Hellobee Boards


August 2015 Moms!

  1. lil owl

    apricot / 345 posts

    So, With my first I was just incredibly tired. This time I'm tired and hungry all the time. I also feel waves of nausea but they alway go away when I bf DS. Is that weird? I'm so scared of HG again, but so far noting. FX.
    Also I had a very strong stinging pain in my stomach yesterday night. Hope it was a muscle thing and not a baby thing.

  2. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: @krispi: congrats and welcome!

    So last night I navigated a dinner party with friends pretty successfully. Turned down the first drink and of course immediately a friend asked of I was pregnant. I said no! Then I poured myself a tiny glass of wine and took maybe 5 lil sips from it all night, and nobody noticed! I kept giving my husband the look to drink some of it and no more questions! I guess when you're in a big group nobody pays attention to how much you're drinking. Lol!

  3. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: @krispi: congrats and welcome!!!

  4. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    Last night we had a dinner party with friends. After being immediately asked if I was preg when I turned down the first drink, I decided to pour myself a tiny glass of wine from which I took maybe 5 lil sips all night. Husband kept getting looks from me to take bigger sips intermittently. And it worked! No more questions, I guess nobody pays attention to how much you're drinking in a large group like that.

  5. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    It's nice to hear all this info about first ultrasounds. We are temporarily uninsured as we had switched to freelancing, but my company is actually now enroll ing us in a health plan this week, effective Jan 1. So perfect timing! It makes me a lil nervous that I can't see a doctor before then, but I'll only be 8 weeks along anyway so well within the first appt timeframe right!?

  6. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @buttermilk: yep! There's really not a lot doctors do before 8 weeks unless you've been dealing with infertility or have a M/C.

  7. krispi

    clementine / 911 posts

    @lilteacherbee: @torchwood: I think you're probably right about not doing an ultrasound at the first appointment. It was just that line on the website that made me wonder. When I had my annual back in April, I asked my doctor about it. She said they would want to see me fairly early on but made it sound more like a physical or check up, so they have a baseline to compare to going forward.

  8. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    Ugh, got a cold and a fever. I really miss taking the good stuff...haven't had real meds since two years ago, before DS!

  9. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs. J: I know!! I was totally looking forward to taking real meds again after we weaned (which is pretty much now... He hasn't nursed in 4 days ).

  10. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Happy St. Nicholas Day

  11. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Mrs. J: feel better! Colds are no fun!

  12. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @buttermilk: I know I'm a few days behind but I had tons of cramping right in to the 3rd trimester with LO. My doctor said either you're a cramper or you're not, so it sounds slike you are. Mine would wake me up at night too but never any bleeding. Totally normal albeit annoying an uncomfortable!

  13. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Mrs. J: I think we are leaning team green again. We liked the experience with DS and in case I end up with a repeat C-section, it would be nice to have a surprise left since they will pick peanut's birth date.

  14. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    Just woke from what will probably be the first of many first trimester naps! I just passed out for 2 hours but I feel great now. Anyone else struggling with first tri fatigue?

  15. lil owl

    apricot / 345 posts

    @Mrs. J: I hope you're better

    I'm so tired I could sleep all day. And it doesn't help that LO is teething again and nursing all night without ever really stopping. I'm also dizzy and so incredibly hungry. I get hungrier every minute. I don't remember being so hungry last time.

  16. Anutka

    cherry / 190 posts

    Sorry, I haven't kept up with the thread. Congrats to all the new mamas!

    Fatigue is hitting hard. DH taught out 2 year old to call the couch Tatooine ...you know, cause I'm like Jabba. Ah, he's a charmer.

    Another fun story. I'm still waiting to hear from midwives, so I went to my GP to get the initial blood work done. They call me later that week to say I need to come in and give more blood cause the actual pregnancy test didn't get processed. They ran out of blood...

  17. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I wasn't feeling the exhaustion before but it has caught up to me the past few days. I took a 2 hour nap yesterday and could have stayed asleep longer if I wasn't home alone with LO. I was glad he napped for 2 hours though, it was painful trying to stay awake with him.

  18. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Anutka: ran out of blood?! How did they screw that up so bad?

    Reading everyone's stories about fatigue, and man, I feel lucky now that I don't have a toddler to keep up with (fast forward 2 years, and I hope to be in the same situation though!). You ladies are amazing!

  19. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: Thankfully lo has gone back to napping this week (she refused to nap all last week) so yesterday and today I've had a 2 hour nap while she did. Plus on Saturday night I was in bed asleep by 8pm. This morning sickness sucks though. I've been completely useless around the house (housework, cooking etc) and I think dh is resenting how much he's had to step up urgh.

  20. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: Yes, I am sooo tired!! DH offered to entertain LO for an hour today while I napped and it was amazing. I don't remember it being this bad last time, but I also didn't have a toddler to chase after.

  21. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @lil owl: thanks!!

    @Mrs. Microscope: Tired doesn't even begin to describe it! I feel bad for my afternoon students...I am dragging!

