Hellobee Boards


August 2017 moms!

  1. youboots

    honeydew / 7622 posts

    @littlejoy: yay! So exciting!

  2. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @peachykeen: I think I saw 168 ... does that sound right?

  3. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @littlejoy: Definitely in the expected range for 8 weeks. I'm mostly comfortable with our 122 HB at 7+1 (also in the normal range for 7 weeks) but only a tiny bit paranoid because DD's was 128 a few days before that. I'll feel better after my 10 week appointment, I'm sure.

  4. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    So many appointments and updates, how exciting! I had my scan today, measuring 5w5d, saw fetal pole but no hb yet. I have long cycles so had to keep explaining that - still not sure the dr is convinced but I'm right where I should be according to my chart. She also saw a small subchorionic hematoma, "tiny" she said, hoping that doesn't cause any problems. From my googling it sounds like there may be an increased risk of MC but the research isn't totally clear. So I'll just be hanging in until next Thursday when I have a scan and will hopefully see a hb.

  5. coleycam

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @littlejoy: so cute!

    I finally have my first appt. scheduled for Jan 5th... I should be 7w1d according to my schedule. I hope that everything will measure where I think I am based on my charts. I'm hopeful for the heartbeat range as well. We told both sets of parents this weekend as a surprise Christmas gift, so I hope we'll continue to have good news to share so that we can spread it to the rest of the family ( I wanted to wait until we've met with the doctor before telling the rest of them). This baby will be the first of a new generation!

  6. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Ugh. I am way too hormonal for Carrie Fisher to be dead. I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan, and I have some mental illness issues, so this sucks. First time a celebrity death has really upset me.

  7. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Torchwood: I'm really down about it too. I had a good cry when I found out earlier. I'm planning to watch Episode IV in her honor when DH gets home.

  8. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    Hope everyone had a great holiday. I'm still feeling pretty horrible. I'm taking 1/2 unisom + B6 at night then B6 2 other times per day. I'm also wearing sea bands which is helping a lot but still not great. Luckily I'm off until Jan 9th so hoping most of this is gone by that point. Got my beta results from last week at 6wk,2days. It was 27,677, which appears to be within the normal range. I'll go back Thursday for another test. My dr wants me to do it weekly until my ultrasound on Jan 20 just for my peace of mind to make sure things are progressing---I guess I can appreciate that!

  9. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @peachykeen: Yes ... and, maybe it's a boy this time!!

    @Revel: Thinking of you - and if you're where you should be according to your charts, that's gotta feel pretty good!!

    @Torchwood: @Mrs. Pickle: My husband was saying he read something about all of these deaths feeling extra heavy, because these are the people who shaped our lives, ya know? Like, people ahead of these generations (or after) weren't such inspirations to us. It's hard ... seems like a lot of horrible shit happening lately, and it's so hard.

    @MommySLP: Wow! It's cool your doc supports tests each week for peace of mind. Also, my highest hcg was 382, so I am tickled to see 27,000!

  10. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    Hi! I have totally been MIA lately, but I'm still here!! Nausea has totally kicked in! I'm anxiously awaiting my appt on January 2nd!!

    Still have no idea how far along I am, but I'm thinking 7-8 weeks maybe? Starting to feel bloated now for sure, but still in regular clothes.

  11. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @MrsBrewer: this makes me so happy! Not that you are sick, but I know you were worried about lack of symptoms, and now you have some!

    I'm at 6 weeks today, baby is the size of a ladybug 🐞 and I'm exhausted. I got to sleep in 2 more hours this morning thanks to DH getting up with DD. I'm nauseous and just feel like lounging on the couch all day. We are still at MIL's house, but she is recovering from heart surgery, so we are bums together. DH and BIL are being awesome with DD.

  12. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: hahahah yes!!! It's funny I was complaining to DH about the nausea, and he's like ok....you are complaining you don't have symptoms and now you're complaining that you do! I don't get it! hahahaha....and I'm like....just shut up and nod your head and let me vent!

    I'm sorry your aren't feeling well! It really is a struggle keeping DD occupied when I'm feeling exhausted, so I get that....Yesterday I put on 2 episodes of Bubble Guppies so I could quick squeeze in a 45 minute nap. I still feel guilty about it!

  13. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @MrsBrewer: Girl, my LO watched Hotel Transylvania today, and I slept the entire time, hahahah. No shame! (but yeah, I do feel guilty about it too). Glad to hear your symptoms are here ... if only for peace of mind. I'm giving major side-eye to this pregnancy being way harder than the first.

  14. RacheBon

    pea / 24 posts

    Nausea has kicked in for me too, big time. It was never this bad with my daughter and I always wished for symptoms because they'd be reassuring...turns out it kind of sucks either way.

  15. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    Add me to the list with exhaustion and nausea. I hate to feel this way but I am wishing away January... the worst of it was over with my pregnancy with my daughter at about 10 weeks. Caring for a 3 yo while dealing with this is challenging. Youtube and bribery are at an all time high, ooph.

