cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@Sapphiresun: Oh sweetie, you are still a superstar for getting any of the extra curriculars done! And I loled at your dirty little secret. I'd do it too, but I'm too chicken!
@Mrs D: I *hate* the eating every 1.5 hours!!! P did that on Sunday night. I had to nap through almost all her naps the next day to recover. I don't know what I'm going to do when hubs goes back to work....
I'm glad I'm not the only one that had/has the blues. Makes me feel less crazy.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs D: @Sapphiresun: I've done a little bit of tummy time on her activity gym with her (little bit meaning exactly three times, for about a minute each). I can't bring it downstairs because my husband will have an allergic fit if it's on the floor down here with the dogs and cats, so it's out of the way behind a closed door an I just don't think of it much.
I did buy a high contrast board book at BJs yesterday, so I showed that a bit to her, but then I felt silly for doing so. Hope it made some sort of impact!
E was 9 lbs 8 oz at her 1 month checkup on Monday! And grew an inch since birth. She was super fussy/inconsolable last night and fed a lot at the beginning, so I'm wondering if she's hitting her wonder week/growth spurt. I tried to pump twice last night and barely got anything out :(. Hope that just means she was emptying me more than usual. Most of her feeding sessions are 7-10 minutes each, with a few lasting as long as 20.
@Sapphiresun: I totally share in your dirty little secret! We tend to flip between her sleeping in our bed and sleeping in the RnP. Sometimes we can get away with the RnP, sometimes nothing else will do except the bed. On top of that I have a really hard time seeing her in the dark, so it's so much easier for me to put the paci back in when she's closer to me. I can only see about 6 inches in front of my face without my glasses.
It's weird, but I can get a lot more accomplished at home when DH isn't around. Somehow she's a lot fussier/wanting to be held more when he's here. She's currently napping happily in her swing.
clementine / 930 posts
So we had Sawyer's one month appointment yesterday and he is 9 lb. 4 oz, so he's gained a pound and grown and inch in a month. I can't believe he's already a month old!
On another note, I *think* we might have figured out what the problem with our very fussy babe. Since about two weeks old, he would scream after every feeding. Basically, of he wasn't eating or sleeping, he was screaming. Like 8 hours a day. 3 hour stretches. It was awful. I would just cry along with him. I felt like such a failure. The doctor suspected a milk protein allergy so I cut dairy out of my diet and we started using Nutramigin formula. He's been like a new baby today. He has been napping much better and he maybe cried for 10 minute stretches a few times. I still had to soothe him but the soothing actually worked! I feel so much more hopeful about everything. We'll see how tonight goes, but I'm feeling better.
Oh, and Sunday he rolled from his belly to his back twice! It was awesome!
Here's his one month picture. I'm lucky I remembered to take it!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@JamieLee: Oh, fingers crossed for you! That's a lot of crying to take!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@Grace: Ya - I was a mess all day yesterday as a result...thanfully K was an amazing baby last night and momma got 5 whole hours of sleep! I feel like a new woman!
@StrawberryBee: congrats on a good appointment!
@JamieLee: Yay for another solid appointment - and so glad you are getting some answers to the fussyness. You are a saint for handling that - I would have broken way worse for sure!
K is one week old today - I cant believe it! Seems like yesterday I was going to the hospital. I still need to finish writing up my birth story. Each day DH divulges more info to me about it. Apparently my rockstar pushing lead to me turning blue/purple in the face and requiring oxygen. Whoops! I love hearing the tidbits from him - though he is careful not to divulge too much...he did confess the other day that in the moment he totally forgot about the placenta and was extremely confused/concerned when I delivered a "blue jellyfish" - hahah! Sleep depravation had gotten to him as well!
