nectarine / 2690 posts
@JennyPenny: both my girls are tall & skinny - they get it from their dad LOL
We're also doing purees. Things are going ok. She's been having some constipation issues, so, pears are in the routine regularly. Doc said we could give her juice (apple, pear, or prune) for the constipation issues but she's not super interested in it. So, there's a dilemma there. So for now I am just trying to feed her pears at least once every other day. We haven't introduced a whole bunch of variety yet though because of it. Just squash, sweet potato, carrots, and pears. Oh, and rice cereal but she doesn't like that lol so we try to mix it in with the puree.
nectarine / 2460 posts
We had our 6 month appt this week. She's 17lb 6oz (68%) and 26.5 inches (64%). Very proportional We also got a bunch of vaccines including the flu shot. I'm glad to have that checked off since she's going to start daycare on Monday. I'm a bit nervous but I think it'll be really good for her/our family. I just remember with my first 2 I did a lot of visiting the center with them at the start and that's not allowed any more. I hate the idea of just dropping her off with people in a place she's never been.
cherry / 134 posts
I can’t believe it’s already 6 months! We go for our appt this week and of course they called and are out of the flu shot, so we’ll have to come back. Grrrr. I some how have managed to continue exclusively pump (with occasional emergency motn nursing) and a couple ounces of formula every other day or so. I’m super proud (and over it), hahaha.
We started baby led weaning... it’s hillarious, messsssy, and a little nerve wracking - but my bff swears by it (and she’s a dietician who used it on her last kid) so we are attempting it.
Got some independent sitting going on, and on the verg of crawling I think. Hoping “mama” is coming soon... and wondering where the first teeth are??
We are debating daycare and return to school in January...
cherry / 134 posts
So what are babies favorite toys? A is loving the ball with all the holes, sort of a buckie ball thing. Just pulled down some hand me downs, a wind back car that helped ds1 be motivated to crawl. But interested in ideas... the play mat was so last month.
nectarine / 2460 posts
@Bmaja: nice! I’m jealous of the independent sitting. I hope we get there soon. I’ve also given L a few BLW style foods. It’s pretty hilarious and definitely “just for fun” at this point.
As far as favorite toys L is loving the fabric style baby books and her brother’s magnatiles. She can roll to get all over a room but isn’t super precise. So a floor full of magnatiles are great for her. She can roll over ones in her way but we have enough we can scatter them all over so there’s always one do play with no matter where she lands
nectarine / 2690 posts
@JennyPenny: I hope daycare goes ok today!
@Bmaja: that sucks about the flu shot. Reminder, you'll have to go back in a month too to get the second flu shot for her
Do you guys have any suggestion on BLW? I think B would do great with that. I gave her a teething wafer this weekend and she did fine with it, but man, those things are nasty lol She went straight to the bathtub afterward. I just don't know what is good to start off with, but, she very much wants to be in charge of her own food.
Toys mom got her a train and a game controller that she loves. I swear she doesn't like anything I buy her lol.
Halloween: DD1 = Elsa (she also had a blond hair braid that she wore for 5 minutes. So glad I spent $10 on it lol) DD2 = a fawn (it's still hot was the only costume I could find that wasn't a warm fluffy thing that she would've died of a heat stroke in lol but it was cute, so it's all good)
ETA: sorry they're sideways...
cherry / 134 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: good news! They got the flu shot an hr or so before we got there and both got it out of the way. It was not pleasant. Hubby went yesterday (with ds1) and we learned that if you cough a few times and they stick you... you can’t feel it. She wants to try that next time.
