nectarine / 2220 posts
@.twist.: I'm still AF free at this point. I assumed it would come back once I stopped nursing so much (down to only morning and night) but she's still absent. Which is nice on one hand, but doesn't bode well for trying to #2 anytime soon since I had fertility issues/long cycles the first time too.
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
@.twist.: My cycles have been way different. I have/had (?) PCOS, so pre-baby, they were 35-80 days long, no CM at all, bad cramps, wicked breakouts. Post baby, they're 30-33 days long, TONS of CM (sorry...), still wicked breakouts, but the PMS is insane. And the cramps. And they're crazy heavy.
Lol...I'm glad they're regular now, but COME ON!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@chanzi: Aww, he's so big!! What kind of cake is he eating? It looks especially ooey gooey and messy.
nectarine / 2530 posts
everyone's LO's look so much older than E!
@chanzi: soooo cute ^_^
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@StrawberryBee: Paige looks a similar age to your LO. Chanzi's little one does look way older though. I think it's because he has so much hair!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@.twist.: I'm no help, my cycles were regular before BC, regular during, and now regular after (in fact, it came back way too soon considering I was still BFing!). I'm pretty much on the dot either 28 or 29 day cycles. I'm not on BC though we really haven't talked about having more kids. May have more EWCM than before? I think it's pretty easy to figure out when I'm ovulating now (and if I'm wrong...we'll find out and E will get another sib ).
I can't tell what part of my reactions any more are just situation, and what part are hormones.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Grace: I think too it's the fact that it seems like everyone else is walking, and E refuses to ;).
So this is exciting...we toured a daycare this weekend because I really want E to get some social interaction. Just part time two days a week to start (we can't afford to do any a reminder, DH watches her during the day). They're pretty affordable considering that they count 5 hours a day as part time, and seem really flexible in terms of days (if we miss a day, we can make it up on a different day!). I think we're going to go for it.
But now I just bought her first shoes online (what with colder weather coming, and being outside with daycare). Can't believe how expensive they are!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@StrawberryBee: Hahahaha! Paige refuses to walk too! The kid can walk with a toy shopping cart with one hand. She will pull that cart out from behind the couch walking backwards. When she realises that she's standing on her own, she will slowly squat down until she's on the floor. She totally refuses to take a step on her own.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Grace: the most Ella does is shuffle around her activity table ;). Even better, she refuses to stand unless she's done it herself. All other attempts result in buckled knees and complaints.
I bet the shopping cart approach is too cute!
nectarine / 2220 posts
@chanzi: Oh wow, he looks so mature! I always think kids that have more hair are way older than my daughter. And I just noticed now that everybody else said the same thing.
@StrawberryBee: Baby shoes kill me too. I ordered a few pairs for N too since she's walking and playing outside lots at daycare, and was like, wow, I don't even spend $40 on my OWN shoes.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@.twist.: My cycles are the same in regards to length and flow, but still haven't regulated yet which drives me bonkers since we're NTNP/TTC and I don't want to invest in OPKs just yet. My face looks like a teenager and I'm so embarrassed. I feel twinges all the time in my tummy but no idea what it correlates to. I'm like O? AF? just because? lol
@StrawberryBee: Yay for finding a reasonable and flexible daycare. I love that they allow you to "makeup" days!!
@Sapphiresun: @StrawberryBee: Ditto on the shoes!! Thankfully, DS has been wearing the same pair for a few months yet, but I think we're inching closer to going up the next size. I "lucked out" on this pair because it was on sale, but still. what the heck man?! like you said, I don't even spend that much on my own pair of shoes. shoo! And they're like 10 pairs of his shoes in comparison to material! lol
pomelo / 5326 posts
@.twist.: I got my cycle back at 4m PP and they were pretty similar to before. I had been having a short LP, light flow, and spotting before AF until I got KU.
@chanzi: yeah Happy Birthday! What a cutie!
@StrawberryBee: that daycare sounds like an awesome fit! I hope it goes well!!
We are all settled in to our new house now, L loves how there is more room to cruise around. Like lots of your babies, we aren't walking yet, but I think she's close. She has attempted a few steps here and there, but then starts giggling and sits down. It's like she's just toying with us. She'll push her wagon around for an hour straight so I know she can do it!
We started daycare last week and it's going great. It a home daycare and the lady has been letting her have two naps which is awesome. She got sent home her second day with a high fever but I, pretty sure that was a reaction to the MMR shot. She also is getting two molars so that could be why too.