We had quite an exciting evening last night...power outage which made me panic. We packed up and went to Grandma and Grandpas around 7pm. At 10pm when we were just settling in my neighbor called to let me know power was back. We came home and thankfully had a peaceful night. I think all the comotion helped me a little with my emotions (not sure how - but I feel different today in a good way) however DH slept in the guest room and I think this may be common practice for a while so he can get good sleep! I dont like it for relationship purposes but if it helps him stay stable for us I know its best!
Ok - off to attempt my first bath for K...fingers crossed. My mom was here for the last one...
grapefruit / 4545 posts
And she peed on me! lil stinker! Here's a one week picture of my lil doll!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Greenebee: I'm sorry you were feeling so down and hope BF is going better. Any updates? I think you should just keep at it if you want to BF. it's hard work. The first couple weeks I was drained from BF but now at 4 weeks in things are much better. It must be scary to have your LO not gain weight as fast as you'd like but you are doing great. I hope whatever you have decided to do is working well for you.
@MrsD: I'm way behind in these messages but in your response to not knowing what to do with her, or feeling like you aren't doing enough.... you are doing everything right! In the first few weeks babies really only eat, sleep and poop. Just being with her and loving her is all she needs right now. I also felt like I wasn't doing enough but then again she was hardly ever awake. Today my little Liv is 4 weeks and this week we started doing some more. I do tummy time for 10 mins in the morning, read her a couple short books, shake a rattle for her (she's starting to follow it with her eyes!) and sing to her. There isn't that much at this stage we can be doing. You're doing awesome! And what a cutie! A week old already! Oh and my LO has pooped every bath. Either in the tub right as we are finishing or in her towel after. Grrrrrr!
@Grace: sorry for the baby blues that's tough. It is totally normal, remember that. There are so many hormones surging through us. I have cried at the silliest things these past few weeks. It will get better, I hope you are feeling great today!
@Jamielee: what a cutie! So for the one month picture did you do it at 4 weeks or on the one month dates. Liv was born Aug 15 but is 4 weeks today. I should do my photo on the 15th right!? I hope cutting out dairy solves your problems. My friend had to do that and it helped her little guy but she said it was awful. There is dairy in so many things that you don't even think about!
AFM things are going well. We went to the movies yesterday with my best friend and her LO. I can't believe my daughter has had her first date! She gave us a 5 hour stretch last night which was awesome. My goal for the next week is to try pumping so hopefully DH can give a bottle once in awhile!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@JamieLee: Awesome, so glad to hear things are going better! love the one month pic
@Mrs D: Time moves so fast, doesn't it? Congrats on getting five hours of sleep! And hi K!
On tidbits of information: my DH casually mentioned about a week after the fact that the cord was wrapped around her neck when she was born. And he took a picture of the placenta.
@delight: You're so brave to go to the movies with her! Good luck with the pumping; it's so nice to be able to step away for a little while.
nectarine / 2466 posts
Love the pictures of the babes! I love seeing picture updates!
What's wonder week? Is it the same as "what-the-heck-happened-to-my-beautiful-happy-content-baby-and-replace-her-with-this-fire-breathing-dragon-week? Just kidding, she's not as bad as a fire breathing dragon, but it's close. She's 6 weeks old and she has always been soooo happy and content. These last few days she screams alllll day. She's still sleeping well at night, so that's super lucky, but still. I think I remember reading about a 6 week growth spurt so I'm hoping this is it and she doesn't stay like this.
I put up a post on the main board, but I'm looking for a new carrier. I have a baby bjorn active mesh carrier and I hate it. I don't want a wrap or a sling. Do you guys have a carrier that you love?
nectarine / 2530 posts
@MrsB2012: I'm loving my ergo! Then again I don't have much to compare it to.
pomegranate / 3329 posts
@MrsB2012: I love my Beco Gemini, I used it a little bit with Maddy too.
nectarine / 2220 posts
@JamieLee: OH wow, hopefully that's the secret to making him much more comfortable.