As for BLW... definitely suggest googling about how to feed them. Solid Starts is a great resource. Make sure you understand gaggling versus choking and what to do or not do... cuz it can be a little... harrowing. And yes we now have to do a bath after every meal... it’s not ny favorite part.
cherry / 134 posts
And cute costumes!! We were unicorns... though never got coordinated enough to get a good photo. Ha. Mom of the year!
nectarine / 2460 posts
She's crawling!! I cannot believe we're here already. She isn't even sitting independently yet so we totally bypassed my favorite baby stage - when they can sit but not crawl.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@JennyPenny: Aww, sorry she skipped sitting! B is crawling too. Man, she just decided to take off last weekend and now she's all over the place. She also pulled herself up a couple times last weekend, so, I'm sure cruising will be coming soon. lol
nectarine / 2460 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: it's amazing how fast they go from 0 to full-speed. My boys had their first experience with her crawling to get to their stuff this morning and they were not pleased. I feel like we're in for some craziness now.... And wow! Pulling up! How are these babies growing up so fast!?
nectarine / 2690 posts
@JennyPenny: I went in her room this morning to get her and she was standing there waiting for me They're growing up too fast!
And then my mom told me its time to have another LMAO I'm like well, this factory is closed so you need to talk to (my sister) about that lol although she's said she's never going to have kids (she's 40, so she's decided she's too old. and her partner had a vasectomy after having his two boys...) LOL
nectarine / 2460 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: Oh man! For some reason that's not something either of my boys ever did, which probably means lil' lady will since she is just so different from them in terms of development. And it always cracks me up when grandparents encourage the making of more grandbabies that way. Though I find myself thinking the same about my siblings making cousins for my kids
nectarine / 2690 posts
Hi Ladies. Checking in. How is everyone doing?
DD2 is starting to cruise, slowly but surely. She's teething. which means she's not sleeping....which means neither am I The bottom two have popped through. I think, by the way she's acting, that the top two are coming now also. So, that's fun.
I've been online shopping for Christmas and think I have a problem LOL j/k but man is it easy to go overboard when its online!
We've now had a case of Covid at daycare. Well, first there was a parent who tested positive (we found out the Monday after Thanksgiving - the parent was last there on the Wednesday prior); and then last Saturday we got a notice that one of the school aged children tested positive, so, that classroom is closed for two weeks. So, that's been....uneasy.
How are you all holding up?
nectarine / 2460 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: cruising!?! That’s crazy! Sorry about the COVID case. I hope it doesn’t spread too much.
We’re doing pretty good. Lily’s bottom 2 teeth came in around Halloween, and top 2 are just starting to poke through, so we have some definite grumpiness there. She’s trying to do a hands and knee crawl instead of army crawl and beginning to pull up.
My kids were excluded from daycare most of this week because of a cough, but we just got back results saying the whole family is negative so I’m hoping we can return next week.
I do a really good job not going overboard with the main presents cause I stick to want, need, wear, read. But I totally went overboard with stocking stuffers this year. I hope they all fit!!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@JennyPenny: ...and now the infant room is closed b/c one of the teachers in there is positive.
Yes, cruising. She only goes a few steps, but, yeah, its happening. She also like to stand up, let go, stand there for a few seconds and then she'll sit on her but. Like, I think she could actually walk if she wanted to, she just doesn't trust herself lol SLOW DOWN KID!!! lol
Glad to hear you are all negative! And yay for the crawling
So, how do you ladies feel about the vaccine? I want it. I want it now lol No one else I know feels that way. Everyone is skeptical and "I don't want to be the first". You know what? I'm over being stressed out/afraid. I want to go out and not worry about Covid. I want life to go back to a sense of normalcy. Give me the vaccine, I'm in! Of course, I'll have to wait until its available to the general public, which is meh lol
nectarine / 2460 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: ugh, I'm so sorry. We just got approval for the kids to go back today and it is such a relief. The next few months are going to be a roller coaster for sure.
On that note - yes please for the vaccine. At one point I found myself wondering if people's hesitancy might mean I could get it sooner even though I wouldn't be priority. My only hesitation is DH said he heard on the radio that isn't recommended currently for pregnant or breastfeeding women since it hasn't been tested in those populations. My gut says getting it while breastfeeding can only be good, right? But I'll follow the advice of my doctors if they think it'd be best to wait until I'm done breastfeeding. It could all be a moot point by the time the vaccine is available to me anyway so I'm not trying too hard to think through it now.
nectarine / 2460 posts
Happy New Year! How was everyone’s holidays?
