nectarine / 2530 posts
@MrsB2012: congrats on having two girls! Poor hubs though, I can understand why it would take some adjustment. All I can think of is them being best friends and playing together (at least until the teenage years lol).
E started going to daycare yesterday! Just two half days a week, so today was her second day. So far no tears, and we're getting photo updates during the day. Yesterday they made green footprint apples, and today she was playing with another little girl in their play kitchen. I'm so excited that she's adjusting well and seems to be having fun :).
Edited for something I remembered I wanted to post: does anyone else's LO have big babbly conversations that make no sense? lol E just strings together all these sounds that don't seem to make real words
Also, she says "Whoa!" which we find hysterical.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@StrawberryBee: hahah B always says Whoa whoa whoa whoaaaa. I laugh every time. She says it when she cries too which makes it even more hilarious! She strings lots of sounds together too that make no sense. It's funny
That's good daycare is working out well! I kind of wish that B went once in a while to help socialize her a bit more. I don't know any babies her age. We did start a mommyfit class that had 4 other kids her age, but with my work rotation it doesn't work out that I can go too often.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@MrsB2012: That's exactly why we signed her up for daycare, for the socialization aspect. I want her to get used to being away from us and knowing that that's okay. Anything she learns is a side perk :).
This was the longest half day I could find in the area...they consider 5 hours to be half! So she leaves during lunch/right before naptime.
I have a high school friend who has two boys, one of whom is only a bit younger than E. Also have a coworker with a little girl 4 months younger than E. Would love to hang out with both of them for play dates, but they live a bit too far to make it an easy thing to set up :(. I hope that once we have the basement redone as a big playroom/family room, that we'll be able to start planning things.
Speaking of which, I have this grand vision in my head of the basement redo. DH finally agreed to help paint it this weekend, so my mom and sister are coming to watch E while we tackle it. I'm so excited to see it's just wasted space right now.
nectarine / 2220 posts
@MrsB2012: Yay! Another girl. I come from a family of two girls and there truly is no friend like your sister
@StrawberryBee: Glad she's doing well at daycare. And yes, my kid babbles to herself all the time.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@MrsB2012: Congrats on baby girl #2!!
@StrawberryBee: Yes!!!! on the babbly conversations. He'll go on and on and on, and I'm like what?! huh?! So I just respond with oh really? yea? blah blah blah. hahaha. DS says "uh oh" a lot.
DS has been learning a lot the past month or two, but every time he learns something new, he seems to "forget" the old stuff. He clearly knows how to do them still, but when we ask him to do the old stuff, he looks at me like I'm crazy. What the heck!?
Yay that she's enjoying daycare!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Sapphiresun: @Alivoo01: haha, I took a video of her yesterday 'reading' books to herself. I love it.
Dropoff today at daycare involved some tears, but they sent us pictures later that show she got over it :).
@Alivoo01: E can't remember that she knows how to roll over. If she's on her back she's effectively 'turtled' and gets angry XD
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@MrsB2012: Congratulations on two girls! AND the clapping. P started that too, about a month ago and it's so much fun. Just clicked one day. I think she was stubborn too!
@StrawberryBee: I'm so glad that daycare is going well! We are day three into daycare and hardly any crying. It's such a relief. I'm really jealous of your photo updates, though. I know she's having fun, but I'd love the detailed updates on how the day is going. Lots of babbling, but not really conversations yet. She's interested in listening to herself, but doesn't have the inflections yet that you hear in kids that really sound like they are "talking".
Turtled. Lol - that's a great mental picture.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Grace: They use some sort of notification system to send the photos out (along with some captions, like "oh she's playing with so and so today"). Then at the end of the day there's an update that simply states what she ate, how much of it, how many dirty diapers she had, as well as what activities happened.
It goes directly to our emails, so I'm glued to my phone the days she goes to daycare ;). Today it looks like it was reading and leaf art.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@MrsB2012: congrats on a another little girl!!
@StrawberryBee: so glad daycare is going well. It's such a relief when they are happy there.
L walked today for the first time. She did about 10 steps from me to DH! So exciting! Hope all your babes are doing well!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@StrawberryBee: oh, that's even more cool! We have old school notebooks, but they do the job.
@delight: yea for walking! That's so exciting!
nectarine / 2220 posts
@delight: Yay! Now the fun really begins.