@Mrs D: My husband's in the bed in the nursery a fair bit too. Like you, I'm not sure it's the best thing for us (and probably not helping with the fact that I know he feels like she's hogging all my attention) but at this point sleep is trumping everything.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
@delight: Thanks for the input! Once her cord falls off I am going to start a tummy time routine also! I pretty much talk her ear off all day and love up on her a ton! So I know she is benefitting - just seems like there is always more I could do!! I too am in aww of your movie going skills - well done Mama!
@StrawberryBee: You know what...I think I vaguely remember them saying that K's cord was wrapped once. I'll have to ask DH to confirm...
@MrsB2012: Ok...weird question...when can I start using a carrier or wrap? I have a K'tan and a infantino (freebie!)...K is probably 7lbs now...I figure I must have to wait a little bit right? Or are they safe for total newborns?
@Sapphiresun: Thats what I keep telling DH - he is no use to me too exhausted to function. Not to mention he has about 8 cases right now at work, so he is super busy...he needs his rest!!!
I have taken two work calls this week and I have to be honest it makes me feel good to still be able to contribute!
I think K is a nighttime eater. She nursed every two-three hours during the day but has been eating like crazy since this normal for babies to have times of day when they eat more? I dont fight it because I'd rather her be nice and full...but still seems odd to eat so frequently at night!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@StrawberryBee: @MrsD: oh I should have mentioned it was a "Stars and Strollers"movie. Every Wednesday at 1:00 pm there is a mom and baby movie. You bring your babies and there is a change table set up in theater and they turn the sound down more than usual. No one cares if your baby cries because its all mamas in there! It's awesome, I'm gonna go as much as I can. So I'm not as brave as you think! They're all over Ontario in cineplex odeons for you Canadian Bees. I bet the states has mom and baby movies too!
nectarine / 2220 posts
@MrsB2012: wonder weeks is a book/app that talks about the developmental leaps that take place at certain points based off due date. Since my baby was born 10 days early it says she's not in her first leap (4.5-5weeks) yet but I swear she's been in the same state as it sounds like yours is in. Crying for no reason and so clingy and just wants to nurse constantly.
@Mrs D: I've read that supply tends to be lower in the evening so I'd think combined with being a little overwhelmed and just wanting that closeness and comfort in the evening it could explain it. Mine likes to cluster feed in the evening as well.
nectarine / 2220 posts
@delight: I was just checking out what's playing at ours next week. Thinking we're the millers looks kind of funny. Mostly I'm just craving popcorn. With the gd it's been off the menu for 6 months!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Mrs D: E cluster feeds in the evenings. My mother remembers us being fussy at the same time every night when we were babies.
@delight: cool, I'll have to look into that!
hmm, the only thing I could find was this, and it seems pretty out of date:
DH is reading to E. My heart goes pitter pat!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@StrawberryBee: there has to be something in the states. I agree that looks old!
@Sapphiresun: we saw we're the millers and I loved it. It's crude but hilarious and I love Jennifer Anniston. I'm going back to see The Butler this Wednesday. It's awesome to go to a movie with a LO and not have to worry about bugging people.
pomegranate / 3329 posts
@Sapphiresun: I finally found my wonder weeks book. Here's what it says - The fussy periods come at 5, 8, 12, 15, 23, 34, 42, 51, 60, and 71 weeks. The onsets may vary by a week or two, but you can be sure of their arrival.
I know we were going through it last week, it's a little bit better this week.
Having two under two has been so hard, I am absolutely exhausted. My boss won't stop hounding me about when I'm coming back, I haven't told him that I really don't want to yet. I just don't see how it's going to work, I can barely get anything down here at home, how am I suppose to go to work? I was able to take M with me for the first 6 months which was great, he'll let me take Charlie, but she cries all the time!! That and nursing in front of client doesn't sound appealing, this baby is attached to my boobs 24/7.