    Midwife appt tomorrow! Meeting a new group much closer to our house, so I hope I like them and they can give me an EDD!

  22. Anutka

    cherry / 190 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: that office is a hot mess. My first appointment for the last pregnancy, the receptionist looked in disbelief at my file and asked: "Aren't you too young to be pregnant?! Aren't you still in school?! Wow!!" Not that it should matter all, but I was 23.

    @MrsStar: my DH is having a hard time too. He is extra busy and work and has to come home to a "second shift" and an emotionally unstable wife. It's getting a bit too much for him.

  23. kayakgirl73

    clementine / 750 posts

    Major tiredness here. Also bloating and nausea, and i Think some of my pants are done for. I hate to drag out Maternity clothes at six weeks, I would like to keep it under wraps longer, I really don't want work to know, at least my boss is in another city. This is my second so I know I will show sooner. Also my thyroid already went bananas, no surprise there it happened last time and this time the endo was ready for it.

  24. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    @kayakgirl73: Feeling pretty bloated and I've already worn some maternity jeans at home on the weekend. I figured I might as well be comfortable when I'm not around anyone that I'm hiding it from! Definitely thinking I will be showing quicker this time too. Luckily the next few weeks will go by quickly with people getting ready for Christmas, hopefully no one notices and then I just have to make it through to the end of January.

  25. OhCaptain

    kiwi / 696 posts

    @kayakgirl73: I tried on my maternity jeans from last time and instantly looked 20 weeks pregnant between my bloat and extra padding I have this time around. Luckily my bloat seems to be on and off and I've been able to squeak by in my regular jeans when I'm out and about.

  26. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @kayakgirl73: I'm hoping to wait until we put the Christmas stuff up (since we'll be in the attic anyway) to get the maternity clothes down. So far I'm doing okay with looser stuff. Since we're not telling till at least after the ultrasound (next week!), I really can't wear any maternity stuff out because my mom would be instantly aware of it.

  27. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Got my appointment set up for my screening! That'll be January 6th. And turns out that the lab they work with caps the cost for their patients on it at $25, so no worries about it being expensive! I'm a little nervous since part of me still feels like any test is just a chance for doctors to give us bad news, but for peace of mind I really want to know as much as we can as early as possible.

  28. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Torchwood: Yay that's awesome! My OB office doesn't even offer the NT scan, so I had to ask them to refer me to MFM. While at that appointment, I explained my history and they offered MaterniT21. I'm going to push them to give me the NT scan again (seriously, my OB office acted like they didn't even know what it was when I asked) and MaterniT21.

  29. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @lilteacherbee: That seems really weird that they're acting like that. My midwives aren't super big on pushing any kind of scans or screenings and they brought that one up. I thought it was pretty standard.

  30. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @lilteacherbee: that is so strange! Even my midwives last time mentioned it, although we didn't do it.

    Waiting for my first midwife appt with the new group! I hope I like them!!

  31. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @lilteacherbee: very strange... I thought it was standard!

    @Torchwood: first ultrasound! Yay! And hooray for cheap genetic screening!

    @Mrs. J: good luck. I hope they treat you well and you like them!

  32. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @lil owl: One thing I noticed while reading about the Panorama screening (the one I'm having), it can tell if you've had vanishing twin syndrome. I don't know if you'd want to bother, but if it was still bothering you with everything starting off so weirdly, it might be an option to figure out if that's really what it was.

  33. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Torchwood: @Mrs. J: @Mrs. Microscope: Right?? I was so annoyed. And then I tried to change OB practices (there are only 2 really big practices in my area) and the other wouldn't take me because I was "already established" at the first one, ugh!

  34. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @lilteacherbee: They wouldn't take you because you're "already established?" Wtf? If you don't want to stay with them you should have the option to switch! I'd be throwing a fit!

  35. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs. J: Hope it went well!

  36. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Torchwood: I was super pissed and I was going to throw a fit if they didn't refer me to MFM to get the NT scan. I agree that the patient should get a choice! So dumb.

  37. Anutka

    cherry / 190 posts

    @kayakgirl73: so much bloat. I've given up on pants. Really hoping I can get by with fleece leggings this winter cause I'm not really up for shopping in the first trimester.

  38. Anutka

    cherry / 190 posts

    Wow you guys are getting appointments early! The midwives are so popular here that they take 2-4 weeks to tell you IF they have availability, so I probably won't see anyone till 10-11 weeks. Seems so long!

  39. kayakgirl73

    clementine / 750 posts

    @Anutka: my appointment is so early because I'm under the c as re of an Reproductive Endocrinologist because this an IUI baby. I'm not sure when they'll transfer me to the OB.

  40. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Anutka: Well, my office thinks I'm 2 weeks ahead of what I am, based on LMP. I tried explaining that I have always had long cycles and I know when I ovulated, but they went with LMP anyway. Oh well, I get my dating ultrasound a bit earlier

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