I had a bleeding scare Thursday so had to go get my betas drawn and I'm booked for a scan this afternoon. I should be 8w so here's hoping they find a HB. I've been down this road before but I'm pretty excited for L to have a sibling so I hope it works out.
I hope all you ladies are enjoying your one year olds, it's crazy a year has passed already!! Here's a picture that my daycare provider sent yesterday, she's great with texting me updates.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@delight: Good luck! I hope you see a HB! That's a great pic - such chubby cheeks?
For you ladies with the walking babies - did you have a sleep regression right before walking? Did it last long? P has decided to start sleeping like a newborn again - I'm so tired!!!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Sapphiresun: @Alivoo01: on the price of shoes: exactly! I honestly think they're charging it just because they can and they know us crazy parents will pay it. FYI, I got pedipeds at cottonbabies for $30. It was the cheapest I found. She tried on a pair of sneakers at Ollie's from Strike Rite that were pretty stinking cute, but we don't want to buy a shoe with a harder sole quite yet.
Also, I found a Jellycat bear at Home Goods yesterday that I had actually been stalking on Amazon. Completely caved and bought him. She needs more stuffed animals like never, but I couldn't resist. I actually gave him a hug this morning before leaving for work ^^;;
@delight: Glad to hear daycare has been going well! Will be thinking of you today
pineapple / 12802 posts
@Sapphiresun: I was AF free until I completely weaned!
@Mrs. Oatmeal: The PMS is outrageous. Ugh. What is PCOS?
@StrawberryBee: You're lucky! I thought my cycles were pretty regular, but after thinking about it, I really wouldn't have any idea since BC kept me really regular. I haven't been off it long enough, ever, to see what my cycles are really like. It's kinda making me nervous since we aren't really ready for #2, if at all! The mood swings are probably the worst because I was a reeeeeally chill/likeable person before this and I feel like I am an insane crazy biiiiatch now!
@Alivoo01: haha I totally feel like that too! AF? O? Bloating? Mood swings? What is happening to me!!!!!
@delight: Thanks. Good luck on your scan, I hope everything is going well.
I'm not feeling any better about this no-period thing. I kind of like routine and clockwork and this shiz is stressing me out. I'm too scared to take a HPT, so I dunno... ugh.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@delight: Good luck! And that picture - omg!! So cute!!! Love that they sent you pictures!!
@Grace: DS was never a great sleeper from the get go. When I quit nursing, he also started walking shortly thereafter. I want to say there was a slight sleep regression because right before he learned to crawl, he still was even worse than his normal terrible. I don't think it lasted long (thank goodness).
@StrawberryBee: DS's shoes are from Stride Rite also, but they're hard soled. Wish he took towards a lovey. Would totally help with him being able to sleep in his own bed. But no..... I'm his lovey. Ugh and (sweet) sigh. lol
nectarine / 2530 posts
@.twist.: Yeah, I completely feel like a crazy pants now. Like I have no tolerance for anything. Not sure if that's hormonal, a typical reaction to stress, lack of sleep (and I can't even complain!) or what.
I reallllly need to get back on the BC bandwagon, but I'm a little afraid that it'll make things worse!
@Alivoo01: It's kind of cute that you're his lovey, but I can see where that would get old fast ;).
Last night E quieted in her crib, then started screaming about 15 minutes later. Turns out "rattle bird" fell out of her crib, and she was reaching through the slats trying to get him back!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Grace: @Alivoo01: @.twist.: @StrawberryBee: thanks ladies for the well wishes. Everything looked good, they found a baby with a strong HB, due April 30.
pineapple / 12802 posts
@delight: ooooh! If you are 9 days early, that would be the best birthday (It's mine! ahaha!) Jk though, seriously, I hope you have a very full and healthy pregnancy!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@.twist.: haha thanks so much. I wouldn't mind being 9 days early at all, I'll do my best. Thanks for the support!
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
@.twist.: poly cystic ovarian syndrome. Basically the root if our infertility the first time around. Causes all sorts of wonderful symptoms like inability to lose weight, acne, bodily hair growth, and crazy cycles.
pomegranate / 3329 posts
@MrsB2012: We just reverted back to a bottle, so we'll be right there with you
@.twist.: I hadn't been, but I started after I posted that and it didn't help. She's taking it cold out of a bottle just fine now.
@Alivoo01: Yes, big sigh. Such a mess! Thing is, she was doing just fine with both a straw and regular sippy cup and then all of a sudden she though it was more fun to take a milk bath.
@StrawberryBee: So cool that she didn't give you much trouble!