Charlie turned 1 month on Saturday the 10th, she gave me the biggest smiles and a couple coos and a giggle that night. It was priceless She loves her little neck smooched! Her big sister loves her to pieces and is constantly trying to pick her up :\
I think I'm going to sell the Mamaroo I bought, she really doesn't like it at all. I hoped she would because it's so compact, but she cries as soon as she touches it. So I'm looking at the swing we had before a Fisher Price Zen or a Snuggabunny which both are huge.
On another note my husband just text me and told me he was offered a short term job in Utah because they're so short handed there. It would last 30-60 days within the company he's with now, it pays more than double what he makes now. We could really use that, but he'll miss Maddy's 2nd birthday, our anniversary and Halloween
nectarine / 2220 posts
@StbHisMrs: Yeah, I have the app, but haven't read the whole book. She has been a nightmare the last several days so I was hoping this was the week 5 wonder week, but if we truly go off due date week 5 is still supposedly not even starting until tomorrow. In which case... kill me now. She will not sleep anywhere but in my arms, on my chest or in my bed and wants to nurse pretty much every 1.5 hours (for 45 minutes) and when she's not eating or sleeping, she's crying for no damn reason. So, I'm really hoping this WAS the wonder week a little early, and it's not really going to get worse from here.
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@Mrs D: P was amazing last night too! And now we are paying. She's just won't be put down, so I'm letting her sleep on me because she's exhausted.
Such a cutie pie, K is!
@delight: You are right about it being normal. And today was a good day, so hopefully they will be short lived. I can't wait to go to those movies. My mom friends rave about them!
@StbHisMrs: That's alot to have going on! Hopefully you can figure it all out soon. I know I feel better when things are settled.
Super cute pic!!
@Sapphiresun: Aren't those wonder weeks give or take a few days? Maybe she hit it early and will be done any time now.
pomegranate / 3329 posts
@Sapphiresun: Sounds like our situation, she'll be 5 weeks on Saturday. I wasn 't sure if the app read the same as the book, sorry for being repetitive, I had the app on my old phone 2 years ago and decided to buy the book anyways.
Since it says they can vary by 1-2 weeks I'm still holding out hope that that explains it! I can't have another colicky baby!!
nectarine / 2220 posts
@StbHisMrs: oh, no apology needed. The app actually isn't as clear about how much leeway there is with the theory so the fact that the book says a week or two either way gives me much hope that we might be coming out the other side soon, not diving even deeper into the nightmare. What I don't understand though is that if there's that much leeway (essentially anywhere in a four week spread if they're saying two weeks either way) why it makes a difference if you use birthday or due date for a full term baby. Like for her if we're only 9 days off that's still very much within range and more in line when she seemed to actually be experiencing the leap.
grapefruit / 4545 posts
Fingers crossed...we have our first outting with K tonight. It is my grandma's 80th birthday and my mom has arranged a fun night out for her. My mom and sisters (plus husbands) are all meeting up and taking a limo downtown Detroit to a fancy restaurant (where DH and I will meet them for dinner). After dinner they are taking my grandma to one of the casinos downtown as she loves the penny slots! We have a few of her friends meeting up at the casino to celebrate the evening before heading back home in the Limo.
DH and I decided we would venture out for the dinner. I am terrified. I have always hated those people who bring their baby to nice restaurants and ruin it for others. My mom reserved a "private" room in the restaurant so this makes me feel a little better - plus my whole family has insisted I bring K. My plan is to get downtown a half hour early and feed her in the car before going into the restaurant so she has a nice full tummy. Hopefully we can make it through the 1.5-2 hour dinner without her fussing then DH and I will be going straight home and skipping the casinos!
Keep your fingers crossed for me that it works out well for us!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Mrs D: good luck tonight! Outings at this stage are hit and miss. I've had great ones and terrible ones. I think it's a good idea to feed her right before and hopefully K will sleep through dinner! It's so nice you are going out to celebrate Grandma's birthday! She will be so happy to have her great granddaughter there! Have fun tonight and let us know how it went!
