Hellobee Boards


August 2017 moms!

  1. azjax

    kiwi / 578 posts

    Another vote for crazy dreams here! I had he most odd and vivid dream that my FIL had a tail, and I only found out at Christmas. Totally weird.

    Aside from some tiredness and cramping, no symptoms here. Last pregnancy I had gained a cup size and was battling morning sickness at this point. I'll see my OB on January 5th at 6w exactly, and assuming I still test positive will probably schedule an ultrasound for the 7-8w range.

  2. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Mrs. Blush: totally with you on the feeling down bc of symptoms. I'm having major pity party for myself. Part of what is worse this second time around is I have a lot of anxiety around not feeling well enough to care for my 3 year old in general, and the nausea is really taking its toll and causing me a lot of stress. It sucks. I'm hopeful I follow a similar pattern to last time and start to improve a bit at 8 weeks.

    @azjax: I hope you continue to feel well!

  3. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Mrs. Blush: I just keep telling myself that it's worth it in the end, and this is hopefully the last time I have to go through this (we only want 2 kids). Anything to get through!

  4. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    I'm also struggling with morning sickness. It's worse if I allow myself to get hungry, but I just don't want to eat. I'm also feeling guilty because I haven't done as much with DD because of it. She's very happy to just play with her toys and doesn't need much interaction from me. I usually take her out of the house once a day though. Fortunately DH is home for the next few days. I'm going to encourage him to take her to the zoo this morning. And I'm trying to get her into Mother's Day Out too.

  5. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: good mantra. I will remind myself.

    @Mrs. Pickle: are you home with LO full time? That sounds even harder! I work full time which has it's own set of challenges but I feel like time at home is harder right now...

  6. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    Also, same as the first pregnancy, I feel better the day after a good workout! I forced myself yesterday to get in a quick 20 min session (I do bikini body mommy pregnancy series) and this morning I feel so much better. I just can't skip a day, or else I feel crappy. Hopefully it works again! So far so good!

  7. KNS

    cherry / 136 posts

    @Mrs. Blush I have been so down about how sick I have been. This pregnancy has been way worse and less manageable than my first and I basically missed Christmas dinner because I was sick in bed.

    I had my first apt this week and everything measured right where I expected and I got a prescription for diceglis which has helped me quite a lot. I still don't really have much of an appetite but since I started it I haven't thrown up which feels like a massive victory.

  8. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @Mrs. Blush: I'm struggling with feeling down too. My daughter has RSV and she's grumpy and clingy and I feel like I have nothing to offer her. I'm miserable and short on patience. Thankfully my husband is home until Tuesday but his patience with both of us is waning. I basically missed Christmas at our parents houses and we were planning to have our own little Christmas here tomorrow but I can't even pull myself together to get excited or ready for that.

  9. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I didn't know there was a pregnancy series!! Would you recommend it??

  10. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @littlejoy: yes! It is subscription, and the first 12 weeks are her 4.0, so you could do those for free on YouTube. I have a subscription, so I do it through her website. She has a little pregnancy by week intro on each one, and after 12 weeks the videos are specific for pregnancy. Goes up to 37 weeks when she was put on bedrest. Love it!

  11. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @Mrs. Blush: I was thinking about you and wondering how your appointment went. Glad it went well! My nausea comes and goes and I know other people have it much worse. I haven't been hungry for two weeks now. I also had the stomach flu two weeks ago. And I never want to drink anything. I have to force myself to drink water and it's not much. . I find that adding lemon juice makes it easier to drink.

    I stay at home with my daughter and haven't been the most energetic lately. I think I only felt crappy until about 12 weeks last time.

    After reading posts on here yesterday I did try on my maternity leggings...so much more comfortable than my regulars and today I have maternity skinnies on. They are a bit baggy, but my leggings and pants are cutting me off at my c section scar and it has been uncomfortable because it's a bit puffy there these days.

    I'm anxiously awaiting my first midwife appointment next week (10 weeks) and really hoping she'll be using the Doppler and able to get the baby's heartbeat. I also just bought a Doppler online and am waiting for it to get shipped. It was my Christmas present to myself. I rented one for a few weeks last time and it was so worth it.

  12. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Mrs. Blush: I'm not so much feeling down because I feel crappy (though DH and I both have colds now so that's not helping) as I'm feeling super guilty all the time. Between not having the energy to do as much with DD and the worries about splitting my attention between two when she's used to being the only one, I'm just constantly feeling crazy guilty right now.

    I'm so annoyed at this pregnancy app I got. Seriously, since I have a history of miscarriage I should only buy non-perishable groceries if DH isn't home to unload the car?! Wtf. Way to make women feel like miscarriages must be their own fault for things THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH MISCARRYING.

  13. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @Torchwood: good grief. That's ridiculous and fear mongering.

  14. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @Torchwood: Whoa! Wonder what they would think of me lifting my 27 lb toddler all day everyday? For what it's worth, after my last miscarriage my OB told us the weight limits were really only so I wouldn't hurt my back, not the baby.

