Hellobee Boards


August 2017 moms!

  1. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @pmerr: Exciting to have the US booked! Mine is Friday AM (7 weeks) and I'm both excited and nervous.

    I'm teleworking today and haven't felt like eating anything yet, but I asked DH to bring me back a frozen pizza Ah, pregnancy.

  2. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    So we decided to wait until after Christmas before going in to the OB. My period isn't even technically late until tomorrow or Thursday AND I have been having loads of cramping, so I'm feeling cautious. I had a chemical before DS and I'm just worried about that. Trying to remind myself that I am pregnant today, and to be happy about that.

  3. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @azjax: For what it's worth, I've always had a ton of cramping with my pregnancies. That's actually how I knew I was pregnant with my LO, because I hadn't been having cramps with non-pregnant cycles. So fingers crossed!

  4. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @MrsBrewer: I'm sorry! Symptoms really do come and go, but I know how hard it is to dismiss those worries, especially when it feels so similar to a bad experience. I'm very hopeful for you!

  5. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @azjax: I don't recall having much cramping with my first LO, but I did have pretty strong, localized cramping for the guest 1-2 weeks of this pregnancy. I mentioned it to my OB, who said it was normal, and it did mostly go away. I just kept telling myself it was baby burrowing in nice & deep!

  6. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @azjax: @Torchwood: I am having so many cramps this time around! Not sure if it was the same with LO 1 and I can't remember or if this is different. I find they are worse later in the day/evening, so maybe it is partly bloat? My betas were good so I'm hopeful all is well.

  7. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    I'm also having cramping, which I had the first go round as well. No spotting, so I'm just waiting for the first ultrasound next month. 3 and a half more weeks! Ugh!

  8. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I hate waiting for ultrasounds! That's basically the one advantage of my history- I get a crapload and I get them pretty much when I want. Still have to wait 2 weeks though, since I wanted to be absolutely sure I was far enough along for a heartbeat. I'm just glad it's a busy couple weeks!

  9. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    I think I've been less crampy this time around, which of course makes me worry a bit. But, I have more baby bloat, more nausea and I could sleep for 84 hours and still be exhausted. It's weird how things are different!

  10. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    I realized today that I havent taken a single prenatal vitamin. Fail.

  11. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @Torchwood: @peachykeen: @Revel: thanks for the support, ladies! It's crazy how the early days of pregnancy really seem to crawl by, almost as slowly as the TWW! It's hard when time will tell all and you have to be patient.

  12. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: Don't beat yourself up over it. We weren't officially trying yet, and I didn't start them until 5 weeks.

    Do you have a resource for a good one? I'm taking the Thorne Prenatal, because I have the MTHFR mutation, and it's compatible with all of that crap!

  13. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Torchwood: ❤❤️Thank you! I have a good feeling this time around too, but of course my mind wanders

  14. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @littlejoy: I have half a bottle of nature made. I pulled them out of my nightstand drawer so I can remember to take them before bed. I stopped taking them a couple months ago. I'm telling myself that some people don't know they are pregnant much longer than I did and it will be ok.

  15. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: For what it's worth, my cousin had her daughter either 4 or 6 weeks after finding out she was pregnant (seriously), and she's always been a super healthy kid! 😄 And I know my cousin was drinking (probably just lightly) and stuff.

    Omg y'all. I was looking at the IVF thread, just to see if there have been any success stories since I've been off HB for a while (there were, yay). But there were several posts complaining about being sore from progesterone shots. I'm going to have to do those! For months! 😩😩😩 I hate shots so much. If it keeps me from having another preemie it's worth it, but ugh! And I'll probably have freaking GD again and have to be pricking my fingers a jillion times. Why can't I just be normal?! *whine whine whine*

  16. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    @Torchwood: I'm with you, shots and blood draws are awful. Sounds like the progesterone is unavoidable...is there anything that can be done to preempt GD or is it one of those things that your body just does?