@Grace: I haven't, but I will give it a try, thank you!
@mdf106: I let her do it for about two weeks, it didn't get any less funny to her! I gave up and gave her a bottle back, at least she's drinking milk now!
@Sapphiresun: I'm going to look up a WOW cup, never heard of it.
@Chanzi: He's so cute
@Delight: Glad to hear all is well and you have a date, congratulations!! I have an April baby (almost teen :shock )!
L is gorgeous!!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@StrawberryBee: @Mrs. Oatmeal: @StbHisMrs: thanks so much ladies!
Is anyone else's LOs obsessed with kissing? It's super cute but she spends all day kissing things. She tries to kiss all the moms that pick up their kids at the daycare, she spends like an hour a day just kissing stuffed animals, she kisses every toy she plays with. I imagine it's just another "stage" and it's not a bad one, just wondering if anyone else can relate!
pomegranate / 3329 posts
@delight: I don't think she's kissed anything except me, that sounds pretty adorable though!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@StrawberryBee: @StbHisMrs: The kissing is a running joke at daycare. I got this text from my provider yesterday: "Apple stamping. Why paint on the face?! Livy had to kiss each painted apple and her art work when finished. :-)". Bahahaha.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@StrawberryBee: Yay for a heartbeat and a due date!!!
@.twist.: There's a chance @StrawberryBee:'s baby's bday could still be your bday! 9 days early isn't unfeasible!!
@delight: DS only kisses me and only when he wants to. Normally it's a night time thing. He's a really, really sloppy kisser too. lol. Yours on the other hand - how freaking adorable!!! As for that picture and caption - hahaha!! Love it!!!!
cherry / 233 posts
@Grace: It's carrot cake (recipe from Smitten Kitchen--it was so good!).
@StrawberryBee: @Sapphiresun: He has always looked old, the hair definitely contributes but I think it's also his face. Plus he's kind of tall and skinny? A couple people have guessed he was two, which... Idk if they aren't that familiar with kids or what since he's only 20 lbs!
I just bought his second pair of shoes since he outgrew the first pair and is walking now. So cute but so expensive! They're pediped and I found them at 6pm for $27 which is quite good, but still, they don't wear them for long...
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Alivoo01: hee, I think you meant @delight: . No babies cooking over here...yet
clementine / 828 posts
@chanzi: Happy birthday.
@delight: My LO loves the more room in our house, too. The living areas are semi-open, which gives him plenty of room to wander, while still being supervised.
@StrawberryBee: @Alivoo01: @Sapphiresun: I have had good luck buying shoes on sale from Amazon. I bought a pair of Robeez sandals (plain brown) and a pair of Stride Ride sneakers for when LO outgrows the sandals and/or it gets too cold. The stride rites are hard soled. The were both in the $20 range.
@delight: Congratulations.
My LO is going through a daddy phase. I think it happened when I cut down on nursing. It is definitely making me want to not totally wean yet. He used to run to me and cling when I got home from work, and he will come say hi, and keep playing. Also, he says daddy (dah dee) and my dog's name, but won't say mama or mommy. Sometimes he calls me dada. I know I should not expect it, since he just started talking at all. On the plus side, our pediatrician said he wanted four words by 15 months, and we are already there. (daddy, dog's name, ticka ticka for tickle, ball).
pineapple / 12802 posts
@mdf106: Aw, I get it. Everything and every one is Dada around here, even me! I know he CAN say Mama, but he won't. Don't take it too personally, your time will come Congrats on reaching your 4 words!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@mdf106: ha, E's name for DH is momma ;). And quite frankly, he watches her more than I do! I think they know
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@delight: I so glad everything looks ok! The kissing is adorable! I love that she had to kiss the paint! Paige won't kiss anymore. Actually, I've resorted to asking for a kiss to get a hug.
@mdf106: So much talking! That's awesome!
I am so happy that we did professional pics for P's one-year birthday. I put the "sneak peek" in the gold thread. I love them and can't wait for the rest.
nectarine / 2466 posts
So B will be 14 months in 2 days. Today for the first time ever.. she clapped hahah. I knew she could do it, and she knows what 'clap' means. Gosh this girl is so stubborn and refuses to do anything for anyone haha. She's starting to say a few more words which is cute too. It's so need to see them grow and develop at this age!
We found out that she's getting a little sister I'm really happy to have 2 girls, but my husband is a little sad. This is probably our last and he really wanted a son. I understand how he feels, but I hope he gets over it soon.
Hope everyone else is doing well
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