nectarine / 2466 posts
@StrawberryBee: sorry you had a hard time with your Dr, hopefully you can get a better one soon!
@BabyMats: I can't believe you're having twins! 3 under 2?! That'll be fun! Congrats!!
@skipper2010: good luck with NTNP!
@Alivoo01: that's crazy how much he understands. It's just so weird when you say something out loud and then they just follow the direction. It's crazy seeing the development!
B really isn't into books. She would never sit still and let you read a book to her. She will go and grab one on her own and flip through it, but no chance she will let you actually read to her. She does like the ones that have all the different materials and she'll sort of let you flip through it with her but that's it.
She talks, but not a lot. A lot of her words she only says the first part or the last part. Like Elmo is just Mo. Nice is Niiiiiiii. I know she understands a lot, and knows what things are, but she doesn't say a ton of full words. I'm sure she'll catch up soon though
nectarine / 2530 posts
@.twist.: Oh good, let's plan to be preggars together again ;D (just kidding. kinda...)
We'll pretty much have to always use two cars when we're all together, or trade in for some sort of minivan/something with three rows.
@Alivoo01: I don't normally sing itsy bitsy, but I started singing it to E a few days ago and she started doing the hand motions. Threw me for a loop! She goes to daycare two half days a week.
Good luck on your TTC journey!
@MrsB2012: Thanks! E also does a lot of half words. "Pa" for panda, things like that.
nectarine / 2031 posts
Thank you to everyone for your congratulations! Im on my phone hard to tag everyone.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@BabyMats: wow just got caught up. Congrats on twins!
I've been super absent with HB but decided to take the plunge and open it up on my phone today. I hope you ladies and toddlers are all doing great. I Know most of you know we lost our baby girl at 22w back in December. It's been a tough go but lucky for us we have beautiful Livy who makes us smile every day. I love this 18 month stage! Hope you're all doing well.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
@delight: So glad you posted!! Happy to hear you're doing well and enjoying this stage. I am LOVING this stage as well. M is so fun and learning so much.
Hope everyone else is doing well! I haven't posted on this thread in forever. Crazy to see so many August '13 moms pregnant or having babies. My baby fever is still nonexistent which is good considering the baby factory is closed. But I love reading about all the other expecting August '13 moms!
M had pink eye over the weekend and I had a really bad cold so that was awful. Luckily DH took over most of the child care duties. I'm starting to think about her 2nd birthday party which is just nuts. I think we're going to do it the first weekend of August at the Little Gym (she takes a class there and loves it). They do everything for you (cake, pizza, decorations) which is really nice. I loved her 1st birthday party but having it at our house was sort of stressful. It'd be nice to pay someone to handle all of that!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@delight: Hi! I love the 18 month phase too! So many words! And squeals! And excitement!
@lawbee11: Feel better soon! I hear you on the sickness. I feel like I've had one cold after another all winter long. And I can't believe you are planning her birthday already. You remind me of my sister who was always trying to plan her March birthday before Christmas even rolled around.
kiwi / 597 posts
@delight: Oh no I had no idea! I'm so sorry. I'm glad you have Livy to make you smile. Hope you're doing ok. Sending you lots of hugs!
@lawbee11: I've been thinking about E's second birthday party since pretty much the day after his first haha! You're not alone!
18 months is the best age yet! As cute and snuggly babies are, I have toddler fever way more than baby fever!
clementine / 828 posts
@delight: My condolences.
It is such a fun age, LO is in the middle of a language explosion, and constantly learned.
After going back and forth on the timing, I plan to TTC in about a month. I do have some baby fever, but it is really more about wanting to expand my family. LO keeps getting more fun!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
Just checking in with you ladies since our LO's are rapidly approaching 2 years now! Holy cow! Weren't we just pregnant????
So what's new with y'all?
nectarine / 2530 posts
Hello all! Just waiting for a big meeting to begin at work. Glad to see our thread bumped :).
Biggest LO-related news is that we just purchased a minivan. I've finally come to terms with the fact that our vacations will mostly be road trips because we can't afford to fly everyone, so we should probably do it in comfort. And if we ever have another LO, with my two stepkids that makes 6 people, so either third row of seats or two vehicles
Other than that, just preparing for said vacations (both still months out), thinking about her turning two in four months (!!!), and waiting for spring to arrive.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
Hello! I can't believe our LOs are almost 2! I'm so excited for more involved conversations and cheaper daycare! It goes down by $10/day after 2. Whoohoo!
@StrawberryBee: have you done road trips with LO? I'm a big chicken. The longest we've done is 3 hr when LO was 9 months old. She cried a good chunk of the way back. *shudder* We have family 9 hr drive away, so road trips will have to happen, but so far we've been wimps and have used airmiles to fly.
My biggest LO development is that my dad wants to build LO a playhouse. Have you seen some of them online? - they are crazy!
Have any you had mini-temper tantrums? I find them so funny. She starts to cry, big tears flying down her cheeks and then comes to me for hugs and comfort, even though I'm the one who's not letting her do what she wants to do.
@Alivoo01: What's new with you?