  17. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @azjax: Best I can tell there's not much I can do. I was more careful from the beginning my second go around and same results. It's extra frustrating because it's super mild, like I can eat anything I want as long as I have some protein with it, but they still have to have me monitor closely just in case.

  18. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Torchwood: with my precious pregnancy I had to give myself progesterone injections twice a day from my embryo transfer until I was 12 weeks. It actually wasn't painful, which surprised me. However I did lose feeling in my lower back and hips for a year. You can do it! Feel free to complain as much as you want, because I get it.

  19. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    Lots of updates! Let me know if I missed anything...

    Aug 3 - PetitDuck (#2)
    Aug 5 - KNS (#2)
    Aug 7 - MamaFern (#2)
    Aug 8 - LittleJoy (#2)
    Aug 9 - MrsD2442 (#1)
    Aug 10 - Mrs. Blush (#1)
    Aug 11 - Cole (#2), PeachyKeen (#2)
    Aug 14 - Spinny (#2)
    Aug 16 - MommySLP (#3), SapphireSun (#2), Mrs. Pickle (#2)
    Aug 17 - Nolababy (#2), Mrs.Pinecone316 (#2)
    Aug 18 - Pmerr (#2), Torchwood (#2)
    Aug 19 - Rachebon (#2)
    Aug 21 - AZjax (#2)
    Aug 23 - Mrs. Microscope (#2), ColeyCam (#1)
    Aug 25 - Revel (#2)
    Aug 29 - CodderGirl (#2)
    TBD - MrsBrewer (#2)

    Dec 22 - MommySLP
    Dec 23 - PeachyKeen, Mrs. Blush
    Dec 27 - LittleJoy
    Jan 3 - Nolababy, Torchwood
    Jan 5 - Rachebon
    Jan 6 - Mrs. Pickle
    Jan 10 - Pmerr
    Jan 13 - Mrs. Microscope

  20. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    I can't wait to hear about everyone's appointments this week.

    I'm 6 weeks today! For some reason that feels like a milestone to me. Probably because I lost my first pregnancy during week 5. I really wish I could fast forward a few weeks and know everything is alright in there.

  21. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    @Torchwood: lurking over from the April board (mostly because I'm shocked there is already an August board! time flies!) to tell you that the progesterone shots are not horrible but they aren't great either. The recovery is worse than the shot, I tend to be sore and itchy for days afterwards. I had my first as a preemie as well, so I know it's worth it but they aren't fun! My only advice would be to start working on the Rx ASAP, it took me a week of pretty constant phone calls to get the insurance sorted out - they hate covering it apparently! Good luck!

  22. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: I know how you feel We lost our last pregnancy at 7.5 weeks, but my dating US was scheduled for 8.5 weeks so we never got to see a heartbeat (doubt we would have even earlier). So this US on Friday will definitely make me feel more confident, assuming all goes well, but the 8 week mark will be the real milestone.

  23. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: Totally!!! I lost my first pregnancy at 5 weeks too. And even though I've since had a successful pregnancy/birth, I'm still super nervous. I'm hoping the holidays being here mean that time goes a bit faster! I'm 8w + 1d next Tuesday (my first u/s), and it feels like time went pretty fast.

  24. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    I'm officially wearing leggings everyday. I have a tiny bump. I was bloated, but that seems to have gone down a bit (probably because I can't eat ANYTHING). Gah! It happens way earlier after the first, huh? I didn't show with my 1st until 10 weeks at least ...

  25. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @littlejoy: I'm so curious to see when I start showing! I was definitely in maternity pants at like 10 weeks last time, but didn't really start showing til more like 14ish (I just looked at the pics the other night). Things are starting to get tight, but I don't want to pull out the maternity clothes quite yet, although I would live in maternity pants even if I wasn't preggo!

  26. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @pmerr: I wore mine until 9 months pp last time, because I loved them, haha. I am wearing maternity yoga pants right now, but only because they are so amazing. Last time, I had a little bump at 10 weeks, and was in maternity clothes by 14. People started noticing then too.

