nectarine / 2220 posts
@Grace: right. Me doing a part time peak hours position was actually one of the things we discussed as an option if I was willing to take a public facing, slightly lesser pay position for the year, so 9-2 would have been a good fit of is gone that direction. I'd also discussed a mon/Tuesday and every other Wednesday job share but opted to take a promotion to a position that they indicated the learning curve from where I started would be too steep part time, so I had to come back full time for now to get it, but maybe next baby it'll work out.
@Alivoo01: 3 days a week would have been perfect but as above they dangled a carrot (a position that anything other than a standard 40 hour week would have been "undue hardship") that inspired me to return full time for now. But my hope next time is to take as much of the two full as needed to get to kindergarten and then three days a week for the remainder and then possibly work out something to stay part time indefinitely.
clementine / 828 posts
@BabyMats: That is amazing! We did no party, and a grocery store cake. LO loved it, though.
nectarine / 2530 posts
Finally decided to just grab the photos from my sister's Facebook page ;). You can kind of get a sense of the outfits + month photos, and the drink station. Out of the shot was the dining room table with the hoagie ring, sloppy joes, and hot dogs. Cakes courtesy of BJs, smash cake courtesy of Wegmans *G*. Bouncy house and personalized birthday dress courtesy of a coworker.
pineapple / 12802 posts
@StrawberryBee: Those are great pics! What a little sweetie! I especially love the last pic, cakes gone, so is the tutu!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@.twist.: @MrsB2012: @Alivoo01: Thanks! if any of you are friends with my on FB you're probably sick and tired of those cake photos ;). We kept on getting different camera memory cards with all the cake shots, and couldn't resist the sugary cuteness! She had a grand time even though she didn't nap at all that day.
clementine / 828 posts
@StrawberryBee: That looks like fun.
DH got LO to drink cold WCM from a straw cup by making a little milk come out of the straw, so LO knew there is milk in there. He seems to be a fan. I have to say I am a little jealous now.
LO is 21 lb 9 oz and 30".
I pumped this morning at work for the last time, and I could not get a letdown. I guess that is a sign it is time to stop. Although, I feel quite full, and it will be over two hours until I feed LO.
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
I love all the birthday party pictures! Everyone looks like they had a great time.
K turns one tomorrow (well, in about 3 hours). I honestly can't believe that this time last year, I was at the hospital, waiting to meet our baby girl. I'm getting all weird and teary haha...such a suck!
pomelo / 5326 posts
Ok back from the cottage where I had no internet for a week. Thanks everyone for congratulating us on the house sale. It's a big relief!
@Mrs. Oatmeal: happy birthday K! Hope she has a great day. L spent her birthday yesterday sitting in her car seat on an 8 hour drive!
@StrawberryBee: love the photos! Thanks for sharing!
@skipper2010: We are still on 2 naps. Usually 10-12 and 3:30-4:30. In September at daycare she is supposed to be on one nap but we will see what happens.
As for trying for number 2.......Just found out I'm pregnant! I took a test on a whim yesterday cause I felt a little off at the cottage this week. Ironic that I get a BFP on L's birthday. Anyways I won't be joining the April thread yet because I have some spotting so want to make sure this is a-go before jumping the gun. I hope some of you will be joining me, sounds like a few of us were NTNP.
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
@delight: no way!! Congratulations!! So exciting! And happy birthday to L!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@delight: Congratlations!!! And did I read that right- your LO naps 5 hours a day?!?!?! That's amazing.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Mrs. Oatmeal: thanks and thanks from L!
@Grace: oh whoops I went back and edited. She naps 10-12 not 10-2. Haha! Can you imagine a 4 hour nap? I bet you were secretly hating me
nectarine / 2466 posts
@delight: yay! Congrats! Hope the spotting is nothing. You're so lucky you get a 2hr am nap still!
@Mrs. Oatmeal: happy birthday k!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@delight: oh my gosh, congrats!!! I am definitely not preggars (AF came last night with a vengeance), and happy to not be right now
pomelo / 5326 posts
@MrsB2012: thanks so much! Spotting has died down and I spotted til 7 weeks with L so hopefully all is well. I have her one year appt. on Monday so I'll see if I can get my HCG drawn or something.
