grapefruit / 4045 posts
@stratosphere: I'm so sorry about your husband's illness. I hope he recovers quickly. Its great your mom came today to help you. I hope you get to meet your baby boy soon!!
@T.H.O.U.: That's exciting you are checked in for your induction! Please update any general info helpful to all girls here! I don't have gold!!
So I got some of the last remaining to-do items checked off my list yesterday! Phew! Just working on work today. Can't wait to be on leave come the end of wednesday. Husband says is he ready for baby now and wants her to asap! Its such an exciting time!
pomelo / 5257 posts
Annnnd some old guy at the grocery store just said, "Twins?" So done today.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsSCB: What a jerk. Its so funny how so many people can be such complete and total idiots.
kiwi / 595 posts
@MrsSCB: got that yesterday. My mom was quick, pointed to his belly and said "twins?" And we walked away!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@agold: seriously, it seems like older people especially have no filter!
@OldpuebloJenn: Haha that's awesome of your mom! I just said, "no!" and kept walking and tried not to cry. I've been feeling so big lately, like I'm growing every day, so it did not help
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsSCB: Oh, no. I hope you don't feel like crying anymore. That's so awful. Your body is doing what it needs to do to grow your baby. Don't let a person's ignorant comment get you feeling down. You and your body are absolutely amazing!
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: You are growing a human. People are jerks. I'm sorry. You look amazing!
pear / 1718 posts
@MrsSCB: I'm sorry. Fwiw, you look so so great! Seriously! Not big AT ALL. Please don't let it rent any space in your head!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@agold: @pregnantbee: @pwnstar: thank you I think I'm just cranky in general these days. I also noticed a couple little stretch marks above my belly button a few days ago, and I feel vain but I'm really bummed about it. Really, at 39 weeks?
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsSCB: omg. I'd be agitated about that too. I keep inspecting my stomach. Skin around my belly button is looking funny and I keep saying, you funny looking skin better not be stretch marks! That is so not fair. Hopefully yours aren't bad. When can you start putting cream on them? Will you wait until after the baby comes?
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: I never got stretch marks last time. I got some at 38ish weeks this time. Really!? They're not terrible, but I'm also bummed. I just keep reminding myself they are for a good cause.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@agold: @pregnantbee: yeah, I'm mostly wondering how it'll look once I've deflated... Right now they're not bad and skin colored. I noticed because they're a little shinier than the rest of my skin so they may have been there for longer and I didn't see. I'm just hoping it doesn't get worse...
nectarine / 2461 posts
@MrsSCB: @OldpuebloJenn: omg, the twins people need to live on their own horrible island fuck em.
@MrsSCB: @agold: I don't have stretch marks exactly, but yep, me too with the skin around the belly button. there's an area over it about the size of an apricot where the skin is just tissue-paper thin--I'm suspicious/frightened that when it's all over it'll be loose wrinkly grandma skin, and I don't think any amount of bio-oil is helping.
definitely lost my mucus plug (in two stages! fun @MrsSCB plz disregard my wall post ) over the weekend. does this mean no more sex or pelvic exams?
pomelo / 5257 posts
@LCTBQE: ahh, my email started rejecting the notifications from HB for some reason, so I totally missed it! Also multiple stages here...every time I think it's's not, haha. I have my next appointment tomorrow, so I'm interested in what (if anything) my doctor says about it.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@LCTBQE: You can still have sex and have pelvic exams after you lose your mucus plug! Some people lose theirs super early - like 30 weeks early! It's just no sex after your waters break.
pear / 1718 posts
@MrsSCB: That sucks. Id be seriously bummed too. Because dafuq?! *augh* I somehow managed to not get them with either pregnancy. Although I do have a nice shiny new c/s scar from this baby (and urban-legend-esque swelling from the insane amount of IV fluid). I HATE that pregnancy is so demanding of mothers, and that it starts long before baby arrives. I have heard that when they arrive so late that they are more likely to fade quickly.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@MrsSCB: I am completely wondering about how much stomach will look once deflated, as well. I wasn't able to work out really at all during this pregnancy. My legs feel like jello. And I'm just hoping my stomach can return somewhat to normal. Its not even like my normal stomach was anything to be proud of. But I don't want it to be worse.
@LCTBQE: Loose, wrinkly grandma skin.... yep. my fear, too. One of my most beautiful friends with a rocking body has that type of tummy. And she's now pregnant with her fourth! We just have to be proud that our bodies are doing what they need to do! And stop being vain.
