Banana330: @lulu22: Another funny belly story. At the grocery store my son likes to ride in the cart with the car on the front. My husband usually comes with me and unloads the cart onto the belt but a few weeks ago I had to take my son alone. Then I realized I literally could not get any of the food out of the cart because of the car on the front. It was super embarrassing. It also made me kind of mad that there aren't wider checkout lanes. I'm not that big!
@lulu22: I know that babies do switch late in pregnancy sometimes, but often when they're breech for such a long time it's usually because they're stuck. At least that was the case with me. I tried a lot of exercises and an ECV but nothing worked. A C-section is really no big deal and exciting that it would mean you'd get to see your baby sooner. And I am very impressed by all of your freezer meal preparation. All we ever do is run to Costco and stock our freezer with pre-made lasagnas and pastas and such. My husband can't cook, so it needs to be very simple.
@boopers: I'm going to look through your recipes. They sound yummy. One thing to think about is breakfast. My mom makes these great banana choc chip muffins and you can freeze them. She also mentioned freezing mini meatloafs too I think.
@banana330: The pre-made smoothie bags are a great idea. I need to do that!
@neekierose: Grilling does seem to be really easy for husbands too! I think we have lots of meat, so I would just need my husband to grab some corn at the grocery store and we'd have a meal. I absolutely love wrapping corn in aluminum foil, buttered with mrs dash spicy seasoning, and grilling it along with the meat.
apricot / 306 posts
@marionberry: thanks for your comments. I think I am coming to peace with the idea of having a c-section. It freaked me out at first but I'm becoming more okay with it. Even though I will keep trying to turn him (and maybe attempt the ECV, I haven't decided yet) I feel in my heart that he might be stuck. I feel him TRY to move and he always gets to a certain point then heads back up. DH and I went to a c-section class at the hospital and have been talking about the things we would like to do should we end up having a c section. And you are right, the thought of meeting our baby in just a few weeks really is very exciting!
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