We had a great time with our small at home celebrations. I know our families were bummed but it sure was nice doing everything on our schedule rather than trying to time naps and hangry kids around everyone else.
I just packed up all the Christmas decor and at the same time packed away a lot of big baby gear. Feels weird not knowing if we’ll pull it out next to donate or because we’ve decided to have another kid
nectarine / 2690 posts
@JennyPenny: Happy New Year
We had a small Christmas with my parents (who watch the baby for us anyway) and then we did nothing for NYE lol Literally sat on the couch and watched tv, in bed by 10:30 lol
We've had two employee's out with Covid-19. Luckily no one else has tested positive who had contact with those two employees.
Our friends son is having a baby (boy) and we've offered our gear to them. He and his GF broke up, so, he's going to need stuff for his house when he gets time with the baby. We actually offered it to the two of them when they were still together, but, she wants new stuff (um, did I mention they're 19?). I get that, I really do, but I also know how expensive it all is. So, whatever lol He is more than happy to take whatever he can get, so we're going to give him the bassinet, our stroller from DD#1 (everything we have, gear wise, is gender neutral), our swing when we get done with it, and I found a bouncer seat in storage that I thought we got rid of. And, now that we know its a boy, I am going to donate all the clothes. I'll be thankful to have some space back! lol
I'm still A-OK with being done, so, that's good news LOL
nectarine / 2690 posts
Hey ladies, how is everyone doing? Its been a second since anyone checked in!
We're doing good here, staying healthy, thankfully.
Updates on B: She has three teeth now (all on the bottom lol) and the top two are so close to poking through. She is standing like a pro. She can take about 5 steps before she sits down because she loses confidence, but if she has something in her hands she'll take more (I think it makes her think she's holding onto something/someone for stability lol)
We're giving her more solid foods these days. She loves cheerios (so, I have to be careful how many to give her, she'll shove them all into her mouth and then gag and throw up) and scrambled eggs. We gave her a pizza crust to chew on and she loved that too!
How are your LO's doing?
nectarine / 2460 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: Wow, it has been a while! Glad to hear you’re doing well! That’s amazing super early walking! But then I feel like B was pulling up so early too.
L is still just the perfect little addition to our family. She has 4 teeth, she’s cruising along furniture but not quite standing. She’s terrified of her walker so it might be a while there.
She is loving solid food lately. Her 6yo brother is pretty picky and there are nights she eats more than him! Big hits have been chicken, green beans, carrots, potatoes and her very favorite - broccoli!
I’m starting to wind down my pumping to move toward cows milk in the near future. I have 1 lb left to lose to be at my goal weight and I’d love to get there before I wean because I lose weight so much easier when breastfeeding but this last pound has been a stubborn one!
I’m also feeling more and more at peace with L being our last baby. She is absolutely perfect but I do feel stretched thin fairly often. Plus I’m ready to get my body back for good and focus on new family adventures
nectarine / 2460 posts
Oh and here’s a cute pic when I was trying to work yesterday with her home for Presidents Day 🥰
nectarine / 2690 posts
@JennyPenny: She's adorable
Wow, congrats on the weight loss, that's fantastic!
Yes, B is an early walker, but so was her big sister so I'm not at all surprised. They all go at their own pace, and my babies don't like to stay babies for long enough lol
nectarine / 2460 posts
Our babies are almost 1!!! I can't believe it. What's everybody up to? Any thoughts on celebrations?
For us, L is close to walking it seems. She cruises like a champ and can stand for a few seconds at a time. No steps yet though. She doesn't have any words which is starting to worry me a little bit. She's eating great. I'm working on stopping pumping/day nursing and going to start adding some cow milk this weekend. Daycare wants her off bottles completely by 1 but I'm not ready to tackle that yet.
