Hellobee Boards


AUGUST 2019 Moms

  1. smuckers

    apricot / 390 posts

    August 2019

    • Cyoung - Aug 3
    • Petitduck - Aug 6
    • DillionLion - Aug 14
    • Smuckers - Aug 15
    • NDEPET - Aug 17
    • MenagerieMama - Aug 17
    • Cake2017 - Aug 19
    • Doodle - Aug 25
    • Mrs. K - Aug 29

    Sending love to LAZB

  2. smuckers

    apricot / 390 posts

    Our anatomy scan is this afternoon, so I'll update myself once I know one way or the other

  3. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @cake2017: we are having the opposite gender this time too

    I feel okay, but super low energy, even though we are in the middle of the second trimester.

  4. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    Do you ladies feel like the pregnancy is going by fast? I do especially with this being my second. My bump is huge for 20 weeks! lol

  5. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    @cake2017: for sure!! I'm almost 22 weeks pregnant! Like when did this happen. I feel like I just got my positive test lol. I quess with two toddlers I've been super busy. I dont have as much time to sit and think about being pregnant like I did with my other two kids.

  6. smuckers

    apricot / 390 posts

    August 2019

    • Cyoung - Aug 3
    • Petitduck - Aug 6
    • DillionLion - Aug 14
    • Smuckers - Aug 15
    • NDEPET - Aug 17
    • MenagerieMama - Aug 17
    • Cake2017 - Aug 19
    • Doodle - Aug 25
    • Mrs. K - Aug 29

    Sending love to LAZB

  7. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    All good at the anatomy scan today! Baby is measuring over a week ahead, which is new. He's otherwise measured right on track up until now.

  8. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

  9. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @DillonLion: congratulations on a good scan!

    @cake2017: so so about it being fast. Definitely happy to have other kids as a distraction though. Although that does make me more tired!!! 😂. I find the second tri goes fast and the first and third are sloooow.

  10. MenagerieMama

    pear / 1547 posts

    @smuckers: My due date is actually 8/12 (it was adjusted with my first ultrasound but adjusted back), thanks for keeping track

  11. smuckers

    apricot / 390 posts

    August 2019

    • Cyoung - Aug 3
    • Petitduck - Aug 6
    • MenagerieMama - Aug 12
    • DillionLion - Aug 14
    • Smuckers - Aug 15
    • NDEPET - Aug 17
    • Cake2017 - Aug 19
    • Doodle - Aug 25
    • Mrs. K - Aug 29

    Sending love to LAZB

    @MenagerieMama: Fixed! Loving the even spread we have between and

  12. smuckers

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Petitduck: Did I miss if you knew the sex of your baby yet? Or are you team green?

    ETA Nevermind, just saw that you're team green! I'm incredibly jealous of your willpower, I love the idea but there is no way I'd be able to pull it off.

  13. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @smuckers: Yeah, I would have no willpower for that! Plus, the baby kept flashing his goods at the ultrasound and immediately the technician was like "Do you know the sex?! I'm having trouble keeping it private because he keeps flashing us"

  14. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @smuckers: team green. Third time running. :). However, we wouldn’t have been able to find out even if we wanted to because the baby was all curled up and didn’t move except near the end to suck their hand. I would have to go somewhere for an elective ultrasound if I wanted to know. I had ideas for my first two, but have no clue with this baby. It is truly a mystery this time.

  15. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    How is everyone feeling? I'll be 21 weeks this week, and I realized I've felt like garbage for basically this entire pregnancy so far. There's been a tiny improvement in the 2nd trimester, but not much!

  16. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    Lots of ligament pain here working out and staying active the best I can to help with it.

    I got a sinus infection so not the best month.

    I’ve been craving so many different things but trying to stay within my appropriate weight gain.

    That’s good you have a little improvement since you are in the second trimester!!

  17. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    How we doing mommas?!

    I have actually felt good the last couple of weeks for the first time this entire pregnancy, ha.

  18. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    @DillonLion: Feeling good! Ready for delivery hahaha. 23 weeks and my bump is quite big!

  19. MenagerieMama

    pear / 1547 posts

    @cake2017: glad it’s not just me! This is #3 ad I feel massive. And he kicks a ton, I’m not sure how I’ll survive another 17 wks!