Ok so does anyone have major bum issues? Holy hell! I knew I got a couple 'roids from pushing but they didn't bother me for the first three weeks. I think I tore them or something because it hurts so bad I can barely sit which sucks since we all know how much we have to sit on the couch and feed our LOs these days. OUCH! Every morning I wake up feeling fine and then have to poop and the pain starts all over again. Vicious cycle. I just started doing sits bath so hopefully that helps. I was so happy with my recovery until now!
clementine / 930 posts
@Mrs D: good luck! Hope it goes well. Like @delight: we have had good outings and bad ones. Where are you guys going to dinner? We will be in the D the first week of October to see my family and I'm super excited to see them but a little nervous about being away from home and the drive and everything.
nectarine / 2220 posts
@Mrs D: Good luck! Let us know how it goes. I'm seriously craving a med/rare steak from a nice restaurant, but terrified to be "those people" that interrupt everybody's dining experience. You're braver than I!
@delight: Yikes. I luckily escaped those, but re-injured my multiple times broken tailbone during the pushing so that wasn't very pleasant. In your case, are you taking a stool softener? I did for the first couple weeks and it made things much less painful.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Sapphiresun: I take stool softeners twice a day and it still hurts. I don't know what the problem is, I am not constipated. Ugh. Your tailbone injury sounds painful! I hope it's healing!
I think I'm just having my first bad day. The pain is getting to me, DH is gone away with friends to a bachelor party and Liv just screamed her head off for an hour which she has never done before. She's sleeping soundly now so I'm going to watch Sliding Doors. Do you girls remember that movie with Gwenyth Paltrow? So good!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@Mrs D: Wow! Good luck. I'm still not brave enough to go far with P.
@delight: Hopefully she sleeps well now and you can regroup.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@delight: yes on the 'roids ! Didn't have any until maybe week 3/4. Went over my release paperwork and apparently the hydrocortisone cream they gave me was for that, so I've been applying directly to them and its definitely helped. They still haven't gone away but at least it no longer feels like glass shards when I go to the bathroom.
Peeing still burns though; I have my dr appointment this Wednesday and I'm afraid of what they'll find :/.
clementine / 930 posts
@delight: I love that movie! Sorry you had a bad day hoping today is better. I can't relate on the roids (c section here) but I can relate on the screaming baby with no husband home to help. Hugs!
nectarine / 2466 posts
@delight: Sorry for all the pain Mine tend to flair up then get better. They were so bad at first I could hardly walk. Make sure you have a prescription for them, the stuff you buy off the shelf doesn't contain anything to shrink them apparently. Tuck pads helped a bit..
@StrawberryBee: Maybe you have a UTI now and didn't realize it with everything else? Good luck at your appt
@Mrs D: Hope your dinner was smooth!
grapefruit / 4545 posts
Ladies the dinner went so well - K was an angel and her GG was so happy to see her there! She slept peacefully in her car seat the whole time! We did have our portable sound machine with us just in case but she was perfect!
@delight: Sorry about the bum issues - so far I have been ok but from the sounds of it this may be something that comes on in a few weeks. Sitz baths are supposed to be amazing. My dr did not recommend them and my stepdad says I better not do them as he doesn't know what kind of stitches I had and some stitches are less compatible with sitz I guess?
@JamieLee: We went to Joe Muers (in the Ren Cen downtown) it was quite nice. A little pricey but it was a special occasion! You'll be fine when you drive down. I was terrified when we had to pack up last minute and go to IL's last week when we lost power but I decided that in reality as long as she has me (food source), changing supplies and clothes we'll be just fine.
@Sapphiresun: Thankfully she was totally quite so while we did get a few "really?" looks from people when we walked in she put them in their place!