Well, we're officially done nursing I think! We were down to morning and night since I went back to work in August, and in the last couple weeks sessions were being skipped, and I went away for the weekend and couldn't pump anything, but could hand express a little, but she likes to just get up and walk away lately so she had her last session Friday night, and so far so good!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Grace: @Sapphiresun: thanks! It's hilarious watching her walk around!
@Sapphiresun: I'm glad the weaning went well! We dropped our last session (we were down to just night) two weeks ago and haven't had any issues. I hope it continues to go well for you.
clementine / 828 posts
@MrsB2012: My LO started clapping pretty recently. He also likes to clap my hands.
@Sapphiresun: @delight: I am still nursing once a day at bedtime, and I keep going back and forth on dropping it. I was all set to stop when LO turns 14 months, but he had one night where he woke up in the middle of the night, and nursing was the only thing that got him back down. And he still seems to enjoy it, although we have been on once a day for over a month. On the other hand, I have a sinus infection, and some sudafed would be nice. When you dropped the bedtime session, do you replace it with a cup of milk, or drop the bedtime milk? I start bedtime about an hour after dinner ends.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
Are any of you dealing/dealt with separation anxiety? LO has gotten crazy in the night. She'll wake super early like 4 or 5 or 6 and not let me put her back to bed.
nectarine / 2220 posts
@mdf106: For about a month I offered milk during story time before nursing. We get home late so, we would do dinner, bath right after, story and milk, nurse, cuddle, sleep. Sometimes she declines the milk even still (toddler speak for tosses it on the floor and screams), but now I just offer the milk and skip the nursing session.
clementine / 828 posts
@Sapphiresun: Thanks. I offered milk, and it went fine. Well, I might have cried a little... I know LO would have been happy to nurse longer, but after almost two years, I am ready to have my body to myself for a little while.
What is anyone's LO going to be for Halloween? LO is going to be a shark. I did not bother dressing him up last year, so I am excited to this year.
nectarine / 2466 posts
@mdf106: A shark is going to be so cute! She's going to be a mouse. I got a costume from carters on clearance for $2 last year for this year. I won't be here though, I'm going to Seattle with my mom and sisters for a shopping weekend. This will be my first time leaving B. I already have anxiety about it haha.
nectarine / 2530 posts
Going on 2+ weeks of a barely functioning fridge. Here's hoping that tomorrow's attempted delivery is the winner.
E's going to be Cinderella ;). Like @MrsB2012: , I got it on clearance last year. We also have a Minnie Mouse backup that's softer/more comfy.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@mdf106: LO is going as an owl. Super cute costume from Carters. They are having a Halloween potluck at daycare and I'm going to send this:
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Grace: L is going to be the Carter's owl too! She's obsessed with owls. Probably because I feed into it and dress her in owl pjs and onesies all the time. That pumpkin fruit platter is amazing. @StrawberryBee: hope you're back to living with a fridge! That must have been horrible!
Make sure everyone posts Halloween photos
nectarine / 2530 posts
@delight: yes, thanks! I'm afraid to look at my credit card statement though. Definitely an ouch. I don't feel like spending the money to replace all the food we lost just yet, so things are rather bare
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
It's been awhile ladies, how's it going?? What's new and happening with y'all?
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Alivoo01: I was just thinking of finding this thread and bumping it! How's things going with you guys?
We're getting ready to pop out #2 any time now If I was to have this babe the same time that I had B, it's only 10 days away! Not that it happens that way, but I have wishful thinkin
B finalllllllly started walking. She had been taking 2-5 steps for months and months and months ( Seriously, like 5 months) and on Xmas eve she just decided crawling was for babies and started running around.
I've been on maternity leave for a month ( a month today actually ) so it's been so nice to be home with B again. It's crazy how fast they've grown up! Hope everyone is doing well!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Alivoo01: @MrsB2012: ahh, was also thinking of this thread just yesterday :).
@MrsB2012: so exciting that #2 is almost there for you! I can't even imagine it. I was just telling DH that if we put an infant up against E, that she'd look so big.
Along that thread, I just went back on bc (it originally messed with my BFing, and then I was just lazy and didn't want to take it). So after months of just avoiding 'being with' DH for large chunks of the month ( ) I was taking the minipill this month for the first time, and DH dropped a bombshell on me that he wouldn't mind more kids. So now my brain is reeling with that, my age (35), E's age, and the fact that we're going on a big trip to Universal Studios this summer and I want to be able to ride all the rides ;).
E's taking some shaky independent steps but still prefers crawling. I feel like we're So Close to actual walking/running. A real dick of a dr at her last checkup (which unfortunately I wasn't there for) told DH that she had benign hypotonia (super loose joints, which she has never shown any signs of) but offered no suggestions for what we should do about it. I think he was just showing off in front of the resident.