  16. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    We were in bed by 10, and I woke up at 8. I had to leave around 8:30 to go to work....oops. hahaha. The nausea is mostly when I'm either too hungry or too full. I'm on a cycle of being too hungry, full (sometimes too full), then hungry again. Like all day.

  17. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    Anyone else having really strange dreams? For at least the past week (probably longer) I'll wake up 3-4x a night and have these crazy dreams. I go to bed pretty early so I'm not totally exhausted, but I miss my sleep! It seems too early to break out the pregnancy pillow.

  18. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    My lower back/hips area has been sore when I wake up recently! It's so weird, since last time most of my symptoms didn't really show up til later in pregnancy (heartburn, round ligament pain/carpal tunnel), but it seems to be starting now.

  19. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @pmerr: i cannot get right with my stomach! It is permanently unhappy, too full, hungry, nauseous, repeat. I am having low back pain - don't remember that from this stage.

    @peachykeen: not really having weird dreams yet, although I do remember that happening with my last pregnancy.

    In an effort to apparently get no work done today at the office, I just combed through my birth month thread from my daughter and discovered that weeks 6 - 7 were my worst for morning sickness. So, bad news is that today is day 1 of week 6, but good news is maybe there will be light at the end of the tunnel!

  20. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @pmerr: That back/hip soreness happened to me 2 nights ago, but hopefully so far seems to be a one-off. I sure hope carpal tunnel doesn't show up til later - that was the WORST!

  21. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    @pmerr: so glad you mentioned this---my hips have been so sore in the mornings! I've been thinking it's way too early but it must be the result of pregnancy #3! I've been having such a hard time getting comfortable & have mostly been sleeping on my back, but I know that will have to change soon!

  22. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Revel: @peachykeen: @MommySLP: Glad it's not just me, but then also not so happy that it's happening already!

    I just went back and read my symptoms from last pregnancy... at 6 weeks (where I am now), my nausea started. and at 7 weeks my heartburn started (already have heartburn). I can't find when my hips started hurting, but I know it was later on...around week 30 was about when carpal tunnel started, with it getting bad around 34-35 weeks.

  23. coleycam

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    I've been having some bleeding and *very* little cramping since yesterday and I'm a little nervous... (The same cramping I've had all pregnancy though.) Today, I'm 6w1d. I called the office, but since I'm new to them all they could do is recommend going to the emergency room because I haven't had my first appointment yet I still tested positive this morning when taking a test, had a heightened bbt, and have my same symptoms that I have been this whole pregnancy so far. I'm not sure whether or not to go. I feel like if I see it progressing in amount or if I am getting bad cramps, then I'll go. In the meantime, I'm going to lay down and rest most of the day. I keep on praying that this won't end up a loss...

  24. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @coleycam: Sometimes light bleeding/cramping can be normal, especially after sex or doing a lot of hard work? If you test positive and your symptoms are still there, I would probably wait. If it gets bad, then go. When I had my loss, I tested negative when I started having some light bleeding. I would be super nervous too, but try to stay positive!

  25. coleycam

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @pmerr: My husband and I did have sex two days ago, but considering when this started it seems that it *may* not be connected to that for how it's been progressing. It sounds most like decidual bleeding from what I've read, especially since its my first pregnancy and my body may not be used to the hormones/I've had wacky cycles. I've got fingers and toes crossed that it fades and everything will be okay at my appointment next week!

  26. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @coleycam: FX for you! If it's about the same as it's been the whole time, you should be fine!

  27. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @coleycam: I had quite a bit of early cramping with this pregnancy, hopefully it's nothing! (It worried me too) Unless it's lots of bright red blood, I think it's considered normal. Hopefully your doctor can see you soon to reassure you

  28. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    I kind of ducked out of the group for a bit because I was crazy nervous about losing this pregnancy but it looks like despite some continued mild spotting, things are proceeding well. At my first visit which was 6weeks exactly he couldn't see much of anything at all so we thought we were out and started mentally preparing, I had even decided I was done and we would just be one and done but I went back in at 7+4 and there was a baby with a heartbeat and perfect yolk sack, measuring spot on for my dates!

    Morning sickness from hell kicked in right on Christmas Eve- while halfway across the country of course, (I had been nauseous before but only thrown up once or twice.) I threw up all night and then slept through all of Christmas Day. I am down 7 pounds in a week so hopefully we can come up with a plan to get me back to a manageable place, b6 and unison aren't quite cutting it but I hate to start zofran in the first trimester.

    We had planned to tell family while we were there over Christmas but I wasn't feeling particularly cheery... My husband and toddler were sick with terrible colds or maybe the flu so I just blended right in.

    Any fun stories about telling people? I think now we might just wait until after the nipt and know the sex of the baby but I also kind of think it is fun to have some build up to that and to let people guess etc. I sort of want to do a gender reveal this time since we won't be having any other celebrations but family is too far to come to that.