  20. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    @DillonLion: I've been doing pretty good! I took my glucose test last Thursday and I think I passed. I'm not sure yet. If I don't hear from the doctor this week then I did. Fingers crossed. I have been getting my usual terrible heartburn. I get it everytime around 24-25 weeks till baby is born. This time though it's so bad I have problems breathing and sleeping. My doctor said I could Zantac daily though and since then I feel so much better. Baby is moving but mostly at night. She is a pretty chill baby. So far this is the easiest pregnancy I've had. Fingers crossed it stays that way!!

  21. smuckers

    apricot / 390 posts

    Doing fine here. Tired (pregnancy insomnia is no bueno), still getting sick daily (but only once first thing in the morning usually so that's better!), but generally feeling better. Hard to believe we're already halfway through, it feels like I just found out I was pregnant.

  22. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @smuckers: Oh man, sorry you still get sick daily! That's tough!!

  23. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    Hey ladies! How is everyone? Its may and I'm blown away how fast this pregnancy is going by. I'll be 27 weeks saterday. I'm almost in my third trimester. I finally bought something for this baby lol. We have most everything. I'm actually going to breastfeed this time due to not being on meds. Last two times I was on abilify. Not only does it make your supply low but it passes through breastmilk to baby which is not good. Anyone have any tips or videos they watched to help with breastfeeding. What are some things i will need?

  24. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @cyoung: doing well! I feel well for the first time this entire pregnancy.

    I breastfed last time but I'm not sure what I will do this time. Are you working or staying home? That might change what gear you need. Does your hospital offer a breastfeeding class? I'd definitely take that. Make sure you have nipple cream, a good pump, and a good hands-free pumping bra.

  25. MenagerieMama

    pear / 1547 posts

    I feel humongous, I think the baby has my bladder in a vice grip today because I constantly have the sensation of needing to pee (but not in a UTI way). I have no idea how I will survive 3 more months!

    I have been sorting out all the gender neutral clothes from the girl clothes to donate/hand me down/sell. When are you all washing/sorting your clothes? 26 weeks seems too early for me, but I kind of want to get it done when I have energy! Plus I need to take inventory of what I need. First boy after 2 girls so I want to be able to direct the enthusiastic grandparents in their clothes buying

  26. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @cyoung: time seems like it is going snail speed for me.

    @MenagerieMama: I’m huge. So huge. People are surprised when I tell them I still have three months left. I have a feeling this baby is also going to huge. I already make big babies, but my first was basically 10 lbs and my second was creeping towards 9. My weight gain seems to be out of control though and tracking closer to my first pregnancy.

    I haven’t washed baby clothes before...haha. Unless they’re new from the store. The hand me downs from older siblings were washed 1.5 years ago so I figure they’re still clean...😆. I’ll probably go through my baby box of clothes to get stuff out around 35 weeks when I start doing a hospital bag.

  27. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    @Petitduck: I’m huge too! Same here! I get the look or comments from people that basically state oh you aren’t due any moment?! Ugh! Whatever! I’ve been trying to eat better but I’ve noticed my cravings for waffles, cake and pizza and other not so great choices having been increasing! My last one was 8 pounds 11 oz. My OB said to expect this one to be around that or more! So we shall see!

  28. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    @MenagerieMama: I have so much to do! I had to move three bins full of boy clothes into the closet. I need to go through them so I can see what she can use. We’ve ordered a lot of stuff for her room and none of it is put together! So much to do and I agree it’s a good time now since we have some energy!

  29. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    @DillonLion: unfortunately where I live we don't really have any classes. I've found some educational YouTube videos to help and I know they have a lactation consultant in the hospital for when you give birth. I'm a stay at home mom. I got a pump through insurance. Unfortunately I think my boobs are way to big for a hands free pumping bra. I'm a size H I think..I'll have to look. I definitely will get some nipple cream.
    @MenagerieMama: I feel huge as well. I know part of it is it's my third baby and the other half is I'm a but fluffier this time around.
    @Petitduck: I have to get clothes down from the attic ourselves. I have all my daughters clothes still. I also need to buy a going home outfit.