Ladies...have you all read/watched happiest baby on the block? Another mom friend of mine highly recommended it so DH and I got the video on netflix. Friday night K had her first inconsolable meltdown (and I refused to feed her just to shut her up since she had eaten for 30 mins just an hour before). Well we used the techniques in the video (swaddled her, put her on side on my legs and I swayed my legs back and forth - it was like she was immediately in a trance. Anyone else use these methods and have this success repeatedly? I was amazed! If you haven't checked it out I recommend it!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@delight: I just found a giant hemmoroid too! I wonder if it can happen from all the hours nursing on the couch...
@Mrs D: I'm so glad dinner went well! I'm still to chicken for that. Although we did take Paige to mass this afternoon. And she also slept the whole time - freakin' miracle 'cause she's been eating every 90 min since yesterday afternoon.
I've read the happiest baby. I think they definitely work!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@MrsB2012: I really hope not; I haven't had any urgency to the go to the bathroom or any of the other symptoms I've had with past UTIs. Guess I'll find out in a few days. It's definitely more towards the perineum; if I lean forward it doesn't burn at all. I would think if my tear were infected I'd have some sign of that (fever, etc.)? I've looked with a mirror and while it looks inflamed, it doesn't look infected. I hope. Is it possible to get 'roids that low?
@Mrs D: so glad to hear the dinner went well! I don't have Happiest Baby, but maybe I should...
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
@Mrs D: I haven't had consistent success, but swaddling,side-lying and shushing plus some rocking seem to have worked at least twice in the last week. I should get the book from the library- I've heard great things!
@StrawberryBee: my deepest stitches are dissolving, and they are itchy like mad. I'm also having some wicked 'rhoid problems- can't wait til things finish healing up. Might try sitz baths or Tucks wipes. Hope you're feeling better soon!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@redsmarties: Thanks!
I visited my dog club's agility trial today (think 'obstacle course for dogs'), and even ran around setting some bars. There was a little girl running a corgi; and all I could think of was "I hope E's able to do that one day, and can handle as well as that girl is." *sniff sniff* It was also nice to be doing something 'normal.'
grapefruit / 4545 posts
So panicking a little here - just changed Ks diaper and noticed some blood around her cord...I cleaned it so I can see if it gets worse/keeps up...anyone else have this happen? I'm trying super hard not to be irrational and call the pediatrician for nothing...
nectarine / 2466 posts
@Mrs D: It's normal to have blood around the cord. I think B had blood almost every time we cleaned it. The Dr saw it when it was like that at a routine appt and said it looked good and healthy. I wouldn't worry unless red/warm and painful around the area.
@Mrs D: I haven't seen it, but I saw a youtube video on how to swaddle that used the SSSS technique or however many SSS's haha. Swaddle side shhh and sway. B had her first 5 hour hystaric period 2 days ago, the only thing that calmed her down was a bath ( at midnight? ) and then if we did bicep curls or push presses with her. haha My arms hurt so bad, but she'd stop instantly when we did that.
pomelo / 5326 posts
Thanks everyone for the bum help! I feel has for all you other girls who have had to deal with the 'Roids too. Today is a little better. I did a sitz bath with Epsom salts three times, applied Anusol (worst brand name ever) every couple hours and actually "tucked in" a Tucks pad. Is that why they are called Tucks? Oh and I popped some Tylonel. @MrsB2012: LO has her one month appointment tomorrow so ill try to also get a prescription ointment while there!
@StrawberryBee: I hope your doc can figure out why it still hurts to pee! That is one problem I don't have. But everything down there is still tender and still bleeding. Pretty sure stitches are coming out. If you do have a UTI medication should help and if you have an Infection antibiotics will clear it up. I think you'd know if you had an infection. My BF perenium was infected at her tear and she cried for two days straight and couldn't sit. Ouch.
@Mrs D: so glad you had a nice dinner! I have the happiest baby movie but we haven't watched it. My friend showed me the techniques though and we use them. I find side swaying to really calm L down. Plus the shushing Is kind of like the white noise we always have playing in her room! Don't worry about blood around the cord, L had it the first 2 weeks or so. I wiped it off with wet wash cloth and it eventually disappeared!
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