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Grace: I love this age. E is big into answering "no" for everything and I think it's hysterical. She's so emphatic about it
Our biggest car trip to date was myrtle beach last year. Can't remember how long in the car...8, 9 hours? We drove through the night and it got scary towards the end. DH and I were way exhausted. We had to play a lot of frozens let it go because it was the only thing that would calm her down when she was awake and crying. The older kids were crammed back there with her and all the stuff we brought. They've begged us never to play let it go again lol. It was still a great trip, and overall the car ride was a success. She's used to hour-long trips to pick the kids up, which probably helps.
The trip to fl this year we're breaking up into two days, so we'll spend the night in NC both ways.
That playhouse sounds amazing!
kiwi / 558 posts
@Grace: a playhouse sounds awesome! So nice of your dad to volunteer!
@StrawberryBee: C loves saying No for everything! Eating has become a real struggle because she just says NO and turns her head away, doesn't want to try it at all!
She is doing pretty well in Montessori school that she started 3 weeks ago. Eating and sleeping have become our biggest issues (come to think of it, those were always our issues, ugh!).
She isn't really eating anything thing in the morning or when we get back for lunch, but of course wants to breastfeed like as much as possible even though she knows we only do it at wake up and before nap/bed. I'm so ready to the done bf'ing, but she loves it so much its crazy! Total tantrum when she doesn't get more boob!
I'm doing a 72hr girls trip the first weekend in May and I'm hoping to just dry up and she will forget about it! Then I would finally have all of my body back to myself!
We are also doing our first long trip in June to Napa without LO! She is going to stay with friends for 4 days, I'm super excited and think she will do great but the hubby is less convinced! I'm really hoping that the trip will be time to reconnect and re-energize our relationship!
Love to hear what everyone else is up to!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@HTownMom: Yeah, I'm getting into the bad habit of asking E if she wants to eat X (she either repeats the word if she wants it or says No, and if we offer it to her anyway it causes a tantrum).
E weaned so early from BFing with me (I made it to 7 months, and then she took formula until a year) that it seems so crazy to me to think of potentially still BF'ing her. I gotta give you major props for that! Hope you guys have a great, rejuvenating time in Napa!
nectarine / 2466 posts
@HTownMom: how was your road trip? Did you dry up? haha
How's everyone doing? Anyone starting to plan the birthday party yet?I can't decide what to do.
B is changing so much lately. Maybe it's because we have another one now, that I notice the changes more. My gosh, is this girl getting an attitude! I'm scared for the teenaged years already!
kiwi / 558 posts
@StrawberryBee: @MrsB2012: so it's been 3 weeks since we stopped bf'ing and it went over really well! She did ask for it when I got back home but has been good about not getting it. She will still ask at least once a day but she knows the answer is " all gone"!
Another plus is her food intake has upped and the variety of foods she is eating has gotten so much better!! Before she would only really eat carbs, sugar, peas, corn and maybe a banana. Now she is eating oranges, avacado, apples, peanut butter, carrots, tatiziki, tomatoes! I'm so happy! Her taste buds are finally going full force since there is no more breast milk!!
What is everyone up to this holiday weekend?
clementine / 828 posts
@HTownMom: That is fantastic. DS has gone from a pretty good eater to an extremely picky eater. I think it is at least partly a power move. We went to an aquarium over the weekend, and DS had a fantastic time.
@MrsB2012: DS is changing a lot too, he really does not seem like a baby anymore. We are not planning on anything big for his birthday, I think I will wait for his third birthday for a real party.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@MrsB2012: I debated doing a party (even had a theme picked: Teddy Bear's Picnic ), but decided it would just be a waste at this age. I'm just going to do a small gathering of family instead, and leave the party-parties for when she's older and has friends.
@HTownMom: So glad the weaning went well!! We had a BBQ on Monday for family only, so I basically spent all weekend either cleaning, food shopping, or wrestling with E.
2 year old-ness is out in full force and OMG, the power struggles. Twice this weekend she was screaming at me in the bathtub because she didn't want to be in it at that moment. She's also majorly addicted to Winnie the Pooh, but we're trying to keep her screentime to a minimum, so there's another daily battle.
@mdf106: Oh, I wish we had an aquarium nearby! Glad you were able to take DS there
kiwi / 558 posts
@StrawberryBee: we are with you on not having a party this year. She already has too many toys and I think she won't know what's going on! We might have our moms come to visit so she can get some family time but that's about it!
@MrsB2012: I can't even imagine having two!! You are rocking it!
@mdf106: we have an aquarium here too but haven't taken LO yet, defiant must put on the list for summer!
So LOs school is out tomorrow and I'm kind of freaky out on what to do with her all summer. Since I'm a SAHM, I feel like the hardest thing to do is actually get out of the house each day! Once we are out we are active and if we have an appointment or play date scheduled it's not a problem. But all the summer camps around here don't start until 3 yrs old, and besides once a week music class, we have nothing else on the books!
What are you doing with your LOs for the summer?
nectarine / 2530 posts
@HTownMom: I hear you on the too much stuff!
We're doing swim lessons with E at a new Goldfish Swim School that just opened in our area. It's an indoor pool so it works rain or shine, and E seems to like it :).