  15. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Cole: Right?! And really, what's the heaviest perishable item I'm likely to buy? A gallon of milk? I have books heavier than that, not to mention my freaking toddler.

  16. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Torchwood: that is unreal! What year is this?!?

    I left work early and am laying in bed until I have to pick my daughter up from school. If I could do this every day it would be so glorious.

  17. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Torchwood: ugh. It was written by an old man. Because who else says that? I use ovia, and it's nice. Still some weird stuff, but not sexist junk like that.

  18. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Revel: I am. I do work part time but it's slow during the winter months.

    I'm realizing that in order to not feel nauseous I need to constantly eat. I'm going to gain so much weight.

  19. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    So, I was using two apps (already deleted the one I posted about now), and apparently they're both written by idiots, though for different reasons. It's "helpful" to clean cutting boards and things that come in contact with raw meat? How about absolutely necessary at all times? What the heck people?

  20. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @Torchwood: eh, cooking steaks to well done is preference, not food safety. Pregnant women can have a rare steak. It all depends on the sear on the outside. Burgers, yes, well done, because ground meat is dangerous. Also, eggs, as long as the whites are set, the yolks can be runny (over medium). I hate inaccurate food safety information.

  21. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: Yeah, I generally don't order eggs at restaurants while pregnant because they so frequently don't get the whites fully cooked, but I will never choose to ruin a steak by having it well done!

  22. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @Torchwood: I swear they just want to cram as many words into their app as possible so they can tell advertisers "look how much content we have!" It's all absurd. I haven't found one I love but I do really like the newsletter from alpha mom, it's weekly and honest.

    Is anyone taking bump photos? With the pregnancy when I miscarried I was all over it but this time I haven't even thought about it much. I'm having a hard time with it sinking in that this is actually happening.

  23. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Cole: I didn't start until 9 weeks last time so I'm waiting until then again. That will be after my first appointment so I'll feel better about taking them.

  24. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @Cole: Not yet, but I'm realizing today that I need to start. I think I have the start of a little bump already - I'm only 8 weeks! I'm still losing/maintaining weight so I guess it has to be baby-related?

  25. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Cole: I'm waiting until at least after my ultrasound to be sure everything is good. I was just so over it by the time I was pregnant with my daughter that I didn't take hardly any pictures, and since she came early we never got maternity photos. I'm sad to have so few pictures so I really want to do better this time. ETA- I'm definitely showing *something*, so I need to start soon!

    Speaking of my ultrasound, it's in 3 days and the anxiety is really kicking in. I keep thinking how nice it'll be to see the heartbeat and then freaking out there won't be one. I've never had an ultrasound where I expected there to be a heartbeat and there wasn't. Part of me thinks that's good, and part of me just feels like that'll probably happen this time. Everything else has gone wrong at some point, why should we miss out on this one? 🙄 I'm very ready to have it over with.

  26. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @Cole: I think maybe at 10 weeks I will. Or 12 weeks after another ultrasound. I didnt get that scan last time, but I will this time. I did them every two weeks last time once I started them. It won't feel real until I get a good 12 week scan and hear the heartbeat.

    @torchwood: hope the time passes fast and you have a good scan. Your first app post about lifting heavy stuff popped into my head when my husband asked me if I could help him lift the over 100 pound snowblower out of our truck? Um, no honey....I can't.

    I hope we all get to feel less anxiety soon. Happy New Year everyone. Let's grow our babies well!

  27. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @Mrs. Pickle: that definitely makes sense, I kept telling myself I'd start at 8 weeks but I feel so crummy that I don't even want photos of myself right now.

    @peachykeen: I've got something happening too. It's such a weird phase where it's not uterus yet but at the same time is growing so fast that is pushing our organs around already which makes for a funny "baby bump" since the baby is like the size of a blueberry!

    @Torchwood: I did a lot while I was pregnant with my daughter so I feel pressure not to let this one gave second kid syndrome. I do love having them. It's funny though, if this baby is a boy I'll feel less pressure though since I think a girl will care one day and want to look back on it but I doubt a boy ever will. I'm really crossing my fingers for you that this ultrasound looks perfect. I was doing the same dance of emotions and I'd imagine yours are even more heightened. I desperately wanted to see a heartbeat so I could go calmly into the holidays and it turned into an extremely stressful lead up when they didn't find it the first time. I'm so thankful my doctor didn't even question me coming in again 4 days later even though everyone seems to say wait a week. Hopefully they will turn it on and the baby's heartbeat will pop up immediately with no surprises.

  28. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Cole: Igh, I'm sorry it took two tries! That's got to be an awful feeling. I asked to do my ultrasound as early as possible, but not so early there's a risk of no heartbeat. I'll be 7w4d, but since I'm very sure my dates are wrong I'm expecting to be 7 weeks for a while. 😄 But even by that I should be able to see something. Fingers crossed.