I'd love to do a celebration for her and DS2 since their birthdays are 4 days apart. All the adults we'd invite should have at least their 1st shot by then and we'd probably still keep it outside so it feels a little safe? Feeling excited but nervous about a return to normal, that's for sure.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@JennyPenny: I know, this year has gone by way too fast!!!
So my girls birthdays are a week apart so we're having something small for each of them separately so that our soon to be 5 year old doesn't feel like her sister is over shadowing her birthday. So, small "party" at home for Bs 1st birthday with my parents and possibly his brother & family.
B isn't saying much, she says mama and dada/ daddy and yay lol but I swear she was trying to say peek a boo yesterday and the day before. Which is huge to me because P didn't talk much at all until we got her ear tubes at 3.
I've been trying to get her to start using sippy cups for like 2 months and she just does not want anything to do with them 🤦♀️
nectarine / 2690 posts
Oh, she has 5 teeth so far. 3 on the bottom and 2 up top but they're coming in out of order. The two up top are the left central incisors and the left lateral incisors lol and in the bottom she has both central incisors and the left lateral incisor.
nectarine / 2460 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: aww so sweet! I swear when I see babies standing like that it still feels like some sort of magic trick. I always do a double take
We have 5 teeth here too. They’re coming in in the normal order though I think.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@JennyPenny: I know it's so funny to see her walk, especially if she's just in her diaper cause then her little legs look so tiny next to her tummy
OMG your LOs hair is too cute! It's so long!! she's adorable!
nectarine / 2690 posts
my mom got a good pic of B's teeth today lol so, here she is with all her left side teeth haha
nectarine / 2460 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: So cute! And that’s so interesting how her teeth are coming in. We’re actually up to 7 teeth now and she’s taking a few independent steps! Crazy how much they grow in just a few weeks 🤪
nectarine / 2690 posts
I have a 1 year old!
We had a little "party" (aka my parents came over for pizza and cake lol) and she did really well with the cake lol
nectarine / 2460 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: Aww, so sweet! Happy Birthday, B ️
We too have a 1 year old! I can’t believe it. I’m definitely feeling it since we’re now 90% sure she’s our last. We did cake and presents with just us tonight for her birthday, but we’ll have local grandparents, aunts and uncles over on Sat for an outdoor gathering.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@JennyPenny: aww happy birthday L she's too cute!! And her in that last pic with the stuffed animal is so cute.
I hope you're at peace with your decision! (If it sticks )
nectarine / 2460 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: Thanks for this Your comment really made wonder "am I at peace with this?" and I realized that while I know I don't want any more kids, I think I'm grieving being done with the TTC/pregnancy/baby stage. And just putting that into words feels like a huge step in reaching peace. So thank you, thank you!
nectarine / 2690 posts
@JennyPenny: Aww you're welcome. I still have little twinges of sadness about it as well, and I am 150% sure that I'm done (obviously - tubal lol). It's totally normal. It's just knowing that era of life my is closed for good. And now I'll have to wait for grand babies because my friends are all done too lol but there's also a sense of peace for myself knowing that this is our life. And we can plan for the four of us. And it's wonderful
Sorry for rambling haha
nectarine / 2460 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: I love rambling! I think we will have a lot of babies from friends and siblings still to come. We were one of the first in our group to have kids. I think that might leave me with twinges of jealousy, but the planning for the future part you mentioned is one of the big upsides I see to being done. It sounds so nice to know exactly how many people there will be, and not have any “as long as I’m not pregnant or nursing or...” planning. That is exhausting.
In other news we had our small joint party this weekend. It was so much fun! Perfect weather and so nice to celebrate.
nectarine / 2460 posts
Hello, hello! How is everyone doing now that we have (almost) 2 year olds!? What have you been up to this past year?
As for us, we've moved houses which has been so wonderful. We're part of a real community now. L is mischievous and crazy active, plus a huge flirt. She climbs anything she can and wooes everyone she sees! She turns 2 on Thursday, but we celebrated with family this past Sunday.
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