Other than that, parks, splash pads, zoo (there's a small local one we can take her to where she can feed giraffes and buffalos), or just hanging out in the backyard with a small pool or sprinkler. DH (who says home with her) isn't too creative, so he's usually happy sticking close to home. Oh, and libraries sometimes have kids sessions.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@HTownMom: That's interesting that your LO will now eat more of a variety. I wonder if that will work for us too.
@MrsB2012: I think just dinner with family. I'll save the parties for when she's older. And yes on the attitude! I think it's mainly when she's got a cold though, because she was crazypants for a while and now it seems like our sweet little girl is back.
@StrawberryBee: Does your LO freak out at hairwashing? She's starting to drive me nuts with the rinsing tantrums.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Grace: if she's not up for it then all bets are off. Doesn't matter what part of the bath it is, she just doesn't want to be there and so is pitching a fit about wanting to do something else (chase the dogs around the house naked, for instance). She wouldn't sit down for me, so she went over to the other end of the tub, slipped, but pretty much just slid down gently. Then she was mad because she slipped and ended up right back to where she didn't want to be!
clementine / 828 posts
@Grace: My LO just started minding hair washing. It coincided with switching to a shampoo with conditioner, but I think at this point the conditioner is necessary. He does not through a fit, but tries to stand up.
I wish LO would eat more food, but it is really getting much worse, especially now that he is really good about verbalizing what he wants (usually yogurt). He has even had an on and off banana strike, which had previously been one of his favorite foods. Most of LO's fits have been either food related, or him wanting to go outside (it has been raining for months now).
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@mdf106: Are you in Texas? I saw crazy pics on the news last night about all the rain and flooding.
Silly babies not loving their baths anymore.
clementine / 828 posts
@Grace: I am. There is no flooding where I am, but it has rained at least five days a week since March, which is not typical. LO loves playing outside more than anything, so it is hard being cooped up.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@mdf106: That's crazy. I always think of Texas as being hot and desert-like.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
HB is driving me crazy. I typed up a long response to 4 of y'all and every time I hit submit, it says "Please resubmit your post". Twice now!!! ARG!!!!!!!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
Oh. and of course, my short lil vent post went up just fine. Sigh.
clementine / 828 posts
@Grace: It is hot here, at least in the summer, but not really desert like here (Dallas area). This amount of rain is unusual. I am sure by the time the rain stops it will be really hot.
kiwi / 558 posts
@Grace: are you guys still breastfeeding?
I'm in Houston where all the news stories showed the crazy flooding. Luckily our home and neighborhood didn't get flooded but I know plenty of people who did. One friend had her car parked in an underground garage and it was covered in water! Most businesses cancelled work that bad storm day because there was just no way to get around the city! Everything is cleared up now but those who had flooding occur are still dealing with it! Definitely sucks to be at or below sea level like we are!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@HTownMom: Yes, still breastfeeding. I'm doomed to be breastfeeding forever because I can't say no to that little face when she says "ma milk?" And then she's so excited when I say ok. At least I've been able to stop daytime nursing by saying "it's not time for milk"! and looking confused that she'd ask. But morning and night, I'm just a softie.
Yikes, I hope it dries out for you Texans soon. I'm directly north of you in Canada and according to the weather maps, it looks like the jetstream got all weird and made our weathers switch. We've had crazy hot weather (for us) for about a week. Today it's raining here, so maybe it'll be sunny for you!
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Grace: Clearly! Sigh.
Have you ladies started potty training yet? If so, which potty or potty seat you using and what's your game plan?
Also, when are y'all switching from all-in-one body wash to separate body wash and shampoo?
grapefruit / 4545 posts
AH...I love seeing this thread active! I have been such a slacker...I was actually totally off HB for a while and just came back recently as we started TTC #2.
I missed you ladies!
Cant wait to catch up on how everyone and the LOs is doing! anyone else have #2 or #2 on the way yet? I'm terrified.
K has totally entered terrible 2's early - she is lucky I love her so darn much bc she pretty much pushes every button all at once!
Starting to work on her big girl room - so we are ready if/when #2 arrives.
clementine / 828 posts
@Alivoo01: @Alivoo01: I switched to separate body wash and shampoo a long time ago, and I recently switched to shampoo with conditioner, because DS was getting bad fly away strands. I think he might need a separate conditioner soon, because his hair is getting curly.
I have no plans for potty training soon, because DS poops so frequently still (3-5 times a day). I am probably going to wait until closer to three. I have bought a step stool and faucet extender, and DS loves washing his hands.
@Mrs D: I am due in January. DS is having some terrible twos behavior, especially related to food. We plan to move DS sometime around or before January. DS sleeps so well in his crib, I don't want to change it. He is pretty adaptable, though. We will have the new baby in our room for some time, but plan to use the crib like we did with DS, I loved not having to transition him into the crib.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
@Mrs D: I was pregnant earlier this year, but the baby quit growing so I had a D&C in March. We're ready for #2 so whenever my body decides to conceive one, that'd be great... lol
@mdf106: Which shampoo are you using now and what are you planning on changing to when you buy separate shampoo and conditioner?
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