    Though my cousin was told she had a blighted ovum and should do a d&c immediately. She pushed back and insisted on waiting for another scan, and her "blighted ovum" is now a spectacularly healthy one year old. So I guess there's always some hope.

    And yes, this "I have a belly but it's not actually my uterus" phase is so weird!

  29. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    It's 3:30am on new years day, and DH isn't home. No call, no text. He went out with his brother and a few friends, and they took an Uber, but I'm a mess. I woke to pee, and noticed how late it was. The bars closed at 2! Wtf?! I'm imagining him dead somewhere. He won't respond to my texts. Total wreck!

  30. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I hope everything is ok! My husband has definitely done this before and it is nerve-wracking. Please update us.

    I had my worst day yet yesterday for nausea and exhaustion. Today so far feels about the same. I have an acupuncture appointment tomorrow and am considering calling my midwives about diglecis. I've been doing half a unisom at bedtime and just upped to 25 mg b6 3x a day, hoping that might help. But ugh, seriously miserable.

  31. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    Stupid husband update: they went to the friend's house for a few hours after midnight. So he's fine. Just a jerk. We have a VERY STRICT rule about checking in with each other when we are out and about, but apparently that went out the window last night. So we got in a fight at 4am, he started loud snoring and I slept on MIL's couch. We go home today from vacation.

    He needs to remember he has a wife and a child, responsibilities, and his brother doesn't. So he has to check in with me, while it may not look so cool in front of his brother. I also have a "don't get drunk" rule while pregnant, because I don't want to deal with it. A drink or 2, sure, but not so many that you turn into a jerk.

    Hey, guess what, we are having babies this year! Yay!

  32. MommySLP

    apricot / 431 posts

    @Revel: I've been doing the 1/2 unisom at night + 25mg B6 3x/day for about a week now and after about 4 days it's made a huge difference. I'm also wearing sea bands. But I actually feel like a normal person and only have moments of nausea. So keep trying---may just take a few days!!

  33. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: glad he's ok, but, ugh. I don't blame you for being upset.

    @MommySLP: thanks for this info! This will be day 2 of the full 75 mg of b6 so I'll hope that I start to see that kind if improvement. I've only been doing the unisom for 6 days maybe but was way under on b6 because I misread the mgs on my bottle.

  34. Cole

    grapefruit / 4649 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I'm glad he's OK, I get so worried and mad if my husband is "missing" he's usually great at checking in so it's scary when he doesn't.

    It's funny, August seems like it will be here before we know it but thinking about the fact that it's well over halfway through the year that just started makes it seem like forever from now! I think it's going to drag until March (because I live in Michigan and these months always drag) and then we'll blink and have babies!

    @Revel: I hope you get some relief soon. This stage is so freaking hard. I have moments laying on the couch where I'm like I can risky get up and get stuff done or play or make dinner. Five minutes after I get up I'm headed back to my spot totally defeated. My house is anhilated.

  35. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Cole: totally, thank you. My house is completely destroyed from Christmas but I have no ability to do anything about it. I don't remember feeling this bad the first time but I'm sure i was sleeping more and had no 3 year old to deal with obviously.

  36. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    Taco Bell for dinner was a mistake. But feeling nauseated from something that normally doesn't make me sick kind of makes me less anxious about the ultrasound tomorrow, sooo... silver linings?

    Hope everyone is doing well, or at least surviving okay. This cold from hell finally feels like it's turning around (for me, not for DH unfortunately), so minus worrying about tomorrow I'm feeling pretty good. Well, I feel like crap, but so much less crappy than yesterday that it seems good. 😄

  37. Revel

    pear / 1563 posts

    @Torchwood: I know what you mean about symptoms being reassuring, even though I'd give anything to feel better than I do. Good luck at your scan! I have my next one on Thursday, and I would expect to see a heartbeat for how far along I am.

    How is everyone doing? I'm back at work today and feeling pretty rough. I did get diglecis yesterday so took a dose at bedtime and another this morning. I'm finding I can manage some semi functional hours in the afternoon so we'll see. Need to survive until then. The all day every day sickness is such a slog because there is just no relief.

  38. peachykeen

    pear / 1648 posts

    @Torchwood: @nolababy: Hope your appointments go well today!

    I'm also battling a cold and grateful for one last day to telework before being completely back to the daily grind. DD was home with me all day yesterday since DH went back to work and I could barely keep my eyes open - this cold is knocking me out. She watched way more TV than she should and is beginning to question normally-accepted rules/routines, so this return to daycare should be good for all of us

  39. coddergirl

    coffee bean / 42 posts

    Anyone else unable to eat sweet things? This time last pregnancy I couldn't eat anything first tri without it coming back up... this time I want salt salt salt all the time, and just thinking about sugar makes my stomach flip. Not such a bad thing after the holiday season I guess!

  40. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    Oops. Haven't checked in in a while. Last time, I started doing bumpdate pics at week 7, so I want to do that this time (which is this week).

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