@BabyMats: thanks! It seems a bit surreal. We tried hardcore with L and this was definitely not planned. But we were going to try in the fall so we are happy regardless.
@StrawberryBee: thanks! But Boo for AF! I was hoping you or @Alivoo01: would be joining me!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@delight: it would actually be really cool to be ku again together! I just don't know if we're planning on a second (or fourth, depending on your pov...I think more along the lines of fourth). I had a lot of 'what if' thoughts the last couple of days.
So excited for you though!
nectarine / 2466 posts
@delight: I'm so excited for you! Let me tell you, pregnancy the second time FLIES by. I'm already 15 weeks!
nectarine / 2031 posts
@delight: that's great! Really happy for you. We will start trying in September! So hopefully not far behind you!
nectarine / 2031 posts
@StrawberryBee: the bday pay looks like it turned out great! So adorable the cake smash pic!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@StrawberryBee: yeah I was hoping a few of us would be on a due date board together again! If you do decide to TTC soon, best wishes!
@MrsB2012: yeah I can't believe you are 15 weeks! I'm glad to hear it flies by, the first time was so slow. I know I'll be busy though with a toddler. I hope you are feeling well!
@BabyMats: good luck to you this fall!
kiwi / 597 posts
@StrawberryBee: Cute party! Love the tutu!
@delight: Oh wow congrats! Hope the spotting turns out to be nothing. Maybe you're just one of those bleeders? So exciting though!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@skipper2010: thanks! Spotting seems to have stopped. I did bleed off an on with L so I'm cautiously optimistic.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@BabyMats: @skipper2010: Thanks!
@delight: Glad the spotting stopped!
We got really daring this weekend and fed E toast with peanut butter on it. Yesterday we painted the upstairs bathroom (not completely sold on the color...the bathroom is pink and I was hoping the color would turn out more taupe and less gray). DH is up there installing the sconces right now, and then eventually we'll redo the vanity and I'll paint the medicine cabinet mirror to cover the beat up oak wood.
This was my relaxing weekend lol
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@Mrs. Oatmeal: Love the pics. Can't decide which of the last two are my favoirite.
@StrawberryBee: Yikes, that's busy. Good luck!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@StrawberryBee: I love looking at everyone's pictures of their LO, and fun party pix are even better! Display away girl!!
@delight: OMG!!! Congratulations!!!! Eep!! So happy and excited for you!!! My cycles haven't regulated yet so dunno when AF is due for me again, but I'd love to be preggo this month. I'd love an April or May baby!
@StrawberryBee: I love/hate house renos! The end result is always so rewarding, but getting there sometimes is like pulling teeth with the mouth of a sailor. lol!!
@Mrs. Oatmeal: Love her smash cake photos!!
clementine / 828 posts
@delight: Congratulations!
I was overly optimistic about the WCM, LO has only been drinking a small amount. Also, he is constipated. I am pretty sure it is from the weaning, we are down to 3 times a day, from 6.
pineapple / 12802 posts
@mdf106: Are you sure it's constipation? L only poops a couple times a day now and it's usually pretty loose. Either way, I hope he feels better asap!
@Mrs. Oatmeal: I saw her pics on FB, she is just the sweetest! Love her little hair do. I also like to caption that middle photo as "Look Ma, no hands!". ALSO, did you bake a billion cakes?
@delight: OMGGGGGGG. Congratulations! I hope the spotting is nothing and I'm just thrilled for you!
@StrawberryBee: I am right there with you in the "fourth" department. To Fourth, or not to Fourth. That is the question. I would actually love to be preggo again too.
clementine / 828 posts
@.twist.: I am sure, LO was straining and crying for a long time, and was pretty clearly in pain. I could tell that the poop was right there, and it was hard when it finally came. I think I actually missed the beginning of the constipation because he has been pooping daily, and yesterday he actually pooped multiple times, but they have been pretty hard. I thought that was normal for weaning, but I guess not.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Alivoo01: seriously, I think few things test a marriage more than doing a reno project together! I'm kind of bummed with how the bathroom paint color came out, but it's too late to do much about it now except repaint again when I feel up to it (blah). At least the sconces look nice. I really hate pink tile :/.