And I can't believe you lost your mucus plug!! Was it exciting? Scary? Uneventful? I can't even imagine.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@agold: wellll, I'm thinking I'm proud of my body and amazed by it (which I am!) + also vain is not mutually exclusive my other big body issue is that I've gotten varicose veins and lots of spider veins in my knees/thighs since the beginning of the second tri. I'm really, really hoping they recede, and if they don't I swear I will pay a million dollars for vanity surgery. Plug was just a couple of giant blobs on the toilet paper, not eventful and (sorry to say!) I think not very meaningful in terms of progress. @coopsmama: super good to know, then I won't be paranoid about infection. and great news for my husband.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@LCTBQE: Oh that's a bummer about the veins. My aforementioned hot friend also has that exact same issue. Her's are horrible and she's getting them taken care of after the baby is born in September. And so glad to know I'm not the only one who is feeling amazed by my body and vain at the same time! I had a stupid punch biopsy about a month ago and its scaring kind of ugly.
Its on my bra line but totally bumming me out. I'd rather of had a suspicious looking black freckle than a slightly popped out scar. Soooooo vain.
nectarine / 2461 posts
We've been talking a lot about all the helpful remarks on our figures, but here are my top 3 for unsolicited pieces of parenting advice, which I'm actually fielding a lot more of than the "hey mama when are you gonna pop" comments. I got two more of these just this morning, brilliant.
1. "You better sleep now because once the baby comes you'll never sleep again hahahaha--no, it's great, really, you'll love it" (a favorite among men. already can't sleep because of the pregnancy insomnia so go to hell)
2. "YOU'LL see when YOU have kids that it's exactly like <insert their experience with their child> and then you have to do <whatever bullshit they did> but it'll be okay because it's really so great <more about their kid>" (this one tends to be the longest and most insufferable)
3. "It's just so amazing... but it's so hard. Like, you don't understand until it happens how amazing it is, but how it's so hard" (no shit, sherlock, you must be the first person to have ever procreated)
GAHHHHH. which gems of wisdom am I missing?
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@LCTBQE: You are so right that those comments can be worse than the body comments. I particularly don't like all of the negative comments, like "oh, he can say good bye to golf!" Why should my husband have to say good bye to golf because we are going to have a baby? And the comments about sleep.... ugh. We already know sleep is going to be rough! I'm right there with you on currently having shitty sleep even without a baby at the moment.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@stratosphere: @shootingstar: Good luck tomorrow, ladies. Will be thinking of you.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@agold: I was so crabby yesterday--but yeah exactly, all the doomsday "say goodbye to your life and everything you like to do" stuff is so, so unwelcome. don't they get it that we know this and ardently want to have kids, anyway? Or maybe we look like knocked-up high schoolers who fell into this
2 hours of pretty intense cramping this morning which I started to get excited over, but they went away.
About your biopsy scar, that IS annoying have you ever tried those band-aid brand scar remover pads? On raised/puffy scars they can actually be pretty effective.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@stratosphere: I missed your big update--amazing that you meet your baby today!!! Good luck, hope everything is super easy and smooth also hoping your husband is better and didn't need more serious care. Looking forward to your update.
@shootingstar: can't believe it's already your day hope everything is perfect
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@LCTBQE: Ha! "Great news for your husband." I keep trying to make it happen for my husband, too - but I'll be honest. I've officially hit beached whale territory so having sex is doing nothing for me! So you go girl! I feel like I'd be happy just waiting until I'm healed PP!!
I do think, btw, it's aggravating how people like to comment on parenting and life with baby as though it's the worst thing ever. As a mama to two young kids, I can tell you it's not true at all. At first it will feel a bit disorienting, yes, but you will soon find your groove and do well! And honestly, that groove looks a bit different for every single family situation!!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
MRSWHIT1 (Born 7/15) - 1 Months, 5 Days
Thismustbetheplace (#2 born 7/28) - w, 0 d
APRILFOOL (#2 Jack born 7/22) - 0 Months, 25 Days
Umberto (#1 born 7/29) - 0 Months, 18 Days
TeawithPaloma (#2 Dominic born 8/5) - 0 Months, 11 Days
dcw6411 (#3 Luke born 7/21 ) - 0 Months, 26 Days
pregnantbee (#2 born 7/29) - 0 Months, 18 Days
Mossyslane (#2 born 7/13) - 1 Months, 3 Days
AANDMKLOVER (#3 Wes born 7/12) - 1 Months, 4 Days
MrsBeluga (#2 born 8/5) - 0 Months, 11 Days
Coffeemom (#2 born 7/12) - 1 Months, 4 Days
mrschickpea (#1 Anya born 7/18) - 0 Months, 29 Days
silva (#2 born 8/11) - 0 Months, 5 Days
August 11: coopsmama (#3 ) - 40 w, 5 d
Glitter (#2 Juliet born 7/31 ) - 0 Months, 16 Days
August 16: oldpuebloJenn (#2 ) - 40 w, 0 d
August 16: MrsSCB (#1 ) - 40 w, 0 d
T.H.O.U. (#3 born 8/14) - 0 Months, 2 Days
August 17: KOALAHUGZ (#2 ) - 39 w, 6 d
pwnstar (#2 born 8/11) - 0 Months, 5 Days
August 19: stratosphere (#2 C/S 8/16) - 39 w, 4 d
August 20: jojogirl (#2 ) - 39 w, 5 d
August 22: shootingstar (#2 C/S 8/16) - 39 w, 1 d
August 24: agold (#1 ) - 38 w, 6 d
August 25: LCTBQE (#1 ) - 38 w, 5 d
August 28: mrskerch (#1 ) - 38 w, 2 d
August 29: clairhuxtable (#2 ) - 38 w, 1 d
August 30: pirouette (#2 ) - 38 w, 0 d
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@T.H.O.U.: congratulations! I hope you had an awesome delivery and you and baby are doing well. Share some details, please!