  27. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @littlejoy: @pmerr: I'm not showing yet, but I have been wearing a lot of leggings and (elastic waist) ponte pants lately because I hate having anything pressing on my stomach when I'm nauseous. I didn't show until about 17 weeks with LO #1 so I'm curious if it will be sooner this time around. Unfortunately, I do still have some belly fat from my first pregnancy that will probably make it hard to tell at first.

  28. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @peachykeen: Same! I'm also making an effort to be eating better and work out at home, so I'm hoping that helps the belly a little (and also while I'm losing, I'm also gaining from baby, so it's a little less noticeable until we announce! )

  29. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @littlejoy: @pmerr: @peachykeen: I am really feeling the bloating this second time and I'm not even 5 weeks! I think (hope) it is contributing to this uncomfortable aching feeling Im having today - not cramps as much as like a dull discomfort that is making me worry ..

  30. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    6 weeks today & the throwing up has started. I've been feeling nauseous for a couple days but have been able to avoid it, but not today. With DD I was a little sick but only in the evenings and only for a few weeks. With DS I didn't throw up/have nausea one day the entire pregnancy. Both were winter babies & so first tri was in the summer & I was off. Now I'm visiting homes all day doing therapy. Plus driving the rest of the day. So this will be interesting.

  31. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @MommySLP: I think you win the award for being the first of us to throw up!! I'm so sorry. That's rough!!

  32. KNS

    cherry / 136 posts

    @Mommyslp I so feel your pain, I have been throwing up every other day since 5 weeks and it seems to be getting worse. Yesterday I had to throw up at work before I drove home. I have my first apt on Tuesday so will talk to the doc then but have ordered something called the Relief Band that is supposed to help http://www.reliefband.com/

    I am so desperate as I feel terrible and acupuncture hasn't seemed to help, or perhaps it would be even worse which is almost unbearable to think about. I will report back once I get it on Friday and see how it works.

  33. phillydoglover

    pea / 8 posts

    Location: Philadelphia

    EDD: August 25

    First child?
    Yes! We had a MC in July, this is our second pregnancy so trying stay positive!

    Any symptoms?
    so tired and my boobs are killing me!!

    Who have you told?
    parents and brother

    Current thoughts/feelings/fears?
    MC again is definitely a fear. still overwhelmed and not totally sure how I feel about everything. we just moved a few weeks ago so stressed about being stressed haha

  34. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @phillydoglover: Congrats!!! Welcome. Many of us in here have been through a m/c or loss before, so be sure to let us know if you need to chat (there's also a pregnancy after loss thread that is here to help).

  35. phillydoglover

    pea / 8 posts

    @littlejoy: Thanks so much! Appreciate the welcome on my first post. Looking forward to our first baby (non-fur baby)!

  36. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: @psw27: Thanks for the input! I hope the dreading is worse than the reality. 😬

    @Mrs. Pickle: Definitely with you. My last m/c was in the 4th week, and my second was in the 5th, so I feel like I've already hit important (to me) milestones just by making it this far!

    @littlejoy: Only bloating here, but my pants are tight! Since this is basically my third I'm really interested to see if I show sooner! I remember showing earlier the second time, but not how early. I can't decide if I want to show early or not either. We're not announcing for a long time, so it would help if I don't show too soon, but I love rocking the bump so I'm impatient!

  37. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @phillydoglover: welcome!

    No bloating here yet. It will probably come soon because I can't stop eating today.

  38. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    Has anyone had an US before 6 weeks and been able to see a heartbeat? I was under the care of an RE so am getting an early scan next week, at approximately 5+4, which I know is probably too early but I'm curious what I might be able to see.

  39. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Revel: We saw a fetal pole around 5w6d. So with a good machine you might be close enough!

  40. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: thanks! We got lucky and saw the hb for my daughter at 5+6 so I figure it will be close.

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