Am changing peds ASAP. He said/did a few other asinine things, so I'm through with this practice. E's bump on her leg from her first vaccination (which is apparently a figment of our imagination) got really raised, different colors, and red today, so I really want someone to take a look at it again and just give me peace of mind that it happens sometimes.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@Alivoo01: Thanks for bumping the thread! You never gave your own update.
@MrsB2012: Oh!!! That's exciting! Good luck!
@StrawberryBee: Ha! That is a bombshell. I guess the door's never really closed. I hope you find a better doctor. I've never heard of a bump lasting that long.
After driving me crazy with not babbling and no words, even though it seemed like all your LOs were little chatterboxes, P started talking up a storm out of the blue last month. She went from saying only Dada to 25+ words in a month. It's so fun to hear her. Walking went the same way. On Halloween, she figured it out and then started walking everywhere. I'm really loving this age. It's a relief, because although I've always loved P to bits, I haven't loved the baby stage. This stage is so much fun! I'm going to enjoy it with all I've got before the tantrums start in earnest!
nectarine / 2031 posts
@Alivoo01: yes! Whats going on with you and your lo?
@MrsB2012: fingers crossed for baby to come soon! So excited for u and yay for B running
@StrawberryBee: glad u are getting rid of that asshole doctor. That would have pissed me off bummer u werent there to shut him up. Also get a second opinion on the loose joints AND that bump. Im super annoyed for you guys.
On the other note,use the summer trip to try for another one good luck on whatever u decide to do!
@Grace: so much easier when they can express themselves a little more huh and so fun to hear their cute little voices. I agree this is a fun age.
As for my neck of the woods G is a very energetic lo that is a crazy daredevil he climbs up our glider and face first dive over the couch armrest onto the cpuch and roll. He thinks its hilarious. (It is kind of funny) and he loves to talk back when he doesnt get his way and when he is getting scolded he just turns his back on you and faces the wall or corner like ignoring what we say (so frustrating! ) makes me nervous because we are expecting again but got sideblinded with the fact that its twins Still trying to wrap my head around it due june 5th. Hope G is done with his attitude by then (yeah right) and turns into a super helpful big brother fingers crossed.
kiwi / 597 posts
@Alivoo01: Things are going well here! 17 months is SUCH a fun age! DS is learning new words by the day, and it's so fun hearing him "talk". He's also finally more interested in books, so we can actually sit down and read whereas before the only time I could get him to sit quietly was when he was in his highchair eating.
We've decided to start NTNP this month. The thought of two is a little less terrifying now that DS can understand a little more and I don't spend my days JUST chasing him around while he gets into everything. lol
Honestly I never thought I would love being a mom this much. I never really believed that parenting cliche "it's hard, but so worth it" before I had kids, but now I get it.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Grace: I know what you mean, I love that E's more interactive and can (somewhat) express how she's feeling and what she wants :). Makes her more of a person, if that makes sense. So glad P is having a language explosion!
@BabyMats: The one appointment I didn't go to because work was crazy busy. I hate them so much right now. Also PMSing so I'm a wreck of emotions. They also completely misdiagnosed E's strep throat (he announced at the door that she had a virus. Uhm, can you please at least step through the doorway before you diagnose her? Maybe even do an exam?). He gave her antibiotics for an ear infection. It was my dr visit where we found out it was strep. I just have horrid luck with doctors.
Omigosh twins! I'm sure G will be fine
@skipper2010: I know what you mean!
pineapple / 12802 posts
@Alivoo01: I have been thinking about you!!!! Where have you beeeeeen? How is C?
@MrsB2012: I cannot wait to meet your NEW LO. I can't believe you're so close already!
@StrawberryBee: WOW! That is a big deal! Good thing you make cute babies.
@Grace: I totally relate. I wasn't totally in love with the infant stage, but the toddler stage (despite the tantrums!) has been SO much fun.
@BabyMats: omg! Congrats on your twins! I seriously can't wait to see all these cute new babies from our original group!
@skipper2010: oooh! Exciting future adventure for you.
Well, same as a lot of you, L is talking up a storm and it's so cute in his somewhat, own, language! He is so independent and determined. He's quite timid though, too. Gives the best hugs. He really is just such a joy right now. I'm looking forward to our future.
