apricot / 308 posts
@lazb: what a relief that you found the heartbeat! And you are looking preggo girl! So cute! You are also inspiring me to go get some peach rings ASAP.
Had my appt on Monday and measured somewhere between 7w3d to 7w6d. They did measure heart rate or listen to heartbeat because they told me it’s too early and they don’t do it until 10 weeks but I could have sworn we measured DS’s at 8 weeks. Whatever. Not worried as we were able to clearly see the hb and she reassured me that everything looked great. I have my next appt in 3 weeks where I’ll do the blood draw for NIPT so I’m excited for that. Excited to find out gender and nervous to check genetics... my SIL had a baby come up positive for trisomy 20 this past year so it makes me nervous. Results take two weeks to get back I think?
Miserable ATM- DS and I are both sick. I am so incredibly congested that I’m sitting up in bed at 4am because I literally cannot breath through my nose. Sucks that I can’t take any drugs either. I’m hoping this passes quicker than our last round of illness which lasted a month giving DS elderberry this time so I’m hoping it helps shorten the duration of the cold.
@smuckers: fish smell is just nasty. Poor girl!
apricot / 469 posts
Went to my second appointment. Little nugget kinds scared me cause two experienced nurses tired to find the heartbeat but unfortunately could not. I had to have an ultrasound. Everything turned out okay. Baby was just hiding. Heartbeat was 178. Tech was nice enough to give a few pics.
Edit: totally forgot they have info on the top of these things. I just take the photo off
apricot / 390 posts
@cyoung: cute pictures, but you may want to crop out some of your personal information that is on them What a cheeky thing to be giving Mama a scare like that!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@smuckers: oh man, just the thought of fish smell in the morning makes me nauseous!
@cyoung: glad the ultrasound was so reassuring! I would have been freaking out!
kiwi / 624 posts
I’m struggling with anxiety over this baby’s well-being. I don’t know why I’m having such a hard time, but each pregnancy seems to get worse for me. I’m checking on the heartbeat every few days. Hoping the NT ultrasound next week will give me some relief.
persimmon / 1082 posts
@Petitduck: I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. Try not to steer as be at peace. The doctors ca give reassurance at your appointment! I hope you feel better.
persimmon / 1082 posts
I went to my appointment today and OB said my exam shows more of 8weeka along?! However my lmp would put me at 10 weeks along. She said for now i am 8-10 weeks along! Ugh. I really want a definite. 1st trimester testing coming soon with a sonogram in Feb. We heard the heartbeat today though️. Feeling alittle down but I know once everything starts to move along I hope to feel better.
kiwi / 624 posts
@cake2017: thank you. The first trimester is so fun. Said no one. Ever.
I have heard that kind of discrepancy is pretty common for early ish dates. Hopefully your next appointment also provides some insight and reassurance. They didn’t do a scan then?
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@Petitduck: I'm sorry, I know exactly how you feel though. I'm always anxious during pregnancy, but after two losses it's definitely worse this time
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@cake2017: how on Earth did she determine that if she didn't do a scan?
persimmon / 1082 posts
@Petitduck: @LAZB: She did a physical and i think based on the size of my uterus? I’m guessing- it was too late for a sonogram because they got behind and we’re about to close. She said I could be 10 weeks but for now putting me between 8-10 lol. She said we will know by the scan....
kiwi / 624 posts
@cake2017: bah!! That’s really silly then and I’m sure you’re probably pretty much where you think you are. That’s like looking at a pregnant person and saying “I think they’re about 14.5 weeks”. Your doctor may as well have done that!