  29. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Cole: I'm still deciding how I want to tell people. I want to do it on Valentine's Day, but we'll be on vacation, so I don't know what I want to do.

  30. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @peachykeen: Yes! I've been having major dreams from very early! I tend to dream vividly anyway, but pregnancy is definitely amping it up.

    Speaking of, dreamed last night that we had an ultrasound early and there was a heartbeat. I'm so impatient to really see it!

    @coleycam: Fingers crossed it's nothing! My m/c's I've always lost symptoms first, so hopefully that's a good sign for you.

  31. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @coleycam: fingers crossed for you.

    @Cole: glad things are progressing for you! Hope you can get your symptoms under control. Mine just started in earnest and I'm 3 days in on unisom, think I need to increase my B6 to 3x a day to see if that helps.

  32. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @pmerr: Valentine's day would be so cute! Maybe send chocolates from the baby?

    @peachykeen: I have been having super weird dreams too, they are so realistic that I'm frequently confused by them.

  33. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    Yes to crazy dreams!! omg.......I had a dream that I killed my next door neighbor?! wtf?! He's the sweetest old guy in the world, and I love him to pieces! I even brought him a plate of Christmas cookies!

  34. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Anybody busted out the maternity clothes? My pants are getting tight! I'm thinking if we wait till after my ultrasound Tuesday to put the Christmas stuff away, we can get the maternity clothes down then if everything is going well. I won't need shirts for a while, but I'm ready for my comfy pants!

  35. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Torchwood: Some clothes are getting tight, but I'm waiting until I can't fit anymore lol. I was in maternity clothes around 10 weeks, and want to see if it will be earlier or later this time around haha. I think I feel bigger than I actually am.

    @Cole: Cute! I was thinking flowers, but that would be expensive for 3 sets of parents. A card seems too little, but would be cute with chocolate. I want to include my DS, too. So I may try to get a mini photoshoot to have some pics in a big bro shirt.

  36. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @coleycam: Thinking of you ... hoping it's just your body adjusting to this first time.

    @peachykeen: Yes to the dreams! I did not experience this last time. Some have been so disturbing!

    @Torchwood: I've been living in leggings. Wearing maternity yoga pants now. I hate jeans, and I've had so many GI issues this pregnancy, so I need stretchy pants.

  37. coleycam

    coffee bean / 32 posts

    @littlejoy @Revel @Torchwood @pmerr: Thank you for your kind words ladies.

    It seems like a full blown period right now, so I'm not sure... I'm monitoring for any clotting being passed. If I didn't know I was pregnant with my symptoms the last few weeks and testing positive again this morning, I would have thought it was just a late period any other month. It's hard to stay positive at the moment.

  38. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @Cole: Glad to see you back! The B6 + unisom has been a lifesaver for me the past 2 weeks but starting today I'm not sure it's working anymore. Maybe I'll add more B6. We're driving 4.5 hours to the in-laws tomorrow and I'm dreading it...

  39. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @coleycam: my fingers are crossed tight for you. Trying to have a baby is such a roller coaster.

    @Torchwood: I need to figure something out, by the end of the day I'm super bloated and look pregnant and I'm so nauseous that I can't stand having anything touching my belly-leggings pushed below my belly is really not a good look. I ordered maternity jeans on poshmark but the seller flaked. I am getting my money back but I'm super annoyed, they were high end, under belly jeans in a petit length which is just a hard combo to find!

    @peachykeen: definitely add the extra b6, I just started doing that and I am hoping it will help. This pregnancy I'm finding motion is a big trigger so I wish I had brought sea bands with me for our road trip. Our road trip really sucked, bring bags, line them with paper towels. I put mine into empty coffee cups after used. If you can, just go ahead and take half a unisom before leaving, I put off taking it so I could help entertain my daughter and it was a mistake.

    @pmerr: that would be adorable! I love the idea of a big brother photo shoot!

  40. Mrs. Blush

    cherry / 163 posts

    So much has happened since I last checked in! Congrats to all of the new mamas who have joined!

    @littlejoy: a while ago you posted a comment 'does anyone else feel like food is the devil and sleep is the only cure?" Haha! My feelings right now exactly.

    I had my first appointment and everything went well - we saw the heartbeat! I measured exactly as I thought, 7wk+3. I'm now 8wk + 3.

    Nausea has definitely been an issue for about the past two weeks. It's not like I feel food poisoning type overwhelming nausea, I just feel like food sounds off-putting. But at the same time I'm starving all the time! I feel like I have a constant mild hangover.

    Did morning sickness or unpleasant symptoms make anyone else feel unhappy/depressed? I know it's only been a couple of weeks but I'm really struggling to feel positive when I just feel like crud all the time, and constantly have to think about what to eat next (even though it makes me feel sick to think about it).

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