Held a little newborn the other day and realised that no baby fever was setting in, so I think we have at least another year to decide if we want another one and to start trying, if we decide to take that road. It's nice to know I'm not "wanting" it but can't have it. I would love another one someday but just not right now. Maybe in 2 - 3 years?
nectarine / 2530 posts
@.twist.: thanks doll
I had just talked myself out of any future babies (you know, the two older kids, the fact that with five of us we still fit in some hotel rooms, in a normal car, all these things I think about). I think it took me going back on bc (after having several delayed AFs and mildly freaking out) for DH to realize that it wasn't going to happen without him saying something. He brought up that E could use a sibling closer to her age, and that he loves watching her, loves kids, and would have 10 more (ha) if he could.
Everyone is pretty used to the idea that we aren't trying for more, so if we do end up preggars it'll be a shock
pineapple / 12802 posts
@StrawberryBee: I totally relate!!! For all the reasons you mentioned. I know, too, that DH would be down to have a boatload more kids if we were able to do so! hahaha I'm thinking one more MAX.
kiwi / 558 posts
@MrsB2012: congrats on the new baby soon and for LO walking!@BabyMats: Twins that's so exciting!
To everyone else whose LO is progressing and growing yay to them!
C is finally eating more real food as we have gotten down to only 3 nursing sessions a day and no nursing in the middle of the night. Next up is trying to get her out of our bed and into the crib and doing some kind of sleep training since she doesn't know how to put herself to sleep! It's going to be rough but hopefully it will go a long way in helping DH and I are rekindle our relationship.
clementine / 828 posts
@MrsB2012: That is exciting.
@BabyMats: Wow, twins!
@skipper2010: Being a mom has been much more fun (and easier) than I expected. I plan to TTC in a month or two, which is a little sooner than I would like, but DH has really bad baby fever, and I am not getting any younger (35).
I feel like LO is talking less than the other LOs, although he has been adding a lot of words. He has maybe 20 words. His favorite new word is uh-oh, although up is a constant favorite. I worry that it is because DH and I do not talk to him enough, neither of us is a big talker. I love watching him learn and grow. He is getting into his megablocks and imaginative play, and really developing a sense of humor.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@MrsB2012: I can’t believe THAT much time has passed since we’ve all last chit chatted – you’re about to pop?! OMG!!!
@StrawberryBee: Boo for no Bueno doctors! Hope you find one you trust and love soon.
@Grace: OMG! Yes with the word explosion and conceptual understanding!! One day he doesn’t say/do such-and-such and the next day, he acts like he’s been doing it all along!! I love this age and can’t wait till we can communicate better. He still grunts a lot when he wants/needs something and it’s frustrating when I can’t understand him and he just gets upset.
@BabyMats: OMG!!! Congratulations!! And twins?? Going to be a party in your house 24/7 girl!! Boys are such dare-devils though. It’s cute and funny, but omg, does my heart stop when he nears an edge. Eek!
@skipper2010: Good luck on your TTC journey!!!
@.twist.: aww!! Miss you too girlie!!
@HTownMom: OMG!! I can totally relate on a baby not being able to soothe a baby back to sleep! DS never took to a pacifier, blankie, or any type of lovey. It’s so annoying! I feel like that was a vital piece of sleep training so my lil booger just cried and cried and cried till he puked or we picked him up. Sigh…
@mdf106: baby "uh-oh" and "ow" is so darn cute though!! The way they say it makes my heart melt!!
As for us, the past 2 months have been a HUGE developmental leap for us. He understands more and can listen to commands. We tell him to go throw away his diaper, he knows where to go when I tell him we need to change his diaper, where he needs to sit when he wants milk, etc. He also knows all the hand signals/motions for songs like wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider, head-shoulders-knees-and-toes, etc.
He also sprouted 3 new teeth bringing us to 11 teeth total now, but still no molars. What the heck. 17 months and teething is still a b-i-t-see-ach to deal with. It means no sleep for us. Oof.
He’s been walking since he turned one and prefers walking over sitting in the stroller. Hand holding only happens when we’re crossing the street or he’s stepping down/up a step. Need to work on that better. Once in a while, something in his brain shorts circuit telling him he’s drunk or something because he’ll be walking/running just fine and dandy then BOOM! He’s veering severely off track and stumbling over his feet crashing into the nearest obstacle or wall. *blink blink* what just happened?! Haha
As for more babies, we’ve been TTC for a few months now, but nada so far. We didn’t conceive easily the first time either and I was hoping maybe it’d be faster the second go round, but nope! So we’ll see!
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