    My next appointment is this Thursday! I'll be 28 weeks two days after that 🤯 I've been feeling some slight pressure down below. I didnt feel that with my last two kids cause they were so high. I look like I'm carrying high this time as well but I only feel her bellow my belly button. I'm wondering if she is transverse. We will see. I took a bumb shot finally. It's been a bit. I look like a whale 😑😭

  30. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    We are moving across the country in three weeks and I'm excited to finally get started on setting up the nursery and whatnot. We've gotten a ton of clothes as gifts/hand me downs/garage sales and I'm ready to start washing/sorting everything once we move. I'm switching from working mom to SAHM mom, so these three weeks can't go by any quicker! Ready to settle into our new family lifestyle and new city (Dallas to Chicago).

  31. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    @DillonLion: that'll be nice to be able to fully settle down. That's a big exciting move!!

  32. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    My blood pressure started creeping up over the last 2 weeks

    I had pre-eclampsia last time so they are being extra cautious. Doc sent me to hospital to be monitored and it never came down after an hour of monitoring.

    They sent me home on bed rest for the weekend and had me take my pressures at home 2x a day. Oh and I had to do that 24 hr urine catch and turn it back in. I'm so glad this time I got to do it at home instead of carrying around a pee jug at work.

    My pressures stayed pretty low all weekend even though being on bed rest with a 6 year old is kind of a joke (and my husband is in Chicago). The only time it was high was after watching Game of Thrones

    Doc should call this morning to go over my gestational diabetes test (which I also did on Friday), blood work, blood pressures, and 24 hr urine catch results.

  33. cake2017

    persimmon / 1082 posts

    @DillonLion: I’m sorry! I hope you can get some rest and everything comes back perfect!

  34. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    One hurdle down...passed my gestational diabetes test! I failed last time and had to do the 3 hour so I'm excited. They did say I was mildly anemic, which I always struggle with. Bring on the leafy greens.

  35. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    @DillonLion: I'm anemic as well. My prenatals include extra iron so that helps a lot. I,m sorry about your blood pressure! I hope it stays down! I know I had some bad blood pressure with my daughter Lilly but for me it was stress related. Thsts great you passed your glucose test. I passed this time as well too. I had to take the 3 hour with my other kids. It was not fun!

    I think baby girl flipped. Idk if she is head down or breech but I feel her above my belly button now. I have been feeling pressure this time around. I didnt feel that with my other two kids. They were sky high till I was induced

  36. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @cyoung: Hope she flipped into a good position! Mine was breech last time we looked. I think I have another sono later this week (I'll have extra monitoring now b/c of the blood pressure) so we'll see. I've always felt a ton of flutters really low so that makes me thing he's breech since his little feet are down there flicking around.

  37. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    Omg one of the first outfits I bought for baby girl came today. Its nothing crazy. I just loved the pink and purple dinosaurs! I also got a few bows.

  38. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    @cyoung: oh that dinosaur sleep is mega cute!! I felt the baby flip a few days ago. I wasn’t pretty sure it was transverse and now it might be head down. Midwife wasn’t 100% sure. But I still feel flips sometimes so I think baby is still deciding what to do with their body. I feel movement on the sides or at the top, but I have an anterior placenta so that probably plays a part in how I feel things.

    I have a pretty active baby. Had my gd test today and fundal height is measuring 4 weeks ahead. Crap. Could be baby position, or hugely baby, or extra fluid. But at least now I know why I look so huge...because I am apparently! They said they’ll decide on an ultrasound at my 30 week appointment. I wasn’t measuring two weeks ahead already and have measured 2 weeks ahead in my others pregnancies (I know it’s a pretty arbitrary measurement, but 4 weeks ahead is fairly significant). I’m a bit bummed about it. I already make pretty large babies and I don’t want the risks of excess fluid or a big baby when I’m trying for a vbac.

    Also, really ready for it to be August because went to meet this little dude or lady badly.

  39. cyoung

    apricot / 469 posts

    @Petitduck: yeah I'm pretty sure my baby is constantly switching positions so idk where she is at right now. I'm doing a 4D at my doctors on the 31st so I'll know then lol

  40. Petitduck

    kiwi / 624 posts

    No gd! Woo. I’m just big.

    28 weeks tomorrow. Measuring 32....

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