@coopsmama: I find myself really anxiously awaiting labor and baby news from you! How are you doing today? Any specific plans??
@LCTBQE: knocked up high schoolers! Honestly, though. Some comments are just, ugh. I'm so jealous of your cramping! I'm slowly moving from wanting baby to stay in a little longer to hoping she starts to make her way out so I don't need to be induced! Today is my last full day of work! Woo hoo! And thanks for telling me about the band aids. I'm definitely going to try them!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@agold: I'm doing well. We're headed to the bounce house this morning so my kids can burn some energy and I can stay inside AC and away from 90+ degree heat. My cousin in law just had to be induced last night with a second trimester loss unexpectedly (heartbreaking news) so we're also headed to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients. I'd like to leave a few meals on their doorstep once they get back.
So that's our plan for today! Happy last day of work, lady!!! Woohoo!!
kiwi / 595 posts
@coopsmama: I'm sorry for your cousin, how sad. You, however, now have something to keep you busy today. What a kind gesture.
I have my 40w appointment today, which I purposely scheduled at a most inconvenient time thinking I'd never make it to 40weeks. Yet, here I am. I hung up our Happy Birthday banner on our mantle place yesterday, helped DD wrap gifts for baby, I put an outfit in the crib and bassinet (old wives tale), eating spicy foods. I, however, will NOT resort to sex to try to induce myself. I can't even look at DH I'm so mad at him I'm still pregnant. Rational, I know.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@coopsmama: well darn... That's a pretty awful day all around. You are so very kind to prepare some meals for them. Horrible. I'm so sorry for your cousin. I hope that you are able to relax a little today.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: just got back from my 40 week appointment as well, I definitely sympathize. Baby still is not engaged, though I'm 3 cm and 80 percent effaced. I've been three for over a week, though so seems pretty meaningless. We tentatively scheduled induction for a week from today (so 41 weeks). I really hope he comes before then, though, because I feel like I'll second guess no matter when I schedule the induction.
Also, I got my short term disability and FMLA papers filled out by my doctor. It's so ridiculous how much information they require. Seems like a waste of the doctor's time, and I feel like I'm being asked to get a note from my parents to get out of school or something 🙄
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: Ha! You can't even look at your husband. That's so funny.
@MrsSCB: What does it mean for baby to be "engaged"? And good for you for getting your disability paper work done. I still need to do something for my state disability benefits!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: Do something fun every single day you're overdue! That's what is getting me through. Even if it's only taking my kids somewhere fun for them, it's still better than being home and mopey.
@MrsSCB: Don't second guess yourself! 41 weeks is great if it's end up at that! And with the cervical progress you have, it's quite likely you'll go into labor before that. And if you do make the induction, it sounds like you're super favorable and it would go well!
kiwi / 595 posts
@MrsSCB: @coopsmama: I'm 2cm, 50% effaced. The midwife was encouraged by how soft my cervix is, but baby's head, although in the pelvis, is still high.
After a good cry, I'm going pick up dd from school and go get a pedicure. Im trying hard to be positive and mindful, as this is my last pregnancy, but damn, im done.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@agold: Basically that he's down in the pelvis. He's head down, but just not very far down yet (so he hasn't dropped).
@coopsmama: thank you! I'm going to eat more dates this week, haha. I hope things start to get going for you very soon
@OldpuebloJenn: I'm sorry, the end of pregnancy is such a mind game! Almost there, but it's so hard to wait at this point.
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