Also, the upstairs laundry project is bigger than we initially thought, so now that's on hold while we figure out what to do (replace lower cabinets with one intended for a utility tub, and figure out how to drain the catch basin in case of an overflow).
@.twist.: time ticks on, and I just don't know what to do! I mean, I do realize I still have time (turning 35 in a few months). I just kind of feel like I'm somewhat of a useless mom, so I'm not sure I'd want to inflict another kid with me. I feel very...disconnected, and DH picks up for a lot of my slack. I keep on hoping that as she gets to more and more interactive stages, that things will finally click.
I just feel tired and overwhelmed at all times, and I'm not even doing that much.
Mrs Carrot's post on introverts really hit home:
pomegranate / 3329 posts
@delight: Congratulations!!!
@Mrs. Oatmeal: Cute!! Love the no hands!
@mdf106: Oh no, poor little guy
We had Charlie's party this weekend and overall it was a success! I had to make the cakes because both of my go-to bakers have kids in 4-H so they were at the county fair all week/weekend. I'm not a spectacular baker, and ran out of frosting
Here's a couple pictures! I fought with the ribbon banner for a good half hour before calling it good enough
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Mrs. Oatmeal: so adorable! I love her little pony tail!
@Alivoo01: thanks! I'm still getting over the shock. My cycles hadn't really regulated either, I'm still BF, and I think that's why this has been a surprise. A happy surprise though. Hope you join me soon!
@mdf106: thanks! And poor thing, I hope the constipation ends soon. I echo @Grace: get some prunes into him stat!
@.twist.: thank you! There hasn't been anymore spotting today. I was hoping to get blood drawn at L's one year appointment today. Well wouldn't you know, I thought the appt. was at 11 and it was at 10. Totally missed it. Ugh, now I have to wait until our rescheduled appointment next Monday!
@StbHisMrs: thanks! I love your pictures. Looks like a great party and I love all the details. I love the ribbon banner!
nectarine / 2220 posts
@delight: Oh wow, congrats!
@Mrs. Oatmeal: Oh wow, she was seriously into that cake!
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
Sorry I haven't been very active on this thread lately. Going to try and keep up better!
@StrawberryBee: Your party looks so fun!! Those cakes look delicious. I'm sure E had a blast! M wore that same tutu skirt for her cake smash pics
@delight: Ahhhh congrats on your pregnancy!! When is your due date?? Are you planning to be TG again? So exciting! I had a lot of spotting in the beginning with M.
@Mrs. Oatmeal: She is too cute! Love that she just went for it with no hands.
@Alivoo01: You mean you don't want another summer baby? But it was so pleasant being 8 months pregnant in the Texas heat...
@mdf106: Sorry to hear about the constipation...hope it's better now!
@StbHisMrs: She is such a doll! You did a great job!!
Here's an update from our end:
--M is still not walking. Cruising and she walks really well with her walker, just can't walk unassisted yet. People keep asking if she's walking yet which I find very frustrating because they seem surprised when I say no.
--She's been doing really well with mimicking. She definitely knows "dada" and I think she knows that I'm mama. She doesn't say much else. Oh, I think she knows "nana" (bananas). They're her fave.
--She transitioned to the toddler room at daycare this week. I was worried because they started the transition a couple of weeks ago (would bring her to the toddler room for a couple of hours a day) and she was not a fan. Lots of separation anxiety when her teachers left her with her new teachers. Luckily she's fine now and hasn't been crying at dropoff.
--We started the transition to WCM a couple of weeks ago and it's going surprisingly well. I still have a couple hundred oz of BM in our deep freezer, so we've been mixing it and putting a little less BM and a little more WCM each week. She even takes it cold now which is so much easier than having to heat it. Now we just have to bottle wean
--Last night was night 4 in a row of STTN. Finally!! We night-weaned at the recommendation of the ped, and we've seen great results. Still nursing in the morning/before bed and on the weekends, but DH and I are going to Vegas in October, so I'm hoping to just not offer to nurse when we get back. Hopefully it works!
--Solids are going better. Still giving her purees to get her fruits & veggies in, but the girl loves carbs. Animal crackers, pancakes, and cheez-its are her faves. A month ago she couldn't even eat puffs without gagging and spitting up, so we've made some serious progress. Hope it continues.
Phew, sorry for the novel! How is everyone else doing??
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