pear / 1547 posts
@cake2017: I would trust your LMP. I do prenatal care and I don’t even try a Doppler at 8 wks because finding a HB is near impossible and just causes anxiety, 10 is even hard! So finding a HB would make me feel like 10 and your LMP is way more reliable. There is zero reason to date by uterus size unless you have an unknown LMP. Even measuring fundal heights is not very evidence based.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
I Couldn't find the heartbeat last night, and still can't this morning. I am freaking out! I was finding it all last week and earlier this week with no problems, so it’s not like I don’t know where to look. If ultrasound places were open today I'd definitely go to one
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@LAZB: I had the same issue with my doppler with DS at around 12 weeks. I was in HI and couldn't just "pop in" to my OBGYN bc she was as Tripler down in Honolulu. My aunt (an OBGYN in MA) told me to eat something sugary (or drink orange juice) and move around (stairs, exercise, whatever) for five minutes, then try again. If that fails, she told me to go to our ACC (acute care clinic) which is essentially military urgent care and make something up from spotting and pain to whatever (* I felt like I couldn't do this. I am THE WORST AT LYING so I just don't do it.) may get me seen for a doppler and beta. She stated that were I not her niece and I wasn't calling her after she just came back from her shift, she wouldn't advise "fibbing" for tests because as a physician, it is annoying when patients take advantage of doctors. (Absolutely, noted.) Thankfully, after some juice and stairs, I was able to find G's heart after over 24 hours NOT hearing it. I wouldn't have suspected he would have been affected by low blood sugar so early. Little guy scared the crud out of me. (The doppler went away until after 16 weeks.) Hopefully, your little is just giving you a scare. 🤞 Try my aunt's advice and see what happens. 🤷♀️
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@Kaohinani: I’m a TERRIBLE liar too, but I’ll definitely try the juice! I did try some moving around and stuff last night, but I’ll do a little more this morning and see what happens
kiwi / 624 posts
@LAZB: I had easier times finding it in the two weeks prior to this also. Like immediately. Maybe your placenta is in the way or something. That’s my guess for mine. It’s scary.
Also, try getting your hubby to. Mine is good at it or was with my first. I couldn’t find it but he would find it whenever he did it for me.
Let us know when you find that sneaky baby.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@Petitduck: @Kaohinani: still nothing all day and I’ve tried several more times I’m making an appointment for tomorrow at an elective ultrasound place
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@LAZB: Not what I was hoping to read. Ok, Fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞🤞 that your little one is just playing games with you. Please, keep me updated. I'll be thinking of you. Good luck!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@Kaohinani: the only thing keeping me from completely pulling my hair out is that I have no cramping or bleeding, and I heard the heartbeat 3 days ago. What are the odds something happened with no symptoms? I’m down to like a 2% risk of miscarriage, so I am trying to remind myself to stay calm.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@Lazb: I wouldn't worry too much. You are "thisclose" to 12 weeks. As my old OBGYN used to say when she'd have trouble finding G's heartbeat, "Perhaps your guts are in the way, or the placental stalk, or baby shifted. A lot goes on in a small space." 🤷♀️ I am very hopeful but I expected you'd find it today. I would rather not try to scare you with sharing statistics and percentages (even if you asked) because, honestly, those are biased to ONLY studies and not unique to YOUR situation. Go with your gut and heart ... statistically, you and baby should be fine. You will have a definitive tomorrow. Please, keep me posted.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@Kaohinani: lol, it was a hypothetical “what are the odds?” Not actually asking, although you are the queen of statistics!
I’ll post an update here after my appointment
kiwi / 624 posts
@LAZB: damn, sorry. I’m sure all is fine. I’m going to look for my kiddo’s tomorrow. Perk, now you’ll get to see your babe again!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@LAZB: Sorry, these post don't allow one to discern between hypotheticals and actuality. 🤣
And thank you, I will be checking in.
apricot / 469 posts
@LAZB: how far a long are you now? I will say that it could be baby is just tucked in or your placenta is forming more and could be anterior. Mine is and this is what causes my baby hard to find on the doppler. He was tucked super low in my pelvis and my placenta is forming over the front. Fingers crossed everything is okay. I know it can be scary!!!!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@cyoung: 11 weeks today. When I got my scan at 9 weeks the doc did say it looked like the placenta was forming anterior, so hopefully that’s what’s happening
I’m totally freaking out this morning. The thought of telling my daughter the baby died is more than I can handle.
apricot / 390 posts
@LAZB: I am so so so sorry that this happened So many thoughts and prayers your way.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@LAZB: I've been lurking a bit. I'm so so sorry. I can't even imagine. Sending you so many prayers
persimmon / 1082 posts
@LAZB: I’m so very sorry. Thinking about you and lifting you in my prayers.
grapefruit / 4144 posts
@LAZB: I just saw this. You have my deepest heartfelt sympathies and overwhelming grief over your loss. You and your family shall be in thoughts and prayers. *so many hugs*
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@LAZB: I am so very sorry for your loss. I know nothing I say makes it any easier; but for all it's worth you're in my prayers.
apricot / 390 posts
Had my first Prenatal appointment today. Nothing new. Dr wasn't able to hear the heartbeat via the doppler, but I'm a lady of size so she warned me that we were probably not going to hear anything. Same thing happened with my last pregnancy. Nuchal scan scheduled for next Thursday.
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